scholarly journals Maniçoba for sheep and goats - forage yield, conservation strategies, animal performance and quality of products

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
Maria Letícia Rodrigues Gomes ◽  
Fabiana Castro Alves ◽  
José Renaldo Vilar da Silva Filho ◽  
Clesio Morgado de Souza ◽  
Maria Naiara Pereira da Silva ◽  

ABSTRACT: In dry regions worldwide, providing feed for ruminants has been a great challenge, with a need to use plants which contribute to the resilience of production systems. Maniçoba is seen as a potential forage resource in the Brazilian semiarid, being used as hay or silage to feed ruminants. This review summarized results regarding forage production of maniçoba, in addition to dry matter (DM) intake, productive performance, and quality of animal products obtained providing maniçoba based diets, when compared to diets composed by other roughages for goats and sheep. Considering the evaluated studies, the average yield of maniçoba varied from 367 to 1,592 kg DM ha-1, enhancing the forage yield by increasing plant fertilization and planting density. Diets based on maniçoba promoted similar or higher intake of DM and productive performance for goats and sheep, when compared to diets comprising other forage resources. The quality of animal products was also similar to the ones obtained with diets based on traditional roughages, such as Tifton 85 hay or spineless cactus. Therefore, maniçoba allows a forage production that may contribute to ruminant production systems in semiarid environment and promote productive performance and animal product quality compatible to the ones provided by traditional forage plants.

Эльза Венеровна Мигранова

Целью данной статьи является рассмотрение отражения в паремическом наследии башкирского народа такой важной составляющей системы жизнеобеспечения, как традиционная пищевая культура, а также прошлых хозяйственных занятий народа. Многие башкирские пословицы дошли до нас из глубокой древности, некоторые появились несколько позднее, иные — даже ближе к нашему времени. В качестве основного источника нами использованы башкирские пословицы в переводе на русский язык из 7-го тома свода «Башкирское народное творчество» (Уфа, 1993); оригиналы пословиц на башкирском языке содержатся в издании «Башkорт халыk ижады» (Уфа, 1980). Значительный вклад в сбор и изучение паремического наследия башкир внесли дореволюционные и советские исследователи башкирского края, а также современные ученые-фольклористы. Среди них особо следует выделить доктора филологических наук Ф. А. Надршину, сфера научных интересов которой, в числе прочих вопросов, касалась и изучения паремического наследия башкирского народа. Из пословиц можно получить представление и о древнейших, допроизводственных видах хозяйственной деятельности башкир (охота, рыболовство, собирательство, в том числе собирательство меда диких пчел — бортничество), и о производящих — скотоводство, птицеводство, земледелие, садоводство и огородничество. Продукты питания, о которых упоминается в башкирских пословицах, можно условно разделить на несколько категорий — это продукты животного происхождения (мясо, молоко, яйца, рыба); растительная пища (крупы, злаки, овощи, дикие коренья и травы); а также мед, специи и т. д. Большое внимание в пословицах уделялось качеству продуктов; в них отображен и порядок приема пищи; гостеприимство народа, традиционные башкирские праздники и обряды, а также пища, приготовляемая к ним; пищевые табу, соблюдение которых было обязательным в башкирском обществе и т. д. Так, например, осуждалось пьянство; водка считалась причиной многих болезней и даже смерти. В народной среде было принято бережное, рачительное отношение к продуктам питания, что также нашло отражение в пословицах и поговорках. В далеком прошлом у башкир, как у многих других язычников, с пищей были связаны определенные культы и поверья. К тому же, сохранившиеся в народной памяти отголоски неурожайных голодных лет, дали значительный материал для появления пословиц о необходимости ценить еду. Исходя из анализа имеющихся материалов, можно еще раз подтвердить, что пословицы — это ценный источник для изучения истории башкирского народа, его духовной и материальной культуры. The purpose of this article is to consider the reflection in the paremic heritage of the Bashkir people of such an important component of the life support system as traditional food culture, as well as the past economic activities of the people. Many Bashkir proverbs originated come down to us from ancient times, some appeared a little later, others-even closer to our time. As the main source, we used Bashkir proverbs translated into Russian from volume 7 of the series “Bashkir folk Art” (Ufa, 1993); The originals of proverbs in the Bashkir language are contained in the publication “Bashkort Halyk Izhady” (Ufa, 1980). A significant contribution to the collection and study of the Bashkir paremic heritage was made by pre-revolutionary and Soviet researchers of the Bashkir territory, as well as modern folklore scientists. Among them, it is particularly necessary to highlight F. A. Nadrshina, whose sphere of scientific interests, among other issues, concerned the study of the paremic heritage of the Bashkir people. The food products mentioned in Bashkir proverbs can be divided into several categories: animal products (meat, milk, eggs); vegetable food (cereals, vegetables, wild roots and herbs); fish, honey, spices, as well as dishes prepared from them. Much attention was paid to the quality of products in the paremias; they also reflect the order of eating; the hospitality of the people, traditional Bashkir holidays and rituals, as well as food prepared for them; food taboos, the observance of which was mandatory in Bashkir society, etc. For example, drunkenness was condemned; vodka was considered the cause of many diseases and even death. Among the people, a careful, prudent attitude to food was promoted, which was also reflected in proverbs and sayings. In the distant past, the Bashkirs, like many other pagans, had certain cults and beliefs associated with food. In addition, the echoes of the lean famine years preserved in the people's memory also provided significant material for the appearance of proverbs about the need to appreciate food. Based on the analysis of the available materials, we can conclude that proverbs are a valuable source for studying the ethnography of Bashkirs, its spiritual and material culture.

