scholarly journals Characteristics of Population Growth and Mortality of Windu Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in the Juata Water of Tarakan City, Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 114
Gazali Salim ◽  
Kun Retno Handayani ◽  
Agus Indarjo ◽  
Julian Ransangan ◽  
Riky Rizky ◽  

HighlightThe sex ratio of tiger prawns in the waters of female groceries is 1.08 times higher than that of males.The  growth  characteristic of male and female tiger prawns is negative   allometry, but the male and female body shapes are fat.Fishing mortality, capture mortality, exploitation rate, female tiger prawns are higher than males, but total mortality and natural mortality male tiger prawns are higher than females.The male infinitive growth is longer than the female.AbstractThe windu shrimp (Penaeus monodon) is an economically important fishery species in the waters of Tarakan. The shrimp is highly demanded for frozen seafood industry that makes its market price range attractive from Rp. 50,000 (USD 3.37) to Rp. 70,000 (USD 4.72)/kg. This can cause the species to be potentially exploited. However, due to lack of data, the exploitation status of the windu shrimp is unknown. Hence, the present study was carried out to determine the absolute growth, mortality, and exploitation level of the windu shrimp in Juata waters of Tarakan. Sampling of the shrimp using experimental trawling net was conducted four times between June and August 2020 in the waters of Tarakan. Morphometric data of the windu shrimps including sex, total length, carapace length, and total weight were recorded and analyzed. The results showed that the sex ratio of male and female tiger prawns was 1:1.08. The maximum growth of male and female shrimps was estimated at 26.875 and 21.435 cm respectively. The size of the male shrimps caught during the sampling ranged between 8.7 and 22.5 cm, and was estimated to be at 13 to 67 days old respectively. Maximum growth of male shrimp was estimated at 26.875 cm that could be achieved within 411 days. The size of female shrimp caught during the sampling ranged from 9.8 to 19.3 cm with an estimated age of 21 to 87 days respectively. The maximum growth for female shrimp was estimated at 21.435 cm, and achievable within 377 days. The mortality of male and female shrimps was not significantly different at 110.3% and 110.1% respectively. The fishing mortality for male and female shrimps was recorded at 19% and 22.5% respectively. The level of exploitation of male and female shrimps was slightly different at 17.2% and 20.5%, respectively. Finally, the natural mortality for male and female shrimps was at 91.3% and 87.5%, respectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 236
Agus Indarjo ◽  
Gazali Salim ◽  
Christine Dyta Nugraeni ◽  
Lukman Yudho Prakoso ◽  
Permana Ari Soejarwo ◽  

HighlightThe sex ratio of giant prawns in the waters of fe- male groceries is 3 times higher than that of males.The growth characteristic of male and female   giant   prawns   is   negative   allometry, but the male and female body shapes are fat.Total   mortality, capture mortality, catch rate, male prawns are higher than females.The male infinitive growth is longer than the female,but the female’s growth rate is faster than male.AbstractGiant prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) is a crustacean class that has the larg- est size and its habitat in Sembakung waters included brackish water (estuarine) with a salinity variable of 6.5+0.5 ppt and a temperature variable of 28.5+0.5OC and a variable pH of 6 (acidic). The objective of this research was to analyze the growth and mortality model of giant prawns (M. rosenbergii) that was taken from the catch of fisherman in the estuary, Sembakung sub-district, Nunukan Regency, Indonesia. The study was conducted for 3 months from November 2019 to Janu- ary 2020. The sampling was by using a survey method with purposive judgment sampling based on a catch of 14 fishermen who used the bottom fish pot from Sembakung waters, Nunukan Regency (Indonesia). The data collection included data of sex, total length, and the total weight of giant prawns. While analysis was employed for growth pattern, condition index, Von Bertalanffy growth, and mor- tality. The results obtain the sex ratio of male and female giant prawns 1:3.67. The growth pattern of male and female giant prawns were allometric negative. The growth of the von Bertalanffy model for infinitive growth of male giant prawns were 21.219 cm and female were 18.42 cm, respectively the mortality from giant prawns obtain total male mortality is 2,257, catch mortality is 1.92 and natural mortality is 33.75% with an exploitation rate of 0.85 (85%). The total female mor- tality is 1.528, catch mortality is 120.1% and natural mortality is 32.69% with an exploitation rate of 0.786 (78.6%).

