scholarly journals General assessment of natural reforestation by the prevailing species, types of forest and types of growing conditions on the territory of the Lisinsky part of the Leningrad Region Training and Experimental Forestry

С.В. Тетюхин ◽  
М.В. Павская

Целью исследования являлось изучение естественного лесовозобновления в условиях средней тайги таежной лесорастительной зоны РФ на основе массовых данных лесоустройства, в которых отражена информация о ходе естественного лесовозобновления. Поставленная задача была решена с помощью электронной повыдельной базы данных объекта исследования, включающая в себя информацию, необходимую для общей оценки подроста хозяйственно ценных пород. Оценка естественного лесовозобновления была проведена по шкале оценки возобновления. Из общей электронной базы были отобраны все выделы естественного происхождения в возрасте преобладающей породы основного яруса старше 4-го класса возраста, т. е. хвойные старше 80 лет и мягколиственные старше 40 лет. Общий объем выборки составил 6533 выдела площадью 16814,2 га. В целом на 32,7% площади таксационных выделов, наблюдается полное отсутствие подроста хозяйственно ценных пород. Структура породного состава подроста характеризуется практически полным доминированием елового подроста. Оптимальные условия для естественного лесовозобновления ели создаются в черничниках (встречаемость 99,8%) и в кисличниках – встречаемость 98,4%. Максимальный процент подроста с оценкой хорошо по преобладающей на выделе древесной породе (35% от всех выделов с подростом) оказался в сосняках кисличного типа леса в свежих суборях. The aim of the study was to study natural reforestation in the middle taiga of the taiga forest zone of the Russian Federation on the basis of mass forest management data, which reflects information about the progress of preliminary reforestation. The task was solved with the help of an electronic database of the research object, which includes the information necessary for the overall assessment of the undergrowth of economically valuable breeds. The assessment of natural reforestation was carried out on the basis of the renewal assessment scale. From the general electronic database of data, all natural-origin selections were selected at the age of the predominant breed of the main tier older than the 4th age class, i.e. coniferous over 80 years old and softleaved over 40 years old. The total sample size was 6,533 allotments with an area of 16,814. 2 hectares. In general, on 32.7% of the area of taxation allotments, there is a complete absence of undergrowth of economically valuable breeds. The structure of the breed composition of the undergrowth is characterized by almost complete dominance of spruce undergrowth. Optimal conditions for the natural reforestation of spruce are created in blueberry forests (99.8% occurrence) and in acid forests-98.4% occurrence. The maximum percentage of undergrowth with a rating of good for the wood species prevailing in the allotment (35% of all allotments with the adolescent) was found in the pine forests of the acidic forest type in fresh sub-forests.

2020 ◽  
Vol 157 ◽  
pp. 02028
Boris Aparin ◽  
Maria Zakharova ◽  
Elena Sukhacheva ◽  
Vitaly Terleev ◽  
Aleksandr Nikonorov ◽  

A progressive growth of anthropogenic soils and non-soil formations in the soil cover of the taiga forest zone and a general decrease in the ecological potential of soils necessitate the development of policies for the rational use of soil resources. The analysis of approaches to forest vegetation assessment of soils is carried out. The concepts of specific and resource potentials are introduced, and our own methodology for their assessment is developed. The methodology for calculating potentials was tested on the example of the Leningrad region, typical of the North-West of the European part of Russia and the North of the Russian Plain. Natural soil areas were calculated using a digital soil map. The analysis of changes in forest growing potential of soils is carried out from the beginning of intensive development of the territory to the modern period. These calculations can form the basis for assessing the potential contribution of the region to ensuring the reproduction of forest resources.