2021 ◽  
Longyu Hou ◽  
Wenming Bai ◽  
Qiangqiang Zhang ◽  
Yahong Liu ◽  
Hailian Sun ◽  

Abstract Demand for high forage production and quality of oat (Avena sativa L., A nuda L.) by animal husbandry has increased in recent years, especially in the cold regions of northern China, because these regions are the traditional animal husbandry base. To maximize high quality of forage production, we developed a new model of two-sown regime for oat forage during a single growing season in an alpine region of Hulun Buir, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China, using two early-matured oat species, Avena sativa (cv. Qinghai444, winner oat cultivar) and A. nuda (cv. Huazao2, spring oat cultivar). The key technologies and corresponding mechanisms in the first spring-sown and the second summer-sown were studied by measuring agronomic characteristics and forage quality and production. Furthermore, forage production and quality, resources use efficiency, and economic benefits were compared and quantified between two-sown regime and traditional one-sown regime across three consecutive years (2017–2019). We found that 1) the first sowing in spring was done when the thawing depth of soil at 10–13 cm occurred, and the forage yield was mainly achieved by an increase in plant height; 2) The second sowing after harvesting the first sowing oat forage was made in summer under no-tillage treatment, with the yield being mainly due to an increase in tiller density by increasing seeding rate; 3) Compared to traditional one-sown regime, dry weight yield, crude protein yield and relative feed value were significantly increased by 53.6%, 48.9% and 70.6% across three experimental years of 2017–2019, respectively. These results clearly demonstrate that the two-sown regime of oat is an effectively way in improving forage production and quality as well as increasing benefits in an alpine region of northern China.

А.А. Кутузова ◽  
А.С. Шпаков ◽  
В.М. Косолапов ◽  
Д.М. Тебердиев ◽  
В.Т. Воловик

