scholarly journals Seasonal intensity-duration-frequency relationships for Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Emanuele B. Manke ◽  
Claudia F. A. Teixeira-Gandra ◽  
Rita de C. F. Damé ◽  
André B. Nunes ◽  
Maria C. C. Chagas Neta ◽  

ABSTRACT Although several studies have evaluated the intensity-duration-frequency relationships of extreme rainfall events, these relationships under different seasonal conditions remain relatively unknown. Thus, this study aimed to determine whether the intensity-duration-frequency relationships obtained seasonally from the rainfall records in the winter and summer represent the maximum rainfall events for the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Pluviographic data from 1982 to 2015 were used to create two seasonal series: one for the summer from December 21 to March 20 and the other for the winter from June 21 to September 22. These seasonal relationships were compared with the annual pluviographic data. The intensity, duration, and frequency relationships obtained from the summer rain data adequately represented the maximum rainfall in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The maximum intensity values of rainfall obtained from the relationship of intensity, duration, and frequency for the winter did not adequately encapsulate the occurrence of rain with greater intensities.

Quan Trong Nguyen ◽  
Nhi Thi Thao Pham ◽  
Khoi Nguyen Dao

Recently, the Intensity – Duration – Frequency (IDF) relationship of extreme rainfalls in a local area is usually investigated to provide accurate required data for calculating, planning, and developing urban drainage systems, especially in the context of climate change. Traditionally, IDF curves are computed based on a statistical method for analyzing the frequency of occurrence or non-occurrence of annual extreme rainfall events over a return period; or based on a probability distribution function of these events. However, these traditional methods do not take into consideration the relationship between extreme rainfalls of different durations as they only simulate the intensity of extreme rainfall events at each individual duration after generated a large number of parameter sets. Therefore, the results of these methods are inaccurate and much depend on the actual observed data. In this study, a new approach to develop IDF relations was proposed based on the scale-invariance nature of extreme rainfalls at different durations. This method will be examined and compared with traditional methods based on the IDF curves of extreme rainfalls at Tan Son Nhat gauge station (HCMC) from 1980 to 2015. Results have indicated that there is a linear relationship between extreme rainfalls at different time scales and showed that the proposed method is appropriate for estimating the IDF curves with many prominent advantages rather than traditional method.

2019 ◽  
Vol 08 (04) ◽  
pp. 441-453 ◽  
Fabio Sanches ◽  
Roberto Verdum ◽  
Gilberto Fisch ◽  
Sidnei L. Bohn Gass ◽  
Vinícius M. Rocha

GEOgraphia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (47) ◽  
pp. 97
Andrey Luis Binda ◽  
Roberto Verdum

