Limitation of Women Involvement in Business at Seremban, Negeri Sembilan

Nor Azira Ayob

The phenomenon of low number of women that participated in business compared to men is still becoming the matter in question in this era. Even-though the number of women entrepreneurs had increased, it still does not equivalent to men entrepreneurs. Thus, the main objective of this research is to identify the factors that limit women engagement in business. For the purpose of achieving this studies objective, a cross-sectional design through quantitative method will be used to conduct this study. While the sampling technique that used in this study is purposive sampling technique. This study involved a sample size of 278 respondents from the total population of women entrepreneurs in the area of Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. The findings of the study shown that there are positive significant relationships between all variables and in addition, it is proven that competition is the most influential factors that bring to the limitation of women in business engagement.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Warsini Warsini ◽  
Kevin Anung Joseptian

Background: It is undoubted if basic immunization has benefited immensely to child for over the years. Nevertheless there aresome parents who remains reluctant to immunize their children. This condition could be proved by the achievement of UCI (Universal Child Immunization) in 2015 in Klaten which involved 401 villages. There was only 90% of the total population who participated in this program. The Purpose: To analized the relationship between education level, work satus and mother's knowledge about basic immunization with the successness of giving basic immunization to babies. The Subjects: The study was observational analytic with cross sectional design. The population were all mothers who had infants aged 9-12 months in January-February 2018 in Wonosari District taken using total sampling technique. The data was then collected by using questionnaires. The results: Most of the infants were 11 months old (50%), most of mother were 25-35 years old (66.8%), most of the mother's education level was Senior High School (46.7%), most of the mother's knowledge about immunization was high (96.7%), the majority of mothers did not work (53.3%), most infants were fully immunized (96.7%). Chi Square analysis found that the correlation between education level and the successness of immunization in infant p=0.245, work relation with success of immunization giving to infant p=0.341, and relation of mother knowledge about basic immunization with successness immunization giving to infant p=0.000. The conclusion: There was no correlation between the level of education with the successness of immunization in infants (p=0.245), there was no relationship between work status with successness immunization in infants (p=0.341), and there was a statistically significant relationship between maternal knowledge of basic immunization with successness immunization in infants (p=0.000). Keywords: basic immunization, education, employment, knowledge

e-GIGI ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Randy Lande ◽  
Billy J. Kepel ◽  
Krista V. Siagian

Abstract: Tooth extraction is the process of pulling a tooth out from the alveolus since the tooth can not be treated anymore. The risk factors for complicated tooth extraction are systematic diseases, local state of oral cavity, and age of the patient. The complications that might occur in tooth extraction are bleeding, fracture (crown, root, and mandibula), dry socket, swelling, mandibula dislocation, and shock. This study aimed to obtain the risk factors and complications of tooth extraction at RSGM PSPDG-FK Unsrat. This was a descriptive observational study with a cross sectional design. The total population was 76 patients. There were 44 samples obtained by using a consecutive sampling technique. The results showed that the risk factors oftenly found were hypertension 20.45%, age >60 years 20.45%, and temporomandibular disorders 6.82%. The highest percentage of tooth extraction complications was fractures 31.82% meanwhile the lowest percentage was swelling 2.27%. Conclusion: The risk factors that most often found in tooth extraction patients at RSGM PSPDG-FK Unsrat were hypertension and age >60 years and the complications that frequently occured was fractures. Keywords: tooth extraction, risk factor, complications of tooth extraction.Abstrak: Pencabutan gigi adalah proses pengeluaran gigi dari alveolus, dimana pada gigi tersebut sudah tidak dapat dilakukan perawatan lagi. Faktor risiko terjadinya komplikasi pada pencabutan gigi antara lain: penyakit sistemik, keadaan lokal rongga mulut, dan umur pasien. Komplikasi yang mungkin terjadi selama tindakan pencabutan gigi ialah perdarahan, fraktur (mahkota, akar, mandibula), dry socket, pembengkakan, dislokasi mandibula, syok, dan beberapa komplikasi lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran faktor risiko dan komplikasi yang terjadi akibat pencabutan gigi di RSGM PSPDG-FK Unsrat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu consecutive sampling. Jumlah populasi sebanyak 76 pasien, dan berdasarkan rumus teknik pengambilan sampel tersebut diperoleh jumlah sampel sebanyak 44 pasien. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor risiko yang dijumpai selama penelitian yaitu berturut-turut hipertensi 20,45%, umur >60 tahun 20,45%, dan gangguan pada temporomandibular joint 6,82%. Komplikasi pencabutan gigi yang tertinggi yaitu fraktur 31,82% sedangkan komplikasi terendah ialah pembengkakan 2,27%. Simpulan: Faktor risiko yang paling banyak dijumpai pada pasien pencabutan gigi di RSGM PSPDG-FK Unsrat ialah hipertensi dan umur >60 tahun sedangkan komplikasi yang banyak terjadi ialah fraktur.Kata kunci: pencabutan gigi, faktor resiko, komplikasi pencabutan gigi

