scholarly journals Systematical Review Efektivitas Pemberian Kapsul Ekstrak Channa striata Terhadap Kadar Albumin pada Kasus Luka Bakar

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
Naufal Agus Isamahendra ◽  
Lynda Hariani ◽  
Dwi Murtiastutik

Latar Belakang: Luka bakar adalah cedera pada kulit atau jaringan organik lainnya yang disebabkan oleh panas, radiasi, zat radioaktif, listrik, gesekan atau kontak dengan bahan kimia. Cedera pada saluran pernapasan akibat inhalasi asap, juga dianggap sebagai luka bakar (WHO, 2018). Bagian tubuh yang mengalami luka bakar akan vasodilatasi akibat adanya stimulus mediator inflamasi yang dilepaskan oleh sel endotel, platelet dan leukosit yang rusak, mengakibatkan peningkatan tekanan hidrostatik kapiler yang menyebabkan meningkatnya permeabilitas membran kapiler. Keadaan ini membuat cairan dan elektrolit di intravaskuler keluar ke ekstravaskuler. Albumin juga ikut keluar ke ekstraseluler pada proses ini, sehingga terjadi hipoalbuminemia. Hipoalbuminemia adalah kondisi dimana kadar albumin dalam darah berada dibawah 3,5 g/dl, sedangkan kadar normal albumin normal dalam darah adalah 3,8-5,0 g/dl. Berdasarkan Formularium Nasional sesuai Kepmenkes 2017 perihal pembatasan pemberian albumin infus yang didukung oleh JKN-KIS, ditetapkan bahwa pasien luka bakar diberikan transfusi human albumin bila kadar albumin kurang 2,5 g/dl. Diperlukan adanya solusi untuk peningkatan kadar albumin selain melalui transfusi, dengan syarat alternatif transfusi albumin ini diharapkan lebih hemat dan efisien dibandingkan dengan albumin transfusi yang terkenal mahal. Ekstrak Channa striata merupakan sebuah produk baru yang diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif albumin transfusi ini. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apakah pemberian kapsul ekstrak Channa striata dapat meningkatkan kadar albumin dalam darah pada kasus luka bakar. Metode: Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode systematical review dengan mengambil jurnal melalui Google Scholer, PubMed dan ScienceDirect. Kesimpulan: Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kapsul ekstrak Channa striata dapat meningkatkan kadar albumin dalam tubuh serta mempercepat penyembuhan luka pasien luka bakar. Kapsul ekstrak Channa striata biasanya diberikan sebagai suplementasi bersama bahan lain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi pasien. Penelitian yang saya temukan selain membuktikan efek kapsul ekstrak Channa striata terhadap kadar albumin juga memberikan hasil lain mengenai pemberian ekstrak Channa striata pada luka bakar yaitu penurunan kadar MDA serum dan meningkatkan balans nitrogen ke arah positif.

1988 ◽  
Vol 60 (01) ◽  
pp. 030-034 ◽  
Eva Bastida ◽  
Juan Monteagudo ◽  
Antonio Ordinas ◽  
Luigi De Marco ◽  
Ricardo Castillo

SummaryNative von Willebrand factor (N-vWF) binds to platelets activated by thrombin, ADP or ristocetin. Asialo vWF (As-vWF) induces platelet aggregation in absence of platelet activators. N-vWF mediates platelet adhesion to vessel subendothelium at high shear rates. We have investigated the role of As-vWF in supporting platelet deposition to rabbit vessel subendothelium at a shear rate of 2,000 sec-1, using the Baumgartner perfusion system. We have studied the effects of the addition of As-vWF (from 2 to 12 μg/ml) to perfusates consisting of washed red blood cells, 4% human albumin and washed platelets. Our results show a significant increase in platelet deposition on subendothelium (p <0.01) in perfusions to which As-vWF had been added. Blockage of the platelet glycoproteins Ib and IIb/IIIa (GPIb and GPIIb/IIIa) by specific monoclonal antibodies (LJIb1 and LJCP8, respectively) resulted in a decrease of platelet deposition in both types of perfusates prepared with N-vWF and As-vWF. Our results indicate that As-vWF enhances platelet deposition to vessel subendothelium under flow conditions. Furthermore, they suggest that this effect is mediated by the binding of As-vWF to platelet membrane receptors, which in turn, promote platelet spreading and adhesion to the subendothelium.

