2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-61
Ismegawati Ismegawati

This paper discusses the Sufistic nuances of Tafsīr Firdaus al-Na’īm by KH. Taifur Aliwafa. Using the descriptive-analytic method, this literature study answers the question how the author of this tafsir book interprets verses relating to aspects of Sufism, with the case of love verses. This study found that the author of this tafsir in interpreting the verses was influenced by his educational background, where he was trained in the Naqsyabandiyah Ṭarīqa tradition from his position as a student to his position as a murshid.

Al-Ahkam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-140
Ainol Yaqin

This paper described the formulation of Yūsuf al-Qarḍāwī's isntinbāṭ method towards moderate fiqh. The choice of this theme was based on the existence of two demeanours in religion, between permissive and inclusive. Two main questions in this research were, first, how did Yūsuf al-Qarḍāwī formulate the istinbāṭ method for moderate fiqh? Second, how is the implementation of this method in formulating Islamic law? This paper concluded two things through a literature study with the descriptive-analytic method. First, there were six formulations of the istinbāṭ method for the moderation of Islamic law. a. Examining the maqāṣid contained in the text before determining Islamic law, b. Linking texts and Islamic law with texts and other Islamic laws. c. Understanding texts in the frame of asbāb (al-nuzūl or al-wurūd), both micro and macro. d. Distinguishing between constant maqāṣids and changing instruments. e. Adjusting between al-thawābit and al-mutaghayyirāt. f. Observing the difference between worship and mu’āmalah in terms of wisdom, ‘illah and maqāṣid. Second, this method of istinbāṭ could produce fiqh with a flexible, elastic, dynamic, adaptive, and easy-to-practice.

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Wiwin Roy Jaya Saragih ◽  
I Made Sendra ◽  
I GPB. Sasrawan Mananda

This study discusses about tourist characteristic and motivation in Pelaga, Badung Regency, Sibetan, Karangasem Regency, and Tenganan, Karangasem Regency. These three villages were developed into ecotourism village by JED (Village Ecotourism Network). Ecotourism is a community- based tourism, enviromentally sound, and responsible for sustainability. By seeing the number of visitor in Pelaga Ecotourism Village which has yet to reach the target, this is the impact of marketing system is still very common conducted without regard to the characteristics and motivations of tourists. This research purposes is to know the tourist characteristic and motivation who visit Pelaga, Sibetan, and Tenganan Ecotourism Village. Data collection in this research is done by direct obeservation to Pelaga Village, Sibetan Village, and Tenganan Village. Deep interview with the manager of JED and then deep interview with the coordinator of JED in every village, and also deep interview with the tourist to know their motivation visit Pelaga Ecotourism Village. While also using literature study and documentation. The result of this research show that in term geographic characteristic the visitor in Pelaga, Sibetan, and Tenganan Village is come from various country namely USA , Australia, Thailand, Japan, Germany, Canada, Netherland, England, France, Norway, Belgium, Philippines, Italy, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, China, Poland, East Timor, Finland, Korea. In term socio- demographic characteristic the tourist who visit Pelaga and Sibetan dominated by man and in productive age, while in Tenganan is dominated by women and in older age. The whole tourist in three villages are work in private or public sector, and high educational background. Most of tourists who visit, have the motivation to know the culture in three villages.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Anisa Sri Restanti

Information technology has been used in the management of the library. There are several libraries have been integrated with the internet to provide services. But the library still image as an institution or an old building that contains the bookshelves and librarian profession under other professions. This article is presented to determine some of the challenges and strategies that can be done in fostering a positive image of the library. Based on the literature study and observation, its known, that the challenges are differences in educational background librarians, foster a positive image has not been planned, the development of information technology, the implementation of the code of ethics of librarians is not maximal. In the face of the challenges in creating a positive image, there are strategies that can be done that in terms of internal and external libraries. Thus, it can be concluded that, to foster a positive image of the library is needed strategies and synergies as well as the responsibility of all aspects of the library. Recommendation for librarians are important to develop personal branding. Furthermore, for the library after successfully building a positive image should be able to maintain and restore the image when a crisis. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 134
Dina Yulia Pratiwi ◽  
Erfan Erfan