Resumo: Areais são feições notáveis na paisagem dos campos da campanha gaúcha. Embora inicialmente tratadas como desertos, a gênese dos areais são antes decorrentes do clima úmido atual, principalmente da ação de chuvas torrenciais como elemento disparador dos processos de arenização. Esses processos são altamente dinâmicos no tempo e no espaço, de tal modo que os areais apresentam expansão/retração, dependendo, substancialmente, do regime de chuvas (excesso, redução ou ausência). Nesse sentido, visa-se, no presente trabalho apresentar a importância da classificação dos anos/meses-padrão como subsídio para o reconhecimento de eventos pluviométricos extremos, em área afetada por processos de arenização, no sudoeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os resultados apontam que os anos-padrão são categoricamente atrelados ao aumento do número de dias com chuva, que ensejam o aumento/redução dos totais anuais. Ao longo dos anos, notam-se sucessões de anos-padrão chuvosos/secos, caracterizando períodos marcadamente relacionados ao aumento/redução dos totais pluviométricos. Mensalmente, as chuvas também apresentam elevada variabilidade. Contudo, meses-padrão chuvosos e secos ocorreram em maior frequência, demonstrando que pode ocorrer intensificação nos processos de arenização. Isso ocorre quando um mês-padrão seco é sucedido por outro chuvoso, interferindo, sobretudo, na cobertura vegetal herbácea predominante sobre as formações superficiais e os solos no Pampa.Palavras-chave:   EXTREME RAINFALL EVENTS CLASSIFICATION ON AREA AFFECTED BY SANDIZATION PROCESSES IN  SOUTHWESTERN OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL STATE, BRAZILAbstract: Sand spots are remarkable features in the landscape of the southern Brazil grasslands. Although initially treated as deserts, the genesis of the sand deposits is due to the current humid climate, mainly from the action of torrential rains as a triggering element of the sandization processes. These processes are highly dynamic in the time and the space scales, so that the sand deposits presents expansion/retraction, depending substantially on the rainfall regime (excess, reduction or absence). In this sense, the objective of this paper is to present the importance of the classification of the standard-years/months as a basis for the recognition of extreme rainfall events on an area affected by sandization processes in the southwestern of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The results indicate that the standard-years classification are categorically associated of the increase in the number of rainy days, which induce the increase/reduction of annual totals. Over the years, there have been successions of rainy/dry standard-years, characterizing periods markedly related to the increase/reduction of total precipitation. Rainfall also presents high variability on a monthly basis. However, rainy and dry standard-months occurred more frequently, demonstrating that intensification may occur in the sandization processes. This occurs when a dry standard-month is followed by a rainy one, interfering mostly in the herbaceous vegetation on the surface formations and soils of grassland.Keywords: standard-years classification; standard-months classification; rainy days; rainfall variability.  CLASSIFICATION DES ÉVÉNEMENTS PLUVIOMÉTRIQUES EXTRÊMES DANS LA ZONE AFFECTÉE PAR LES PROCÉDÉS D’ARÉNISATION DANS LE SUD-OUEST DE RIO GRANDE DO SULRésumé: Les sables sont des caractéris humide actuel, principalement à cause de l’action des pluies torrentielles comme déclencheur des processus d’arénisation. Ces processus sont très dynamiques dans le temps et dans l’espace, de telle sorte que les sables présentent une expansion/rétraction, en fonction, considérablement, du régime pluviométrique (excès, réduction ou absence). En ce sens là, le but de cet article est de présenter l’importance de classer les années/mois standard comme une subvention pour la reconnaissance des événements pluviométriques extrêmes, dans une zone affectée par des processus d’arénisation, dans le sud-ouest de l’État de Rio Grande do Sul. les résultats indiquent que les années standard sont catégoriquement connecté à l’augmentation du nombre de jours de pluie, ce qui rendre possible une augmentation/réduction des totaux annuels.Au fil des ans, des successions d’années standard pluvieuses/sèches ont été notées, caractérisant des périodes nettement liées à l’augmentation/la diminution des totaux pluviométriques. Mensuellement, les précipitations présentent également une grande variabilité. Cependant, les mois pluvieux et secs standard se sont produits plus fréquemment, ce qui montre que l’intensification des processus d’arénisation peut se produire. Cela se produit lorsqu’un mois sec standard est suivi d’un autre mois pluvieux, interférant principalement dans la végétation herbacée prédominante sur les formations superficielles et les sols de la Pampa. tiques notables du paysage rural de la campagne du Rio Grande do Sul. Cepandant initialement traitée comme un désert, la genèse des sables est plutôt grâce au climatMots clés: Années-standard; mois-standard; jours avec de la pluie; variabilité des précipitations

2016 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
Vanúcia Schumacher ◽  
Mateus Da Silva Teixeira

ABSTRACT. The relationship between stability indices and extreme daily rainfall over state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, is studied, as well as the main differences between extreme and ordinary rainfall events. A total...Keywords: rainfall forecasting, atmospheric instability, composites, correlation. RESUMO. A relação entre os índices de instabilidade e a chuva extrema sobre o estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, é estudada neste trabalho, bem como as principais diferenças entre eventos comuns e extremos de chuva diária...Palavras-chave: previsão de chuva, instabilidade atmosférica, compostos, correlação.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Larissa Fonseca

