scholarly journals Chemotherapy Induced Thrombocytopenia in Ewing Sarcoma, Implications and Potential for Romiplostim Supportive Care

Nawal Merjaneh ◽  
Jennifer Young ◽  
Avani Mangoli ◽  
Mallery Olsen ◽  
Bhuvana Setty ◽  

Background: Maintaining dose-dense, interval-compressed chemotherapy improves survival in Ewing sarcoma patients but is limited by myelosuppression. Romiplostim is a thrombopoietin receptor agonist that may be useful in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia (CIT). Methods: Patients aged between 3 and 33 years with Ewing sarcoma from 2010-2020 were reviewed. CIT was defined as a failure to achieve 75,000 platelets per microliter by day 21 after the start of any chemotherapy cycle. Fisher exact test was used for univariate analysis and Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used for the association between continuous variables. Results: 27 out of 42 patients (64%) developed isolated CIT, delaying one to four chemotherapy cycles per patient. CIT occurred during consolidation therapy in 24/27(88.9%) and with ifosfamide/etoposide cycles in 24/27 (88.9%). Univariate analysis failed to identify risk factors for CIT. The use of radiation approached significant (p value=0.056). Ten patients received romiplostim. The median starting dose was 3 (range 1-5) mcg/kg. Doses were escalated weekly by 1-2 mcg/kg to 4-10 mcg/kg and continued throughout chemotherapy. A higher romiplostim dose was associated with a higher change in average platelet counts from baseline r= 0.73 (p=0.04). No romiplostim-related adverse events were identified aside from mild headache. Conclusions: CIT is the primary reason for the inability to maintain treatment intensity in Ewing sarcoma. The concurrent use of romiplostim with chemotherapy is safe and feasible, and efficacy was associated with higher romiplostim doses.

Dewi Pusparani Sinambela ◽  
St. Hateriah

Latar Belakang: Lama Kala II dalam persalinan yaitu jangka waktu mulai dari serviks berdilatasi penuh sampai dengan kelahiran bayi tidak boleh melebihi 2 jam pada primigravidan dan 1 jam pada multigravida. Pemilihan posisi melahirkan sangat dianjurkan untuk memberikan rasa nyaman pada ibu, posisi dapat membantu penurunan janin ke dasar panggul dan mempercepat proses persalinan. Dari data yang diperoleh bulan Januari 2018 jumlah persalinan kala II lama sebanyak 0,30% dari 240 persalinan normal.Tujuan: Menganalisis Perbedaan Posisi Meneran Miring Kiri dan Setengah Duduk Pada Ibu Bersalin Dengan Lama Kala II.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah Analisis kuantitatif. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan quasi eksperiment. Populasi penelitian semua ibu bersalin di RSUD Dr. H. Moch Anshari Saleh Banjarmasin. Pengambilan sebanyak 30 responden. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan ceklist. Analisa data yang dilakukan adalah Analisa Univariat dan Analisa Bivariat dengan uji Fisher Exact Test.Hasil: Responden yang menggunakan posisi meneran miring kiri 15 orang (50%) dan setengah duduk sebanyak 15 orang (50%). Jumlah responden primipara yang mengalami persalinan kala II 60 menit sebanyak 12 orang (40,0%), primipara yang mengalami kala II 60 menit sebanyak 2 orang (6,7%) dan responden multipara yang mengalami kala II 30 menit sebanyak 16 orang (53,3%), multipara yang mengalami kala II 30 menit sebanyak 0 orang (0%) dari hasil uji Fisher Exact Test dengan nilai p sebesar 0,483.Simpulan: Tidak ada perbedaan posisi miring kiri dengan posisi setengah duduk terhadap kemajuan persalinan kala II di RSUD Dr. H. Moch. Anshari Saleh Banjarmasin. Kata Kunci: Lama Kala II, Persalinan, Posisi Meneran.   Analysis of Different Left and Half Posisition Straining on Mother with Second Duration of Labour In RSUD Dr. H. Moch Anshari Saleh BanjarmasinABSTRACT Background: The duration of second stage of labor is the period from the full dilated cervix to the birth of the baby should not exceed 2 hours in primigravida and 1 hour in multigravida. Position selection is very beneficial for giving comfort to the mother, the position can help lower the fetus to the pelvic floor and improve labor. From the data obtained in January 2018 the number of prolonged second stage deliveries was 0.30% of 240 normal deliveries.Objective: Analyze the Differences in Position Meniring Left and Half Seated at the Maternity with Long Time II.Method: This type of research is quantitative analysis. The study design used quasi experiment. The study population of all mothers giving birth at Dr. RSUD H. Moch Anshari Saleh Banjarmasin. Taking as many as 30 respondents. Data retrieval is done using a checklist. Data analysis performed was Univariate Analysis and Bivariate Analysis with Fisher Exact Test.Results: Respondents who used the left oblique piercing position were 15 people (50%) and half sat as many as 15 people (50%). The number of primiparous respondents who increased labor at second time 60 minutes was 12 people (40.0%), primipara who added second stage 60 minutes as many as 2 people (6.7%) and multiparous respondents who used second time 30 minutes as many as 16 people (53.3%), multiparas who replaced time II 30 minutes as many as 0 people (0%) from the results of the Fisher Exact Test with a p value of 0.483.Conclusion: There was no difference in left oblique position with sitting position towards the progress of second stage labor in Dr. Hospital. H. Moch. Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin.  Keywords : Second Duration, Labour, Straining Position 