1992 ◽  
Vol 67 (01) ◽  
pp. 019-027 ◽  
Joseph E Addiego ◽  
Edward Gomperts ◽  
Liu Shu-Len ◽  
Patricia Bailey ◽  
Suzanne G Courter ◽  

SummaryTo reduce the risk of pathogenic virus transmission associated with the therapeutic administration of plasma-derived antihemophilic factor (FVIIIc), a process utilizing anti-FVIIIc immunoaffinity chromatography to isolate FVIIIc has been developed. In addition, the starting cryoprecipitate solution has been treated with an organic solvent/detergent mixture to inactivate lipid-enveloped viruses. A final ion exchange chromatography step is used to further remove contaminants, e.g., anti-FVIIIc antibody, potentially leached with FVIIIc during the immunoaffinity step. The purified FVTII is stabilized for lyophili-zation and storage by the addition of human albumin. The monoclonal anti-FVIIIc antibody used in the immunoaffinity step of the process is not detectable in the final preparation. Viral reduction studies performed at specific steps of the process demonstrate that 11 logs of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and greater than 4-5 logs of other lipid-enveloped viruses are inactivated within the first 30 s of exposure to the solvent/ detergent mixture and 4-5 logs of various model viruses, e. g. Endomyocarditis virus (EMC), are physically removed during washing of the immunoaffinity column. The lyophilized product is reconstituted using sterile water in a matter of seconds.The pharmacokinetics of Hemofil® M were compared to those obtained using a standard heat-treated concentrate (Hemofil® CT) in five severe factor VIII deficient hemophiliacs in a randomized, cross-over study. No statistically significant differences were observed in mean half life (p >0.6) or median recovery (p = 0.4) between the two preparations. No clinically significant adverse effects were observed in patients receiving either FVIII preparation.In addition, 43 patients at 18 different centers underwent pharmacokinetic studies, with a nominal dose of 50 u/kg FVIIIc Hemofil® M. The mean recovery was 103.6%, and the t 1/2 was 14.6 h. The recovery of FVIII in this group was as expected, providing an increase of assayed FVIII of approximately 2% per unit of FVTII/kg infused.Clinical trials using Hemofil® M have been initiated in 124 hemophilia A patients. The safety and efficacy of Hemofil® M has been established. To date, 0 of 60 patients tested have seroconverted to HIV. None of the previously untreated patients show clinical or laboratory evidence of Non-A, Non-B hepatitis (NANB), with 21 patients remaining negative as far as presence of antibodies to the Hepatitis C virus (a-HCV negative) at least 6 months after the initial infusion. There is no evidence of neoantigenicity, evidenced by seroconversion to murine antibody. An 8.7% (2 of 23) prevalence of anti-FVIIIc inhibitor development has been observed in previously untreated patients with FVIIIc⩽3%, receiving only the monoclonally purified solvent/ detergent treated FVIII concentrate while on study and on poststudy surveillance. All patients demonstrated clinical hemostasis following product use for either on demand bleeding or surgical prophylaxis.

1995 ◽  
Vol 73 (03) ◽  
pp. 349-355 ◽  
Pierre Toulon ◽  
Elyane Frere ◽  
Claude Bachmeyer ◽  
Nathalie Candia ◽  
Philippe Blanche ◽  

SummaryThrombin clotting time (TCT) and reptilase clotting time (RCT) were found significantly prolonged in a series of 72 HIV-infected patients drawn for routine coagulation testing. Both TCT and RCT were highly significantly correlated with albumin (r = -0.64, and r = -0.73 respectively, p<0.0001). TCT and RCT were significantly higher (p<0.0001) in a series of 30 other HIV-infected patients selected on their albumin level below 30.0 g/l (group l) than in 30 HIV-infected patients with albumin level above 40.0 g/l or in 30 HIV-negative controls; the two latter groups were not different. In vitro supplementation of plasma from group 1 patients with purified human albumin up to 45.0 g/l (final concentration) lead to a dramatic shortening effect on both TCT and RCT, which reached normal values. The TCT and RCT of the purified fibrinogen solutions (2.0 g/l final concentration) were not different in the three groups, and normal polymerization curves were obtained in all cases. This further ruled out the presence of any dysfibrinogenemia in the plasma from group 1 patients. Using purified proteins, highly significant correlations were demonstrated between the albumin concentration and the prolongations of both TCT and RCT, which were of the same magnitude order than those found in the patients plasma. These results suggest that hypo-albuminemia is responsible for the acquired fibrin polymerization defect reported in HIV-infected patients. The pathophysiological implication of the low albumin levels was suggested by the finding of decreased albumin levels (associated with prolonged TCT and RCT) in a small series of the eight HIV-infected patients who developed thrombotic complications.