Sinopse: Em meio ao colorido de goiabas, batatas e flores mais que cheiros e sabores, descobrir pessoas. Agricultoras e agricultores que com suas histórias e lutas, estão representados nas varandas e nas mesas da cidade. Trazer a imagem não de uma feira, mas de cada pessoa que diariamente se dedica ao cultivo e à produção de alimentos. Encontrar o rosto e as escolhas de outros modos de fazer agricultura, de outros modos de se alimentar. De assentados e suas lutas pela preservação de sementes crioulas, de jovens universitários e sua determinação em permanecer no campo e de fumicultores aposentados dispostos a limpar suas terras dos venenos de mais 30 anos de cultivos agressivos, é feita a Feira Sabores da Terra. Feira da agricultura familiar do município de Canguçu, Rio Grande do Sul, que acontece todas as segundas-feiras à tarde e reúne cerca de 18 produtores. Em um pavilhão de madeira no centro da cidade são expostos doces coloniais, panificados, frangos congelados, farinhas, feijões, legumes, verduras, frutas e flores, em variedade conforme a estação do ano. Produtos que são vendidos entre boas conversas, rodas de chimarrão e é claro, uma melancia bem gelada ou uma deliciosa rapadura. Para a permanência e continuação da feira, que se realiza há pouco mais de um ano, os feirantes têm enfrentado e superado dificuldades. A distância de suas propriedades até a cidade, muitas das vezes são mais do que duas horas de viagem. A demanda, pelos consumidores, por produtos conforme padrões estéticos dos alimentos produzidos com veneno. O cansaço de mãos que, com mais de 40 anos de trabalho, ainda enfrentam a roça durante toda a semana e o frio, a chuva e o calor de uma feira praticamente ao ar livre. O conciliar o trabalho agrícola e a feira com os estudos, cujo acesso limitado pela distância das universidades, das oportunidades de estágios e pela dificuldade de ascender ao ensino público superior. Apesar de tão próximos, rostos e mãos muitas vezes invisíveis em escolhas alimentares. Gente que oportuniza uma alternativa à alimentação. Alimentação proveniente da relação de mulheres e homens com a terra, de suas sabedorias e ações. Feira Sabores da Terra, um ponto de aproximação entre o campo e a cidade, entre o cultivo e o alimento, entre o cuidado e o sabor. De agricultoras e agricultores e seus feijões, morangos e biscoitos. Este ensaio fotográfico é parte da agenda de pesquisa “Saberes e Sabores da Colônia”, desenvolvida no âmbito do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Alimentação e Cultura (GEPAC) e vinculada ao Bacharelado e ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Synopsis: In the middle of colored places with guava , potatoes and flowers more than smells of flavors, we discover people. Farmers, with your stories and struggles, are represented on the balconies and tables of the city. Representing the image of each person that daily is dedicated to the cultivation and food production, not just the image of a fair is much more than that. Find the face and choices of other ways of doing agriculture and others ways of feeding. From the land reform settlements and their struggles for the preservation of native seeds, of university students and their determination to remain in the field and retires tobacco growers willing to clear their land of the poisons of another 30 years of aggressive crops, is made the Flavors of the Earth Fair. Family Agriculture Fair, in the Canguçu City in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, of what happens on every Monday afternoon and brings together about 18 small farmers. In a wooden pavilion in Downtown city are exposed colonial sweets, bakery products, quick-frozen, flours, beans, vegetables, fruits and flowers in variety according to season. Products that are sold as God´s taste is of course chimarrão, and watermelon ice-cold or a delicious rapadura. For the permanence and continuation of the green fair, been held little more than a year ago, the small farmers have had and overcome difficulties. The distance of their properties of the Downtown , often last more than two hours of the trip. The consumer demand by products according to aesthetic standards of foods produced with venom. The fatigue of hands, still for more than 40 years of work, are still facing small farm during the days in a cool, rain and heat weather and the a fair still open. To reconcile agricultural work and the fair with studies, to which access is restricted by distances from universities, internship opportunities, and the difficulty of access to higher public education. Although close, often invisible faces and hands in food choices. People who offer alternative food. Food derived from the relationship of men and women to the land, of his wisdom and actions. Flavors of The Hearth Fair, a point of approximation between the countryside and the city, between the crop and the food, between care and taste. Of farmers and agriculturists and their beans, strawberries and biscuits. This photo essay is part of research agenda “Knowledge and tastes of the agricultural colony”, developed in the framework of the Group of the Studies and Researches in Food an Culture (GEPAC) and linked to the Bachelor’s and the Postgraduate Program In Anthropology of Federal University of Pelotas. Palavras-chave: Agricultura Familiar – Campesinato – Feira – Alimentação - Consumo Key-words: : Family Agriculture - Peasantry – Fair – Food - Consumption Ficha técnica: Direção: Larissa Fonseca Roteiro: Larissa Fonseca Fotografia: Larissa Fonseca Coordenação de Pesquisa: Renata Menasche Edição de Imagem: Larissa Fonseca e Hamilton Bittencourt Assessoria em Imagem: Claudia Turra Magni Credits: Author: Larissa Fonseca Photographs: Larissa Fonseca Direction: Larissa Fonseca Research Coordination: Renata Menasche Image Editing: Larissa Fonseca e Hamilton Bittencourt Image Consulting: Claudia Turra Magni.

