A comparative clinical study of classical and non-classical Siravyadha in Vipadika

Lalita Gaonkar ◽  
Gururaja H ◽  
Jeejo Chandran O

In Ayurveda all the skin diseases are described under single heading i.e. ‘Kushta’ which are further divided into Mahakushta and Kshudrakushta. Vipadika is among the 11 types of Kshudra Kushta involving Vata Kapha mentioned in classics characterized by ‘Panipada Sphutana’ (Fissures in Palms and Soles) and ‘Tivravedana’ (Severe Pain). On basis of its signs and symptoms it can be correlated with ‘Palmoplantar Psoriasis’. Kushtachikitsa is classified into Shodhanam, Shamanam and Nidanparivarjana amongst which Shodhana Chikitsa is of greater significance in skin diseases, and Raktamokshana is considered to be a shortest and effective treatment in the management of skin diseases. Siravyadha is a type of Panchashodhana described by Acharya’s as an effective remedy in number of disease conditions. Acharya Sushruta and Vagbhata has mentioned that Siravyadha is half treatment in Shalyatantra as Basti is the half treatment in Kayachikitsa. Diseases which do not get pacified so quickly by therapeutic measures like Snehana, Swedana etc. are pacified by Siravyadha.

2020 ◽  
Vol 08 (11) ◽  
pp. 4955-4959
Alpana Majumder ◽  
P. B. Kar Mahapatra

Objectives: Nowadays, so many diseases are found all over the world related to lifestyle disorder; Gout is one of them. According to different Ayurvedic books, Gout has been compared with ‘Vatarakta’, which is characterized by severe pain, redness, and tenderness in the joints. In other medical system, the medicine for this very disease is to be continued for a long time with so many side effects. Method: Total 40 patients of Gout with the evidence of Hyper Uricemia were selected for this trial and randomly categorized into two groups, Group A and Group B. Group A patients were treated with Koishore Guggul-500mg twice daily and Group B patients were treated with Koishore Guggul- 500mg twice daily along with Nitya Vrechan by Trivritavaleha 10gm daily at night. Trial was continued for 3 weeks. Result: Both groups showed highly significant result but the relief in signs and symptoms in group B was more significant than group A.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 2644-2651
Yadukrishnan V. P ◽  
Praveen B. S

Basti is said to be the best therapy for pacifying aggravated Vata Dosha. It is considered as Ardha Chikitsa due to the capacity to cure diseases of either Abhyantara, Bahya or Madhyama Roga Marga when used judiciously. It is broadly classified into Niruha, Anuvasana and Uttara Basti Anuvasana Basti believed to nourish the body and increase Bala (strength) and Varna (complexion). Matra Basti is a type of Anuvasana Basti in which the Sneha is administered in the lowest dosage. Gridhrasi is one among Vataja Nanatmaja Vikara characterised by Stabdhata (stiffness), Vedana (pain), Toda (pricking sensation) in the lumbar region radiating to the lower limb. Gridhrasi is of two types viz Vataja and Vata Kaphaja Gridhrasi. Vataja Gridhrasi is characterized by severe pain whereas, Vata Kaphaja Gridhrasi has symptoms viz Tandra (drowsiness), Gaurava (heaviness of body) and Aruchi (ano- rexia). Bala Taila contains Madhura Rasa, Snigdha, Vatahara, Balya, Brumhana properties. Sahachara Taila contains Madhura Tikta Rasa, Ushna Veerya and Vata-Kaphahara properties. This study was undertaken to com- pare the efficacy of Matra Basti with Bala Taila and Sahachara Taila in the management of Gridhrasi to ascer- tain a better modality. Statistical analysis showed that both groups showed good improvement in various parame- ters of Gridhrasi. When compared between the groups it revealed that there was not statistically difference except in S Lanss Pain Score (p<0.05). Hence it can be concluded that both Bala Taila Matra Basti and Sahachara TailaMatra Basti may be practiced in treating patients with Gridhrasi (Sciatica) to reduce both signs and symptoms successfully. Keywords: Matra Basti, Gridhrasi, Bala Taila, Sahachara Taila

