scholarly journals A Case Report of Improvement in Stubborn Pruritus and Skin Pigment Expression using Injinho-tang

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (5) ◽  
pp. 830-837
Chan Lee ◽  
Hyung-bum Seo ◽  
Im-hak Cho ◽  
Gi-yoon Heo ◽  
Hee-kyung Kang ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 685-690
C. S. Vanaja ◽  
Miriam Soni Abigail

Purpose Misophonia is a sound tolerance disorder condition in certain sounds that trigger intense emotional or physiological responses. While some persons may experience misophonia, a few patients suffer from misophonia. However, there is a dearth of literature on audiological assessment and management of persons with misophonia. The purpose of this report is to discuss the assessment of misophonia and highlight the management option that helped a patient with misophonia. Method A case study of a 26-year-old woman with the complaint of decreased tolerance to specific sounds affecting quality of life is reported. Audiological assessment differentiated misophonia from hyperacusis. Management included retraining counseling as well as desensitization and habituation therapy based on the principles described by P. J. Jastreboff and Jastreboff (2014). A misophonia questionnaire was administered at regular intervals to monitor the effectiveness of therapy. Results A detailed case history and audiological evaluations including pure-tone audiogram and Johnson Hyperacusis Index revealed the presence of misophonia. The patient benefitted from intervention, and the scores of the misophonia questionnaire indicated a decrease in the severity of the problem. Conclusions It is important to differentially diagnose misophonia and hyperacusis in persons with sound tolerance disorders. Retraining counseling as well as desensitization and habituation therapy can help patients who suffer from misophonia.

2011 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-21 ◽  
Farzan Irani ◽  
Rodney Gabel

This case report describes the positive outcome of a therapeutic intervention that integrated an intensive, residential component with follow-up telepractice for a 21 year old male who stutters. This therapy utilized an eclectic approach to intensive therapy in conjunction with a 12-month follow-up via video telepractice. The results indicated that the client benefited from the program as demonstrated by a reduction in percent stuttered syllables, a reduction in stuttering severity, and a change in attitudes and feelings related to stuttering and speaking.

1970 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 188-193 ◽  
Maryann Peins ◽  
Bernard S. Lee ◽  
W. Edward McGough

1971 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 397-409 ◽  
Rachel E. Stark

Real-time amplitude contour and spectral displays were used in teaching speech production skills to a profoundly deaf, nonspeaking boy. This child had a visual attention problem, a behavior problem, and a poor academic record. In individual instruction, he was first taught to produce features of speech, for example, friction, nasal, and stop, which are present in vocalizations of 6- to 9-month-old infants, and then to combine these features in syllables and words. He made progress in speech, although sign language and finger spelling were taught at the same time. Speech production skills were retained after instruction was terminated. The results suggest that deaf children are able to extract information about the features of speech from visual displays, and that a developmental sequence should be followed as far as possible in teaching speech production skills to them.

1980 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
Frank B. Wilson ◽  
D. J. Oldring ◽  
Kathleen Mueller

On page 112 of the report by Wilson, Oldring, and Mueller ("Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Dissection: A Case Report Involving Return of Spastic Dysphonia after Initial Surgery," pp. 112-118), the paraphrase from Cooper (1971), "if the patients are carefully selected and are willing to remain in therapy for a long period of time," was inadvertantly put in quotation marks.

1996 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-126
B. CELLI ◽  

Mycoses ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 45 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 120-122 ◽  
S. Cinar ◽  
A. Nedret Koc ◽  
H. Taskapan ◽  
A. Dogukan ◽  
B. Tokgoz ◽  

Mycoses ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 45 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 512-514
Loranne Vella Zahra ◽  
D. Mallia ◽  
J. Grech Hardie ◽  
A. Bezzina ◽  
T. Fenech

1999 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 328-335
Shanop Shuangshoti Shuangshoti ◽  
Samruay Shuangshoti

2015 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-11
Richard Katz

Abstract This article presents a case report regarding a 34-year-old obese male who works as a chipper and grinder at a steel manufacturing mill and uses high-frequency vibratory power tools. He presents with typical complaints of carpal tunnel syndrome, including numbness in all five digits, wrist pain, nocturnal awakening/numbness, and others. Two-point discrimination (2PD) using a caliper was tested in the digits of the upper extremities and was 5 mm throughout. 2PD first appeared in the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (AMA Guides), Fifth Edition, and the Sixth Edition states, “sensory deficits can be challenging to grade, since the clinical examination is based on subjective reports by the patient. Grading is based on the results of sensibility testing and two-point discrimination, to improve inter-rater reliability.” The discussion of “sensibility” involves a concept of sensory perception that is more appropriate in surgery literature than neurological literature, and the discussion of the case report in this article reflects the recent literature regarding 2PD as a measure of sensibility. The authors report that sensibility is not a simple recovery of sensory function following nerve injury but rather is a complex interaction between nerve recovery and modulation of central nervous system function in spinal cord, subcortical, and cortical structures. The authors ask if the value of 2PD in the clinical assessment of impairment has been overrated within the AMA Guides, as was range of motion in the assessment of spine impairment.

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