А.С. Матвеева ◽  
Н.В. Беляева ◽  
Д.А. Данилов

В статье рассматривается зависимость состояния жизнеспособности молодого поколения ели разных фенологических форм от состава и строения материнского полога древостоя. Анализ проводился в зеленомошной группе типов леса в условиях Ленинградской области. Целью данной работы было выявить особенности взаимосвязи между материнским пологом древостоя, распределением естественного возобновления ели по фенологическим формам и его состоянием жизнеспособности в регионе исследования. Дисперсионный анализ влияния фактора материнского древостоя на количество жизнеспособного подроста ели подтвердил значимость этого фактора. При увеличении доли ели в составе материнского древостоя, с увеличением относительной полноты древостоя, его возраста и запаса уменьшается доля жизнеспособного подроста ели ранораспускающейся и переходной фенологических форм. При этом доля нежизнеспособного подроста этих форм увеличивается, как и доля позднораспускающейся формы независимо от состояния жизнеспособности. Эта закономерность позволяет сделать вывод, что на состояние жизнеспособности молодого поколения ели, а также на его распределение по фенологическим формам значительно влияет степень освещенности под пологом древостоя. Анализ состояния подроста ели в зависимости от типа леса показал, что с уменьшением почвенного плодородия и влажности доля жизнеспособного подроста ранней и переходной форм уменьшается, а доля поздней – увеличивается. При этом доля нежизнеспособного подроста всех фенологических форм увеличивается. Из этого можно сделать заключение, что на состояние жизнеспособности подроста ели разных фенологических форм влияет не только освещенность под пологом древостоя, но и плодородие почвы, его физические и химические свойства. Анализ влияния этого фактора статистически подтвердился. В результате про- ведённых исследований можно сделать вывод, о том, что в условиях средней тайги такие факторы, как тип леса и состав древостоя в большей степени влияют на состояние жизнеспособности подроста ели разных фенологических форм. This article presents the dependence of state of vitality spruce undergrowth of different phenological forms from composition and structure parent tree stand. The analysis was carried out in pleurocarpous moss group of forest type in Leningrad region. The aim of this study was to identify the features of the relationship between parent tree stand, proportion of phenological forms spruce undergrowth and his state of vtality in the study area. Analysis of variance for the influence of the parent stand on the number of viable young growth of spruce confirmed the importance of this factor. With increasing participation spruce in forest stand composition, with increasing relative density forest stand, his age and growing stock participation viable undergrowth early blooming and intergrade forms are decreasing. Therewith quantity inviable undergrowth these forms and participation late blooming form both viable and inviable are increasing. This regularity allows to make a conclusion that luminance under tree stand canopy is influencing on a state of vitality spruce undergrowth and his proportion of phenological forms. The analysis of state of vitality spruce undergrowth depending on forest type revealed that with decreasing of soil fertility and moisture the participation viable undergrowth early blooming and intergrade forms are decreasing and the participation late blooming form is increasing. Therewith participation inviable spruce undergrowth all phenological forms are increasing. From which it follows that on state of vitality spruce undergrowth of different phenological forms influences not only luminance under stand canopy but also fertility of soil, his physical and chemical properties. Analysis of the influence of this factor is statistically confirmed. As a result of undertake a study inference should be drawn that in middle taiga such factors as forest type and parent stand composition more influences on a state of vitality of different phenological forms spruce undergrowth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-85
Dinara Vladimirovna Ibragimova ◽  
Marina Vladimirovna Guselnikova ◽  
Nikolay Vladimirovich Nakonechnyy

The paper discusses the use of non-traditional types of organic waste in vermicomposting in greenhouses on the territory of the middle taiga forest zone of Western Siberia. Experimental studies were carried out in the laboratories of the scientific and educational center and the center for collective use of the Institute of Natural and Technical Sciences of Surgut State University in 20012020. The main objects of the study were brewers grains, waste from the production of the Kristal brewing company in Surgut and wastewater sludge from the treatment facilities of the Gorvodokanal in Surgut. Additionally, the composition of complex composts included sand, office waste paper, waste coffee, food waste, leaf and grass litter, bird droppings and the microbiological additive Tamir. The compost worms of the Eisenia foetida Prospector species were used as vermiculture. 10 juveniles were launched in the first series of experiments and 50 juvenile worms were launched in the second series. The resulting vermicomposting is more effective in quality than the original substrates. The use of the hybrid Prospector can be effectively used in the disposal of non-traditional organic waste. Complex composts mature more efficiently when microbiological additives are added. In the studied substrates the content of heavy metals was reduced to MPC norms.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 115-129
Антонина Матвеева ◽  
Antonina Matveeva ◽  
Наталия Беляева ◽  
Nataliia Beliaeva ◽  
Дмитрий Данилов ◽  