Pankaj Chhayani ◽  
Hemang Raghavani ◽  
Dhananjay Patel

Tamaka Shvasa is described as a most difficult to cure (Yapya) among all diseases in Ayurveda. In present study Tamaka Shvasa is correlated with Bronchial Asthma because of its symptomatology is much similar with Tamaka Shvasa. In modern medical science, steroids and bronchodilators are mainly used for its management, but they cause certain side effects. Present study was undertaken to provide safe and effective remedy for Tamaka Shvasa through Ayurvedic medicaments. Shirishadi tablet was given as internal medicine for 30 days. Upto 60% relief was found in signs and symptoms of Tamaka Shvasa.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (03) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Sandeep K ◽  
Guruprasad G ◽  
Veeraj Hegde

Due to present day lifestyle, a greater number of people are inclined to desk work and computer usage leading to many disorders. Manyasthamba is one among such disorders where the stiffness of neck with severe pain is the classical symptom which hampers our day to day life. While explaining treatment of Manyasthamba our Acharyas explained Rukshasweda and Nasya Karma as main line of treatment. Here a study was done by taking Gudashunti Yoga explained in Sharangadara Samhita indicated for Nasya and Kolakulattadi Churna indicated in Vatavyadhi explained in Ashtanga Sangraha for Ruksha Churna Sweda. A comparative clinical study of 40 patients suffering from Manyastambha were selected after thorough investigation. Patients were subjected to Nasya Karma in Group A and Ruksha Sweda and Nasya Karma in Group B for 7 days. Patients were assessed based on standard parameters before and after treatment and 7 days follow up. The statistical analysis revealed that there was a significant improvement in parameters like pain and stiffness. Hence proving the efficacy in the condition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 1675-1682
Desai Sucheta ◽  
Desai Ananta ◽  
Borannavar Shaila

The present scenario of lifestyle is prone to cause many lives deteriorating conditions. Sandhigatavata is one among the Vatavyadhi and the commonest articular disorder affecting the middle-aged, obese, and elderly population. The advancement in working pattern, lifestyle & age-factor, all together have become a prime cause for aggravation of Vata, which accelerates Dhatukshaya (depletion of tissues). Sandhigatavata can be correlated with osteoarthritis (OA) which is one such chronic, degenerative, inflammatory disease that has a great impact on the quality of the life of an individual. OA poses a huge hindrance in the day-to-day activities of the sufferer like walking, dressing, bathing etc. As per Ayurveda, it is caused due to localized accumulation of aggravated Vata in joints, which leads to Shula, Sotha, Vatapoornadritisparsha and functional disability of affected Sandhis. If not treated in time, the disease makes man disable. According to epidemiology the prevalence of osteoarthritis in India is 22-39%. Different treatment modalities like Snehana, Swedana, Lepa, Bandhana, Agni Karma and Raktamokshana are emphasized in Ayurveda to provide better relief from the pain and swelling and restore mobility; for the management of these symptoms, Swedana is the most convenient & best procedure. So, the present study was aimed to assess clinically the effect of Upanaha Swedas in the management of Janusandhigatavata. Objectives: To evaluate and compare the efficacy of Vachadi Upanaha Sweda and Koladi Upanaha Sweda in the management of Janusandhigatavata. Materials and Methods: It was a randomized comparative clinical study; total 40 patients were divided into 2 groups as 20 in each. In Group A, patients were treated with only Vachadi Upanaha Sweda and other group patients were treated with Koladi Upanaha Sweda. Results: Statistical analysis revealed that both the interventions wereeffective in reducing all the signs and symptoms of Janusandhigatavata, however in parameters Shotha, tenderness and walking distance, Koladi Upanaha Sweda showed better response than Vachadi Upanaha Sweda. Conclusion: There is a significant effect of Koladi Upanaha Sweda over Vachadi Upanaha Sweda in Janusandhigatavata both clinically and statistically. Keywords: Janusandhigatavata, knee osteoarthritis, Koladi Upanaha, Vachadi Upanaha, Swedana.

