scholarly journals The Effect of Bioaugmentation Strategy on the SBR Performance Treating Reject Water and Municipal Wastewater under Various Temperature Conditions

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (7) ◽  
pp. 46-56
Aleksandra Szaja ◽  
Joanna Szulżyk-Cieplak
Entecho ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Vojtěch Kouba ◽  
Jan Bartáček

Proces částečná nitritace-anammox odstraňuje amoniakální dusík z odpadních vod s polovičními náklady na aeraci, až o 80 % nižší produkcí přebytečného kalu a bez spotřeby organického substrátu. Jde o zavedený proces pro odstraňování dusíku z kalových vod z anaerobní fermentace, a podobně koncentrovaných a teplých odpadních vod. Na tyto vody se částečná nitritace-anammox aplikuje již déle než deset let, a to např. pod názvy ANAMMOX®, ANITA™ Mox, DEMON®, nebo TERRAMOX®. Optimalizované provozy těchto technologií dusík běžně odstraňují při zatížení 0,5–2,3 kg∙m–3∙d–1 (30–35 °C). Současnou výzvou pro výzkum je implementace částečné nitritace-anammox do hlavního proudu studené splaškové odpadní vody, přičemž konkrétními problémy jsou (i) potlačení nežádoucích nitratačních mikroorganismů (NOB) a (ii) adaptace mikroorganismů anammox na nízké teploty. Náš výzkum jsme začali s jednostupňovým procesem, a poté nitritaci a anammox rozdělili do dvou reaktorů. Prezentujeme strategii, která v laboratorním měřítku NOB účinně potlačila i při 12 °C a dále i v pilotním měřítku při 13–30 °C. Dále ukazujeme, že anammox je možné na nízké teploty adaptovat studenými šoky. Tyto výsledky umožní rozšířit úsporné odstraňování dusíku i do hlavního proudu splaškové odpadní vody na ČOV. English: Partial nitritation-anammox (PN/A) process removes nitrogen from wastewater with 50% reduction of aeration costs, 80% less excess sludge and no consumption of organic carbon. PN/A is an established process for the removal of nitrogen from reject water from anaerobic digestion and other similarly warm and concentrated streams. On such wastewater, PN/A has been applied in full scale for over 10 years under names such as ANAMMOX®, ANITA™ Mox, DEMON® or TERRAMOX®, whose optimized installations consistently achieve nitrogen removal loading rates of 0,5–2,3 kg∙m–3∙d–1. The current challenge for research is to implement PN/A into the main stream of cold municipal wastewater, the specific challenges being (i) suppression of undesirable nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) and (ii) adaptation of anammox microorganisms to low temperatures. Our initial experiences with one-stage PN/A in the main stream led us to the separation of PN/A in two subsequent reactors. Subsequently, we developed a strategy for NOB suppression in partial nitritation even under 12 °C, which we then successfully tested in the pilot scale. Furthermore, we found that anammox can be adapted to low temperatures using cold shocks. In sum, these results will enable extending the savings for nitrogen removal into the main stream of wastewater at WWTP.

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 1151
Vasan Sivalingam ◽  
Carlos Dinamarca ◽  
Eshetu Janka ◽  
Sergey Kukankov ◽  
Shuai Wang ◽  

Water from anaerobic sludge dewatering (reject water that is recycled to the inlet main process treatment) from the Knarrdalstrand municipal wastewater treatment plant in Porsgrunn, Norway, contains 2.4 g/L of total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) and 550 mg/L NH4-N (annual average). The high concentration of ammonium causes disturbances in the mainstream physical and chemical processes, while only a small fraction of the organics is biodegradable. A pilot-scale hybrid vertical anaerobic biofilm (HyVAB) reactor combining anaerobic and aerobic treatment was tested for reject water treatment to reduce process disturbances. The pilot HyVAB was prepared for the study with continuous aeration of the aerobic part of the reactor for 200 days, while two intermittent aeration schemes were applied during the three-month test period. Ammonium removal efficiency increased from 8% during the continuous aeration period to 50% at the end of the test when a short (7 min) aeration cycle was applied. COD removal was close to 20%, which was mainly obtained in the anaerobic stage and not significantly influenced by the aerations schemes. Simultaneous partial nitrification and denitrification were established in the biofilm that alternated between aerobic and anoxic conditions. The observed high ammonium removal is explained by two alternative shortcut processes via nitrite. The lack of biodegradable organics in the aerated stage suggests that most of the nitrogen removal was via the anammox pathway (autotrophic denitrification). The HyVAB, combining an anaerobic sludge bed and an intermittently aerated biofilm, appears to be an efficient process to treat high ammonium containing reject water.

