scholarly journals Relasi FPI dengan Dayah dalam Penegakan Syari’at Islam di Aceh

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 228-237
Zahlul Pasha Karim

This article attempts to answer why FPI's relationship with Dayah in Aceh is so close. This condition is seen in contrast to several other areas in Indonesia that are seen to experience frequent collisions. This article shows that the relations between FPI and Dayah groups in Aceh occurred for several reasons: first, the FPI organization in Aceh was led by Dayah people and used the Dayah santri network as a mass base. When FPI entered Aceh, the idea was rejected by some senior Acehnese scholars. After FPI succeeded in approaching young people from the Dayah circles, such as Muslem Attahiry, FPI's progress was seen to be very strong and succeeded in establishing its influence in some Dayah. Second, FPI in Aceh has the right space on the issue they are raising, namely Islamic Syari'at. Politicians who need an image of taking sides with shari'ah need to use FPI, either directly or indirectly. Third, the character of Acehnese people who are fanatical and like religious symbols so they don't care less about FPI's background. The people of Aceh will accept it as long as they (FPI) wrap their actions and agendas with narratives and religious symbols. Abstrak Artikel ini berusaha menjawab pertanyaan tentang mengapa hubungan FPI dengan Dayah di Aceh sangat dekat. Kondisi ini terlihat kontras dengan beberapa daerah lain di Indonesia yang terlihat sering mengalami benturan. Artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa relasi FPI dengan kalangan Dayah  di Aceh terjadi karena beberapa sebab: pertama, organisasi FPI di Aceh dipimpin oleh orang Dayah dan menggunakan jaringan santri Dayah sebagai basis massa. Awal FPI masuk ke Aceh, idenya sempat ditolak oleh sejumlah ulama senior Aceh. Setelah  FPI berhasil mendekati orang-orang muda dari kalangan Dayah, seperti Muslem Attahiry, kiprah FPI terlihat amat kuat dan berhasil menancapkan pengaruhnya di sejumlah Dayah. Kedua, FPI di Aceh memiliki ruang yang tepat pada isu yang mereka angkat, yaitu syari’at Islam. Politisi yang perlu citra keberpihakan pada syari’at perlu menggunakan FPI, baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung. Ketiga, karakter masyarakat Aceh yang fanatik dan menyukai simbol-simbol keagamaan sehingga kurang peduli dengan latar belakang FPI. Masyarkat Aceh akan menerima sejauh mereka (FPI) membungkus aksi dan agenda mereka dengan narasi-narasi dan simbol-simbol agama.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 284-304
Santy Sahartian

Based on 2 Peter 3: 3 latter-day life is the appearance of mockers called false teachers carrying false teachings, namely denying Jesus as a savior, turning the day of the Lord or the day of the second coming of Jesus, and rejecting the Word of God. The lives of these false teachers only follow the passions. Adultery, obscene, all of it to blaspheme the glory of God. To fortify youth in dealing with heresies and living according to lust is to provide proper teaching and formation on the knowledge of Christ in 2 Peter 1: 5-7. The growth of true faith, namely to the faith of virtue, to the virtue of knowledge, to the knowledge of self-mastery, to the mastery of perseverance, to the perseverance of godliness, to the piety of love for you, to your love for all people. Where this love does not demand reciprocity, this love is the love that is willing to sacrifice for the people it loves. With the right knowledge of Jesus, it will be difficult for young people to influence teachings that are not true.Kehidupan zaman akhir berdasar 2 Petrus 3:3 adalah tampilnya pengejek-pengejek yang di sebut guru palsu membawa ajaran sesat, yaitu menyangkal Yesus sebagai juruselamat, memutarbalikan hari Tuhan atau hari kedatangan Yesus yang kedua kalinya, dan menolak Firman Allah. Kehidupan guru-guru palsu ini hanya mengikuti hawa nafsu. Nafsu zinah, cabul, semuanya itu kepada menghujat kemuliaan Allah. Untuk membentengi pemuda dalam menghadapi ajaran-ajaran sesat dan kehidupan menuruti hawa nafsu adalah dengan memberi pengajaran dan pembinaan yang tepat tentang pengenalan akan Kristus dalam 2 Petrus 1:5-7. Adanya pertumbuhan iman yang benar, yaitu kepada iman  kebajikan, kepada kebajikan pengetahuan, kepada pengetahuan penguasaan diri, kepada penguasaan diri ketekunan, kepada ketekunan kesalehan, kepada kesalehan kasih akan saudara, kepada kasih saudara kasih semua orang. Di mana kasih ini tidak menuntut balasan, kasih ini adalah kasih rela berkorban bagi sesama yang dikasihinya. Dengan pengenalan yang benar akan Yesus , maka pemuda akan sulit di pengaruhi ajaran yang tidak benar.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 311

