scholarly journals Environmental communication network on Indonesian forest fires on Twitter in pandemic COVID-19 era

2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012026
Muslikhin Muslikhin ◽  
L W Evelina ◽  
M Rizkiansyah ◽  
I Prawira ◽  
R E Irawan

Abstract The study aims to reveal the communication network on Twitter about forest fires in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The theory used in this research is communication networking. The analysis technique uses Social Networking Analysis or SNA. Conversation data on Twitter is pulled through emprit drones by entering keywords fire, forest, and land. The research findings show; Conversation volume was 617 conversations, with five actors mentioning the most, namely @VICE-ID, @BBCIndonesia, @totoroeksib, @GoldenMiru, and @ari_trismana with 16 conversations. Of the 617 conversations, 243 had negative sentiments, 368 had positive sentiments and 6 were neutral. The five words that appear the most in the discussion of forest and land fires are forest - hutan (with a small h) 459 times, land -lahan 147 times, Forest -Hutan (with large H) 80 times, disaster -bencana 60 times, and smoke -asap 56 times. During the 10 days of talking, there were 67 hashtags, with the top five being #hijabbugil, #eksibisionis, and # exhibition with 27 mentions, following #PreventedKarhutla with 16 mentions, and 13 mentions #KoperasiPerkuatPertuangan.

Acta Comitas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 367
Komang Teja Pradnyana ◽  
I Ketut Mertha

Abstract The purpose of this writing is to determine the ratio legis for the position of Temporary Notary Officer in the event that the Notary is temporarily suspended from his/her position and to understand the reformulation of the regulation of the position of the Notary's Temporary Officer in the event that the Notary is temporarily suspended from his/her position. The research method used is the normative research method, which departs from the absence of norm on the regulation of the position of Temporary Notary Officer in order to carry out the position of a temporarily suspended Notary as stipulated in Article 1 point 2 of the UUJN-Amendment, with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The technique of collecting legal material is in the form of card system technique and legal material analysis technique in the form of descriptive technique and construction technique. The research findings are as follows: Ratio Legis for the position of a Notary's Temporary Officer in the event that a Notary is temporarily suspended from his/her position is to maintain the continuity of the Notary's position, even though the Notary (official) cannot carry out his/her duties for a while because of being temporarily suspended, but persist because it is a permanent work sector. Regulatory reformulation of the position of Temporary Notary Officer in the event that the Notary is temporarily suspended from office is by establishing a norm that revises the norm of Article 1 point 2 UUJN-Amendment.   Abstrak Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui ratio legis kedudukan Pejabat Sementara Notaris dalam hal Notaris diberhentikan sementara dari jabatannya dan memahami reformulasi pengatuan atas kedudukan Pejabat Sementara Notaris dalam hal Notaris diberhentikan sementara dari jabatannya. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan yaitu metode penelitian normatif, yang beranjak dari kekosongan norma atas pengaturan kedudukan Pejabat Sementara Notaris guna menjalankan jabatan Notaris yang diberhentikan sementara sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Pasal 1 angka 2 UUJN-Perubahan, dengan jenis pendekatan perundang-undangan serta pendekatan konseptual. Teknik pengumpulan bahan hukum berupa teknik sistem kartu dan teknik analisisa bahan hukum berupa teknik deskriptif dan teknik konstruksi. Adapun temuan penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: Ratio legis kedudukan Pejabat Sementara Notaris dalam hal Notaris diberhentikan sementara dari jabatannya adalah untuk mempertahankan keberlangsungan jabatan Notaris itu sendiri, meskipun Notaris (pejabat) tidak dapat melaksanakan tugas jabatannya untuk sementara waktu karena diberhentikan sementara, namun jabatan Notaris harus tetap ada karena merupakan lingkungan pekerjaan tetap. Reformulasi pengaturan atas kedudukan Pejabat Sementara Notaris dalam hal Notaris diberhentikan sementara dari jabatannya adalah dengan pembentukan norma yang merevisi norma Pasal 1 angka 2 UUJN-Perubahan.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Ranto Sinaga