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Khairul Amri ◽  
Afrisa Novalina ◽  
Bram Setyadji

Bullet tuna is considered as one of the important species for tuna purse seine fisheries in Indonesia, especially in archipelagic waters. However, little is known about its biological characteristics which proven to be pivotal in stock assessment. The purpose of this research was to determine some of the biological stock indicators for bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) from Banda Sea and its adjacent waters. The study was conducted from February to November 2016. The length of the bullet tuna caught were in between 18.5-32.7 cmFL (mode=24 cmFL). Growth pattern was isometric with b=3.01 and R2=0.84 Sex ratio was balanced between male and female (1:1). The spawning season allegedly from June to November. The length at 50% mature (L50) was 23.6 cmFL. A good indicator for the fisheries, where at least 75% of the mature fish caught were already spawned. The asymptotic length (L) was 33.63 cmFL, with coefficient of growth (K) around 0.73/year. Natural mortality (M) estimated at 1.87/year, fishing mortality (F) estimated at 2.20/year and total mortality (Z) was 4.07/year. The exploitation level (E) was estimated to be at maximum level (E=0.54/year), for precautionary purpose, the number of efforts should be reduced down to 8% from current effort. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Umi Chodrijah ◽  
Ria Faizah ◽  
Tirta Danu

Udang tiger (Penaeus monodon Fabricius 1798) di Tarakan merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor dan sudah dimanfaatkan cukup lama serta memiliki permintaan dan nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Penelitian dinamika populasi dan status pemanfaatan udang tiger di perairan Tarakan dan sekitarnya dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi status stok sumberdaya udang agar pengelolaannya dapat berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari-November 2016 dengan metode survey. Status pemanfaatan diduga berdasarkan laju eksploitasi dan estimasi rasio pemijahan berbasis data panjang (LB-SPR). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan udang tiger memiliki panjang karapas asimptotik (CL∞) sebesar 65,45 mm, laju pertumbuhan (K) sebesar 1,55 /tahun dan nilai t0 sebesar -0,20/tahun sehingga diperoleh persamaan pertumbuhan Von Bertalanffy CLt = 65,45(1 – e-1,55(t+-0,20)). Laju mortalitas total (Z) sebesar 6,56/ tahun, mortalitas alami (M) sebesar 1,95/tahun, mortalitas penangkapan (F) sebesar 4,62/tahun dan tingkat pemanfaatan (E) sebesar 0,70 /tahun. Tingkat pemanfaatan udang tiger di perairan Tarakan lebih besar dari tingkat pemanfaatan optimal sehingga disarankan untuk menurunkan upaya sebesar 40% dari upaya saat ini.Tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius 1798) was one of the export commodity and had been exploited for longtime ago so it was necessary to study about its population parameters and exploitation status for its sustainable management. This research aimed to study about the population parameters and exploitation status of tiger prawn. The research were carried out from January to November 2016 using survey method and the enumeration programme. The growth parameters were based on the Modal Progression Analysis. Exploitation status was estimated based on length based spawning potential ratio (LB-SPR). The results showed that the asymptotic length (CL∞) was 65.45 mm, the growth rate (K) was 1.55 /year and = t0 was -0,20/year so Von Bertalanffy Growth Model was CLt = 65.45(1 - e -1.55(t+-0.20)). Total mortality (Z) was 6.56/years, natural mortality was 1.95/years and fishing mortality was 4.62/years and the highest recruitment of tiger prawns occured in May. The exploitation rate (E) was 0,70/years. The exploitation rate now is higher then the optimal level so it is recommended to reduce 40% of the current efforts.

