“If she had helped me to solve the problem at my workplace, she would have cured me”: A critical discourse analysis of a mental health intake

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-77 ◽  
Maya Lavie-Ajayi ◽  
Ora Nakash

Critical approaches in psychology and social work criticizing the current mainstream psychotherapy discourse have been gaining more ground in recent decades. Yet, little empirical research has, to date, explored therapy in regular practice to identify the discursive resources employed during the clinical encounter and the way such discourses create and maintain power differences and the boundaries of the therapeutic interaction. This paper is rooted within a post-structural perspective based on Foucauldian analysis which sees power as dispersed throughout the social field and emphasizes the multiple ways in which power differences are created and maintained through accepted forms of discourse and knowledge. Data were drawn from a large study of mental health intakes in clinics in Israel working with culturally diverse populations. We conducted critical discourse analysis on a single dyad including transcription of a recorded intake session and post-intake interviews with the client and the therapist. Based on existing critique of psychotherapeutic discourse for its individualistic and apolitical view, we explored how the hegemonic psychotherapy discourse is negotiated in real practice, the ideology it carries, and the power differences it perpetuates. We shed light on the way this discourse conceals social injustice and contributes to the disempowerment of the client and ultimately to a poorer quality of services.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 101 ◽  
Febrina Zulmi

<p><em>Media bias will always be an interesting topic to be examined. Media plays some important roles in society. One of its roles is building public opinions. In this case, media has been assumed to be biased as it might take some advantages from its position. This study aims at investigating The Jakarta Post’s bias towards the environmental preservation issues (an ecolinguistic study). The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive method by applying Van Dijk’s model of critical discourse analysis. This research model does not only analyze the aspect of text structure but also social cognition and social context. The object for this study is the news texts taken from The Jakarta Post Online. The result of the study showed that The Jakarta Post showed its bias towards environmental preservation issues by positioning itself as a pro’s side . In the text structure level, its bias can be identified with the way it chose the theme, topics, schemes and lexical choices which were in accordance with environmental ethics principles. In the social cognition level, its bias can be identified with the nature of the knowledge involved in showing its position in accordance with environmental preservation mission. In the social context level, its bias can be identified with the social values reflected from the news and certain group domination involved in the Jakarta Post’s news report which was in accordance with pro-environmental preservation. Generally, The Jakarta Post showed its progressive attitude or tendency to the change by intensely discussing environmental issues which implied the ideas of improving the way people should preserve their environment.</em></p><p> </p><p><em>Keberpihakan media akan selalu menjadi bahan yang menarik untuk diteliti. Media memainkan peran penting dalam masyarakat. Salah satu peran media adalah membangun opini publik. Dalam hal ini, media telah diasumsikan memiliki keberpihakan karena media dapat mengambil keuntungan dari posisinya tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat keberpihakan The Jakarta Post terhadap isu pelestarian lingkungan hidup (sebuah kajian ekolinguistik). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis wacana kritis model Van Dijk. Model penelitian ini tidak hanya menganalisis aspek struktur teks, melainkan juga kognisi sosial dan konteks sosial. Objek penelitian ini adalah teks berita yang diambil dari media berita online The Jakarta Post. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa The Jakarta Post menunjukkan keberpihakannya terhadap isu pelestarian lingkungan hidup dengan meposisikan dirinya sebagai pihak yang mendukung. Dalam tataran struktur teks, keberpihakannya dapat diidentifikasi dari tema, topik, skema wacana dan pilihan kata yang digunakan yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip etika lingkungan. Dalam tataran kognisi sosial, keberpihakannya dapat diidentifikasi dari sifat pengetahuan yang dilibatkan yang menunjukkan posisinya yang sejalan dengan misi pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Dalam tataran konteks sosial, keberpihakannya dapat diidentifikasi dari nilai-nilai sosial yang tercermin dari berita dan dominasi kelompok yang dilibatkan dalam pelaporan berita yang ditulis The Jakarta Post yang berada pada posisi pro-pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Secara umum, The Jakarta Post menunjukkan sikap progresif atau cenderung kepada perubahan dengan mengulas secara intens isu-isu pelestarian lingkungan hidup yang secara tersirat menyarankan perlu adanya peningkatan terhadap upaya-upaya pelestarian lingkungan hidup.</em><em></em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 24-40
Shuv Raj Rana Bhat