1986 ◽  
Vol 56 (03) ◽  
pp. 311-317 ◽  
P A Barrett ◽  
K D Butler ◽  
R A Shand ◽  
R B Wallis

SummaryIntravenous administration of arachidonic acid to guinea-pigs caused a dose-related, rapid accumulation of 51Cr-labelled platelets in the thorax. Inhibitors of cyclooxygenase inhibited the platelet accumulation, induced by arachidonic acid (30 mg/kg), at doses which did not alter the thoracic blood volume (as measured by 131I-labelled human albumin). Thromboxane synthetase inhibitors had different effects on platelet accumulation depending on the dose. CGS 12970 (3 mg/kg) and N(1-carboxyheptyl) imidazole (100 mg/kg) reduced platelet accumulation. High doses of CGS 12970 and CGS 13080 caused an apparent enhancement of platelet accumulation which was associated with pooling of blood in the thorax, as measured by either 131I-labelled human albumin or 51Cr-labelled erythrocytes. This increase in thoracic blood volume was abolished if the guinea-pigs were also pretreated with diclofenac (1 mg/kg) in addition to the thromboxane synthetase inhibitor. Increases in thoracic blood volume were also obtained following infusions of PGI2 but not PGD2 or PGE2.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Muhammad Noor Yasin ◽  
Firlianty . ◽  
Anang Najamudin
Omega 3 ◽  
Omega 6 ◽  

Eccado adalah produk olahan yang dibuat dari daging atau udang yang dicincang dengan penambahan tepung dan bumbu-bumbu. Pada umumnya Eccado diolah dari daging ayam, untuk menggantikan eccado ayam maka dicari sumber alternatif baru salah satunya digunakan ikan Gabus karena memiliki daging yang banyak, tebal dan putih. Potensi eccado ikan Gabus ini sangat tinggi baik aspek ekonomi juga kandungan gizinya karena mengandung omega 3 dan omega 6. Ikan Gabus bisa dimanfaatkan dengan cara langsung mengolahnya menjadi beberapa jenis makanan atau mengawetkannya melalui proses penggaraman dan pengeringan. Masih belum banyaknya diversifikasi bentuk pengolahan ikan hasil usaha budidaya khususnya ikan Gabus menjadi makanan olahan lain juga disebabkan karena masih minimnya informasi tentang teknologi pengolahan hasil perikanan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra adalah : 1) Selama ini mitra belum mengetahui variasi tentang Teknologi Hasil Perikanan karena terbatasnya pengetahuan dan informasi yang diterima serta keterampilan yang dimiliki. 2) Mitra juga belum pernah mendapatkan pelatihan dan demonstrasi tentang pembuatan eccado dari ikan air tawar dalam hal ini ikan jenis ikan family Channidae Menurut SNI 7756 : 2013 dapat didefinisikan Eccado ikan merupakan produk olahan hasil perikanan dengan menggunakan lumatan daging ikan/udang dan atau surimi minimum 30%, tepung dan bahan-bahan lainnya, dibentuk dan dibungkus dengan kulit pangsit. Sedangkan Eccado merupakan salah satu jenis olahan fish jelly produk dengan menggunakan kulit kembang tahu yang berfungsi memberikan rasa yang khas.Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat Pahandut Seberang l) Pendampingan teknologi diversifikasi pengolahan daging ikan menjadi eccado. 2) Promosi kegiatan Pahandut seberang sebagai lokasi wisata kuliner dengan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas kuliner dari ikan dan ekonomi masyarakat di sekitarnya.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-226
Sri Rizqi Annisa ◽  
Dewi Larasati ◽  
Endang Bekti K

The aim of this study was to determine the characterization of shredded mureel fish with kluwih substitution on water content, protein content, fiber content and organoleptic (preference for crispness and taste). This study uses a simple Randomized Complete Design (RCD) with the substitution treatment of kluwih and mureel fish, with the following ratio: S1 (240g: 60g), S2 (210g: 90g), S3 (180g: 120g), S4 (150g: 150g), S5 (120g: 180g). Data were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and if there was a significant effect, further testing was done with BNJ at the level of 5%. The results showed that kluwih substitution in the manufacture of mureel fish shredded had an average: water content of 8.33-10.62%, protein :16.83-22.00%, fiber : 6.79-6.99%, score crispness 2-6.12, taste score 2.6-6.6. Based on the results of the analysis of the variety of kluwih substitutes and mureel fish have a significant effect on water content, protein content and crisp organoleptic test, taste on mureel fish fillet, and no significant effect on fiber content. The best kluwih substitution in S3 treatment with 120 grams of substitute kluwih and 180 grams of mureel fish.

2019 ◽  
Vol Tập 55, Số 2 ◽  
pp. 88
Trần Thị Phương Lan ◽  
Trần Thị Thanh Hiền ◽  
Lam Mỹ Lan

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