2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Diana Rahima ◽  
Bambang Purwanto ◽  
Sri Ratna Dwiningsih

  AbstractBackground : Trained woean who experiencing menstrual disoders are found with high blood cholesterol level. This situation is contrary to who don’t experience menstrual disorder. Mentrual disorder condition has a low estrogen level. The low estrogen level is associated with endothelial disfunction which causes blood cholesterol increase. The benefit of omega 3 supplementation have been clinically proven to prevent atherosclerosis, decrease blood cholesterol levels, and playong an important role in modulating inflamation. Omega 3 supplementation is expected to decrease blood cholesterol levels in trained women. Method: This research is using field experimental with case control method. The samples are 30 trained womens contained by 15 are controlled and 15 are given treatment. The sampling technique is randomized allocation. The independent variabel is omega 3 300mg supplementation and the dependent variabel is blood cholesterol levels. Data are analized using parametric statistic paired T-test. Result: The bivariate analysis showed there is a meaningful difference on blood cholesterol levels in the treatment group p=0,0027 and no change in control group p=0,191 during treatment for 8 weeks. Conclusion: Omega 3 supplementation decrease a blood cholesterol levels in trained women. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-44
Kurnia Dewiani

Most of the women have been experienced with menopausal syndrome 70-80 %. Estrogen and progesterone hormones activity decrease which the result of the cessation of menstruation followed by various physical and psychological changes. Blood cholesterol levels and complaints of discomfort are the effects of pre and menopause. Reducing the effect of menopause could be done with non-pharmacologically by utilizing natural materials that are easily available, cheap and minimal negative side effects, namely by consuming Bengkoang juice regularly for 21 days. This research aims to recognize the effect of giving Bengkoang juice by cholesterol levels and complaints of discomfort during menopause This research was a quasi-experimental pre-posttest with control group design. 30 pre and menopausal women participated in their resident of Tanah Patah Village, Bengkulu City with a purposive sampling technique was divided into two groups by simple random sampling. Each group was consisting of 15 women for treatment (Bengkoang juice) and control (soy milk). Assessment of cholesterol levels through an examination used a stick of cholesterol (easy touch), complaints used the questionnaire complaints, and respondents' compliance used the observation sheet. Statistical testing was applied paired T-Test analysis to see differences in cholesterol levels and complaints of discomfort between the two study groups with the significance of the test results based on p <0.05. The results present a decrease in cholesterol levels and complaints in both groups with a p-value <0.05. Furthermore, in terms of decreased levels of cholesterol (33%) and complaints (45%) were higher than the control group namely cholesterol levels (11%) and complaints ( 21%). This research concluded that the effect of Bengkoang juice on cholesterol levels and complaints of discomfort during menopause is confirmed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 59
Reski Agustia ◽  
Nurdin Rahman ◽  
Hermiyanty Hermiyanty

Background & Objective: Stunting is a malnutrition that illustrates stunted growth, which is long and takes time to recover. Poboya gold mining is the largest source of entry of mercury metals, the danger posed that affects the growth. This study aims to determine the risk factors of exclusive breastfeeding, infectious diseases and immunization status with the incidence of stunting in children aged 12-59 months in the Poboya Mine Region . Material and Methods:  This type of research is quantitative with case control method. The number of samples used in this study were 84 respondents consisting of 21 cases and 63 controls with a ratio of 1: 3. Sampling using total sampling technique. Exclusive breastfeeding data, infectious diseases and immunization status were obtained through interviews using questionnaires. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate analysis. Data obtained from statistical analysis using Odds ratio (OR). Results: Toddlers who get exclusive breastfeeding are 28.6% (case group) and 65.1% (control group). Toddlers who suffer from infectious diseases are 81.0% (case group) and 55.6% (control group). The immunization status incomplete 52.4% (case group) and 22.2% (control group). The toddlers were not exclusively breastfed OR = 4,659 (95% CI 1,583-13,708), history of infectious disease OR = 3,400 (95% CI 1.027-11,257) and immunization status OR = 3,850 (95% CI 1,358-10,916) stunting event. Conclusion: The conclusions of this study are non-exclusive breastfeeding, history of infectious diseases and incomplete immunization is a risk factor for stunting.

