2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
M. Nur Kholis Al Amin

Family is the main foundation for character formation and the role of family members. In addition, the family also plays a major role in the patterns of interaction that exist in people’s lives.  However, the development and changes that occur in society can effect the pattern (role) of family life. Today, the development of science and technology is able to influence the shape of society’s life structure toward the “modern society”, one of the impact on family structure is the existance of madern family, which is characterized by the intensity of meetings among family members is increasingly “limit” due to the high level of activity outside the household, such as: children who are out of town school, husband and wife career, husband who works outside the city and see also. Moreover, because the development of communication, so this can be made as a means to build family resilience. Therefore, this article will try to examine communication systems as a significant element to build family resiliaence throught historical contex and sociological approaches, where the presentasion is by integrating, describing, and the analyzing social phenomena—modern family life patterns, changes and developments in technology, communication—using “nilai etik theory” through several rules of Islamic communication as the value of communicating in the family. So that, when viewed from “nilai etik theory” develop by Rahman, conclusions can be obtained, that there are several elements of a very close relationship to the principles of Islamic communication, development of family structure, and family resilience as a way to build a family that is a sakinah, mawaddan and rahmah.Dewasa ini, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi mampu mempengaruhi bentuk struktur kehidupan masyarakat ke arah “masyarakat modern”, yang salah satu dampaknya berpengaruh terhadap struktur yang ditandai dengan terbatasnya tingkat intensitas pertemuan antar anggota keluarga karena tingginya aktivitas di luar rumah tangga, seperti; anak yang sekolah atau kuliah di luar kota, suami-istri yang berkarir, suami yang bekerja di luar kota, dan sebaliknya. Lebih lanjut, karena perkembangan alat komunikasi yang semakin maju, maka hal tersebut dapat  dijadikan sebagai salah satu sarana untuk membangun ketahanan keluarga. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini akan coba menelaah sistem komunikasi sebagai unsur yang signifikan untuk membangun ketahanan keluarga melalui pendekatan historis (historical contex) dan pendekatan sosiologis, di mana pemaparannya dengan cara memadukan, mendeskripsikan, dan kemudian menganalisis fenomena sosial—pola kehidupan keluarga modern, perubahan dan perkembangan teknologi, komunikasi—menggunakan teori nilai etik melalui beberapa kaidah komunikasi Islam sebagai nilai berkomunikasi di dalam keluarga. Sehingga, apabila ditinjau dari “teori nilai etik” yang dikembangkan oleh Rahman, dapat diperoleh kesimpulan, bahwa terdapat beberapa unsur hubungan yang sangat erat terhadap prinsip-prinsip komunikasi Islam, perkembangan struktur keluarga, dan ketahanan keluarga sebagai jalan untuk membangun keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah dan rahmah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 707-722
Ana Kuswanti ◽  
Munadhil Abdul Muqsith ◽  
Anna Gustina Zainal ◽  
Selly Oktarina

AbstractThis article wants to explain that the Coronavirus Disease or COVID-19 pandemic disrupts the structure of family life. Since the government suppressed physical distancing, it indirectly allowed almost 24 hours to be at home. The COVID-19 pandemic greatly tested family resilience. Positively, the impact of independent quarantine gives time to get to know each other deeply among family members. On the other hand, the more often family members meet increases boredom, which then causes friction to occur. This paper writes how the family communication management strategy when Pandemic COVID-19 to create a harmonious and prosperous family, conduct interpersonal communication, responsibility for the environment and family, intensity and direction of communication with a harmonious atmosphere, healthy parenting even in a physical atmosphere distancing or guarding the distance according to government recommendations. Keywords: family communication management, COVID-19 pandemic, family resilience AbstrakArtikel ini ingin menjelaskan bahwa pandemik Coronavirus Disease atau COVID-19 mendistrupsi tatanan kehidupan keluarga. Sejak pemerintah menekannya physical distancing atau penjagaan jarak secara tidak langsung memberikan waktu nyaris 24 jam berada di rumah. Pandemi COVID-19 sangat menguji ketahanan keluarga. Secara positif, dampak karantina mandiri memberi waktu untuk saling mengenal secara mendalam antar anggota keluarga. Disisi lain, semakin sering anggota keluarga bertemu meningkatkan rasa jenuh yang kemudian menimbulkan gesekan terjadi. Tulisan ini menulis bagaimana strategi manajemen komunikasi keluarga saat Pandemi COVID-19 sehingga tercipta keluarga yang harmonis dan sejahtera, melakukan komunikasi antar pribadi, tanggung jawab pada lingkungan dan keluarga, intensitas dan arah komunikasi dengan atmosfir yang harmonis, pola asuh hidup sehat walaupun dalam suasana physical distancing atau penjagaan jarak sesuai anjuran pemerintah. Kata kunci: manajemen komunikasi keluarga, pandemik COVID-19, ketahanan keluarga