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Rahayu Winarti

Keselamatan pasien di RS adalah sistem pelayanan dalam suatu RS yang memberikan asuhan pasien menjadi lebih aman dan nyaman. Infeksi nosokomial merupakan salah satu penyebab meningkatnya angka kesakitan dan angka kematian di rumah sakit, sehingga  kejadian infeksi nosokomial dapat  memperpanjang masa rawat dan peningkatan biaya perawatan. Perawat diharapkan memiliki pengetahuan dan sikap dalam penggunaan alat pelindung diri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, sikap, dan motivasi praktek perawat dalam penggunaan alat pelindung dri di RSUD Soewondo Kendal.Jenis Penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif  dengan  desain deskriptif korelasi melalui pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan  data dengan melakukan observasi perawat dalam penggunaan alat pelindung diri  dan dengan metode angket yang menggunakan kuisioner terstruktur. Populasi  dalam penelitian ini adalah perawat di RSUD Soewondo Kendal sejumlah 127 dari beberapa ruang. Pengambilan  sampel  dengan tehnik Proportional Sampling. Analisis univariat menggunakan distribusi frekuensi dan prosentase (%) sedangkan Analisis bivariat menggunakan uji statistik  Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan dari 60 responden yang memiliki pengetahuan baik dan perilaku baik sebanyak 20 responden ( 33,3%), responden yang memiliki pengetahuan cukup dan perilaku baik sebanyak 26 responden (43,3%). Jumlah responden yang memiliki pengetahuan kurang dan perilakusebanyak 6 responden ( 10%). Responden yang memiliki pengetahuan baik dan perilaku tidak baik sebanyak 2 responden( 3,35%). Jumlah responden yang memiliki pengetahuan kurang dan perilaku tidak baik sebanyak 4 responden. Nilai pearson chi square 7,425 lebih dari nilai tabel, p value ( 0,024) < α ( 0,05 ) yang berarti ada hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang alat pelindung diri dengan perilaku dalam penggunaan alat pelindung diri. Hasil analisa hubungan sikap dengan perilaku didapatkan ada 2 sel yang nilai expected countnya kurates yang hasilnya kurang dari 5 (50%), maka menggunakan rumus Fisher exact test  yang hasilnya p value ( 0,018) < α ( 0,05), yang berarti ada hubungan antara sikap tentang alat pelindung diri dengan perilaku dalam  penggunaan alat pelindung diri. Hasil penelitian dengan nilai pearshon chi square 4,378 lebih dari nilai tabel, p value( 0,047) < α ( 0,05 ) yang berarti ada hubungan antara motivasi tentang alat pelindung diri dengan perilaku dalam penggunaan alat pelindung diri.Keterbatasan dalam penelitian ini tidak memasukkan predisposing factor yang lain seperti keyakinan, nilai dan kepercayaan, enabling factor : Lingkungan, Sarana, prasarana, dukungan, reinforcing factor : sikap petugas dan dukungan dalam penelitian ini.Kata Kunci : pengetahuan, sikap, motivasi, alat pelindung diri Relationship Knowledge Of Motivation Attitude With Nurse’s Practices In Use Of Self – Equipment’s In RSUD Soewondo KendalPatient safety in the hospital is a service system in a hospital that provides patient care becomes more secure and comfortable. Nosocomial infection is one of the causes of increasing morbidity and mortality rates in hospitals, so the incidence of nosocomial infections may prolong the length of stay and increased maintenance costs. Nurses are expected to have knowledge and attitude in the use of personal protective equipment. This study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge, attitudes, and motivation of nurse practice in the use of protective equipment in RSUD Soewondo Kendal.This research type is quantitative with descriptive correlation design through cross sectional approach. Data collection by observing nurses in the use of personal protective equipment and using structured questionnaires. The population in this study were nurses at Soewondo Kendal General Hospital in 127 from several ward. Sampling with Proportional Sampling technique. Univariate analysis using frequency distribution and percentage (%) while bivariate analysis using Chi-Square statistical test.The result of this research is obtained from 60 respondents who have good knowledge and good behavior as much as 20 respondents (33,3%), respondents who have enough knowledge and good behavior as much as 26 respondents (43,3%). Number of respondents who have less knowledge and behavior as much as 6 respondents (10%). Respondents who have good knowledge and bad behavior as much as 2 respondents (3.35%). Number of respondents who have less knowledge and bad behavior as many as 4 respondents. The value of pearson chi square is 7.425 more than the value of the table, p value (0.024) <α (0.05) which means there is a relationship between knowledge of personal protective equipment and the behavior in the use of personal protective equipment. The result of analysis of attitude correlation with behavior was found there were 2 cells whose value of expected count of kurates which result less than 5 (50%), then use Fisher exact test formula which result p value (0,018) <α (0,05), between attitudes about personal protective equipment and behavior in the use of personal protective equipment. The result of research with pearshon chi square 4,378 more than the value of table, p value (0,047) <α (0,05) meaning there is correlation between motivation about personal protective equipment and behavior in the use of personal protective equipment.Limitations in this study do not include other predisposing factors such as beliefs, values and beliefs, enabling factors: environment, means, infrastructure, support, reinforcing factors: officer attitudes and support in this study.Keywords: knowledge, attitude, motivation, personal protective equipment