2013 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Zulkarnaen Fahmi ◽  
Syarifah Nurdawati ◽  
Freddy Supriyadi

Due to the economic importance of C. striata in Lubuk Lampam floodplains (Indonesia), this study is aimed to estimate the biological and population parameters required for proposing a future plan to sustain and manage this valuable fish resource. The growth, mortality and explotation ratio of <em>Channa striata</em> estimated by employing FiSATProgramme are reported. The parameters of Von Bertalanffy growth model of 1,529 sample fishes were estimated as K= 0.36/ year, L” = 72.98 cm and to = -0.52 year. The coefficients of total mortality (Z), natural mortality (M) and fishing mortality (F) were 1.72, 0.73 and 0.99 year-1 respectively. Relative yield per recruit analysis shows that the presentexploitation rate (E) was 0.58. Yield per recruit can be maximized at the exploitation ratio of 0.5 and Lc/Linf values of 0.3. The Yield per recruit and biomass per recruit models indicated that, the fisheries status of <em>C. striata</em> in Lubuk Lampam floodplains exceed the limit reference point (Fmax), thus stock of this species in Lubuk Lampam floodplains is indicated being driving down.Reduction in fishing effort and increase number of selective fishing gears are suggested to sustain the fishery of <em>Channa striata</em> in Lubuk Lampam floodplains.

. Bahtiar ◽  
La Anadi ◽  
Wa Nurgayah ◽  
. Emiyarti ◽  
Harmin Hari

<p style="text-align: justify;">ABSTRACT<br />Pokeas (Batissa violacea var. celebensis, von Martens 1897) are economic Sulawesi’s clam which production has continued to decline in line with the increase in fishing activities. This study aimed to determine the parameters of growth, mortality and exploitation level of pokea at estuary segment  in  Lasolo  River,  Southeast  Sulawesi.  The  results  of  this  study  are  expected  to  be  a reference in the management of pokea resources in Southeast Sulawesi. Data segregation for age group, growth, mortality (natural, catches and total) and the degree of exploitation were analized by  Bhattacharya  method,  inverse  model  von  Bertalanffy,  length  converted  catch  curve  and empirical  Pauly,  that  accommodated  in  FiSAT  II  version  1.1.3.  Results  showed  that  male  and female  pokea  were  distributed  as  juvenile,  adult  to  broodstock,  dominated  by  adult.  The  growth pattern  (Lt)  of  male  and  female,  was  =  6.46-(6.46-0.025)e<sup>-2.8t</sup> and  Lt  =  7.79-(7.79-0.025)e<sup>-0.5t</sup>,<br />respectively. Natural mortality (M), fishing mortality (F) and total mortality (Z) in males were found higher than females. In general, the utilization level of pokea in the Lasolo river has experienced over exploitation.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">Keywords: clam, Lasolo River, management resources, pokea, Southeast Sulawesi</p><p style="text-align: justify;">ABSTRAK<br />Kerang  pokea  (Batissa  violacea  var.  celebensis,  von  Martens  1897)  merupakan  kerang ekonomis  dari  Sulawesi  yang  produksinya  terus  mengalami  penurunan  sejalan  dengan peningkatan  aktivitas  pengambilannya  di  alam.  Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  mengetahui parameter pertumbuhan, kematian dan tingkat eksploitasi kerang pokea di segmen muara Sungai<br />Lasolo  Sulawesi  Tenggara.   Hasil  penelitian  ini  diharapkan  dapat  dijadikan  rujukan  dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya kerang pokea di Sulawesi  Tenggara. Data pemisahan kelompok umur, pertumbuhan,  kematian  (alami,  tangkapan  dan  total)  dan  tingkat  eksploitasi  masing-masing menggunakan  metode  Bhattacharya,  model  inverse  von  Bertalanffy,  hasil  tangkapan  yang dikonversi dari data lebar cangkang dan empiris Pauly yang terakomodasi dalam program FiSAT II versi  1.1.3.   Hasil  penelitian  menunjukkan  bahwa  pokea  jantan  dan  betina  tersebar  dari  ukuran anak, dewasa dan tua yang didominasi pada ukuran dewasa. Pola pertumbuhan jantan dan betina masing-masing yaitu: Lt = 6.46-(6.46-0.025)e<sup>-2.8t</sup> dan Lt = 7.79-(7.79-0.025)e<sup>-0.5t</sup> . Kematian pokea  tertinggi  secara  alami  (M),  penangkapan  (F)  dan  total  (Z)  pada  jantan  ditemukan  lebih  tinggi dibandingkan kematian pada pokea betina. Secara umum, tingkat pemanfaatan kerang pokea di Sungai Lasolo telah mengalami lebih tangkap.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">Kata kunci: kerang, Sungai Lasolo, manajemen sumberdaya, pokea, Sulawesi Tenggara</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-55
Agus Eko Prasetyo ◽  
Agus Susanto