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-193
Ely Muawanah

Family resilience consists of three things, namely physical, social, and psychological resilience. So, the application of this resilience pattern will lead to interactions between family members, so that happiness or family crises can emerge, such as juvenile delinquency. Thus the researcher is interested in comparing Elly Risman's thoughts and the concept of Islamic marriage. The focus of the studies examined in this article are: 1) What is the Pattern of Family Resilience to Prevent Juvenile Delinquency According to Elly Risman? 2) What is the pattern of family resilience to prevent juvenile delinquency according to the concept of an Islamic marriage? 3) How is the comparison between Elly Risman's thoughts and the concept of Islamic marriage in the pattern of family resilience to prevent juvenile delinquency? In this study, the authors took normative legal research. Based on the results and conclusions of research conducted by researchers, among others: 1) the concept of family resilience according to Elly Risman includes tips for being able to adapt and survive, factors of weakening family resilience, the impact of weakening family resilience, and efforts to maintain the family. 2) the concept of family resilience according to Islamic marriage includes the urgency of having a family, family goals, family wisdom, rights and obligations of family members, factors needed in family resilience as well as managing conflict and building family resilience. 3) The comparison of Elly Risman's thoughts and the concept of Islamic marriage in family resilience includes, Elly Risman's view on family resilience puts forward feelings that have an impact on psychology and family resilience that will have an impact on children's growth. Elly Risman also revealed the important role of parents in childcare. Whereas in the concept of Islamic marriage, it includes considering the purpose of having a family, prioritizing the rights and obligations of family members, and paying attention to equality.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Tara Sims

BACKGROUND: The impact of paediatric upper limb difference may extend beyond the child themselves to their parents and other family members. Previous research has found that feelings of shock, numbness and loss are common amongst parents and that peer support can be a buffer against stress. OBJECTIVE: The current study aimed to explore the experiences of parents of children with limb difference, and the role of services and prosthetic devices in these experiences. METHODS: Nine parents of children with limb difference participated in either a group (n= 2) or individual (n= 7) interview. RESULTS: Analysis of the interview transcripts revealed four themes – ‘grief and guilt’, ‘prosthesis as a tool for parental adjustment’, ‘support’ and ‘fun and humour’. CONCLUSIONS: Parents may employ coping strategies to help them adjust to their child’s limb difference, including use of a prosthesis, accessing support from statutory services and peers, and use of fun and humour within the family.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 915-919
Krasimira Stefanova Petrova

Pre-school age is an intensive period in the life of a person which offers great potential for development. The dimensions of the impact of the social environment (children, parents and other adults) on the child’s personality are multifaceted. This accounts for the emphasis on social norms, goals and ideals. Education is the one factor that can best provide the socialization of adolescents.The changes in modern society have led to redefining the parenting patterns for bringing up children. The role of the family as an environment for transferring social experience has never lost its significance. Children need continuous care in order to handle societal failures; they need support for mastering the culture of behavior, as well as timely and appropriate help for ensuring conflict-free communication and for enabling them to take responsibility for their own choices and actions.Psychological studies show that various factors influence both the upbringing of children as well as the parents’ attitudes towardsthem. The relevant factors include: the childhood experiences of the parents; the unrealized needs of the parents; interpersonal relations in the family that are characterized by emotional depth and style that are considered to have established "a standard".The parameters of the actuality of the research problem are based on the interrelationship of the social and educational aspects that are related to the position of the child and his personal assertion in society:- Atpre-schoolage, thechildgraduallyfitsintothesocialsystem, whichistheresult of learningexperiences, actionsandrelationships, awarenessandrediscovery of theselfandtheworld of otherpeople.- Thechildbecomesaware of thenorms of behaviorandthemeaning of actions–their ownandother people’s - andlearns to takeresponsibilityfortheiractions.- Oneyearbeforeschool starts, the childdevelopstheability to accepttheposition of othersand to takeintoaccounttheirownandothers’perspective.- For a successfulpersonalrealization, itisimportantforchildren to havetheskills to worktogetherandcommunicatein a group. Thisisthecompetencethatdirectstheirbehaviortowardsco-ordination, co-operationandsynergy.The abovementioned specific features of the child's personality are the result of the intentional educational interactions between the kindergarten and the family and are related to the acquisition of knowledge, rules and norms, and of value-oriented patterns that define behavior. The foundations for thisare laid during the pre-school age and are considered the most stable and lasting, often referred to as the "basic personality structure". Along with them, the "behavioral potential" of the child, which is demonstrated at different ages, is shaped and developedthrough upbringing. Consequently, behavior is seen as a specific manifestation of the personality associated with its selective attitude towards the influence of various factors in the social environment. The direction of the educational activitiesinspires the motivation for personal behavior aiming at growth and self-actualization. Hence, the presence of a certain skill level which imposes a new approach to learning - replacing the mechanical reproduction with the acquisition of competences for and attitudes towards interaction in a changing environment. What is appropriate for achieving these goals is the applicationof functional models for cooperation, individualization and differentiation of the educational process. These ensure that the child is provided with conditions for activity and for mastering basic, sustainable rules for conscious participation and development that are important for the success of each of his activities. This is a type of social education that is achieved through exploring the social fabric andacquiring the skills for learning, choosing and communicating.