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. e83
Taison Anderson Bortolin ◽  
Clauber Corso ◽  
Ludmilson Abritta Mendes ◽  
Alan De Gois Barbosa ◽  
Vania Elisabete Schneider

The relationship intensity, duration and frequency is very important for the hydraulic project’s development, mainly in regions where there is no study updated data. This paper objective was to determine the intensity-duration-frequency curves at Rio Grande do Sul hillside, in order to provide tools for hydraulic structures design and hydrological studies in the region. For the return periods 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 and 100 - year precipitation determination was used Gumbel’s and log-normal statistical distributions, using the Rain Relationship Duration Method for 20 rainfall stations. For Gumbel’s distribution data adherence verification, was used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov adhesion tests and Chi-Square adhesion, with, 5% significance level. The general IDF equation coefficients a, b, c and d were obtained through non-linear regression and the adjustment quality was measured by both determination coefficient and standard error. Different intense rainfall curves were obtained with the methodology applied, for the region, each one shows a good parameters adjustment, important tool for extreme precipitations estimating.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Leandro Sampaio Clavico ◽  
Gilma Santos Trindade ◽  
Obirajara Rodrigues ◽  
Régis Augusto Reis Trindade

A cidade de Rio Grande ocupa o segundo lugar nos registros de câncer da pele no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Este estudo visa investigar o perfil epidemiológico dos atendidos pelas Campanhas de Prevenção ao Câncer de Pele de 2010, 2011 e 2012 realizadas em Rio Grande. Para isso foram realizadas observações participantes e semidirigidas. Foi demonstrado que foram mulheres brancas e pardas quem mais participaram e que os homens estão em um processo crescente de participação. Dos participantes, no mínimo 50% expõem-se ao sol sem qualquer proteção, principalmente por suas atividades ocupacionais. Foi constatado que o uso de protetores solares está bem aquém do necessário, sendo que em 2010 e 2011 os percentuais de indivíduos que não fizeram uso de protetores solares foi de 53,01% e 45,58%, respectivamente. Dicotomicamente, foram semelhantes os percentuais de quem nunca teve história de queimaduras solares ao longo da vida e daqueles que tiveram mais de três episódios, bem como os percentuais de quem não teve e de quem já teve história prévia de câncer de pele. Foi praticamente consenso a importância de conhecer os índices de radiação ultravioleta diário e seus riscos à saúde e que é a escola a fonte mais apropriada para divulgar e trabalhar informações sobre este tema. Nossos dados permitem propor políticas educacionais e sociais sobre a relação entre a exposição à radiação ultravioleta e o câncer de pele. Prevention Campaign Against Skin Cancer in Rio Grande, Brazil: An Epidemiological Profile ABSTRACT: The city of Rio Grande ranks second in skin cancer in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Current study investigates the epidemiological profile of people attended to in the campaign against skin cancer in Rio Grande in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Participating and semi-directed observations were undertaken. White and brown-skinned females participated most, although males were on the increase. At least, 50% of the participating population expose themselves to the sun without any protection, especially during their occupational activities. Solar protection is not sufficiently used: in 2010 and 2011, the percentages of people who failed to use solar protectors were respectively 53.01% and 45.58%. Contrastingly, percentages were similar to those who never had sun burns and those with more than three episodes, similar to percentages of who never had and who had a previous skin cancer episode. All agreed on the importance of being informed on daily UV radiation and health risks. All agree that the school is the most appropriate place to disseminate information and discuss such issues. Data suggest educational and social policies on the relationship between exposure to UV radiation and skin cancer.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 288-305
Philip Mzava ◽  
Patrick Valimba ◽  
Joel Nobert