Elaeidobius kamerunicus is the main pollinating agent in oil palm plantations in Indonesia today. The development of oil palm plantations in new areas requires introduction of these insects, moreover the new areas are located on different islands. First introduction of Elaeidobius kamerunicus Faust had been done from North Sumatra to Seram Island on 23 September 2013. The introduction was performed on larva and pupa stadium in 4-5 days post anthesising of male inflorescences. The introduction of E. kamerunicus using plywood boxes has an average risk of death by 7.89% at 6 days delivery period. Observation before releasing of the weevils showed that this insect was not detected in both of oil palm male and female flowers and the oil palm fruit set was very low approximately 11.27%. For about 500 weevils/ha were released in Marnuhu estate and could be developed into 362,401 weevils/ha in 5 months with 97.86% of oil palm sex ratio. The oil palm fruit sets were increased after 1 and 2 months introduction, 53.70% and 75.56 %, respectively. The lower sex ratio of oil palm or the more availability of male inflorescences make growth of E. kamerunicus population became faster and the greater number of weevils that visiting anthesising of female flowers make the higher value of oil palm fruit set.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-55
Agus Eko Prasetyo ◽  
Agus Susanto

Elaeidobius kamerunicus is the main pollinating agent in oil palm plantations in Indonesia today. The development of oil palm plantations in new areas requires introduction of these insects, moreover the new areas are located on different islands. First introduction of Elaeidobius kamerunicus Faust had been done from North Sumatra to Seram Island on 23 September 2013. The introduction was performed on larva and pupa stadium in 4-5 days post anthesising of male inflorescences. The introduction of E. kamerunicus using plywood boxes has an average risk of death by 7.89% at 6 days delivery period. Observation before releasing of the weevils showed that this insect was not detected in both of oil palm male and female flowers and the oil palm fruit set was very low approximately 11.27%. For about 500 weevils/ha were released in Marnuhu estate and could be developed into 362,401 weevils/ha in 5 months with 97.86% of oil palm sex ratio. The oil palm fruit sets were increased after 1 and 2 months introduction, 53.70% and 75.56 %, respectively. The lower sex ratio of oil palm or the more availability of male inflorescences make growth of E. kamerunicus population became faster and the greater number of weevils that visiting anthesising of female flowers make the higher value of oil palm fruit set.

Genetics ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 160 (4) ◽  
pp. 1721-1731 ◽  
Jesse E Taylor ◽  
John Jaenike

AbstractSeveral empirical studies of sperm competition in populations polymorphic for a driving X chromosome have revealed that Sex-ratio males (those carrying a driving X) are at a disadvantage relative to Standard males. Because the frequency of the driving X chromosome determines the population-level sex ratio and thus alters male and female mating rates, the evolutionary consequences of sperm competition for sex chromosome meiotic drive are subtle. As the SR allele increases in frequency, the ratio of females to males also increases, causing an increase in the male mating rate and a decrease in the female mating rate. While the former change may exacerbate the disadvantage of Sex-ratio males during sperm competition, the latter change decreases the incidence of sperm competition within the population. We analyze a model of the effects of sperm competition on a driving X chromosome and show that these opposing trends in male and female mating rates can result in two coexisting locally stable equilibria, one corresponding to a balanced polymorphism of the SR and ST alleles and the second to fixation of the ST allele. Stochastic fluctuations of either the population sex ratio or the SR frequency can then drive the population away from the balanced polymorphism and into the basin of attraction for the second equilibrium, resulting in fixation of the SR allele and extinction of the population.

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