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 211
Muh Yusri Abadi ◽  
Dian Saputra Marzuki ◽  
Suci Rahmadani ◽  
Muhammad Al Fajrin

ABSTRACT Facing the adaptation of new habits (IMR) towards a productive and safe society against COVID-19, the Minister of Health issued a Minister of Health Decree number HK.01.07 / MENKES / 382/2020 concerning Health Protocols. The target in this study is the availability of a Covid-19 Health Protocol Compliance Effectiveness Study for Informal sector workers at Mallengkeri Terminal. This research is a quantitative method with cross sectional design. The research was conducted at Mallengkeri Terminal. The population in this study were all Mallengkeri Terminal drivers with a total sample of 97 respondents using accidental sampling technique. The results showed that there were 88 respondents (90.7%) who were good and 9 respondents (9.3%) who were not good enough in the effectiveness of compliance with the COVID-19 health protocol. The statistical test results showed that the achievement of goals and results (p = 0.004), target group satisfaction (p = 0.357), maintenance systems (p = 0.236), action (p = 0.068), facilities (p = 0.288), and motivation ( p = 0.744). Based on the research results, it can be concluded that only the achievement of goals and outcomes variables have a significant relationship with the effectiveness of compliance with the COVID-19 health protocol, while the other variables have no relationship 

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-36
Atika Arif Siregar ◽  
Tarsayad Nugraha ◽  
Aisyah Simanjorang

Introduction: There were 7,575 cases of pneumonia suffered by balita (below 5 year-old children) in Medan in 2017, but only 349 cases which were found. Objective: The objective of the study was to find out the capacity of ISPA personnel in finding pneumonia case in balita at the Puskesmas in Medan, in 2018. Method: The study used descriptive quantitative method with cross sectional design. It was dine in September, 2018. The population was 39 ISPA personnel, and the samples were taken by using total population technique. Result: The result of chi square statistic test showed that the intellectual capacity of ISPA personnel was at p-value=0.003, their emotional capacity was at p-value=0.029, and their physical capacity was at p-value=0.001. Conclusion: There was the correlation of intellectual capacity, emotional capacity, and physical capacity of ISPA personnel with the finding of pneumonia cases in balita at the Puskesmas in Medan, in 2018.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Setia Budi ◽  
Ria Dila Syahfitri

The rate of stroke incidence is about 200 per 100,000 people throughout the world. This study aims to determine the Relation Suffer Stroke With Independence Level In Neurology Polyclinic TK II DR Ak Gani Palembang Year Hospital 2017. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with cross sectional design that is done by interviewing techniques with questionnaires on 42 respondents with Accidental sampling technique. This research was conducted in August 2017. Data analysis used is univariate data analysis and bivariate data analysis with one way anova test result. The results of univariate analysis showed that the duration of the respondents suffering from stroke was between 2.10 years to 3.38 years. Also found that most respondents were at the level of independence f; independent, except bathing, dressing, moving, and one other function with a total of 12 respondents. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the long suffering stroke with the level of independence with the value of p value 0.025. For that the need for rehabilitation to patients and families of patients in order to help improve the independence of stroke patients in doing their daily activities. Keywords : Long Suffer Stroke, Level of Independence

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-92
Dwi Indah Iswanti ◽  
Fery Agusman Motuho Mendrofa ◽  
Diyanto Diyanto

Kemandirian bukanlah keterampilan yang muncul secara tiba-tiba tetapi perlu diajarkan dan dilatih pada anak agar tidak menghambat tugas- tugas perkembangan anak selanjutnya. Terutama pada anak yang mengalami retardasi mental akan sangat membutuhkan dukungan dari keluarga. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan  dukungan keluarga dengan tingkat kemandirian anak retardasi mental di SLB Negeri Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh orang tua siswa kelas IV-VI di SLB Negeri Semarang yang berjumlah 64 siswa. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah total sampling. Dukungan keluarga pada anak retardasi mental sebagian besar adalah mendukung yaitu sebanyak 53,1%, kemandirian anak retardasi mental sebagian besar adalah kurang mandiri yaitu sebanyak 53,1%. Hasil uji statistik menemukan ada hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan kemandirian anak retardasi mental di SLB Negeri Semarang, dengan p value sebesar 0,000.   Kata kunci : dukungan keluarga, kemandirian anak retardasi mental THE CORRELATION BETWEEN FAMILY SUPPORT AND THE LEVEL OF INDEPENDENCE OF MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN   ABSTRACT Independence is not a skill that emerges suddenly but needs to be taught and trained in children so as not to inhibit the tasks of further child development. Especially for children who are mentally retarded, they will need support from the family. Research objectives to find out the correlation between family support and the level of independence of mentally retarded children in extraordinary school State of Semarang. This study uses a quantitative method with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all parents of students in class IV-VI in Semarang State SLB, amounting to 64 students. The sampling technique used is total sampling. Family support for mentally retarded children was mostly supportive, as much as 53.1%, the independence of most mentally retarded children was less independent, which was as much as 53.1%. The results of statistical tests found that there was a correlation between family support and the independence of mentally retarded children in Semarang State SLB, with a p value of 0,000.   Keywords: family support, independence of mentally retarded children