2012 ◽  
Vol 518-523 ◽  
pp. 569-574
Qiong Wan ◽  
Lei Li ◽  
Dang Cong Peng

Enhancing nitrification from municipal wastewater by bioaugmentation was investigated in a pilot plant operated in A2/O process. Reject water was used to cultivate nitrifier in O/A process (side stream), and the exceed sludge in side stream was used to bioaugmentation. The experimental results showed that bioaugmentation was very effective for enhancing nitrification. After nitrifier bioaugmentation, the NH4+-N removal rate was improved more than 30% in main stream. And AUR and NUR of the activated sludge increased from 2.61 mgNH4+-N /(gMLSS•h) and 2.38 mgNO2--N/(gMLSS•h) to 5.32 mgNH4+-N /(gMLSS•h) and 3.81 mgNO2--N/(gMLSS•h), which was as 2.04 times and 1.60 times as those of before bioaugmentation in main stream respectively.

2011 ◽  
Vol 63 (10) ◽  
pp. 2367-2373 ◽  
Y. Yang ◽  
Y. Q. Zhao ◽  
S. P. Wang ◽  
X. C. Guo ◽  
Y. X. Ren ◽  

This study examined a novel reuse of alum sludge, an inescapable by-product of drinking water treatment process when aluminium salt is added as a coagulant, as the main medium in a laboratory-scale multi-stage constructed wetland (CW) system for reject water treatment. Such reject water is a main concern in municipal wastewater treatment plant (MWWTP) for increasing the organic and nutrient loading. A ‘tidal flow’ strategy was employed to enhance the wetland aeration to stimulate organic matters (OM) and ammoniacal-nitrogen (N) oxidation while the ‘step feed’ operation was adopted to supply the necessary amount of carbon source for denitrification. The results reveal that alum sludge acting as P adsorbent can secure the P removal. Meanwhile, high removals of N and OM can also be obtained due to the active bacteria growth on the alum sludge surface. The results show that average removal efficiencies of 65.4 ± 12.3% for chemical oxygen demand (COD), 67.8 ± 9.2% for five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), 33.6 ± 17.0% for N and 99.5 ± 0.49% for P can be achieved over a period of 190 days. This indicates that novel reuse of alum sludge as medium in CW system can provide a promising approach for reject water treatment. Therefore, it will significantly reduce the amount of pollutant feedback through reject water recycling in a MWWTP.

2012 ◽  
Vol 65 (9) ◽  
pp. 1583-1590 ◽  
K. Czerwionka ◽  
J. Makinia ◽  
M. Kaszubowska ◽  
J. Majtacz ◽  
M. Angowski

In this study, by-products from alcohol production were examined in terms of their potential application as external carbon sources for enhancing denitrification in biological nutrient removal systems. Three types of batch tests were used to compare the effects of the distillery by-products, such as fusel oil, syrup and reject water, on the non-acclimated activated sludge. Much higher nitrate utilization rates (NURs) were observed for the latter two carbon sources. In the conventional NUR measurements (one-phase experiments), the observed NURs with syrup and reject water were 3.2–3.3 g N/(kg VSS h) compared with 1.0 g N/(kg VSS h) obtained for fusel oils from two different distilleries. When the carbon sources were added at the beginning of the anoxic phase preceded by an anaerobic phase (two-phase experiments), the NURs were 4.2 g N/(kg VSS h) (syrup and reject water) and 2.4–2.7 g N/(kg VSS h) (fusel oils). The heterotrophic yield coefficient, determined based on the conventional OUR measurements, varied in a relatively narrow range (0.72–0.79 g COD/g COD) for all the examined carbon sources. Due to advantageous composition (much higher COD concentrations and COD/N ratios), fusel is a preferred carbon source for practical handling in full-scale wastewater treatment plants.

2011 ◽  
Vol 102 (22) ◽  
pp. 10377-10385 ◽  
David Martinez-Sosa ◽  
Brigitte Helmreich ◽  
Thomas Netter ◽  
Stefania Paris ◽  
Franz Bischof ◽  

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