Partly drawing on postcolonial rhetorics and partly drawing insights from critical stylistics and critical discourse analysis, this paper basically explores how Antigua-born-American writer Jamaica Kincaid rhetorically constructs Nepal in a disguised form of a travel writer through her travel narrative Among Flowers: A Walk in the Himalaya. Even though Kincaid is best known as an anti-imperialist, the way she longs for the Garden of Eden and represents Nepali landscape, people, and culture posits that her travel to Nepal is threaded with the rhetoric of Othering, metropolitan culture, and imperial politics. In particular, she looks at the travelled places and people with an imperial eye: nomination, surveillance, negation, debasement, and binary rhetoric.

2021 ◽  
Carmen Chui

<div>This study seeks to explore how nature-based therapies are understood in Western “mental health” practices. Specifically, horticultural and equine-assisted therapeutic models are examined for discursive themes tied to mind-body connections, attachment and healing. Additionally, texts used to teach specific therapeutic modalities are examined to further explore common concepts such as mindfulness and coping. In conducting a review of relevant literature, similar themes were revealed which contributed to a base knowledge for understanding the discourse around nature-based therapies. Engaging in an anti-colonial theoretical framework and a modified critical discourse analysis methodology, this qualitative study explores the research question: “What are the discourses which inform Western nature-based therapies?” Ultimately, this study aims to develop a more thorough understanding of how these therapies are linked to Indigenous approaches, how practices may be appropriated and used by Western practitioners, and the shift in social work towards more wholistic therapeutic practices. </div>

2021 ◽  
Carmen Chui

<div>This study seeks to explore how nature-based therapies are understood in Western “mental health” practices. Specifically, horticultural and equine-assisted therapeutic models are examined for discursive themes tied to mind-body connections, attachment and healing. Additionally, texts used to teach specific therapeutic modalities are examined to further explore common concepts such as mindfulness and coping. In conducting a review of relevant literature, similar themes were revealed which contributed to a base knowledge for understanding the discourse around nature-based therapies. Engaging in an anti-colonial theoretical framework and a modified critical discourse analysis methodology, this qualitative study explores the research question: “What are the discourses which inform Western nature-based therapies?” Ultimately, this study aims to develop a more thorough understanding of how these therapies are linked to Indigenous approaches, how practices may be appropriated and used by Western practitioners, and the shift in social work towards more wholistic therapeutic practices. </div>

2021 ◽  
Julia Getchell

Sexual violence is a relevant topic in the Canadian mental health system. However, the dominant bio-medical understanding of mental health can be harmful to survivors. This study is focused on analyzing how sexual violence is discussed within the bio-medical mental health system. The bio-medical understanding of mental health is one that conceptualizes “mental illness” is brain disease and emphasizes pharmacological treatment. Sexual violence is a broad term that describes any violence, physical or psychological, carried out through sexual means or by targeting sexuality. Critical Discourse Analysis is used in this study to find and analyze discourses in the bio-medical mental health system found in three interviews with mental health service providers. The discourses that emerged were as follows: 1. people were “boiled down” to their diagnoses or experiences of sexual violence; 2. professionalism; 3. being funneled into “streams of care”; 4. what makes someone credible; and 5. who “gets it”. The MRP concludes with a discussion of implications of these findings for social work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-57
Sidra Mahmood