В Доктрине продовольственной безопасности России на период до 2030 года одной из приоритетных задач является повышение обеспеченности народонаселения молочно-мясной продукцией отечественного производства. Для успешного решения этой задачи потребуется интенсификация кормопроизводства не только на мегафермах, но и на традиционных сельхозпредприятиях, в крестьянских фермерских и личных подсобных хозяйствах. В статье на примере Нечернозёмной зоны дана оценка современного состояния кормопроизводства и перспектив его развития до 2030 года с использованием статистических данных, научно обоснованных рекомендуемых технологий и систем повышения продуктивности кормовой базы на основе сочетания полевого и лугового кормопроизводства, а также с учётом предложений, сформулированных ведущими учёными-экономистами по модернизации управления аграрными и нерегулируемыми рыночными отношениями. На основе анализа современного состояния полевого и лугового кормопроизводства и имеющегося научно-производственного опыта дано обоснование многовариантным направлениям модернизации этой отрасли сельского хозяйства для решения задач, поставленных в Доктрине по развитию животноводства. Соотношение полевого и лугового кормопроизводства в каждом регионе и даже каждом хозяйстве зависит не только от природно-экономических условий и современного состояния сельскохозяйственных угодий, но и от экономических показателей технологий их интенсификации, себестоимости корма и животноводческой продукции, её количества, а также здоровья и продуктивного долголетия животных. Для достижения цели, поставленной в Доктрине, необходимо научным сообществом и макроэкономическим руководством разработать критерии выполнения программы, экономические стимулы её поддержки и методологию, которая послужит основой для разработки программы по федеральным округам и областям, а также основой методики для различных типов хозяйств. According to the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation one of the priority tasks is the increase in domestic milk and meat products by 2030. To achieve this goal advanced forage production technology is required. This paper reports on the current state of the forage production sphere in the Non-Chernozem region as well as potential approaches to improve it by 2030. The review deals with statistical data, validated technologies and methods combining field and grassland forage production, expert evaluation of agricultural and free market relations. Promising ways to improve this sphere are based on theoretical and practical investigations of the current state of field and grassland forage production. Proportions of field and grassland forage in the particular region depend on environmental conditions, economy, quality of agricultural lands, economic efficiency of a modernization approach, prime costs of feed and animal products as well as health and productivity of livestock. To meet the Doctrine goal researchers and leading economists have to introduce criteria to implement modernization, provide financial support and methodology as a basis of such modernization suitable for particular regions and farms.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-25
Леонид Шашкаров ◽  
Leonid Shashkarov ◽  
Яков Григорьев ◽  
Yakov Grigor'ev ◽  
Алексей Самаркин ◽  

The article deals with the influence of planting depth of potato tubers on productivity, structure, quality of products and the marketability of potato crop in the conditions of the Chuvash Republic. The depth of seeding of tubers has a direct impact on all processes of growth and development. The more favorable the complex of conditions in the zone of placement of planted tubers, the faster they germinate and give early and amicable shoots, the more successful the further development of the potato plant and the formation of the crop. Determining the dependence of the potato tuber planting depth on the productivity, structure, quality of the products and the marketability of potato plants hinders many causes that are directly related to the growth and development of potato plants, as the productivity of potato plants is significantly increased by optimizing the priority conditions that are necessary in potato cultivation, when there is an increase in all indicators of photosynthetic activity of potato plants. The density of plants should be such that plants could form a powerful leaf surface, a root system and make the best use of solar energy and soil nutrients [11 12]. In numerous studies by our and foreign authors on the definition of optimal areas of potato nutrition, the following general provisions are present: late varieties, that develop a powerful top, are placed less often, early - thicker; the less moisture in the soil, the less should be the density of planting [6]. In this study, in order to determine potato productivity, we first of all determined crop yields, structure, product quality and marketability of tubers. Norms of planting can be determined depending on the density of the stalk. The high density of plant standings promotes acceleration of passage of development phases by plants, early tuber formation and ripening of a potato [3,4,5,7,8,9]. Thus, in the experiments, carried out by V.T. Spiridonov (1972) in the Chuvash Agricultural Institute in the variant where the planting was carried out according to the scheme of 70x30 cm, the entry of plants into the mass flowering phase was noted 2-3 days earlier than when planting according to the scheme of 70x35 cm. Reduction of the distance between tubers to 25 cm accelerated the development of plants 5 days.

2000 ◽  
Vol 80 (2) ◽  
pp. 319-326 ◽  
R. Gordon ◽  
G. Patterson ◽  
T. Harz ◽  
V. Rodd ◽  
J. MacLeod

Experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of performing soil aeration either before or after spreading liquid manure in forage production systems. The experiments included eight trials performed in 1996 using a non-interfering diffusion method to determine ammonia (NH3) flux emissions from both aerated and control plots. For all eight trials, the manure application rate was 75 355 L ha−1. The average NH3 loss for the aerated treatment was 67.3 kg ha−1 while the loss for the control plots was 63.0 kg ha−1. Although differences in the NH3 loss between treatments were low, substantial variations were observed between individual trials depending on the prevailing meteorological conditions.To further evaluate the effects of soil aeration, 11 trials were carried out on Nova Scotia dairy farms in 1996 and 1997 to identify yield effects. Manure application rates ranged from 18 000 to 64 000 L ha−1. The average forage yield on aerated treatments was 9.4% below control treatments (i.e., manure without aeration). Of the 11 trials, 9 resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) reduced yield with soil aeration. Key words: Liquid manure, ammonia volatilisation, soil aeration