This research is motivated by the existence of a vocal instructor, who does not have a musical education background, at Purwa Caraka Music Studio Padang. However, he is able to bring his students to get achievement at national level. This study aims to determine and describe the implementation of vocal training at Purwa Caraka Music Studio Padang. The aspects explored in this study are: 1) The program of vocal training at Purwa Caraka Music Studio Padang, 2) The implementation of vocal training at Purwa Caraka Music Studio Padang, 3) Obstacles to the implementation of vocal training at Purwa Caraka Music Studio Padang.This research useda descriptive analytic method. The data were collected through observation, interviews, documentation, and literature study. The results show that the implementation of vocal training at Purwa Caraka Music Studio Padang is based on the curriculum and handbooks. The methods used in vocal training are lectures, individual approachesand exercises, as well as voice production exercises which include: posture and diaphragmatic breathing, articulation techniques, intonation techniques, resonance techniques, and phrasering techniques. The obstacles in the implementation of the vocal training at Purwa Caraka Music Studio Padang are: 1) Mood of the students; 2) tone and tempo blind of the students.Keywords: Implementation, BinaVokalia, Purwa Caraka

Riza Hasan

Abstrak— Reformasi birokrasi merupakan upaya untuk mewujudkan tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik (good governance). Tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik salah satunya dapat diketahui dari hasil penilaian kinerja pegawai negeri sipil. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi kepada instansi pemerintah berkaitan dengan aktivitas penilaian kinerja pegawai negeri sipil. Masalah ini membuat penulis menjadi tertarik untuk mengambil topik mengenai Efektivitas Penilaian Kinerja di Kantor BKPSDM Kabupaten Aceh Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif field research dengan pendekatan teorisasi induktif. Fokus dalam penelitian ini yaitu mengenai efektivitas penilaian kinerja di BKPSDM Kabupaten Aceh Tengah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis efektivitas penilaian kinerja dan faktor penghambat penilaian kinerja. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan, observasi, dokumenter dan wawancara. Kemudian, untuk metode analisis data menggunakan metode analisis interaktif. Dari hasil penelitian dan analisis data, menunjukkan penilaian kinerja di Kantor BKPSDM Kabupaten Aceh Tengah tidak efektif karena sistem penilaian kinerja yang saat ini digunakan tidak sepenuhnya terintegrasi dengan standar kinerja dan indikator kinerja. Faktor penghambat dalam penilaian kinerja tersebut, antara lain: (1) BKPSDM tidak memiliki dokumen analisis jabatan, (2) Penempatan PNS dalam suatu jabatan tidak sepenuhnya memperhatikan pertimbangan antara kebutuhan suatu jabatan dengan kesesuaian latar belakang pendidikan atau kompetensi PNS yang menduduki suatu jabatan, (3) rendahanya controlling atasan kepada bawahannya dalam memberikan penilaian prilaku kerja bawahannya, hal ini menimbulkan penilaian kinerja yang tidak bersifat objektif. Kata kunci: efektivitas penilaian kinerja, sasaran kerja pegawai, prilaku kerja, pegawai negeri sipil.Abstract— Bureaucratic reform is an effort to realize good governance. Good governance can be identified in the performance evaluation of the civil servants. Thus, the writer is encouraged conduct a study under the title of “Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal at BKPSDM Office of Aceh Tengah.”  The findings are expected to contribute to government agencies in term of civil servant’s performance appraisal. This qualitative study employed a descriptive field research method with an inductive theoretical approach. The study focused on the effectiveness of performance appraisal at BKPSDM Office of Aceh Tengah. This study aims to describe and analyse the effectiveness of performance appraisal and inhibiting factors of the performance evaluation. The data were collected through literature study, observation, documentaries and interviews. Then, the data were analysed using the interactive analysis method. The findings indicate that the performance evaluation at the BKPSDM Office Aceh Tengah has not been effective. The performance appraisal system currently used is not fully integrated with performance standards and performance indicators. Inhibiting factors in the performance appraisal include (1) missing job analysis document, (2) Mismatch between the needs of an office and educational background or competence of civil servants occupying a position, (3) lack of top-down leadership control from supervisors to the subordinates in providing an in assessing work behaviour of the subordinates. This results in unobjective performance assessments. Keywords: effectiveness of performance appraisal, employee work goals, work behaviour, civil servants.