Abstract Urban communities in developing countries are one of the most vulnerable areas to extreme rainfall events. The availability of local information on extreme rainfall is therefore critical for proper planning and management of urban flooding impacts. This study examined the past and future characteristics of extreme rainfall in the urban catchments of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Investigation of trends and frequency of annual, seasonal and extreme rainfall was conducted, with the period 1967–2017 taken as the past scenario and 2018–2050 as the future scenario; using data from four key ground-based weather stations and RCM data respectively. Mann–Kendall trend analysis and Sen's slope estimator were used in studying changes in rainfall variability. Frequencies of extreme rainfall events were modeled using the Generalized Pareto model. Overall, the results of trend analysis provided evidence of a significant increase in annual and seasonal maximum rainfall and intensification of extreme rainfall in the future under the RCP4.5 CO2 concentration scenario. It was determined that extreme rainfall will become more frequent in the future, and their intensities were observed to increase approximately between 20 and 25% relative to the past. The findings of this study may help to develop adaptation strategies for urban flood control in Dar es Salaam.

Vinicius Alexandre Sikora de Souza ◽  
Marcos Leando Alves Nunes ◽  
Sandra Ferronatto Francener ◽  
Ana Lúcia Denardin da Rosa

<p><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-ansi-language: PT-BR; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Este estudo objetivou estimar a função Intensidade-Duração-Frequência (IDF) de eventos pluviométricos extremos a partir dos dados de precipitação das estações pluviométricas instaladas no estado de Rondônia, de modo que posteriormente tais informações possam ser utilizadas no dimensionamento de obras hidráulicas. Utilizou-se 41 estações pluviométricas com séries históricas acima de 10 anos, disponibilizadas pela Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA). Essas séries passaram inicialmente pelo teste de aderência Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS), a fim de verificar o ajuste das mesmas as </span><span style="font-size: 12pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif;">distribuições: Normal, Log-Normal, Exponencial, Gama, Gumbel, Weibull e Logística</span><span style="font-size: 12pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif;">. O trabalho denotou que o teste de aderência </span><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-ansi-language: PT-BR; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Kolmogorov-Smirnov de forma geral forneceu uma expressiva aceitação na maioria das distribuições estatística testadas.</span></p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong><em>Analysis of fitness for extreme rainfall events in western amazon in static models: state Rondônia</em></strong></p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRACT: </strong>This study aimed to estimate the Intensity - Duration - Frequency (IDF) function extreme rainfall events from the data of precipitation of rainfall stations located in the State of Rondônia, so that such information can be later used in hydraulic structures. We used 41 rainfall stations with historical series over 10 years, provided by the National Water Agency (ANA). These series originally started by adherence Kolmogorov -Smirnov (KS) in order to check the fit of the same distributions: Normal, Log- Normal, Exponential, Gamma, Gumbel, Weibull and Logistics. Work denoted that the Kolmogorov - Smirnov test of adherence generally provided a significant acceptance in most of the tested statistical distributions.<strong></strong></p><p><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-ansi-language: PT-BR; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><br /></span></p>

10.29007/rtts ◽  
2018 ◽  
Dario Pumo ◽  
Giuseppina Carlino ◽  
Elisa Arnone ◽  
Leonardo Noto

The study of the relationship between extreme rainfall events and surface temperature represents an important issue in hydrology and meteorology and it could be of capital importance for evaluating the effect of global warming on future precipitation. Various approaches have been tested across different parts of the world, and, in many cases, it has been observed an intensification of precipitation with increasing temperature consistently with the thermodynamic Clausius-Clapeyron relation (CC-rate of 6-7% °C-1), according to which a warmer atmosphere is capable of holding more moisture. Nevertheless, in different locations, the scaling rate between temperature and extreme precipitation has resulted significantly different with respect to the CC-rate, in some cases sensibly higher (super-CC) and in other relevantly lower (sub-CC). In this work, an analysis of the scaling relationship between sub-daily extreme rainfall events and surface temperature is carried out, using data from a large number of rain and temperature gauges across Sicily (Italy). Results highlight the relevant importance of some modeling choices and, particularly, of rainfall duration, for this type of analysis in semi-arid region. An overall sub-CC scaling rate has been detected for most part of the region.

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