Abstract. Peer education in an innovative approach to raise the leprosy awareness. This research is a study to describe the peer education by the agents who was the former leprosy to give the right information about the leprosy to the people. The former leprosy associated within the civil society organization acting as the agents of peer education is the role model for leprosy eradication in Kabupaten Gowa. They both giving the example of the succed of the medical treatment on leprosy and the consequences on medical retardness. With the qualitative approach on rapid ethnography method, observation and deep interview on the agents was done to gain the information related to the peer education on leprosy. The evidence of this research describe the changing behaviour on the peole of Kabupaten Gowa conducting to the leprosy including the openness to the leprosy, the acceptance of the people on leprosy to be feel disposed and readily to have the medical treatment such screening their skins and encourage them to report if they suffered any skin problems. Furthermore, the peer education was slowly changed the people’s believe on leprosy as an mistical disease or curse become more medicals.Keywords: Peer education, young people, leprosy.Abstrak. Peer education merupakan pendekatan inovatif dalam meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap penyakit kusta. Penelitian ini menggambarkan peer education yang dilaksanakan oleh orang yang pernah mengalami kusta (OPMYK) dalam memberikan informasi yang tepat mengenai penyakit kusta kepada masyarakat. Para OPMYK tersebut adalah kelompok organisasi masyarakat sipil yang pernah mengalami penyakit kusta namun telah menjalani pengobatan sejak dini dan teratur sehingga terhindar dari kecacatan fisik secara permanen dan juga OPMYK yang telah mengalami kecacatan fisik permanen. Para OPMYK ini menjadi contoh terbaik dalam menyadarkan masyarakat atas penyakit kusta. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode rapid etnografi, serangkaian pengamatan dan wawancara dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai keberhasilan peer education sebagai bagian dari eradikasi kusta. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa pada masyarakat Kabupaten Gowa terjadi perubahan sikap terhadap penyakit kusta, yakni terbuka terhadap kusta, bersedia untuk mendapatkan pengobatan secara medis, dan berani melaporkan diri jika ditemukan penyakit-penyakit kulit yang mengindikasikan kusta. Lebih jauh, dengan metode peer education yang dilakasanakan tersebut, secara perlahan mengubah pandangan dan kepercayaan masyarakat yang sebelumnya percaya bahwa kusta adalah penyakit gaib ataupun kutukan menjadi penyakit medis.Kata kunci: Peer education, kaum muda, kusta.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-69
Ageng Setiani Rafika ◽  
Ida Faridah ◽  
Aziz Andrean Sangaji

(KKN) is held in Kradenan Hamlet, Srimulyo Village, Piyungan Sub-district, Bantul District, Special Province of Yogyakarta, Real Working Lecture (KKN), Kradenan Hamlet consists of 4 RT. The population of approximately 173 families. The inhabitants of Kradenan are all Muslims, and the majority live as factory workers. The purpose of KKN is in Kradenan Hamlet, to explore, to develop the potential of the Kradenan Hamlet community, and to advance the thinking of the people of Kradenan Hamlet. The Real Work Lecture Program has been implemented in the Kradenan Hamlet pre-trial training and screening of Java-uploaded films. The purpose of the pre-trial training is to explore and develop the potential of Kradenan Hamlet people, and the purpose of holding Javanese uploading films is to give awareness since the early importance of paying attention and doing the uploads to anyone and anywhere. Children are able to understand the pranatacara technique properly and correctly. Children have also started to get used to being in line with the uploads to anyone and wherever they are. Programs held in the right sense are held in Kradenan Hamlet. One of the programs that are in line with the Hamur Hamada people's desires are pre-training training and targeted to adolescents, young people who aim to have the next generation and can open the insight to the community in seeking additional side work.   Keywords: KKN, Bantul Regency, Kradenan Village, Srimulyo Village, Piyungan Sub-district, Pranatanacara Training.

This research article focuses on the theme of violence and its representation by the characters of the novel “This Savage Song” by Victoria Schwab. How violence is transmitted through genes to next generations and to what extent socio- psycho factors are involved in it, has also been discussed. Similarly, in what manner violent events and deeds by the parents affect the psychology of children and how it inculcates aggressive behaviour in their minds has been studied. What role is played by the parents in grooming the personality of children and ultimately their decisions to choose the right or wrong way has been argued. In the light of the theory of Judith Harris, this research paper highlights all the phenomena involved: How the social hierarchy controls the behaviour. In addition, the aggressive approach of the people in their lives has been analyzed in the light of the study of second theorist Thomas W Blume. As the novel is a unique representation of supernatural characters, the monsters, which are the products of some cruel deeds, this research paper brings out different dimensions of human sufferings with respect to these supernatural beings. Moreover, the researcher also discusses that, in what manner the curse of violence creates an inevitable vicious cycle of cruel monsters that makes the life of the characters turbulent and miserable.