The article deals with the interrelation of forest canopy of trees and high-rise structures of spruce undergrowth of different phenological forms in pleurocarpous moss group of forest type in conditions of Leningrad region. The analysis of high-rise structures of different phenological forms depending on the composition and structure of forest in the most represented types of forests in Leningrad region is made. For further insights on the role of composition and structure of forest stand as factors determining high-rise structure of different phenological forms of undergrowth of spruce, analysis of variance was conducted. Decrease in the share of large height spruce undergrowth of all phenological forms in the increase of participation of spruce in the growing stock, with increasing elative completeness of forest stand, its age and stock, allowed to conclude that the structure of natural regeneration of spruce on height is affected by the degree of illumination under the canopy of forest stand. Analysis of altitudinal structure of spruce undergrowth in different phenological forms in height, depending on forest type showed that proportion of the undergrowth of all phenological forms is higher in dry forest types than in wet forest. From this we can conclude that high-rise structure of spruce undergrowth in different phenological forms is influenced not only by illuminance under the canopy of the forest, but also fertility of soil, its physical and chemical properties. Conducted analysis of variance confirmed statistically significant dependence of this factor. As a result of conducted research it can be concluded, that in conditions of middle taiga of all biocenotic factors factors, forest type and composition of stands have greater influence on high-rise structure of phenological forms of spruce undergrowth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 875 (1) ◽  
pp. 012085
O Sergeeva ◽  
L Mukhortova ◽  
L Krivobokov

Abstract Litter plays an important role in the carbon cycle of forest ecosystems incorporating significant amount of carbon as a result of annual partial die-off of the biomass and releasing it during complex multistage processes of organic matter decomposition. The balance of these processes in the forests of permafrost zone significantly shifts towards the accumulation of dead organic matter. That makes the assessment of litter stock in these ecosystems particularly relevant, especially in relation to the predicted consequences of climate change in the study region. On the territory of middle taiga of Central Siberia, 14 sampling plots were established in the various landforms (slopes of different exposition, lowlands and uplands). The carbon stock in litter of the main forest types of the studied area varied from 0.47 to 4.46 kgC/m2. Also, the paper considers composition of litter accumulated in these ecosystems, including the ratio between fresh litterfall, fermented and humified plant residues, and dead roots. Our results demonstrated that fermented plant residues prevailed in the litter composition in most types of studied forest ecosystems due to specificity of hydrothermal regime and quality of litterfall. The results obtained might be applied to refine the carbon budget of Siberian forests.