Linguistically, the word ‘language’ has shifted into ‘discourse’ which is a social phenomenon not only to express the thoughts but also to reflect the mindset and contexts of a specific community. The purpose of this study is to examine the slogans written on Pakistani automobiles and to understand the logic behind the social and cultural affiliations of these slogans. Pakistani culture of the art of making pictures and written phrases, poetic verses and imperative sentences on vehicles is famous all over the world. The study has analysed the writings found on vehicles, and although these writings might look trivial on the automobiles, they address various social issues. The Three-Dimensional Model of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) by Fairclough (2001) is used as a theoretical framework that explains the study at three levels: lexical, syntactic patterns, interpretations, and social practices. The discourses written on the vehicles are characterised into different categories, which are life’s mission statements, loud messages, mind baffling messages, everyday life annoyances, provoking statements, and religious looms. Twenty images and pictures have been captured from vehicles as a random sample of this study. The results reveal the mindset behind these discourses. They are used to highlight social issues which Pakistan faces, being a developing country. In short, the study discloses the strong link between the vehicles and the people using them to convey messages to the society which can bring harmony among the public. The current study is limited to only Pakistani motor vehicles.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-166
Elvi Susanti

Abstract This research is linked with Twitter, as one of social media services on the Internet that are extremely popular in the world, including in Indonesia. This research is important because Twitter is effective in quickly and accurately delivering messages. In fact, everyone can act as a 'reporter' and form quick opinions through this social media. This research is aimed to investigate the emergence of the roots of hegemony based on text analysis that is linked with representation, relation, identity, and transformation of national issues that become trending topics on Twitter. Moreover, the research is to discuss the social media's discourse practice that influences media workers in producing news, and to see how it implicates the research on the study of discourse analysis. By using the Fairclough theory, especially on text analysis that is linked with representation, relation, and identity, the researcher attempts to explore how the roots of hegemony emerge in the national issues that become trending topics on Twitter. The researcher also offers a new function to complete the approach of Fairclough in text analysis on social media: transformation – which is an attempt to see the change in roles of news participants and amateur readers as 'reporters' and participate in forming opinions. Abstrak Penelitian ini berhubungan dengan twitter, sebagai salah satu media sosial di internet yang sangat populer di dunia, termasuk di indonesia. Penelitian ini penting karena twitter efektif dalam menyampaikan pesan dengan cepat dan akurat. Faktanya, semua orang dapat bertindak sebagai "reporter" dan membuat opini yang cepat melalui sosial media tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki kemunculan dari akar hagemoni berdasarkan analisis teks yang berhubungan dengan representasi, hubungan, identitas, dan transformasi isu-isu nasional yang menjadi topik yang sedang tren di twitter. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga untuk mendiskusikan praktik wacana media sosial  yang mempengaruhi pekerja media dalam membuat berita, dan untuk melihat bagaimana hal tersebut melibatkan penelitian dalam studi analisis wacana. Dengan menggunakan teori Fairclough, khususnya pada analisis teks yang berhubungan dengan penafsiran, hubungan, identitas, peneliti berupaya untuk menyelidiki bagaimana akar hegemoni muncul yang menjadi topik tren di twitter. Peneliti juga menawarkan sebuah fungsi baru untuk melengkapi pendekatan Fairlclough dalam analisis teks pada sosial media: transformasi - yang merupakan usaha untuk melihat perubahan peran pembuat berita dan pembaca awam sebagai 'reporter' dan berpartisipasi dalam membentuk opini. How to Cite : Susanti, E. (2015). Hegemony of The Social Media Twitter About National Issues in Indonesia and Its Implications to the Discourse Analysis Subject in Colleges. TARBIYA: Journal Of Education In Muslim Society, 2(2), 153-166. doi:10.15408/tjems.v2i2.3180. Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/tjems.v2i2.3180

Aksara ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 251
David Samuel Latupeirissa ◽  
Zummy Anselmus Dami