2021 ◽  
pp. 175342592110299
Alexander Varzari ◽  
Igor V. Deyneko ◽  
Elena Tudor ◽  
Harald Grallert ◽  
Thomas Illig

Polymorphisms in genes that control immune function and regulation may influence susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). In this study, 14 polymorphisms in 12 key genes involved in the immune response ( VDR, MR1, TLR1, TLR2, TLR10, SLC11A1, IL1B, IL10, IFNG, TNF, IRAK1, and FOXP3) were tested for their association with pulmonary TB in 271 patients with TB and 251 community-matched controls from the Republic of Moldova. In addition, gene–gene interactions involved in TB susceptibility were analyzed for a total of 43 genetic loci. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis revealed a nominal association between TNF rs1800629 and pulmonary TB (Fisher exact test P = 0.01843). In the pairwise interaction analysis, the combination of the genotypes TLR6 rs5743810 GA and TLR10 rs11096957 GT was significantly associated with an increased genetic risk of pulmonary TB (OR = 2.48, 95% CI = 1.62–3.85; Fisher exact test P value = 1.5 × 10−5, significant after Bonferroni correction). In conclusion, the TLR6 rs5743810 and TLR10 rs11096957 two-locus interaction confers a significantly higher risk for pulmonary TB; due to its high frequency in the population, this SNP combination may serve as a novel biomarker for predicting TB susceptibility.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
Jéssica Naylla de Melo Bezerra ◽  
Sara Rebeca de Oliveira Lessa ◽  
Marcelo Francisco do Ó ◽  
Givaneide Oliveira de Andrade Luz ◽  
Anna Karla de Oliveira Tito Borba