2007 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Helena Calvo Botella

Es un hecho ampliamente aceptado el hecho de que el abuso de drogas y las conductas adictivas tienen consecuencias negativas en diferentes áreas de la vida familiar. Muchos miembros de la familia pueden mostrar perturbaciones psicológicas, psicosomáticas, afectivas, económicas,… pero paralelamente, es igualmente cierto que las dinámicas familiares pueden infl uir sobre las conductas adictivas y su tratamiento. En este artículo se comentan dicha infl uencia recíproca y el papel de la familia en la integración social del paciente adicto. AbstractIt is widely accepted that drug misuse and addictive behaviours havenegative consequences in different areas of family life. Many family members can show psychological, psychosomatic, affective, economic disturbances…, but it is true as well that family dynamics can infl uence addictive behaviours and their treatment. In this paper this reciprocal infl uence and the role of family in social integration of addicted patients are discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol Volume 4 (Issue 3) ◽  
pp. 192-207
Dr. Muhammad Shabbir Sarwar ◽  
Humara Gulzar ◽  
Muhammad Ahsan Bhatti

The purpose of this research paper is to explore the negative relationship between mobile phone and family life as well as negative impact of mobile phone usage on family life norms and traditions. The study is based on data collected through mixed method i.e. survey of a random sample of 1300 people and structured interviews conducted with a sub-sample of 13 people in Lahore, Pakistan. The study found that mobile phone is negatively affecting the family life due to its massive usage during family socialization time. The quantitative analysis found that over 85% of respondents use mobile phone for communication with the people other than their family members when they are with their family; over 50% make calls to others during their family time; 83% make SMS; 75 feel that they ignore their family due to cell phone; 86% thinks that mobile has influenced their family time face-to-face socialization negatively and 91% said that they exchanged harsh words with their family members for at least once or more due to using mobile phone during family time. The study reveals that male members of the traditional families are more responsible for using mobile phone during family time and damaging family traditions as compared to the female members. However, parents remain very concerned about the possibilities of misuse of mobile phone by female teenagers of the family. In most cases family elders were annoyed with the youth for adopting this change in their behaviors damaging the family traditions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-150
Luthfi Amalia

Abstract:  Today's  family  character  is  well  known  as  millennial  family  because  the  family  social environment in globalization era tends to use technology as supporting tools for daily activities such as using internet-connected smartphones to communicate between family members with social media (WhatsApp, Line, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) and to access the latest information available from all parts of the world. Patterns of family life that change because of the ease of accessing information in the use of technology raises the challenges of life that increasingly heavily in family life. Therefore, a family needs to maintain the value and function of family which become indicator of resilience of a family. Because family resilience will describe the quality of personality and behavior patterns of family members in interacting and socializing with the community. The indicators of family resilience based on family values and functions are divided into three categories: physical resilience, social resilience and psychological resilience. Based on the results of the research, family resilience of millenial generation is considered quite strong because it is in the range of 67% between 88.5%. This is because millennial family generation is still running the value and family functions that become indicators of family resilience in order to create harmony and resilience in the family. Abstrak:  Karakter  keluarga  saat  ini  lebih  dikenal  dengan  keluarga  generasi  millennial  karena lingkungan sosial keluarga di era globalisasi saat ini, cenderung menggunakan teknologi sebagai alat penunjang kegiatan sehari-hari seperti menggunakan smartphone  yang terkoneksi dengan internet untuk  berkomunikasi  antar  anggota  keluarga  dengan  media  social  (WhatsApp,  Line,  Instagram, Facebook, dll) dan untuk mengakses informasi terbaru yang ada dari seluruh belahan dunia. Pola kehidupan   keluarga   yang   berubah   karena   adanya   kemudahan   mengakses   informasi   dalam penggunaan   teknologi   menimbulkan   tantangan   hidup   yang   semakin   berat   dalam   kehidupan berkeluarga. Oleh karena itu suatu keluarga perlu mempertahankan nilai dan fungsi keluarga yang menjadi indicator ketahanan suatu keluarga. Karena ketahan keluarga akan menggambarkan kualitas kepribadian  dan  pola  perilaku  anggota  keluarga  dalam  berinteraksi  dan  bersosialisasi  dengan masyarakat. Indikator ketahanan keluarga berdasarkan nilai dan fungsi keluarga dibedakan menjadi tiga kategori  yaitu ketahanan fisik, ketahanan social dan ketahanan psikologis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ketahanan keluarga generasi millenial dinilai cukup kuat karena berada pada kisaran 67% antara 88.5%. Hal tersebut dikarenakan keluarga generasi millennial masih menjalankan nilai dan fungsi keluarga  yang menjadi indicator ketahanan keluarga agar dapat tercipta keharmonisan dan ketahanan dalam keluarga.