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) perbedaan hasil belajar Bahasa Indonesia siswa yang diajarkan dengan Strategi Pembelajaran Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir dan siswa yang diajarkan dengan Strategi Pembelajaran Inquiri, (2) mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang memiliki minat belajar tinggi dan minat belajar rendah (3) interaksi antara penggunaan strategi pembelajaran dan minat belajar dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar Bahasa Indonesia siswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode quasi eksperimen dengan disain penelitian faktorial 2x2, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan ANAVA dua jalur pada taraf signifikansi = 0.05. Hasil penelitian diperoleh: (1) hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia siswa yang belajarkan dengan menggunakan Strategi Pembelajaran Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan Strategi Inquiri, (2) hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia siswa yang memiliki minat belajarl tinggi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan siswa yang memiliki minat belajar rendah dan (3) terdapat interaksi antara penggunaan strategi pembelajaran dengan minat belajar dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia. Implikasi dari penelitian ini secara khusus ditujukan kepada guru bahasa Indonesia yaitu dalam penerapan strategi pembelajaran harus diperhatikan karakteristik siswa khususnya minat belajar. Kata Kunci: strategi pembelajaran, minat belajar, hasil belajar, bahasa indonesia. Abstract: The study were aimed at finding out: 1) the difference of results in learning Indonesian between the students taught by using Learning Upgrade Strategy Thinking (SPPKB) and Inquiry strategy, 2) the difference of the student’s study result who have high interest in learning and those who have interest in learning low, and 3) interaction between the application of learning strategy and interest in learning in affecting the result of learning Indonesian. The research method used quasi experiment with factorial design 2x2. The data analysis technique was analysis of variance (ANOVA) two way at significant = 0.05. Research findings of showed that: (1) the students results in Indonesian that by using Learning Upgrade Strategy Thinking (SPPKB) higher with that of the students taught by using Inquiri strategy, (2) the students result in Indonesian learning of the students who have high interest in learning is higher compared with that those who have low interest in learning, and (3) be found interaction between learning strategy with interst in learning the students result of Indonesian. The implications of this study are specifically addressed to the Indonesian language teachers in the application of learning strategies must be considered the characteristics of students, especially learning interests. Keywords: learning strategies, interest in learning, learning outcomes, Indonesian language

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-99
Izzah Iswara Mundhofir Putri ◽  
Rmiyanti Rmiyanti ◽  
Endang Rahayu Ningsih

The problem of this research is how the realization of the digital literacy movement as a form of implementation of GLN in Muhammadiyah Pangkalan Bun School and what factors influence the implementation of digital literacy at Muhammadiyah Pangkalan Bun School. This research method is descriptive qualitative, which describes factually the factors that influence the implementation of digital literacy at Muhammadiyah Pangkalan Bun School. Data collection was carried out by means of observation, interview and questionnaire distribution. The data analysis of this research was carried out inductively, namely the analysis technique that went from fact to theory. This study uses theoretical triangulation, which is to double-check the validity of the research data with existing related theories. The results of this study indicate that digital literacy at Muhammadiyah Pangkalan Bun School is realized in the form of hardware such as laptops, projectors, speakers, and WiFi. Several factors influence the implementation of digital literacy, namely: (1) The location of the school which is the access in and out of the general public. (2) The location of the school which is one area with a lower level of school (TK ABA, SD Muhammadiyah Pangkalan Bun, SMP Muhammadiyah Pangkalan Bun). (3) Different students' backgrounds.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Nindya Nursari