Moulika Markonda ◽  
Sowmya S.B

In Ayurveda, all skin diseases have been described under the umbrella of Kushtha. Ekakusta is considered as the most commonest skin disease that can affect an individual. Acharya Charak has described the involvement of Vata-Kapha in Eka Kushtha. In the present study Eka kushtha is compared with psoriasis due to resemblance of signs symptoms and causative factors with it. Psoriasis is a papulosquamous disorder of the skin, characterized by sharply defined erythematosquamous lesions this illness exhibits a prompt response if treated carefully, left it may run a very chronic course extending into larger area of the body. Ayurveda focuses more on curative management than palliative management. The drug used in the treatment of Ayurveda does not have complications like modern treatment. Repeated Sodhana prevent the recurrence of the disease. Similarly various preparations have been advocated for the management of Psoriasis. The drugs used in this study are Guduchyadi Kashaya & Rajrukshadi Pachana Kashaya. Both the Kashayas are said to be effective in skin diseases. As per Yogaratnakara, Guduchyadhi Kwath has been mentioned as one of the drug having curative effect on all types of Kustha. Hence for present study the orally Guduchyadi Kwath is taken for EkaKustha treatment. The drugs in Guduchyadi Kwatha are Kusthaghana, Twachya, Swedal, Tridosh shamaka, as well as with Rasayan properties, which is beneficial to break down the pathogenesis of disease. As per Gadanigraha, as mentioned in Kayachikitsakhanda, Rajvrukshadipachana Kashaya is mentioned for the treatment of Ekakushtha. Ingredients in Rajvrukshadi Pachana Kashaya reduce Kapha dosha and most of them act on the skin. Kwatha dravyas are Rasadushtihara, Kaphapittahara, Deepana, Twachya, and also having antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory properties, Hence, it is helpful for clearing the skin infections.

Kallanagouda H. ◽  
S. C. Sarvi

Background: Jaundice (Kamala) is a yellowish pigmentation of the skin, the conjunctival membranes over the sclera (whitish of the eyes), and other mucous membranes caused by hyperbilirubinemia (increased levels of bilirubin in the blood). Today’s lifestyle with unhygienic and poor dietary habits and alcoholic habits etc. are responsible factors to promote hepatic damage which clinically reflects as Kamala Roga. The incidence of such causes resulting in Jaundice. In India it is 2.37-3.15 per 1000 population. The effect of Ayurvedic treatment was assessed in relation to improvement in overall clinical signs and symptoms. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of Phalatrikaadi Kwatha and Darvyadi Kwatha in Kamala Roga. Methodology: A comparative clinical study was conducted on Kamala for period of 15 days. The patients were divided into 2 groups. In Group A 20 patients were administered with Phalatrikadi Kwatha internally and in Group B 20 patients were administered with Darvyadi Kwatha internally. Results: Group A and Group B have shown statistically significant result. Group B treated with Darvyadi Kwatha showed better result compared with Group B treated with Phalatrikadi Kwatha.