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menggali ideologi yang terkandung dalam bahasa politik Soekarno selaku salah satu tokoh pendiri bangsa dan proklamator kemerdekaan NKRI, (2) menggali motivasi yang ada di balik lahirnya ideologi dalam bahasa tersebut, dan (3) melihat perubahan sosial budaya sebagai dampak dari ideologi bahasa politik Soekarno. Untuk mencapai ketiga tujuan penelitian di atas, peneliti menggunakan Teori Analisis Wacana Kritis (AWK) model Fairclough (1989, 1995, 2005, 2006) sebagai teori utama, dan teori Ideologi sebagai teori pendukung. Metode yang diterapkan dalam pengumpulan data adalah metode dokumentasi, sedangkan metode yang diterapkan dalam analisis data adalah metode deskripstif kualitatif yang diterapkan berdasarkan tiga level analisis AWK Fairclough. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Ideologi yang terkandung dalam bahasa Soekarno adalah ideologi ‘persatuan dan kesatuan sebagai hal yang penting’, ideologi ‘revolusi adalah bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari jiwa bangsa Indonesia’, dan ideologi ‘imperialisme sebagai musuh utama bangsa Indonesia’. Ideologi tersebut perlu dihidupi sebagai salah satu strategi demi menjaga ketahanan, keamanan, dan perdamaian Indonesia. Selanjutnya, ideologi tersebut dilatari oleh keadaan bangsa yang plural dan kesadaran bahwa sifat statis adalah penghalang kemajuan bangsa. Kandungan ideologi dimaksud membawa perubahan dalam cara berkomunikasi dan cara hidup bangsa Indonesia.Kata kunci: ideologi, bahasa politik, analisis wacana kritis AbstractThe current study aims at: (1) to explore the ideology conceived in Soekarno’s political language as one of the nation founding fathers and the proclaimer of Indonesia independence, (2) to explore the motivations behind the birth of ideology in the language, and (3) to see the socio-cultural changes as the result of Soekarno’s political ideology. To achieve the research objectives, researcher used Critical Discourse Analysis Theory (CDA) of Fairclough (1989, 1995, 2005, 2006) as the main theory, and the theory of Ideology as a supporting theory. The method applied in data collection was documentation method, while the method applied in data analysis was descriptive qualitative method that applied based on three analysis levels of Fairclough CDA theory. The results show that the ideology contained in Soekarno’s political language is the ideology of ‘unity as an important thing’, the ideology of ‘revolution as an integral part of the Indonesian nation soul’, and the ideology of ‘imperialism as the main enemy of the Indonesia’. The ideology needs to be lived for the sake of Indonesia’s endurance, security and peace. Furthermore, the ideology is based on a plural nation state and the realization that static nature is a barrier to the progress of a nation. The ideology contents have brought changes in the way of communication and the way of Indonesian nation life.Keywords: ideology, political language, critical discourse analysis

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Inike Tesiana Putri ◽  
Sulis Triyono

Language is an essential feature of communication for all poeple. It is utilized through various tools and media, and singing songs is one of the traditional forms of communication. Songs are usually written for particular reasons, messages, and purposes, and sometimes targeted for specific audience or listeners. Song lyrics usually contain various themes such as social and current issues and problems which the songwriter strives to share through expressions of his or her ideology, thoughts and feelings. This paper is aimed to find out the text analysis, social cognition and social context in the humanity song entitled We Shall Overcome through Teun A. van Dijk’s Critical Discourse Analysis model. This model shows that the choice of words or the diction is cohesive and coherent and is able to communicate the general meaning of this humanity song. Furthermore, the social cognition in this humanity song is related with the current social context which involves the recent situation in Palestinine, where there is still in conflict with Israel.

2020 ◽  
Vol V (III) ◽  
pp. 275-287
Muhammad Asaf Amir ◽  
Sajid Ali ◽  
Farheen Akhter

This paper brings out the Feminist Critique of Ali's Novel The Stone Woman by applying Critical Discourse Analysis (henceforth CDA). The study employs a corpus-driven technique. Lazar's (2007) feminist CDA model has been used to study how women are kept out of the social circle, and the ideology of the superiority of men has been institutionalized and naturalized. This, in turn, gives power and hegemony to man as a social class. It has been concluded that the place and status of women in society have been gendered, and they are victims of social and economic discrimination. Men are supported by social institutions like family and marriage to make their discourse privileged, preferred and justified.

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