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui unsur Ignorantia Legis Excusat Neminem (ketidaktahuan tentang hukum) yang terdapat dalam fiksi hukum, jika diterapkan dalam kasus pembakaran mayat yang terjadi Sanden Bantul Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif. Adapun tempat penelitian dilakukan di Polres Bantul dan Pengadilan Negeri Bantul, penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret sampai Mei 2019. Subjek dari penelitian ini dua orang yaitu Penyidik dari Polres Bantul dan Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Bantul. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan mereduksi data yang diperoleh, kemudian menyajikan data yang mempunyai hubungan dengan judul penelitian. Keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi teknik untuk menguji kredibilitas data dan dilakukan dengan cara mengecek data kepada sumber yang berbeda dengan teknik yang sama. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa unsur Ignorantia Legis Excusat Neminem (ketidaktahuan tentang hukum), bukan menjadi alasan untuk meringankan atau membebaskan pelaku dari tuntutan hukum, yang dapat membebaskan pelaku jika tidak bisa mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya, contohnya adalah orang gila dan yang dapat meringankan adalah pertimbangan hakim, selain itu kekuasaan hakim dapat meringankan penahanan pelaku dengan menggunakan sisi kemanusiaannya. Unsur Ignorantia Legis Excusat Neminem bagian dari fiksi hukum menandakan masih kurang maksimalnya penyebarluasan aturan perunang-undangan kepada masyarakat, karena masih ada warga masyarakat yang melakukan kejahatan, berpangkal dari ketidaktahuannya tentang hukum. Seperti kasus yang terjadi di Sanden Bantul tentang pembakaran mayat ini. Kata Kunci: Ignorantia Legis Excusat Neminem, Pembakaran Mayat, Fiksi Hukum Abstract This study aims to determine the elements of Ignorantia Legis Excusat Neminem (ignorance of the law) contained in legal fiction, if applied in the case of the burning of bodies that occurred in Sanden Bantul, Yogyakarta. This research method uses descriptive qualitative. The place of research was conducted in Bantul District Police and Bantul District Court, the study was conducted in March to May 2019. The subjects of this study were two people, namely Investigators from Bantul Regional Police and Bantul District Court Judges. The data analysis technique used is by reducing the data obtained, then presenting data that has a relationship with the research title. The validity of the data uses triangulation techniques to test the credibility of the data and is done by checking data to different sources with the same technique. The results of the study concluded that the element Ignorantia Legis Excusat Neminem (ignorance of the law), is not an excuse to relieve or free the perpetrators of lawsuits, which can free the perpetrators if they cannot account for their actions, for example, crazy people who can alleviate judges, besides the power of judges can alleviate the detention of perpetrators by using their humanity side. The element of Ignorantia Legis Excusat Neminem, part of legal fiction, indicates that there is still a lack of maximum dissemination of regulations to the public, because there are still people who commit crimes, stemming from their ignorance of the law. Like the case that occurred in Sanden Bantul about burning this corpse. Keywords: Ignorantia Legis Excusat Neminem, Cremation, Legal Fiction

Anisah Anisah ◽  
Khadijah Khadijah ◽  
Akmal Walad Ahkas

This study aims to uncover and explain and know: (1) the effect of social simulation learning strategies on children's social intelligence in Raudhatul Athfal Jamiyatushalihin Medan, (2) the effect of social simulation learning strategies on children's speaking in Raudhatul Athfal Jamiyatushalihin Medan, and (3) the influence of social simulation learning strategies on social intelligence and children's talking together at Raudhatul Athfal Jamiyatushalihin Medan. The research method used is quantitative with an experimental approach. The research sample consisted of two classes each one experimental class and one control class. The instrument used in the study was observation and documentation. The analysis technique used is analysis of variance The research findings show: (1) the influence of social simulation learning strategies on children's social intelligence in Raudhatul Athfal Jamiyatushalihin Medan, (2) there is an influence of social simulation learning strategies on children's speaking in Raudhatul Athfal Jamiyatushalihin Medan, and (3) there is an influence on simulation learning strategies social towards social intelligence and talking to children together in Raudhatul Athfal Jamiyatushalihin Medan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 310
I Nyoman Lodra ◽  
I Nengah Mariasa