2019 ◽  
pp. 96-112
Khairuddin Hamsen ◽  
Sirajuddin Sirajuddin

the obligation to apply Islamic law is an inseparable part of the obligation to carry out other Islamic Sharia, such as prayer, fasting, zakat and hajj, as has been applied by the Prophet, khulafaurrasyidin, Islamic daulah afterwards and in some Islamic countries nowadays. Aceh is one of the province that attempts to implement Islamic law after obtaining district autonomy, the Aceh governor has approved several Sharia laws, including Qonun jinayat of Aceh No. 6 of 2014 which regulates ten jarimah, including Jarimah liwath and musahaqoh which are both categorized as jarimah ta'ziriyah. This thesis aims to analyze the Qonun specifically about the essence and punishment for the perpetrators of jarimah liwath and musahaqoh and then compare it with Islamic fiqhi point of view. This type of research is literature study using a qualitative approach. Analytic method that is used here is deductive method, inductive and comparative descriptive. The results of the study, the author found a similarity between Aceh qonun jinayat regarding jarimah liwath and musahaqoh as jarimah ta’ziriyah and the punishment are 100 whips at most, or being jailed for 100 months at most, or 1000 gold bar as amercement at most. There are many similarity between Aceh qonun jinayat on jarimah liwath and musahaqoh with the Islamic fiqhi point of view in terms of the essence of liwaht and musahaqoh. Both of them define liwath as, “An act of a man by inserting his testicle into the anal of another man voluntarily by both parties” and also define musahaqoh as, “An act of two or more women by rubbing each other's limbs or vaginal to get sexual pleasure voluntarily by both parties” and  the punishment for perpetrators of musahaqoh, even though there are differences between types of punishment established for perpetrators of jarimah liwath in Aceh of qonun jinayat compared with opinion of jumhur ulama (Islamic scholars).Abstrak: Kewajiban menerapkan hukum Islam adalah bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari kewajiban menjalankan syariat Islam yang lain,  seperti sholat, puasa, zakat dan haji, sebagaimana yang telah diterapkan pada zaman Rasulullah, khulafaurrasyidin, daulah Islamiyah setelahnya dan di beberapa negara Islam saat ini. Aceh adalah salah satu daerah yang berusaha mejalankan hukum Islam setelah mendapatkan otonomi daerah, gubernur Aceh telah mengesahkan beberapa undang undang syariat, diantaranya adalah Qonun jinayat Aceh No 6 tahun 2014 yang mengatur sepuluh jarimah, diantaranya adalah Jarimah liwath dan musahaqoh yang keduanya dikategorikan sebagai jarimah ta’ziriyah. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa Qonun tersebut khususnya tentang hakekat dan hukuman bagi pelaku jarimah liwath dan musahaqoh lalu membandingkannya dengan pandangan fiqhi Islam. Jenis penelitian ini adalah  penelitian kepustakaan  dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, adapun metode analisis data penulis menggunakan metode deduktif, Induktif dan Deskripsi Komparatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah:  Qonun  jinayat Aceh menetapkan jarimah liwath dan musahaqoh sebagai jarimah ta’ziriyah dan menentukan kadar hukumannya maksimal cambuk 100  (seratus) kali atau penjara paling lama 100 (seratus) bulan atau denda maksimal 1000 (seribu) gram emas murni,  penulis menemukan adanya kesamaan antara qonun jinayat Aceh tentang jarimah liwath dan musahaqoh dengan pandangan fiqhi Islam dalam hal hakikat liwaht  dan musahaqoh yang keduanya mendefenisikan liwath yaitu “perbuatan seorang laki laki dengan cara memasukkan zakarnya kedalam dubur laki-laki lain dengan kerelaan kedua belah pihak”  dan mendefenisikan musahaqoh “ perbuatan dua orang wanita atau lebih dengan cara saling menggosok-gosokkan anggota tubuh atau faraj untuk mendapatkan kenikmatan seksual dengan kerelaan kedua belah pihak” serta jenis  jarimah musahaqoh yaitu jarimah ta’ziriyah, meskipun terdapat berbedaan antara jenis hukuman yang ditetapkan dalam qonun jinayat Aceh untuk pelaku jarimah liwath dengan pendapat jumhur ulama yang menetapkan liwath sebagai jarimah hudud.   الملخص: إن تطبيق وإقامة حدود الله في الدول الإسلامية قضية مهمة لا يتفرع عن سائر الواجبات كالصلاة والصيام والزكاة والحج، كما طبقه الرسول والخلفاء الراشدين والدول الإسلامية بعده. وكانت أتشيه هي إحدى الأقاليم التي حاولت في تطبيق الشريعة الإسلامية وإقامة حدود الله، فبعد حصولها على استقلال داخلي (OTONOMI DAERAH  ) ولها حرية في تطبيق شريعة الإسلام أصدر محافظ أتشيه جملة من قانون المدَني، ومن قوانين التي وضعها هي قانون جنائي رقم 6 سنة 2014م  ويشمل على عشرة جرائم، ومنها جريمة اللواط وجريمة المساحقة وجعل عقوبتهما عقوبة التعزيرية. تهدف هذه الرسالة لبحث حقيقة جريمة اللواط والمساحقة وعقوبتيها في القانون المذكورة  ومن ثم مقارنتها بالفقه الإسلامي. هذا البحث تعتبر البحث المكتبي وأما من حيث فراديقما (طريقة التفكير) فإنه البحث الكيفي  واستخدمها الباحث طريقة الاستقرائية والاستدلالية والمقارنة في تحليل المعلومات. ومن خلال البحث، توصّل الباحث إلى أن قانون الجنائي أتشيه رقم 6 سنة 2014م  كتب الجريمة اللواط والمساحقة من جريمة التعزيرية، وقدّر عقوبتها الجلد على الحد الأقصى 100(مائة) جلدة أو غرامة على الحد الأقصى 1000 (ألف) جراما ذهبا، أو اليسجن على الحد الأقصى100 (مائة) شهر. كما وجد الباحث وجه الاتفاق بين قانون جنائي أتشيه رقم 6 سنة 2014م والفقه الإسلامي، وذلك في حقيقة اللواط والمساحقة فاللواط هو "إيلاج رجل ذكره في دبر رجل آخر برضى طرفين" وأما المساحقة هو فعل اثنين أو أكثر من النساء عن طريق فرك الجسم الآخر أو الفرج للحصول على التحفيز الجنسي (المتعة) برضى كلا الطرفين.  وفي نوع جريمة المساحقة فهي جريمة التعزيرية، وإن حصل اختلاف بين قانون جنائي أتشيه وجمهور العلماء في نوع جريمة اللواط فالجمهور يرونه أنها من جريمة الحدود.