ABSTRACT Objective: to assess the functional levels of health literacy in individuals undergoing dialysis. Method: a cross-sectional study with 42 patients of the Nephrology Unit of a public hospital in Recife, Brazil, from May to August 2016. Data were collected through scripted interviews and chart analysis. Functional health literacy was measured using the Brazilian version of the Short-Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS®) software, version 18.0, with a univariate analysis to verify the association between independent variables and functional health literacy levels using Fisher's exact test. Results: 80.9% of the patients presented inadequate health literacy and 19.1% presented adequate health literacy. The number of correct answers remained between 0-18 in the reading comprehension and in the scheduling appointment card. Among the independent variables, only marital status (p-value=0.018) and personal income (p-value=0.009) were factors associated with the worst scores in the test, indicating that these variables influence the increase in inadequate literacy. Conclusion: the prevalence of inadequate functional literacy was high, reflecting difficulties in understanding and processing health information, which may interfere with therapeutic management and self-care.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Hepti Muliyati ◽  
Menis Mbali ◽  
Hadidja Bando ◽  
Riana Pangestu Utami ◽  
Opyn Mananta

Wasting on children is an important public health problem because of its considerable impact on their health and growth. This problem could lead to iron deficiency which could induce infection disease and probably lower a child’s intelligence as a long-term effect. This study aimed to analyze factors related to wasting on 12-59 months children in Bulili Public Health Center (PHC), Palu City. The analytical descriptive study designed with a cross-sectional approach was applied in this study. One hundred and twenty-one subject was selected from 283 children with purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed with chi-square and Fisher exact test with significant (p < 0,05). The result showed that most children with low birth weight experienced wasting with a p-value = 0,000. Most of the children from higher-income families did not experience wasting with a p-value = 0,004. Most children who didn’t receive breastfeeding milk did not experience wasting with a p-value = 0,958. This study concluded a correlation between low birth weight and income to wasting, but breastfeeding practice was not related.

M Zamzani ◽  
Hamam Hadi ◽  
Dewi Astiti

<p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p><strong><em>Background</em></strong><strong><em>s</em></strong><strong><em>:</em></strong><em> The increasing prevalence of obesity is caused by imbalance between energy input to energy output. Physical activity in children both at school and at home plays an important role in determining the nutritional status of children, including the risk of obesity. </em></p><p><strong><em>Objectives:</em></strong><em> To determine the relationship between children physical activity with obesity in Ngebel Elementary School, Tamantirto Kasihan Bantul. </em></p><p><strong><em>Methods:</em></strong><em> This study was an observational study with cross sectional design. The study population is all children grades 3, 4, and 5 Ngebel Elementary School, Tamantirto Kasihan Bantul. These samples included 96 children who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria obtained with less total sampling technique. Weight children measured using digital bathroom scales to the nearest 0.1 kg and height was measured using the nearest 0.1 cm microtoice assisted by trained enumerators. Physical activity data were obtained using a physical activity questionnaire was adopted from previous studies. Nutritional status data is calculated using the WHO software Anthro 2005. Univariate analysis using frequency distribution and bivariate analysis using </em><em>Fisher’s Exact Test</em><em>. Data were analyzed using software statistic.</em></p><p><strong><em>Results:</em></strong><em> Results analisis showed physical activity had a significant relationship with the incidence of obesity in children, with p Value 0.015 (&lt;0,05) with OR of 4.78 (95% CI: 1.36 to 16.82), </em><em>in other words children who do moderate to severe activity ≤1 hour/day had 5 times higher chance to be obese than children with moderate to severe activity &gt;1 hour/day.</em></p><p><strong><em>Conclusions:</em></strong><em> Physical activity has a significant association with obesity.</em><em> </em></p><p><strong>KEYWORDS<em>:</em></strong><em> physical activity, obesity, elementary school children</em><em></em></p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p><strong><em>Latar belakang: </em></strong><em>Peningkatan prevalensi obesitas disebabkan oleh adanya ketidakseimbangan antara masukan energi dengan keluaran energi. Aktivitas fisik pada anak-anak baik di sekolah maupun di rumah berperan penting dalam penentuan status gizi anak, termasuk risiko terjadinya obesitas.<strong></strong></em></p><p><strong><em>Tujuan: </em></strong><em>Untuk mengetahui </em><em>hubungan antara aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian obesitas pada anak Sekolah Dasar Negeri Ngebel, Tamantirto Kasihan Bantul.</em></p><p><strong><em>Metode: </em></strong><em>Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah semua anak kelas 3, 4, dan 5 SDN Ngebel, Tamantirto Kasihan Bantul. Sampel penelitian berjumlah </em><em>96 </em><em>anak yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi diperoleh dengn teknik total sampling. Berat anak-anak diukur dengan menggunakan timbangan injak digital dengan ketelitian 0,1 kg, sedangkan tinggi badan diukur menggunakan microtoise dengan ketelitian 0,1 cm dibantu oleh enumerator terlatih. Data aktivitas fisik diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner aktivitas fisik yang diadopsi dari</em><em> penelitian sebelumnya</em><em>. Data status gizi dihitung dengan menggunakan software WHO Anthro 2005. Analisis univariat menggunakan distribusi frekuensi dan analisis bivariat menggunakan</em><em> Fisher’s Exact Test</em><em>. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan program software statistic.</em></p><p><strong><em>Hasil: </em></strong><em>Hasil a</em><em>nalisis </em><em>menunjukkan aktivitas fisik memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian obesitas pada anak dengan </em><em>nilai p value 0,009 (&lt;0,05) dengan nilai OR 5,69 (95% CI: 1,42-22,65), dengan kata lain anak yang melakukan aktivitas sedang-berat ≤1 jam/hari berpeluang 5 kali lebih besar untuk mengalami obesitas daripada anak dengan aktivitas sedang-berat &gt;1 jam/hari.</em></p><p><strong><em>Kesimpulan: </em></strong><em>Aktivitas fisik memiliki hubungan secara bermakna dengan obesitas.</em><strong><em></em></strong></p><p><strong>KATA KUNCI: </strong><em>aktivitas fisik, obesitas, anak SD</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-42
Alvian Merza Radi Putra ◽  
Melania Wahyuningsih ◽  
Fajarina Lathu