Developments in the creative industry of handmade batik in Indonesia have helped culvating Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in regions such as Klampar village in Pemekasan, Madura, East Java. Efforts to preserve the sustainability of these SMEs need to be balanced by protecting handmade batik motifs with copyright in order to save this intellectual wealth from plagiarism. This study focuses on: 1) efforts to ensure that plagiarism does not occur and does not threaten the creative industry in Indonesia; 2) benefits from the protection of handmade batik motifs for the creative industry in Indonesia. The research goal is to protect handmade batik motifs from plagiarism and discover the benefits of this protection on the creative industry in Indonesia. A descriptive qualitative research method is used with an empirical juridical approach. The data were obtained from SME administrators and public figures in the Madura community. The data was collected from observation, interviews, and documents, analyzed with a method of triangulation, and compiled systematically. The research findings show that the protection of the database of handmade batik motifs can be implemented through E-Copyright which also supports the sustainability of the creative industry of handmade batik in Indonesia.Perkembangan industri kreatif batik tulis di Indonesia mampu menumbuhkembangkan usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM) di daerah seperti halnya di Desa Klampar, Pemekasan, Madura Jawa Timur. Kebangkitan UKM tersebut seharusnya di imbangi dengan perlindungan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual atau disebut HKI bidang Hak Cipta sebagai upaya penyelamatan motif batik tulis dari plagiarisme (plagiator) namun hal itu tidak dilakukan. Penelitian ini penting dilakukan dengan fokus: 1) bagaimana upaya agar tidak terjadi plagiarisme dan tidak menjadi aacaman industri kreatif di Indonesia? 2) apa manfaat perlindungan motif batik tulis untuk industri kreatif di Indonesia?. Tujuan penelitian: memproteksi motif batik tulis agar tidak terjadi plagiarisme dan mengetahui manfaat perlindungan untuk industri kreatif di Indonesia. Metode penelitian deskritif kualitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis imperis. Sumber data diproleh dari pengelola UKM, tokoh masyarakar Madura. Data terkumpul melalui  obsevasi, wawancara, dokumen kemudian di analisis dengan trianggulasi dan disusun secara sistimatis. Temuan penelitian: dapat perlindungan Hak Cipta pada database motif batik tulis dan penyelamatan industri kreatif batik tulis dari plagiarisme di Indonesia. 

Mohamad Ridwan

This study aims to analyze and development of existing tourism products in Samosir regency in realizing the branding of tourism Samosir regency. The research method used in this research is qualitative method with descriptive analysis technique. Research findings: (1). Culture is the main attraction in Samosir regency. (2). The existing tourist facilities in Samosir district is adequate and meet from the needs and desires of tourists. (3). Accessibility in Samosir Regency still does not meet from the aspect of quality, so it needs improvement or better development again.

Zunaidi M Rasid Harahap

The purpose of this study was to describe the prospects for learning Aqidah Akhlak through the Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) model in schools. The research method that has been carried out is descriptive qualitative research method, data is collected using documentation techniques, interview techniques, and observation. The data analysis technique is done by collecting data, reducing data, categorizing the data, describing the research findings, and making conclusions. The results showed that learning Aqidah Akhlak in Al-Islam subjects at SD Muhammadiyah could be done by teachers using the CTL learning model. The learning model with this approach is able to increase students' understanding of the meaning of discussions about belief, faith, morality, and character. With this method the benefits obtained are that students are able to explain, present, read well, memorize, and demonstrate good knowledge and behavior according to learning objectives. The CTL model can be used as an approach to the process of internalizing Islamic values ​​in learning Aqidah Akhlak.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (04) ◽  
Heine Glorina Panekenan ◽  
Linda Lambey ◽  
Sintje Rondonuwu

Intensifying the Ground Water Tax Collection is an effort in increasing and optimizing revenue by collecting the tax attentively, strictly, and deliberately. The implementation of intensifying the ground water tax collection in Tomohon City, especially at Local Financial Agency of Tomohon City, can be considered acceptable realizing the increases in the ground water tax income this year. This research method used in this thesis was descriptive method which is collecting the data from research outcome then analyzes it. Furthermore, a conclusion is drawn and the research type used was descriptive qualitative. The research findings showed that the process of intensifying the ground water tax collection at Local Financial Agency of Tomohon City is well implemented and according to applied regulation even though the goal set is not achieved, the revenue realization of ground water tax improved and therefore it becomes one of the locally-generated revenue of Tomohon City. Keywords : Ground-water tax, intensification, local tax, locally-generated revenue, efectiveness, efficiency.

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 55
Andry Arifian Rachman

<em>This study aims to examine: (1) the influence of procedural fairness to participative budgeting; and (2) the influence of procedural fairness to participative budgeting through organization commitment.The purpose of descriptive research method used in this study is to obtain a description of the characteristics of the variables and then verification is applied to determine the relationships between variables through hypothesis testing. The population in this research is 165 officers in 55 Local Government Unit Agencies (SKPDs) in West Java Province. Validity and reliability of questionnaires are tested before examining the hypotheses. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used as the analysis technique in this research.The research findings are as follows: (1) procedural fairness hasa positive effect on the participative budgeting; and (2) procedural fairness has a positive effect on the participative budgeting through organization commitment.</em>

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