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-80
Niluh Nita Silfia

Partographs are guidelines for childbirth observations that will facilitate labor assistants in first identifying emergency cases and complications for mothers and fetuses. Preliminary survey at the Sigi Community Health Sub-Center (Pustu) of the 8 Pustu midwives found two midwives (25%) to complete a complete partograph, six midwives (75%) incomplete. The purpose of this study was to determine the determinant factors associated with the use of partographs in labor. The design of this study used observational analytic methods with a cross-sectional approach. 24 BPM survey results were obtained with 30 samples of midwives who met the research criteria and data completeness. The sampling technique was by the total population. Data analysis used logistic regression. The multivariate analysis results showed that APN training was the most influential factor in the use of partographs in labor by midwives. Statistical test results obtained a POR value of 37.7 (95% CI 12.1 - 60.2). This study suggests that midwives must have APN certificates to be valid in providing services.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 505-512 ◽  
Anette Henriksson ◽  
Ida Carlander ◽  
Kristofer Årestedt

AbstractObjective:Of the few studies that have paid attention to feelings of reward in family palliative caregiving, most are retrospective and examine the experiences of bereaved family caregivers. Although feeling rewarded has been described as an influence that may facilitate the way family caregivers handle the caregiving situation, no study has sought to identify the factors associated with feelings of reward while providing ongoing family palliative care. The aim of this study, therefore, was to identify influential factors in feelings of reward experienced by family palliative caregivers.Method:Our study had a correlational cross-sectional design. Family caregivers (n = 125) of patients receiving specialized palliative care were consecutively recruited from four settings. These caregivers answered a questionnaire that included the Rewards of Caregiving Scale (RCS). This questionnaire included questions about demographic background and scales to measure preparedness for caregiving, feelings of hope, perceived health, and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Correlation and regression analyses were conducted to identify factors associated with rewards.Results:The results demonstrated that the more prepared caregivers with higher levels of hope felt more rewarded, while caregivers with higher levels of anxiety and those in a spousal relationship with the patient felt less rewarded by caregiving.Significance of results:It seems reasonable that feeling rewarded can be a significant contributor to the overall experience of providing ongoing palliative care. The situation of family caregivers has been shown to be multifaceted and complex, and such covariant factors as preparedness, anxiety, hope, and being in a spousal relationship with the patient to influence this experience.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Imelda Derang

Intelligence is the ability to apply the knowledge and experiences that have been gained into the effort tasks are challenging and flexible book. Behaviour is an action that involves aspects of affective, cognitive, and psychomotor. Goal: This study aims to determine the relationship between the behavior of student nurses intelligence level II STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan. Method: This study uses correlation with cross sectional design. The study population was all students / i Ners Level II STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan as 65. The samples used were 65 respondents, the sampling technique in this research is using purposive sampling. The instrument of this study using questionnaire and observation sheets by using product moment test person. Result: Intelligence students as many as 30 people (46.2%) classified as having an average level of intelligence. A total of 32 people (49.2%) classified as well-behaved students. Person product moment test results obtained p value = 0.172 where a significant level of p> 0.05 so that this value proves that the absence of a relationship between the behavior of student nurses intelligence level II STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan. Conclusion: Recommended for institutions, motivating students in balancing the behavior and intelligence. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 107-115
Safruddin ◽  
Nurlina ◽  
Anel Ariansyah

A depressive disorder is a serious mental problem characterized by feelings of anxiety and sadness. Depressive disorders have increased from year to year, where the total number of people living with depression in the world is 322 million, this is supported by WHO 2017 data. Generally, someone in a depressed state experiences feelings of sadness, anxiety, or emptiness, and the impact that is caused if depression is not treated immediately, it will have an impact on oneself such as low self-esteem, social isolation, and even suicide attempts. Besides that, it will also have an impact on the people around it. The purpose of this study is to know the description of the level of depression in prisoners in Class II A Penitentiary in Bulukumba Regency in 2020. The research design used in this study is a descriptive research design with a cross-sectional approach. The affordable population in this study were inmates with all cases totaling 194 people with a sample size of 85 respondents. The sampling technique using a systematic random sampling method selects a sample from the population systematically. Data were collected using a questionnaire sheet. Based on the results of the research conducted, it was shown that the frequency distribution of the level of depression of the 85 prisoner respondents experienced mild depression as many as 64 respondents (75.3%) then moderate depression was 14 respondents (16.5%) and 7 respondents (8.2%) were not depressed. In all cases, the depression level of prisoners in class II A prisons in Bulukumba district experienced mild depression. Researchers suggest that further the sample size can be added so that data collection is more accurate and can be linked to other variables that can cause depression

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