2010 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-108 ◽  

ABSTRACTThis article evaluates the extent of economic support provided by the family in English society. The first issue addressed is the importance given to relationships between family members both by contemporaries and by historians when attempting to distinguish different types of household. Following sections of the article discuss the role of households in redistributing income from the better-paid to the less well-paid or non-earners and the significance of economic support received from members of the family living elsewhere relative to that provided from within the household and from other outside sources, such as the community, employers and neighbours. A further section then assesses the impact of demographic change on the size and composition of the kin group and the extent to which population mobility made regular contact with close kin more difficult.

Nurul Hidayati

Surabaya is one of the cities with the highest divorce rates in East Java. One of the efforts made is to conduct interventions to improve family resilience in Surabaya. Activities to improve family resilience are carried out through understanding eight family functions and the implementation of the eight family functions. The goal of the equal family development activity is to increase the role of family members in realizing a quality and equal family. Other goals in the long term can reduce divorce rates and increase family resilience, increase gender equality in the family, improve the role and function of husband and wife in the family, increase the roles of men and women in educating children, and implement children's rights in the family. Socially, family resilience must be built through increasing the capacity of family members. Family resilience is also closely related to the gender construction that develops in society. This article aims to understand how an equal family building program is an effort to improve family resilience in Surabaya families. abstrakKota Surabaya termasuk kota yang memiliki tingkat perceraian yang tertinggi di Jawa Timur. Salah satu upaya yang perlu dilakukan yakni mengadakan intervensi untuk meningkatkan ketahanan keluarga pada keluarga-keluarga di Surabaya. Kegiatan peningkatan ketahanan keluarga yang dilakukan yakni melalui pemahaman delapan fungsi keluarga, dan praktek implementasi kedelapan fungsi keluarga tersebut. Tujuan Kegiatan Bina Keluarga Setara adalah meningkatkan peran anggota keluarga dalam mewujudkan keluarga berkualitas dan setara dalam relasi. Tujuan lain dalam jangka panjang dapat menurunkan angka perceraian dan meningkatkan ketahanan keluarga. Tujuan khusus yakni meningkatkan kesetaraan gender dalam keluarga, meningkatkan peran dan fungsi suami istri dalam keluarga, meningkatkan peran laki-laki dan perempuan dalam mendidik anak, dan menerapkan hak anak dalam keluarga. Secara sosial budaya ketahanan keluarga harus dibangun melalui peningkatan kapasistas anggota keluarga agar mampu melaksanakan peran dalam keluarga secara optimal. Ketahanan keluarga juga berkaitan erat dengan konstruksi gender yang berkembang dalam masyarakat. Secara ringkas, artikel ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana program bina keluarga setara sebagai upaya meningkatkan ketahanan keluarga pada keluarga Surabaya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Nabila Luthvita Rahma ◽  
Anisa Yuniar ◽  
Fatimah Qurrotu A'yun ◽  
Indri Kurniati ◽  
Dania Saferina Ifada

<p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of termination of employment during the Covid-19 pandemic on family resilience. This study uses a case approach and a law approach with primary legal sources and secondary legal sources in the form of books or legal journals related to the research title. The results of this study indicate that the termination of employment experienced by the head of the family or family member during the Covid-19 pandemic did not significantly affect family resilience, as evidenced by the divorce rate which did not increase significantly and was not caused by termination of employment. As for maintaining family resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic can be done by carrying out the rights and obligations of each family member in accordance with the study of Islamic family law, in addition to maintaining interpersonal communication between family members. </em></p>

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