Widyaparwa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-74
Zulkarnaen Iskandar Zaini ◽  
Wilma Sriwulan ◽  
Zainal Warhat

This research discusses about the creation of Istikharah Cinta song written by Yedo Kurniawan of Sigma Group Dumai City, in which the song was created with musical intuition. The purpose of this research is to understand how far the interrelation between the literation which derived from literature work and listened-song, which then acquired and became the intuition of the artist or the song writer such as Yedo Kurniawan. This research uses descriptive analytic method through literature study. The research result shows that the creation of Yedo Kurniawan's Istikharah Cinta song was inspired from his personal experience before marrying his beloved woman, his intuition which influenced by the songs he used to listen, literature work, and from his experiences which related to music. Istikharah Cinta is the most famous song of Sigma that it is accepted by Nasheed Lover, and both national and international music label.Penelitian  ini membahas tentang penciptaan lagu Istikharah Cinta oleh Yedo Kurniawan grup Sigma dari Kota Dumai yang mengandalkan intuisi musikal dalam penciptaannya. Tujuan penelitan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana keterkaitan antara literasi yang bersumber dari karya sastra dan lagu-lagu yang sering didengar melekat dan menjadi intuisi kepada pengkarya/pencipta lagu seperti Yedo Kurniawan.  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik melalui studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terciptanya lagu Istikharah Cinta ciptaan Yedo Kurniawan terinspirasi dari pengalaman pribadi sebelum menikahi perempuan pilihannya, intuisi yang diperoleh dari lagu-lagu yang sering didengar, karya sastra yang dibaca, dan pengalaman yang berkaitan dengan musik. Lagu Istikharah Cinta paling tenar dalam grup Sigma sehingga diterima oleh kalangan pencinta Nasyid dan label music, baik nasional maupun mancanegara.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (01) ◽  
pp. 19-40
Fauzan Adim