Ramaita Basri

Attachment behaviors are behaviors experienced by children when they would leave their homes and families to join his friends at school he regarded as strangers. This behavior can interfere with the functioning life of the child so that the child can not be independent, and parents should be involved more in the activities of children. The study aimed to determine the effect of economic token therapy for reducing the attachment behavior among Kindergarten Students. The design of this study was quasi experimental with pre and post with control group. By using multistage random sampling and consecutive sampling technique with a total sample of 68 people who experienced attachment behavior. Consisted of 34 peoples as intervention group and 34 peoples as control group. Bivariate analysis using Wilcoxon test and mann-whitney test. The results showed that there were significant differences of attachment behavior before and after entering the token economy intervention in the intervention group compared with those in the control group (p = 0.000). Token economy therapy has positive effect to reduce attachment behavior of kindergarten student at the beginning of learning process in the kindergarten school. The application of economic token is recommended to overcome the attachment behavior of existing preschool children in schools and in the general public health services.   KEY WORDS: Attachment behavior, Token economy, Kindergarten students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 151
Ausich Singal ◽  
Edwin De Queljoe ◽  
Paulina Yamlean

ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of infusion of conjoined pumpkin leaves (Sechium edule) on reducing total blood cholesterol of male white rats (Rattus norvegicus). The subjects of this study were 15 male white rats with an average body weight of 200 grams which were divided into 5 groups, each group consisted of 3 mice. The method used is a laboratory experiment with a completely randomized design. The results were obtained from 2 measurements of blood cholesterol levels, namely measurements before and after treatment. The treatment begins with the provision of high-fat foods for 48 days. On the 49th day a blood cholesterol level was measured before treatment. Furthermore, treatment was given to each group, namely aquades in the negative control group, simvastatin in the positive control group, and squash leaves infusion with their respective doses in the dose group I (40%), the dose group II (20%), and the dose group III (10%). Measurement of cholesterol levels after treatment was carried out on day 54. Data were analyzed by Paired t-test and One Way ANOVA. The analysis showed that there were no significant differences between treatment groups. Judging from the change in average and percentage, 40% infusion dose of siamese pumpkin leaves gives the best reduction in cholesterol levels. Keywords: Cholesterol, pumpkin leaves, male white mouse infusion. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian infusa daun labu siam (Sechium edule ) terhadap penuruan kolesterol darah total tikus putih jantan (Rattus norvegicus). Subjek penelitian ini berupa tikus putih jantan berjumlah 15 ekor dengan berat badan rata-rata 200 gram yang dibagi dalam 5 kelompok, masing-masing kelompok sebanyak 3 ekor. Metode yang digunakan yaitu eksperimen laboratorium dengan rancangan acak lengkap. Hasil penelitian diperoleh dari 2 kali pengukuran kadar koleterol darah yaitu pengukuran sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Perlakuan dimulai dengan pemberian makanan tinggi lemak selama 48 hari. Pada hari ke49 dilakukan pengukuran kadar kolesterol darah sebelum perlakuan. Selanjutnya diberikan perlakuan pada tiap kelompok yaitu aquades pada kelompok kontrol negatif, simvastatin pada kelompok kontrol positif, dan infusa daun labu siam dengan dosis masing-masing pada kelompok dosis I (40 %), kelompok dosis II (20 %), dan kelompok dosis III (10%). Pengukuran kadar kolesterol sesudah perlakuan dilakukan pada hari 54. Data diananlisis dengan Paired t-test dan One Way ANOVA. Hasil analisa menunjukan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antar kelompok perlakuan. Dilihat dari perubahan rerataan dan presentase, dosis infusa  40% daun labu siam memberikan penurunan kadar koleterol terbaik. Kata kunci : Infusa daun Labu siam, kolesterol, tikus putih jantan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-67
Anggi Vina Hariyati ◽  
Cahyaningrum ◽  
Adil Zulkarnain

