Factors that Contribute to Rape in Malaysia

Mohd Al Faani Mokhtar Rudin Et.al

The development of social problems in Malaysia, especially that involving rape and sexual assaults, has seen a serious escalation. This study intended to determine factors that make adolescents vulnerable to rape. The methodology used in this study was the case study method. Nine trainees from the Adolescent and Children Protection Centre were chosen and interviewed as study samples. The NVivo 12 software was used to analyse the findings. This study found that seven factors had influenced the vulnerability of adolescents to rape, such as the victims themselves, parents, internet and technology, family background, education, peer influence as well as society and the government. Hence, this study has provided important information to all interested parties that can be helpful when planning preventive programs and treatments for cases related to rape

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
Nfn Darmanto ◽  
Nur Zaini

AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh menguatnya wacana mengenai pentingnya perlindungan data pribadi  dan terbitnya Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Nomor 20 Tahun 2016 tentang Perlindungan Data Pribadi dalam Sistem Elektronik. Adapun tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja implementasi Peraturan Menteri tersebut di lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten. Penelitian  dilakukan di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Gianyar, Temanggung, dan Sleman dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus, sedangkan pengum­pu­lan data menggunakan teknik studi pustaka, wawancara, dan observasi. Pembahasan dilakukan dengan menggunakan konsep implemen­tasi model Edwards yang melihat implementasi berdasarkan variabel komunikasi, sumber-sumber, kecenderungan-kecenderu­ngan, dan struk­tur birokrasi. Hasil penelitian menunjuk­kan bahwa penyelenggaraan administrasi kependudukan yang di dalamnya termasuk perlindungan data pribadi oleh Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil merujuk pada Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 61 Tahun 2015, sedangkan Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Nomor 20 tahun 2016 sama sekali belum mereka ketahui. AbstractThis research is motivated by the strengthening of discourse regarding the importance of protecting personal data and the issuance of Minister of Communication and Information Regulation No. 20 of 2016 concerning Protection of Personal Data in Electronic Systems. The research objective is to determine the performance of the implementation of the Ministerial Regulation within the District Government. The study was conducted at the Department of Population and Civil Registration at the Government of the Regency of Gianyar, Temanggung, and Sleman by using a case study method, while data collection using literature study techniques, interviews, and observations. The discussion was carried out using the concept of implementation of Edwards model that looked at implementation based on communication variables, sources, trends, and bureaucratic structure. The results showed that the administration of population administration which included the protection of personal data by the Population and Civil Registry Office referred to the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 61 of 2015, while the Minister of Communication and Information Regulation No. 20 of 2016 was completely unknown to them.   

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Anindya Retno Wardhani ◽  
A.A Gde Satia Utama

Branch of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) in Tanjung Perak is one of the institution body that appointed by the Government to carry out the collection and remittance of WAPU VAT according to PMK No. 85 / PMK.03 / 2012 (amended by PMK No. 136 / PMK.03 / 2012). WAPU VAT collection and deposit system are inefficient because it requires a lot of time and effort when it comes to input the data entry of tax invoice, printing Tax Deposit and sent it to Bank Perception. Three steps activities need to be done more than once. Therefore, Branch of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) in Tanjung Perak need the collection and remittance of the WAPU VAT system that sufficient to improve the efficiency of tax suboffices performance.This research aims to design the accounting information system for collecting and depositing process WAPU VAT. WAPU VAT Deposit using e-tax payment application are expected to overcome the problems that will arise in the WAPU VAT system deposit.Exploratory qualitative approach with case study method chosen in order to dig up the real problem occurs and find a solution. This research are expected to contribute significantly towards Branch of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) in Tanjung Perak as a research subject. In addition, the implementation of draft e-tax application payment system are expected to improve efficiency process of collection and remittance of WAPU VAT. Keyword : System Design, Wapu VAT, Efficiency, e-tax payment

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 146 ◽  
Hana Silvana ◽  
Cecep Darmawan