This article discusses some of the Sufism concepts, al-walayah, al-khalwah, al-dhikr, al-tafakkur and al-tawakkal according to Al-Tha'alibi, Muslim scholar from Algeria in the 8th and 9th centuries in Tafsi>r Al-Jawa>hir al-H{isa>n fi> Tafsi>r al-Qur'a>n. Using the descriptive-analytic method, this literature study found that Al-Tha'alibi in his tafsir in interpreting the verses was influenced by Sufi scholars who supported the Sunni Sufi concept, namely the Sufi way of life guided by al- Qur`an, Hadith, and the journey of life of the Companions and Salaf al-Ummah. As a Sufi and 'a>lim fi> al-di>n, Al-Tha'alibi certainly practiced the Sufi life patterns according to what he believed, namely the Sunni Sufi which was different from the Sufi understanding practiced by the majority of the Algerian population at that time which was considered to have come out of many demands Islam. It is caused by political, economic, and social conditions that are unstable and have a significant impact on the religious life of the Algerian population, especially in the understanding and practice of Sufism.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Anisa Sri Restanti

Information technology has been used in the management of the library. There are several libraries have been integrated with the internet to provide services. But the library still image as an institution or an old building that contains the bookshelves and librarian profession under other professions. This article is presented to determine some of the challenges and strategies that can be done in fostering a positive image of the library. Based on the literature study and observation, it’s known, that the challenges are differences in educational background librarians, foster a positive image has not been planned, the development of information technology, the implementation of the code of ethics of librarians is not maximal. In the face of the challenges in creating a positive image, there are strategies that can be done that in terms of internal and external libraries. Thus, it can be concluded that, to foster a positive image of the library is needed strategies and synergies as well as the responsibility of all aspects of the library. Recommendation for librarians are important to develop personal branding. Furthermore, for the library after successfully building a positive image should be able to maintain and restore the image when a crisis.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Anita Oktaviani ◽  
Menul Teguh Riyanti

<strong>Abstract</strong><br />Visual Logo Analysis of Household Waste Management Organization “Gawe Rukun”. Logo in corporate identity or brand identity is a symbol or a sign that describes and represents the identity of what is in it. A well-conceptualized logo or branding becomes an identity that can communicate visually. Gawe Rukun is an organization that focuses<br />on handling, managing waste, and greening especially in Kunciran Indah, Tangerang, Banten. This organization is a pioneer of the Tangerang City government program on 1000 Bank Trash. Visually, the garbage bank logo Gawe Rukun paid little attention to the placement of visual elements in it. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analytic method with the technique of collecting interview data, observation, literature study, and documentation study. An effective, communicative,and informative logo can reinvigorate the existence and identity of the Gawe Rukun junk bank organization that the conceptualized branding will bring a good identity to the organization.<br /><div> </div><div> </div><div> </div><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Analisis Visual Logo Organisasi Pengelolaan Limbah Sampah Rumah Tangga “Gawe Rukun”. Logo dalam corporate identity atau brand identity merupakan sebuah simbol atau tanda yang menggambarkan dan mewakili identitas dari apa yang ada di dalamnya. Logo atau branding yang terkonsep dengan baik menjadi suatu identitas yang dapat berkomunikasi secara visual. Gawe Rukun merupakan organisasi yang fokus pada mengatasi, menangani, mengelola sampah, dan penghijauan khususnya di wilayah kelurahan Kunciran Indah, Tangerang, Banten. Organisasi ini merupakan pelopor dari program pemerintah Kota Tangerang tentang 1000 Bank Sampah. Secara visual, logo<br />bank sampah Gawe Rukun kurang memperhatikan penempatan elemen visual yang ada di dalamnya. Metode penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif analitik dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara, observasi, studi kepustakaan, dan studi dokumentasi. Logo yang efektif, komunikatif, dan informatif dapat mengangkat kembali eksistensi dan identitas organisasi bank sampah<br />Gawe Rukun bahwa branding yang terkonsep akan membawa identitas yang baik untuk organisasi tersebut.

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