Operating Temperature of Anisotropic Conducting Film Adhesives

2008 ◽  
pp. 353-364
2011 ◽  
Vol 1303 ◽  
Matthew Ombaba ◽  
V. J Logeeswaran ◽  
M. Saif Islam

ABSTRACTWe report a novel application of Anisotropic Conductive Films (ACFs) technology to provide electrical contact and mechanical anchor between fracture transfer-printed (1-D) single crystal semiconductor micro- and nanopillars and a bottom metal. This fracture-transfer method enables highly crystalline micro- and nanopillars of different materials with diverse bandgaps and physical properties to be fabricated on appropriate mother substrates and transferred to form multilayered 3D stacks for multifunctional devices. The proposed protocol incorporates silver (Ag) nanoparticles into thermoplastic polymers exploitable in transfer-printed semiconductor devices and circuits with low contact resistance that is compatible with current IC processing methods. The vertical micropillars arrays are then embossed onto the polymer at its rubbery state by applying a vertical force leading to particle trapping between the bottom electrode and the micropillars. The polymer is then hardened while retaining the applied vertical force. By applying a lateral force on the mother substrate, the firmly cemented pillars are fractured off thereby allowing the mother substrate to be reused.

2004 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 363-372 ◽  
T. Lukaszewicz ◽  
A. Ravinski ◽  
I. Makoed

A new multilayer electrochromic device has been constructed according to the following pattern: glass1/ITO/WO3/gel electrolyte/BP/ITO/glass2, where ITO is a transparent conducting film made of indium and tin oxide and with the surface resistance equal 8–10 Ω/cm2 . The electrochromic devices obtained in the research are characterized by great (considerable) transmittance variation between coloration and bleaching state (25–40% at applied voltage of 1.5 to 3 V), and also high coloration efficiency (above 100 cm2 /C). Selfconsistent energy bands, dielectric permittivity and optical parameters are calculated using a full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method. The numerical solution of the Debye-Smoluchowski equations is developed for simulating recombination probability of Li+ ions in amorphous electrolyte.

2005 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 156-178 ◽  
T. J. LaClair ◽  
C. Zarak

Abstract Operating temperature is critical to the endurance life of a tire. Fundamental differences between operations of a tire on a flat surface, as experienced in normal highway use, and on a cylindrical test drum may result in a substantially higher tire temperature in the latter case. Nonetheless, cylindrical road wheels are widely used in the industry for tire endurance testing. This paper discusses the important effects of surface curvature on truck tire endurance testing and highlights the impact that curvature has on tire operating temperature. Temperature measurements made during testing on flat and curved surfaces under a range of load, pressure and speed conditions are presented. New tires and re-treaded tires of the same casing construction were evaluated to determine the effect that the tread rubber and pattern have on operating temperatures on the flat and curved test surfaces. The results of this study are used to suggest conditions on a road wheel that provide highway-equivalent operating conditions for truck tire endurance testing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 22-36

Практика показывает, что для сварных конструкций, эксплуатируемых в условиях Крайнего Севера необходимо уделять внимание работоспособности сварных соединений при низких температурах. Металл сварных соединений в процессе воздействия обработки изменяет свои свойства, снижается ударная вязкость, образуется гетерогенная структура с большой степенью разнозернистости. Чтобы оценивать и иметь возможность правильно контролировать термическое воздействие и последствия сварочного процесса, требуется решить задачу аналитического определения ударной вязкости для всех зон сварного соединения. В настоящей статье представлен инженерный метод оценки ударной вязкости, применимый для любой зоны сварного соединения, в которой имеется острый или особый концентратор напряжений – трещина. Разработанный аналитический метод расчета ударной вязкости отражает качественную и количественную картину взаимосвязи структурно-механических характеристик и работы развития трещины в диапазоне температур 77…300 К. Предложенная схематизация зависимости критического коэффициента интенсивности напряжений от температуры позволила найти коэффициенты, характеризующие свойства материала, и выполнить расчеты изменения предела текучести и предела прочности от температуры эксплуатации. Построены графики зависимости работы развития трещины от температуры эксплуатации для сталей 15ГС и 17ГС, сравнение которых с экспериментальными данными показывает удовлетворительное согласование. Найдено, что при напряжениях предела выносливости отношение работы развития трещины к критической длине трещины постоянно, не зависит от температуры и для сталей 15ГС и 17ГС равно около 10. Ключевые слова: ударная вязкость, работа разрушения, коэффициент интенсивности напряжений, трещина, феррито-перлитная сталь, зона термического влияния. For welded structures under operation in the Far North, attention must be paid to the performance of welded joints at low temperatures. The properties of metal of welded joints are changed in the process of treatment, its toughness decreases, and a heterogeneous structure with a large range of different grain sizes is formed. In order to evaluate and be able to correctly control the thermal effect and the consequences of the welding process, it is necessary to solve the problem of analytical determination of impact strength for all zones of the welded joint. The paper presents an engineering method for evaluation of the impact strength applicable to any area of the welded joint in which there is a sharp or super sharp stress concentrator – a crack. The developed analytical method for calculating the impact strength reflects a qualitative and quantitative codependency of structural and mechanical characteristics and the process of crack development in the temperature range of 77–300 K. The proposed schematization of dependence of the critical coefficient of stress intensity on the temperature made it possible to find coefficients characterizing the properties of the material and to perform calculations of changes in yield strength and tensile strength on operating temperature. Graphs of the crack development process dependency on the operating temperature for 15ГС and 17ГС steels were constructed, and their comparison with experimental data displays satisfactory agreement. It was found that at endurance limit stresses, the ratio of the crack development process to the critical crack length is constant, non-dependent on temperature, and is equal to 10 for 15ГС and 17ГС steels. Keywords: impact strength, fracture work, stress intensity factor, crack, ferrite-pearlite steel, heat affected zone, steel tempering.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 13

Alloy Digest ◽  
1962 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  

Abstract Midohm is a copper-nickel, heat resistant alloy having a maximum operating temperature of 400 deg F. It is normally used for resistor and potentiometer applications where low specific resistance is required. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, and tensile properties. Filing Code: Cu-117. Producer or source: Driver-Harris Company.

Alloy Digest ◽  
1968 ◽  
Vol 17 (6) ◽  

Abstract MAR-M alloy 246 is a vacuum-cast nickel-base alloy combining precipitation hardening and solid solution strengthening. It has high rupture strength and adequate ductility in the recommended operating temperature range of 1200-1900 F. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties as well as fracture toughness and creep. It also includes information on high temperature performance and corrosion resistance as well as casting, heat treating, machining, joining, and surface treatment. Filing Code: Ni-134. Producer or source: Martin Metals Division.

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