Anemia is one of the public health problems that need more attention of the female because they experience menstruation and they are in the growth phase. From the data of Semarang City Health Office  in 2011, it is shown the incidence of anemia in adolescents aged 10-19 years old are 68.24%. The prevention effort of the case is by measuring hemoglobin and prescribing blood supplement. The objective of the study is to find out the effect of Fe tablets on Hemoglobin in Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnique students. The objective of the study is to find out the effect of Fe tablets on Hemoglobin in Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnique students. This research used pre-experimental design with the two group pretest posttest. The population in this Study were all Merchant Marine Polytechnique Semarang at the 4th semester of female students  amounting to 50 with the total respondents 34 respondents taken with purposive sampling technique. The data were collected by performing Hemoglobin examination. The results of the study show that the average Hemoglobin before being prescribed Fe on the intervention and control group was 11.29 g/dl. After being prescribed Fe to the intervention group, it is found the average increased to 13.69 g/dl, while in the control group it is found averaged 11.72 g/dl. Bivariate Analysis uses an independent t test, the value of t is 6.136 with a p-value of   0.000. It shows that the p-value is 0,000 <((0.05), this indicates that there is a significant difference in the decrease in Hemoglobin levels in the population after being prescribed blood supplement between the intervention and control groups in The Semarang Merchant Marine Politechnique Students. It is suggested that the female adolescents to consume more iron-containing foods or consume Fe supplements such as Fe, during menstruation. ABSTRAK  Anemia merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang perlu khusus nya pada remaja  putri yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus karena remaja putri mengalami mestruasi tiap bulan dan dalam masa pertumbuhan . Hasil Data Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang tahun 2011.  Kejadian anemia pada remaja usia 10-19 sebanyak 68,24%. Untuk menangani masalah tersebut pencegahan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan cara mengukur hemoglobin dan pemberian suplemen tablet tambah darah . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat Pengaruh Pemberian Tablet Fe Terhadap Hemoglobin Pada Taruni Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat Pengaruh Pemberian Tablet Fe Terhadap Hemoglobin Pada Taruni Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan  pre-eksperimen design dengan rancangan Two group pretest posttest. Populasi dalam penelitian iniadalah seluruh taruni politeknik ilmu pelayaran semarang semester 4 berjumlah 50 taruni dengan jumlah sempel 34 responden dengan tehnik pengambilan sempel purposive sampling. Pengambilan data dengan melakukan pemeriksaan Hemoglobin.  Penelitian menunjukan bahwa rata-rata Hemoglobin sebelum diberikan pada taruni kelompok intervensi  dan  kontrol sama yaitu  11,29 g/dl.  Dan setelah diberikan pada kelompok intervensi  rata-rata meningkat menjadi 13,69 g/dl, sedangkan  kelompok kontrol rata-rata sebesar 11,72 g/dl. Analisis bivariate Menggunakan uji t independen, didapatkan nilai t hitung 6,136 dengan p-value sebesar 0,000. Terlihat bahwa p-value 0,000 <a (0,05), ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan secara signifikan penurunan (selisih) kadar Hemoglobin b pada taruni sesudah diberikan tablet penambah darah antara kelompok intervensi dan kontrol pada taruni Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang.  Hendaknya bagi remaja putri lebih banyak mengomsumsi makanan yang mengandung zat besi atau mengomsumsi suplemen yang mengandung besi seperti Fe terutama saat mestruasi

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 1305-1308
Su warsi

Background: Much alternative therapy such as cupping therapy in the community as one of the cheap treatment efforts without side effects makes the challenge and the goal for nursing staff improve nursing services. The unfinished scientific verification of cupping therapy's alternative therapy makes nurses need to prove decreased blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the elderly. Objective: Scientific proof of cholesterol and blood pressure decrease after Cupping Therapy in an elderly group in Wedomartani Village, Sleman Yogyakarta Indonesia. Method: quantitative type with pseudo experimental research design. Pre-test and Post-test nonequivalent control group. The treatment group was given wet cupping therapy, while the control group was given dry cupping. Respondents were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Blood pressure measurement uses a digital tensimeter and cholesterol measurement using a digital blood cholesterol level measuring device. Results: The elderly blood cholesterol levels after the average therapy decreased 42.89 mg/dl, whereas blood cholesterol levels in the control group decreased an average of 20.95 mg/dl. The blood pressure of the elderly systole in the intervention group after the average therapy decreased 10.74 mmHg, whereas the control group's systole blood pressure decreased an average of 1.58 mmHg. Diastole blood pressure in the treatment group decreased 3,48 mmHg, in the diastole blood pressure control group increased 5,26 mmHg. Conclusions: Wet and dry cupping are both significantly associated with decreased blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels, but wet cupping lowers blood cholesterol levels by a mean difference of 21.95 mg/dl and mean systole blood pressure of 3.74 mmHg and pressure diastole blood difference of mean 9.1 mmHg. Keyword: Blood Pressure. Cupping Therapy, Cholesterol, Elderly

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
Suratun Haryono ◽  
Paula Krisanty ◽  
Santa Manurung