2020 ◽  
Vol 102 ◽  
pp. 656-676
Igor V. Omeliyanchuk

The article examines the main forms and methods of agitation and propagandistic activities of monarchic parties in Russia in the beginning of the 20th century. Among them the author singles out such ones as periodical press, publication of books, brochures and flyers, organization of manifestations, religious processions, public prayers and funeral services, sending deputations to the monarch, organization of public lectures and readings for the people, as well as various philanthropic events. Using various forms of propagandistic activities the monarchists aspired to embrace all social groups and classes of the population in order to organize all-class and all-estate political movement in support of the autocracy. While they gained certain success in promoting their ideology, the Rights, nevertheless, lost to their adversaries from the radical opposition camp, as the monarchists constrained by their conservative ideology, could not promise immediate social and political changes to the population, and that fact was excessively used by their opponents. Moreover, the ideological paradigm of the Right camp expressed in the “Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality” formula no longer agreed with the social and economic realities of Russia due to modernization processes that were underway in the country from the middle of the 19th century.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-132
Betha Rahmasari

This article aims to find out the developmentidea or paradigm through village financial management based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. In this study, the researcher used a normative research methodby examining the village regulations in depth. Primary legal materials are authoritatuve legal materials in the form of laws and regulations. Village dependence is the most obvious violence against village income or financial sources. Various financial assistance from the government has made the village dependent on financial sources from the government. The use of regional development funds is intended to support activities in the management of Regional Development organizations. Therefore, development funds should be managed properly and smoothly, as well as can be used effectively to increase the people economy in the regions. This research shows that the law was made to regulate and support the development of local economic potential as well as the sustainable use of natural resources and the environment, and that the village community has the right to obtain information and monitor the planning and implementation of village development.

Jurnal Hukum ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 1477
Suparji Suparji

 AbstractThe president—Jokowi, has a mandate from the people to make Indonesia to be more equitable and prosperous. In order to fulfill this mandate, he has set nine priority programs known as the concept of Nawa Cipta. This program calls for concrete steps so as not merely a wish list. The most fundamental thing in economics field is how the constitutional mandate that the right to dominate the state can be realized in the management of economic activities, including in dealing with foreign economic domination in IndonesiaKeywords: implementation, the right to dominate the state, foreign economic domination.  AbstrakPresiden Jokowi telah mendapatkan mandat dari rakyat untuk mewujudkan Indonesia yang lebih adil dan sejahtera. Dalam rangka memenuhi mandat tersebut, telah ditetapkan sembilan program prioritas       yang dikenal dengan konsep Nawa Cipta. Program ini tentunya memerlukan langkah-langkah kongkret sehingga tidak sekedar menjadi daftar keinginan. Hal yang paling mendasar dalam bidang ekonomi adalah bagaimana amanat konstitusi yakni hak menguasai negara dapat diwujudkan dalam pengelolaan kegiatan perekonomian, termasuk dalam mengatasi dominasi perekonomian asing di Indonesia.  Kata kunci: implementasi, hak menguasai negara, dominasi perekonomian asing  

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Nuah Perdamenta Tarigan ◽  
Christian Siregar ◽  
Simon Mangatur Tampubolon

Justice that has not existed and is apparent among the disabilities in Indonesia is very large and spread in the archipelago is very large, making the issue of equality is a very important thing especially with the publication of the Disability Act No. 8 of 2016 at the beginning of that year. Only a few provinces that understand properly and well on open and potential issues and issues will affect other areas including the increasingly growing number of elderly people in Indonesia due to the increasing welfare of the people. The government of DKI Jakarta, including the most concerned with disability, from the beginning has set a bold step to defend things related to disability, including local governments in Solo, Bali, Makassar and several other areas. Leprosy belonging to the disability community has a very tough marginalization, the disability that arises from leprosy quite a lot, reaches ten percent more and covers the poor areas of Indonesia, such as Nusa Tenggara Timur, Papua, South Sulawesi Provinces and even East Java and West Java and Central Java Provinces. If we compare again with the ASEAN countries we also do not miss the moment in ratifying the CRPD (Convention of Rights for People with Disability) into the Law of Disability No. 8 of 2016 which, although already published but still get rejections in some sections because do not provide proper empowerment and rights equality. The struggle is long and must be continued to build equal rights in all areas, not only health and welfare but also in the right of the right to receive continuous inclusive education.

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