Athira.C ◽  
Ajay Bhat U

Gridhrasi is a Vyadhi characterized by Stambha (stiffness), Ruk (pain), Toda (pricking pain), Spandana (twitching) etc. Though it is of two types – Vataja and Vatakaphaja, Vata being the prime cause for this condition has to be tackled to gain relief. Gridhrasi, according to its signs and symptoms can be compared to sciatica in modern medical science which is a painful condition in which pain commences from the buttock and radiates into the lower extremity along its posterior or lateral aspect, more or less comprising of the area of distribution of the sciatic nerve. Thus, this study was taken up to evaluate the efficacy of Rasona taila and Gandharvahastadi eranda taila in the management of Gridhrasi (Sciatica). Methods: In the present study, 60 subjects diagnosed with Gridhrasi were randomly selected and assigned into two equal groups Group A and Group B comprising 30 subjects each. Subjects of Group A received Rasona taila 10ml orally in morning before food and subjects of Group B received Gandharvahastadi eranda taila 10 ml orally in morning before food, both for duration of 21 days. The data obtained in both the groups were recorded, tabulated and statistically analyzed using appropriate statistical methods. Results: After obtaining all the necessary data, the results were formulated by applying suitable statistical tests. Group A showed better results statistically when compared to Group B. Conclusion: Rasona taila has better effects than Gandharvahastadi eranda taila both clinically and statistically in reducing the signs and symptoms of Gridhrasi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 705-709
Jai Bhawani Babulal Barai ◽  
Gunvant Hari Yeola ◽  
Priyanka Kanhaiah Yadav ◽  
Puja Sanjay Wagh

Skin diseases are commonly observed day by day due to altered life style, improper hygiene, mental stress, over eating and nutrition deficiency. All the skin diseases in Ayurveda have been discussed under the broad heading of Kushtha, which are further divided into Mahakushtha and Kshudra Kushtha. Kapala kushtha is a type of Mahakushtha with symptoms like blackish red skin patches, which resembles pot sherds, dry, rough, thin, wide, of uneven edges with severe pain and less itching. It can be compared to scleroderma; the first specific clinical symptoms to suggest a diagnosis of scleroderma is skin thickening. Later the skin becomes hard, shiny, leathery and hardens like a stone. This article highlights a case study of Kapala Kushtha treated with the Ayurvedic principles in particular Shodhana Chikitsa; the therapy which expels out the morbid Doshas from the body. Kushtha is difficult to cure, so it is called ‘Dushchikitsya’ but by the application of Shodhana therapy, cure of the diseases becomes easier due to removal of the root cause. Here is a case study of 67yrs/female having signs and symptoms of Kapala kushtha. The patient was admitted and managed with Shodhana Chikitsa (purification) which included Raktashodhak Ksheer Basti (medicated enema) and Virechan (purgation) followed by Shaman Chikitsa (pacification) and the results with rationality have been depicted in this article.

Mohan Baban Dagu ◽  
N. B. Mashetti ◽  
Umapati C. Baragi

Background: In this changed lifestyle of human beings, he has become a victim of several diseases, amongst them one is Varicose Veins, which are caused due to long standing or sitting in chairs which causes extra load on veins to pump the blood against gravity towards the Heart, especially the veins of the legs. Finally the veins get fatigued that leads to dilation and cause Varicosity in veins. Objectives: To compare the effect of Siravyadhana and Basti in the management of Siraja Granthi (Varicose Vein). Methods: Cases presenting with classical signs and symptoms of Siraja Granthi were randomly divided into 2 groups. Group A was treated with Siravyadhana and Group B were subjected for Sahacharadi Basti. The data was collected before treatment and after 8th day and 30th days. The obtained data was statistically analyzed. Results: 20 patients in Group A, 93.33% reduction was seen in Shoola, while 93.02% reduction was found in Group B. In Gaurava 86.36% reduction was found in Group A and 85.71% reduction was seen in Group B. Shotha was decreased by 67.74% in Group A, while 62.65% in Group B. In Sira Utseda, 54.05% reduction was seen in Group A and 47.36% reduction in Group B. Conclusion: Group A, cases showed better improvement. Out of 20 patients, 2 patients got complete remission in Group A, 2 patients showed excellent response, while in Group B, 6 patients showed excellent response, In Group A and B, 11 and 8 patients showed good response respectively. In Group A and B, 5 and 6 patients showed moderate response.

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