Diare lebih dominan menyerang anak-anak karena daya tahan tubuh anak-anak yang masih lemah. Faktor penyebab diare pada anak salah satunya pemberian MP-ASI oleh ibu. Dalam praktiknya pengetahuan ibu tentang pemberian MP-ASI masih minim. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang pemberian MP-ASI dengan kejadian diare pada anak usia 6-24 bulan Di Posyandu Padukuhan Pugeran Maguwoharjo Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. Jenis penelitian yaitu kuantitatif observasional analitik dengan rancangan penelitian Cross Sectional. Populasi penelitian ini ibu yang memiliki anak usia 6-24 bulan berjumlah 41 bulan Juli 2019 di Padukuhan Pugeran Maguwoharjo Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. Teknik Sampling menggunakan total sampling. Instrumen pengambilan data berupa kuisioner. Analisa data menggunakan Fisher Exact Test. Hasil menunjukkan ibu yang memiliki pengetahuan baik 28 orang (68,3%) sedangkan yang berpengetahuan cukup sebanyak 13 orang (31,7%). Anak yang tidak pernah mengalami diare dalam kurun waktu 3 bulan terakhir sebanyak 29 anak (70,7%) dan yang pernah mengalami diare dalam kurun waktu 3 bulan terakhir sebanyak 12 anak (29,3%). Didapatkan hasil nilai p value sebesar 0,419. Tidak ada hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang MP- ASI dengan kejadian diare pada anak usia 6-24 bulan di Padukuhan Pugeran Maguwoharjo Depok Sleman Yogyakarta.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (02) ◽  
Prastiwi Putri Basuki ◽  
Triana Uminingsih

Stunting pada masa balita perlu mendapat perhatian khusus termasuk pada anak usia 24-36 bulan. Usia 24-36 bulan merupakan usia anak yang mengalami perkembangan pesat dalam kemampuan kognitif dan motorik. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya kejadian stunting pada anak, antara lain karakteristik ibu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kontribusi karakteristik ibu terhadap kejadian stunting pada anak usia 24-36 bulan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang dilakukan di Desa Sendang Mulyo Minggir Sleman Yogyakarta. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 75 anak usia 24-36 bulan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis data  bivariat menggunakan Chi Square dan Fisher Exact Test dan analisis multivariat menggunakan regresi linier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan ibu (p value=0,000), pengetahuan ibu (p value=0,022) dan pemberian ASI Ekslusif (p value=0,011) yang artinya terdapat hubungan dengan kejadian stunting. Sedangkan status pekerjaan ibu (p value=0,217) tidak signifikan berhubungan dengan kejadian stunting. Berdasarkan analisis multivariat regresi linier menunjukkan hasil bahwa pendidikan ibu, status  pekerjaan ibu, pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi, dan pemberian ASI Ekslusif bersama-sama mempunyai kontribusi terhadap kejadian stunting sebesar 88,2%. Perlu peningkatan program multisektoral dengan melibatkan semua lapisan masyarakat untuk mengurangi kejadian stunting.