Hypertension is defined as a persistent blood pressure where the systolic pressure is above 140mmHg and the diastolic pressure is above 90 mmHg. Empowering patients by providing ongoing care services can create ongoing communication, building relationships between clients and service providers so that they will increase patients' confidence in overcoming problems. The visit of hypertensive patients has increased every month, health education about hypertension diet is generally carried out when the patient is diagnosed with hypertension and does not regularly monitor the implementation of the diet. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the effect of the approach to sustainable nursing services through health education about diet to changes in blood pressure of hypertensive patients. The research method uses a quasi-experimental design pre-post test with the control group. The study population was 108 respondents, the sampling technique used purposive sampling and obtained a sample of 33 respondents for each intervention and control group. Patient characteristics data were taken using a questionnaire, while blood pressure data was carried out by blood pressure examination. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate analysis with paired t-test statistical test. The results showed that there was a significant influence on diet health education on changes in elderly behaviour.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Rara Yumna Elfrida ◽  
Gadis Meinar Sari ◽  
Sri Ratna Dwiningsih ◽  
Pudji Lestari

Introduction: Hormonal injection contraception is the most widely used method of contraception in Indonesia. In long-term use, one of the side effects of injection contraception is changes in lipid metabolism in the body caused by the accumulation of hormones in the body. Two types of injectional contraception are widely used in Indonesia, namely combined injection and DMPA injection; different hormonal content has various side effects on the lipid profile. This study aimed to compare the total cholesterol level between acceptors of DMPA injection and combined injection.Methods: This study used an observational analytic method with a cross-sectional approach. The sample size is 60 respondents, including 30 DMPA injection acceptors and 30 combination injection acceptors. The sampling method uses a purposive sampling technique The independent variable in this study was the total cholesterol level of the acceptor, and the dependent variable was the acceptor of DMPA injection and the combination injection acceptor. Analysis of research data used the Independent T-test with α=0.05.Results: The results of the bivariate analysis found significant differences in total cholesterol levels in the DMPA injection contraception acceptor and combination injection with p= 0.037. It was found that overall cholesterol levels of DMPA injection acceptors were higher.Conclusion: There is a difference in total cholesterol levels in the DMPA injection contraception acceptor with a combination injection contraception acceptor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 280-285
Weni Tri Purnani ◽  
Miftakhul Mu’alimah

Based on a preliminary study, there were 18.31% who had a breech delivery, it would result in complications in the baby such as asphyxia, bleeding or soft tissue edema, damage to the medulla oblongata, damage to the cervical spine joints, and even death due to severe asphyxia. determine the effect of Prenatal Yoga on Changes in Fetal Position in Pregnant Women. This type of observational research uses a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-pest with control group design. The research was conducted in the city of Kediri. The sample in this study was 32, namely third trimester pregnant women with gestational age > 28 weeks who experienced breech, latitude, and obligate fetal positions which were divided into 2 groups of 16 intervention groups (Prenatal Yoga) and 16 people as controls (pregnancy exercise). The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. Bivariate analysis using Mann Whitney Test. The results obtained are Z = -2.626 and -value 0.009 <0.05 so that Ho is rejected and it can be concluded that there is an effect of Prenatal Yoga on Changes in Fetal Position in Pregnant Women in Kediri City. Yoga exercises to help change the position of the fetus are more focused on providing a wide space in the abdomen, flexing the muscles of the uterus and pelvis. Three movements were used in this study, namely cat cow, downward-facing dog and puffy pose. Suggestions for health workers that prenatal yoga can be a solution and can be applied to help change the position of the fetus from malpresentation to head position.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 286-291
Misnanto Misnanto ◽  
Thatit Nurmawati

Hypercholesterolemia is a disease of cholesterol metabolism disorder caused by high bloodcholesterol. Chemical treatment is reported to have side effects in the long term. The purpose of thisstudy was to determine the effectiveness of carrot stew to decrease cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemicof rats.The design of this study used experimental randomized control-group pretest - post testdesign. The samples were divided into control and treatment groups, each group consisted 8 rats. Thetreatment used a carrot stew with 1.25cc dose and control with medication simvastatin 0144 cc dosewas given every morning for 3 days. The measurement of the cholesterol levels used Touch Essey dataanalysis by Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney. The study started on May 15th - July 22, 2015.The results ofthe study showed the cholesterol control group decreased 12.5% (P = 0.069> á = 0.05) in the treatmentgroup and 50% (P = 0.716), On the statistical test showed no effect of carrot stew on blood cholesterollevels. While the results of the effect between treatment and control group (P = 0528> á = 0.05).Carrotswith beta-carotene could lower cholesterol levels in the blood, and could prevent the oxidation of LowDencity Lipoprotein (LDL). The absorption of beta-carotene was better when boiled in temperaturesbetween 60-100 ° C.

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