AbstrakFenomena pengunaan media sosial sebagai media online semakin massive pada dekade ini. Kalangan muda sebagai generasi milenial atau digital native merupakan pengguna terbesar dalam penggunaan media sosial saat ini. Penelitian mengenai literasi digital masih jarang dilakukan terutama di Indonesia. Subyek penelitian ini adalah kalangan usia muda dengan rentang usia 17–21 tahun yang merupakan pengguna aktif media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Informan yang dijadikan sampel penelitian sebanyak 5 orang dan 1 orang informan kunci dari pakar literasi media. Temuan yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini menunjukan pentingnya program literasi digital yang memberikan dampak positif bagi pengetahuan, pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam menggunakan media terutama media sosial yang saat ini sering dijadikan sumber informasi oleh khalayak terutama oleh kalangan yang berusia muda. Program ini memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan pada penyebaran informasi dalam menggunakan media massa terutama media sosial yang digunakan oleh kalangan usia muda sehingga ada kesadaran dalam menggunakan media. Pada pendidikan pelatihan (diklat) ini peserta belum semua mempunyai keahlian ini dikarenakan keahlian ini memerlukan latihan yang terus menerus dan konsisten sehingga mereka dapat melakukannya dengan baik. Oleh karena itu pendidikan literasi digital merupakan solusi yang dapat dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan elemen masyarakat dan civitas akademika yang peduli terhadap kemajuan bangsa. AbstractThe phenomenon of the use of social media as an online media is increasingly massive in the use of this decade. Young people as the native millennial or digital generation are the biggest users in the use of social media today. Research on digital literacy is still rare, especially in Indonesia. The subjects of this study were young people aged 17-21 years that were active users of social media. This study uses a qualitative approach to the case study method. The informants who were used as research samples were 5 people and 1 key informant from media literacy experts. The findings obtained in this study indicate the importance of digital literacy programs that have a positive impact on knowledge, understanding and skills in using the media, especially social media which is now often used as a source of information by audiences, especially among young people. information on using mass media, especially social media used by young people so that there is awareness in using the media. In this education participants do not all have this expertise because this skill requires continuous and consistent training so that they can do it well. Therefore digital literacy education is a solution that can be done by the government and elements of society and academics who care about the progress of the nation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 2192
Anantasena Indra Wicaksono ◽  
Siti Inayatul Faizah

ABSTRAKJumlah pengunjung di wisata Sunan Giri sejak tahun 2017 hingga 2019 mengalami peningkatan, sehingga membuat pendapatan rata-rata harian yang diperoleh pengemudi dokar cukup tinggi yaitu kurang lebih 400.000 rupiah di hari kerja, sedangkan di akhir minggu atau musim libur bisa mencapai dua kali lipatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keadilan sosial dan kesejahteraan anggotan paguyuban di wisata religi Sunan Giri berdasarkan prinsip ashabiyah melalui circle of equity Ibnu Khaldun. Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dalam menganalisis permasalahan. Wawancara dilakukan kepada lima anggota paguyuban di wisata Sunan Giri, yang terdiri dari kusir dokar, wakil ketua paguyuban, dan informan kunci. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa tingkat keadilan sosial dan kesejahteraan paguyuban wisata Sunan Giri menurut teori Ibnu Khaldun melalui ashabiyah dan circle of equity yang masih rendah. Hasil penelitian diperkuat diperkuat dengan penambahan analisis penelitian melalui triangulasi dengan teori Al Ghazali.                Keywords: Kesejahteraan Islam, Ibnu Khaldun, Circle of Equity, Ashabiyah ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to find out how the welfare of traditional public transportation service providers in the Sunan Giri religious tourism area in the perspective of Ibn Khaldun. The approach used in this study uses a qualitative approach. This type of research is a case study method. The results showed that Ibn Khaldun's thought in the Circle of Equity theory of a person's level of welfare could be measured through Sharia values, so that when the providers of doctoral services in the Sunan Ampel religious tourism area performed obligatory prayers at the mosque and performed alms. Ashabiyah badawah-based economies are also applied in this community, because people tend to have a goal to save for the future in the hope of providing something more for their offspring later. The value of their wealth has not been able to share their wealth with fellow believers because it is only enough for themselves and is still classified as a prosperous family in stage III. in fact the circle of equity theory experienced a setback which increasingly troubled and kept the community from the word prosperous because the government did not want to be involved in the process of welfare for its people.Keywords: Islamic Welfare, Ibnu KHaldun, Circle of Equity, Ashabiyah

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-46
Aditha Agung PRAKOSO ◽  
Eugenius PRADIPTO ◽  

Abstract: The Borobudur area has grown into a world-class tourist destination. With the existence of Borobudur, Mendut, and Pawon temples, the area was appointed as National Strategic Tourism Area (NSTA). The condition influences the villages surrounding it. Borobudur village, Wanurejo, and Candirejo have developed into alternative tourist villages. During their development, these villages have undergone several transformation stages, which are interesting for further observation. In this background, the study aims to identify the transformation stages of the tourist villages in the Borobudur area, from the beginning as a people settlement to become tourist villages, and what causes the development of these stages. This study used a multiple-case study method with diachronic time series analysis, with three village units of analysis: Borobudur, Candirejo, and Wanurejo. Therefore, it will produce the stages of the village's transformation, especially, those related to tourism activities in the Borobudur area. It is expected that the results of this research will provide tourism development guidelines at each stage of the transformation of tourism villages so that they can be the basic for proper tourism planning for the government in rural tourism, especially in the development of tourism villages in NSTA. In addition, it can also be the basic of a scientific approach in researching the development of tourist areas, especially tourism village.