2020 ◽  
Vol 43 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. A303-A304
E G Karroum ◽  
S Leu-Semenescu ◽  
R Amdur ◽  
I Arnulf

Abstract Introduction The restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a resting wake state disorder with inactivity/decreased movement as an aggravating factor and activity/increased movement as an alleviating factor. Other activities and conditions may impact RLS symptoms but have not been systematically studied. Methods Fifty-six patients with primary severe RLS (age: 64.1±11.3; 66% women) responded about the effect of 20 activities/conditions on their RLS symptoms. Responses were assigned a numerical value: Aggravation (-1), No effect/Don’t know (0), Alleviation (+1), with calculating a mean effect score for each activity/condition and using a sign test to determine if that score was significantly above or below zero (no effect). Responses were further analyzed based on age, age at RLS onset, duration of RLS, RLS severity, gender, Familial/Non-familial RLS, and Painful/Non-Painful RLS. Association of continuous variables and categorical variables with each activity/condition was examined using Spearman correlation test and Fisher exact test, respectively. Bonferroni p threshold was set at p=0.00036. Results Activities/conditions with significant (p&lt;0.0001) positive mean effect scores were: Feet uncovering (0.70); Leg massaging (0.63); Cold showers (0.54); and Manual activities (0.46). Activities with significant negative mean effect scores were: Vehicle passenger (-0.80); Show attendance (-0.70); Bedsheets weight on legs (-0.57); Watching TV (-0.54); High ambient temperature (-0.45); During meals (-0.39) (all p&lt;0.0001); and Bedsheets rubbing on legs (-0.34; p=0.0002). Activities/conditions with no significant (all p&gt;0.00036) mean effect scores were: Driving (0.00); Gambling (0.02); Professional activities (0.13); Hot showers (0.13); Using computer (0.14); Low ambient temperature (0.21); Sexual activities (0.27); Mental activities (0.29); and Sports activities (0.34). There was no significant association between each activity/condition and age, age at RLS onset, duration of RLS, RLS severity, gender, Familial/Non-familial RLS, or Painful/Non-Painful RLS. Conclusion There is a wide range of impact of different activities/conditions on RLS symptoms. These could be further considered in the non-pharmacological treatment or prevention of RLS symptoms. Support This study was not funded.

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-38 ◽  
E Shrestha

Introduction: Seasonal hyper-acute panuveitis (SHAPU) is a sight-threatening disease and its management is challenging. Objective: To study the profile and evaluate the visual outcome of the patients of clinicallydiagnosed cases of SHAPU after treatment. Subjects and methods: A retrospective interventional hospital-based study was carried out involving 21 subjects with clinically-diagnosed SHAPU. The data were retrieved from the record section of the hospital and analyzed. The variables studied were demographic pattern, clinical condition, duration of presentation and visual acuity before and after the treatment. Statistics: The data were analyzed using Epi Info version 2000. Percentage prevalence, mean values with standard deviation, relative risk, 95% CI and p value were calculated. P value of < 0.05 was considered to be significant. Results: Among the 21 cases, the numbers of male and female were 11 (52.4 %) and 10 (46.7 %) respectively. A comparative analysis of gender in children and adults did not show any significant difference (RR=0.47, 95% CI = 0.22 - 1.01, Fisher exact test: p = 0.14). The mean for all ages was 7 ± 12.68 years, while the mean age in pediatric cases was 4.5 ± 3.91 years. Thirteen (61.9%) cases occurred in children below fifteen years. Fifteen (71.4 %) cases reported during September and October. Presenting visual acuity of all cases was less than 3/60. All of them received medical treatment. By the end of the 4th week, seven (33.3 %) patients regained vision to 6/18. Conclusion: SHAPU is more prevalent in pediatric age group. It is equally prevalent among males and females. The visual acuity can improve with early medical treatment. Keywords: SHAPU; panuveitis; steroid; phthisis bulbi DOI: 10.3126/nepjoph.v2i1.3702 Nep J Oph 2010;2(1) 35-38

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