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 408
Juliana Martins de Lima ◽  
Paola Daiane Welter ◽  
Marllon Fernando Soares dos Santos ◽  
Wanda Kavcic ◽  
Bruna Miranda Costa ◽  

In the search for more efficient production systems, many changes have occurred in the strawberry production sector. Planting density is one of the management techniques that most interferes with the quality of fruits and production aspects. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different planting densities on the photosynthetic characteristics, fruit quality, and production of the strawberry cultivar Pircinque. The study was conducted in the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 harvests in Lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The treatments consisted of plant spacing of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 cm. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four blocks and plots of 20 plants. Plant spacing interfered with fruit quality, photosynthetic efficiency, production, productivity, and economic return. Due to the fruits of Pircinque having a higher quality than other cultivars, the planting spacing between 5 and 15 cm allows meeting the fruit’s main production and quality requirements. However, it is up to the producer to adapt the management if opting for higher planting densities, which allow for a greater economic viability of the business.

D. Voloshyn

The current state of the freight wagon fleet is characterized by increased physical wear over time. Disproportionate renewal of rolling stock, low quality of repair due to the lack of appropriate modernization of production systems, the peculiarities of loading and unloading operations in operation make increased demands on the preservation of the wagon fleet. The issues of general management of the transport safety system deserve special attention. Control of safety of freight wagons should be carried out at all stages of operation: at freight works, at transfer in the international and domestic communication, at maintenance and repair. In this case, each stage requires the use of appropriate regulations, which ensures compliance with the conditions of storage of freight wagons in operation. The presented article analyzes the current state of the freight wagon fleet with a view to ensuring their safety during operation. The factors that are the most influential in terms of effective management of the wagon fleet are identified. Possible conservation strategies are considered. The statistical material on failures and damages of wagons is resulted. Based on this, an assessment of the most significant events in terms of the impact on ensuring the safety of wagons was made. Practical solutions for creating an effective system for preserving rolling stock in transport are proposed.

Ruben Lecona-Garcia ◽  
Antonio Flores Naveda ◽  
Alejandro J. Lozano-del-Rio ◽  
Norma Angélica Ruiz-Torres ◽  
Mario Ernesto Vázquez-Badillo

Objective: To evaluate ten triticale genotypes to assess the quality of the seeds under two production systems, with cut and without cut, in the municipalities of Matamoros (L1) and Francisco I. Madero (L2), Coahuila,Mexico.Design/Methodology/Approach: The agronomic variables evaluated were: Grain yield (GY), number of seeds per spike (NSS), spike length (SL), number of spikelets per spike (SS) and plant height (PH). Variables in the laboratory were: normal seedlings (NS), abnormal seedlings (AS), seeds without germinating (SWG), dry seedling weight (DW), plumule length (PL) and radicle length (RL). Statistical analysis was performed with the PROC ANOVA procedure, of the SAS software.Results: A higher grain yield was found for Matamoros (L1) compared to Francisco I. Madero (L2); however,for the variable number of seeds per spike it was higher in the latter (L2). For the physiological quality of seeds in L2, the highest values were in the variables normal seedlings and radicle length. In the comparison of production systems, the best response was for the system without cut in both locations; therefore, good quality triticale seed can be produced with acceptable grain yield.Study Limitations/Implications: It is necessary to describe the performance of triticale in the springsummer agricultural cycle in the central region of the country.Findings/Conclusions: The productive performance of triticale genotypes was variable depending on the production system, and there was also a different effect on the physiological quality of the harvested seed

Juliana Martins de Lima ◽  
Paola Daiane Welter ◽  
Marllon Fernando Soares dos Santos ◽  
Wanda Kavcic ◽  
Bruna Miranda Costa ◽  

In the search for more efficient production systems, many changes have occurred in the strawberry production sector. Planting density is one of the management techniques that most interferes with the quality of fruits and production aspects. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different planting densities on the photosynthetic characteristics, fruit quality, and production of the strawberry cultivar Pircinque. The study was conducted in the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 harvests in Lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The treatments consisted of plant spacing of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 cm. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four blocks and plots of 20 plants. Plant spacing interfered with fruit quality, photosynthetic efficiency, production, productivity, and economic return. Due to the fruits of 'Pircinque' with higher quality than other cultivars, the planting spacing between 5 and 15 cm allows meeting the fruit's main production and quality requirements. However, it is up to the producer to adapt the management if opting for higher planting densities, which allow greater economic viability of the business.

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