Vasfi Tugun ◽  
Almira R. Bayanova ◽  
Klavdiya G. Erdyneeva ◽  
Nikolay A. Mashkin ◽  
Zavgaria M. Sakhipova ◽  

The aim of this study is to determine the opinions of university students about technology-supported education. In today’s era, technological tools are used in every sector of education. Today, when technologies are rapidly developing, the opinions of students studying at university institutions about technology are very important. As per the outcome of the research, it is important to know the opinions of working people in terms of competen-cies and attitude towards the technology. The research was carried out in the fall semester of the 2019-2020 academic year with 75 students studying at the Federal University of Kazan (Volga region), the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and Sechenov University. As the case study method was adopted in the study, researcher prepared open-ended questions as a data collection tool. In this research, qualitative meth-od was used. According to the results obtained from the research, it was concluded that they did not feel themselves competent in technology, they did not have enough equipment and their schools are not equipped for technology-supported education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-46
Samsiah Jayos ◽  
Faizah Abd Ghani ◽  
Lokman Mohd Tahir ◽  
Kamarul Azmi Jasmi ◽  
Nur Fatihah Abdullah Bandar

It is significant for the reverts to have an existing helping organization. Therefore, this study aims to identify organizational issues that are directly and indirectly involved with counsellors at the Council of Islamic Religious Department in Malaysia. This study utilizes a qualitative approach by using the case study method. This study involved five (5) counsellors from Council of Islamic Religious Department in Malaysia. This study used the N'Vivo 10.0 for the data analysis to develop themes and sub-themes that related to this study. The findings showed that there are two (2) sub themes involved both government and non-government. There are six (6) sub-sub themes for the government which are Jabatan Agama Islam, Jabatan Mufti, Pusat Dakwah Islamiah, Pusat Kaunseling MAINS Negeri Sembilan, Jabatan Kehakiman and Baitulmal. While, non-government has ten (10) sub-sub themes; Lembaga Kaunselor Malaysia, Unit Saudara Baru, Unit Ukhuwah, Pusat Saudara Baru Darul Saadah, Darul Ukhuwah Yayasan Kasih Sayang, Volunteer Body, Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association (MACMA), Pertubuhan Kebajikan Islam Malaysia (PERKIM), PERKAMA and Skuad Mubaligh Seremban. In conclusion, this study could be used as a guide for counsellors to provide guidance and counselling services to revert clients. Keywords: Organization; support system; revert and client.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-53
Mahmud Mahmud ◽  
Mardianto Mardianto

      The research on "Analysis of Comparative and Competitive Advantages of Solok Rice (Case Study in Solok City)" is aimed to analyze the competitiveness of Solok rice based on comparative and competitive advantages and looking at the impact of rice policy in Solok City.  The method used in this research is the case study method. The analytical tool used is the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). The results showed that rice farming in Solok City had comparative and competitive advantages, because a private profit of Rp. 6,454,307.44 and social benefits of Rp. 2,698,042,60. The results of the analysis obtained the value of PCR <1 (0.45) and DRCR <1 (0.66), which means that financially Solok rice farming is efficient and has the potential to trade in the free market. Solok rice farming is also effective to carry out even though there are output and input policies, because the EPC value> 1. The implementation of the protection policy applied by the government still provides incentives to farmers producing rice Solok because the value of NT> 0 and PC> 1. Farmer income will increase 31% if there is no market distortion carried out by the government because the SRP value obtained is 0.31.

2021 ◽  
Vol 905 (1) ◽  
pp. 012009
M I Nur ◽  
T Juana ◽  
F C Zain ◽  
D R Astuti

Abstract West Java is one of the provinces in Indonesia that possesses the most critical land area, approximately 714,000 of 911,000 hectares (ha) in total. So that to deal with that severe issue, the Forestry Office of West Java has established an eminent program named “Gerakan Tanam dan Rawat 50 Juta Pohon (The Movement of 50 Million Trees Planting and Caring)”. This research aims to analyze the reforestation program in West Java Indonesia viewed from an agile governance perspective. The study employed the qualitative approach with the descriptive case study method. In addition, in-depth interviews and literature studies were utilized in collecting the data. Moreover, to ensure validity, this study uses the triangulation technique. This study showed that the Planting and Preserving 50 million Trees Program carried by the stakeholders has applied agile governance. The government has made the program in collaboration with various media and technology. However, several activities must be fulfilled more appropriately among multiple parties, especially the government, which is the leading sector.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 225
Andika Sanjaya ◽  
Hardi Alunaza SD ◽  
Achmad Bayu Chandra Buwono ◽  
Nining Nadya Rukmana Sari

Indonesian football turns to be a “colosseum” of yearly political conflict among political “gladiators”. The government aware that according to the history, there is a closeness between football and politics. The government also aware that football can be used as a soft power to stay existed on the international stage. The problem is, the international football federation prohibit the intervention of the government and give a punishment in the shape of suspension for the violators. This paper used a case study method to explain the phenomenon. The government choose using a political figure to indirectly resolute the conflict and govern the football. The military-political figure tends to have suitable characteristics to help the government. However, the political figure has a personal political ambition. It is reasonable in Indonesia.

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