А.С. ПОПОВ ◽  
Л.А. БЕЛОВ ◽  

На основе анализа электронных баз данных лесоустроительных материалов проанализированы основ- ные показатели хвойных насаждений «ключевого» (наиболее типичного) для Средне-Уральского таеж- ного лесного района Красновишерского лесничества. Установлено, что ельники представлены преиму- щественно насаждениями 7 класса возраста (48,38 %) при доле молодняков первого класса возраста 5,57 %. Указанное свидетельствует о накоплении перестойных еловых насаждений с пониженной устой- чивостью против неблагоприятных природных и антропогенных факторов. О значительном потенциале еловых лесов свидетельствует тот факт, что 53,49 % еловых насаждений относятся ко II и 33,83 % к III классам бонитета. При этом 66,23 % еловых насаждений лесничества произрастает на наиболее плодородных почвах – тип лесорастительных условий С3. В то же время среди ельников доля низкополнотных насаждений (0,3˗0,5) составляет 46,47 %. Послед- нее позволяет считать повышение относительной полноты древостоев одним из важных направлений повышения продуктивности еловых лесов. Искусственные еловые насаждения 60-летнего возраста в условиях ельника зеленомошно-ягоднико- вого позволяют получить 260 м3/га при среднем диаметре на высоте 1,3 м 13,5 см. В 33-летнем ельнике кисличном запас древостоя составляет 230 м3/га при среднем диаметре 15,1 см. Установленный для эксплуатационных еловых лесов возраст рубки в насаждениях III и выше классов бонитета 81–100 лет нельзя считать оправданным для искусственных еловых насаждений. Снижение возраста рубки до 61–80 лет позволит не только повысить продуктивности лесов, но и обеспечит еловы- ми балансами АО «Соликамскбумпром». Based on the analysis of forest management materials electronic database, the main indicators of Kracnovishersky forestry coniferous stands, the most typical for the middle Ural forest region, has been analyzed. It was found that spruce forests are represented mainly by plantations of the seventh age class (48,38 %), the share of young stands of the fi rst age class being 5,57 %. This indicates the accumulation of overmature spruce stands with reduced resistance against unfavorable natural and anthropogenic factors. The signifi cant potential of spruce forests is evidenced by the fact that 53,49 % of spruce stands belong to the second and 33,83 % to the third bonitet class. At the same time 66,23 % spruce stands of the forestry groups on the most fertile soils – type of the forest growing conditions C3. At the same time, among spruce forests the share of low density stands (0.3–0.5) is 46,47 %. The latter allows to consider an increase in the relative completeness of the stand as one of the important direction for increasing the productivity of spruce forests. Artifi cial spruce stands of 60 years of age in the conditions of greenish moss berry stande allows to obtain 260 m3/ha with an average diameter 15,1 sm. The age of felling established for commercial spruce forests in plantations of III and higher bonitet classes of 81–100 years cannot be considered justifie d for artific ial spruce plantations. Reducing the cutting age to 61–80 years will not only increase the productivity of forests, but also provide spruce balances for AO Solikamskbumprom.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 00085
Yury V. Naumenko

The data on the species diversity of representatives of the genus Teilingia Bourrelly are summarized. from the water bodies of Western Siberia, their distribution by zones and subzones. To date, 4 species and intraspecific taxa from the order Desmidiales are known for the region. Representatives of this family are found mosaically throughout the entire territory of Western Siberia. The largest number of taxa (3) was found in the middle taiga, in the tundra – two species. No species were found in the Irtysh floodplain, forest tundra, northern taiga, forest-steppe and steppe zones. In watercourses, including the Ob and Irtysh, as well as in lakes of different types, 3 taxa were identified, respectively. One species was found in swamps and in temporary reservoirs.


Цель исследования – выявить влияние на успешность последующего естественного лесовозобновления на вырубках таких факторов, как исходный (до рубки) тип леса, состав и густота подлеска, состав и степень проективного покрытия травяного покрова. Подроста сосны больше всего на вырубках сосняков брусничных и вересковых (численность 8–10 тыс. экз./га), меньше подроста в сосняках долгомошниках и черничниках влажных (численность 3,5–6 тыс. экз./га). В черничниках свежих соснового подроста всего около 1 тыс. экз./га. Очень мало подроста сосны на еловых вырубках, а в бывших березняках и осинниках он полностью отсутствует. Последующее возобновление ели успешнее всего происходит в ельниках долгомошниках и черничниках влажных (около 4,5 тыс. экз./га). В черничниках свежих, брусничниках и кисличниках густота подроста ели – 1–2,5 тыс. экз./га. Густота подроста по отдельным породам в одном и том же исходном типе леса сильно варьирует – коэффициенты вариации достигают 200% и более. Наименьшая вариация количества хвойного подроста (37–62%) наблюдается во влажных условиях роста леса – в сосняках и ельниках долгомошниках и ельниках черничниках влажных. В большинстве случаев близкие по лесорастительным условиям типы леса не имеют достоверных отличий по густоте подроста одних и тех же пород. Разрастание подлеска почти во всех случаях снижает густоту подроста, особенно заметно – подроста сосны. Увеличение проективного покрытия травяного покрова более 15% на вырубках 5–7-летней давности резко снижает количество подроста сосны. Подрост ели реагирует на рост проективного покрытия трав более умеренно. Goal of the study is to determine the impact on the success of the forest regeneration of the catting areas where factors such as the original (before felling) forest type, composition and density of underbrush, composition and extent of the projective cover grass. A lot pine undergrowth, on sites where former forest type Pinetum vacciniosum and Pinetum сladinosum (8–10 thousand instance/ha), less undergrowth in former forest type Pinetum polytrichosum and Pinetum nass myrtillosum (3.5–6 thousand instance/ha). In Pinetum fresh myrtillosum pine regrowth in just about 1 thousand instance/ha. Very little pine undergrowth in cutting areas of the spruce forest, and in the former Birch and Aspen completely missing. The subsequent spruce regeneration better going in Piceetum polytrichosum and P. nass myrtillosum (about 4.5 thousand instance/ha). In the Piceetum fresh myrtillosum, P. vacciniosum and P. oxalidosum density of spruce undergrowth 1–2.5 th. instance/ha. Density of undergrowth for individual species in one and the same source type of forest is strongly terminated value – coefficients of variation reach 200% or more. The smallest variation of the density of conifers regrowth (37–62%) there has been in humid conditions of growth – in Pinetum and Piceetum polytrichosum, in Piceetum nass myrtillosum. In most cases, creating conditions close to forest types have no reliable differences in density undergrowth of the same species. Growth of underbrush in almost all cases, reduces the density of undergrowth; especially noticeable is the pine undergrowth. Increase of the projective cover more than 15% grass on catting 5– 7 years ago dramatically reduces the number of young pine trees. Young spruce responds to growth of the projective cover herbs more moderately.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Aleksandr ROMANOV ◽  

Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to determine the size of cutlogs in the logging area in its absence. Mostly such situations arise in the detectionof illegal logging. They can also occur in the case legal harvesting, when the tenantof a forest plot does not receive the scheduled volumes of timber for which he paidthe money. In this case, the diameters of the felled trees are determined by the treestumps. Recalculation of diameters is carried out on special tables developed in theearly 20th century. Studies conducted in Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Bryansk(Russia), Gomel (Belarus), showed the need to refine the data of scaling tables forlocal conditions. Large discrepancies between actual and tabular trees appear withthe increasing diameter of the tree. Studies of the relation of the formation of thebutt log of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the Perm region was carried out in 2015-2016. Forest plots were selected in different forest types of the middle taiga(Nirobskii forestry) and southern taiga (Perm urban forestry). Measurement of treeswas carried out in pure pine stands at the age of 75-130 years. The stand density ofthe plantings was of 0.6-0.8. In each forest type the replication of studies wasthreefold. Studies have shown that trunks of pines formed a fuller bole in the Permregion, than the established scaling tables. For trees 40cm in diameter,recalculation leads to underestimation of the pine tree trunk diameter by 1-2diameter class. That is understating the actual volume of felled tree by (16-20 %).There were no significant differences in the formation of the pine bole between theforest zones or by the corresponding types of forest. Also, there were no significantdifferences between forest types, which allows using a single conversion scale forthe taiga part of the Perm Territory. Due to the fact that the relative completenessof the comparative stands were close, the influence of the distance between thetrees on the development of the butt of pine trunks was not detected.

10.12737/8434 ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 13-20 ◽  
Данилов ◽  
Dmitriy Danilov ◽  
Смирнов ◽  
A. Smirnov

Mixed stands of spruce and pine of myrtillus y forest types occupy large areas of the forest fund of the Leningrad region. For the theory and practice of forestry it is important to know the impact of plantations on the density of wood in bunk mixed spruce-pine stands. In mixed stands of pine and spruce disks and cores of wood species were selected from the model tree to determine the basic density by the method of maximum water capacity. The study of basic wood density of pine and spruce in the coniferous bunk stands revealed that its rates are higher for both species in the mixed forest stand than in pure coniferous plantations in the region of the study. With the predominance of pines in the stand composition, its wood density is higher than in stands dominated by spruce. Density of pinewood increases from smaller to larger classes of stand diameters. Variability of wood density by diameter of trunk is higher in spruce than in pine in mixed stands. In stands, after cutting dilutes the density of pinewood is lower than in the plantation, which is not passed with felling. In the bunk spruce-pine the stand, to the age of maturity, larger mass of stem wood of coniferous species is formed than in the pure one-tier stands of pine or spruce. Developed regression equations depending on the density of the wood at a height of 1.3 m to the average density of trunk allow for a more accurate assessment of this parameter in mixed stands than previously published equations for pure stands of myrtillus forest types for the study area.

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