2021 ◽  
pp. 27-37
Елена Борисовна Андреева

Государственная политика в сфере образования определяет значимость дополнительного образования детей как элемента общей системы выявления и развития талантов и способностей у детей и молодежи. Дополнительное образование, являясь подсистемой общего образования, в региональном контексте рассматривается как открытая вариативная педагогическая система, работающая на достижение общенациональной цели по развитию талантов и самореализации подрастающего поколения. Отвечая вызовам современности, постепенно формируются новые региональные практики управления сферой дополнительного образования, включающие активные горизонтальные и межуровневые связи, интеграцию внеинституциональных поставщиков образовательных услуг в общий содержательный контур, децентрализацию управленческих механизмов. Рассматриваемое как основа «образования в течение жизни» понятие «дополнительное образование детей» приобретает новые смысловые характеристики, включающие требования к содержанию образовательных результатов, преемственность образовательных программ, ориентацию на различные категории обучающихся. Для разрешения противоречия между складывающейся региональной практикой и недостаточной научной обоснованностью используемых подходов требуется переосмысление традиционно применяемых исследователями методологических подходов к управлению сферой дополнительного образования на региональном уровне. Предпринята попытка применения экосистемного подхода к описанию сферы дополнительного образования в условиях конвергентной образовательной среды. The state policy in the field of education actualizes the importance of additional education of children as an element of the overall system for identifying and developing talents and abilities in children and young people. Additional education, being a subsystem of general education, is considered in the regional context as an open variable pedagogical system that works to achieve the national goal of developing talents and self-realization of the younger generation. Responding to the challenges of our time, new regional practices of managing the field of additional education are gradually being formed, including active horizontal and inter-level relations, integration of non-institutional educational service providers into the general content circuit, and decentralization of management mechanisms. Considered as the basis of “long life education”, the concept of “additional education of children” acquires new semantic characteristics, including requirements for the content of educational results, continuity of educational programs, orientation to different categories of students. To resolve the contradiction between the emerging regional practice and the lack of scientific validity of the approaches used, it is necessary to rethink the methodological approaches traditionally used by researchers to manage the field of additional education at the regional level. The article attempts to apply an ecosystem approach to the description of the field of additional education in a convergent educational environment.

2020 ◽  
pp. 131-139
Елена Борисовна Андреева ◽  
Елена Евгеньевна Сартакова

Одной из актуальных проблем развития дополнительного образования детей в России является повышение его доступности и качества. Современные меры государственной политики в сфере образования направлены на обновление содержания и технологий дополнительного образования детей в соответствии с потребностями личности и общественным заказом, обеспечение его доступности для детей с разными образовательными потребностями и возможностями в условиях повышения эффективности используемых ресурсов. Рассматриваются основные принципы развития системы дополнительного образования детей в России на современном этапе. На основе анализа современных нормативных и программно-целевых документов представлена характеристика основных направлений модернизации региональных систем дополнительного образования. Описываются ведущие теоретические идеи построения системы персонифицированного дополнительного образования: индивидуализация, персонализация и персонификация. Проводится анализ современных государственных требований к региональной системе дополнительного образования детей, выделяются ведущие механизмы формирования региональной системы дополнительного образования. Анализируется содержание персонифицированного финансирования процесса реализации дополнительных общеобразовательных программ в соответствии с требованиями доступности, качества и эффективности. Раскрыт смысл идеи персонализации в дополнительном образовании применимо к системе управления доступностью и качеством образовательных программ. На основании программного подхода предложена модель региональной системы дополнительного образования детей, отвечающая современным требованиям. One of the urgent problems of the development of additional education of children in Russia is to increase its accessibility and quality. Modern measures of state policy in the field of education are aimed at updating the content and technologies of additional education of children in accordance with the needs of the individual and public order, ensuring its accessibility for children with different educational needs and opportunities in the context of increasing the efficiency of the resources used. The article discusses the basic principles of the development of the system of additional education of children in Russia at the present stage. Based on the analysis of modern regulatory and program-targeted documents, a characteristic of the main directions of modernization of regional systems of further education is presented. The leading theoretical ideas of building a system of personified continuing education are described: individualization, personalization and personification. The analysis of modern state requirements for the regional system of additional education of children is carried out, the leading mechanisms of the formation of the regional system of additional education are highlighted. The author analyzes the content of personified funding for the implementation of additional general education programs in accordance with the requirements of accessibility, quality and effectiveness. The meaning of the idea of personalization in continuing education is disclosed applicable to the system of accessibility and quality management of educational programs. Based on the program approach, a model of a regional system of additional education for children is proposed that meets modern requirements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
Л. М. Низова ◽  
К. С. Виногорова

The priorities and problems of the implementation of the national project “Education” at the level of a comprehensive school in the region are investigated. The factors of the origin of conflict zones and types of conflicts based on the analysis of contradictions of the opinions of scientists are revealed. The role of unity and struggle of opposites as a phenomenon of overcoming conflicts is determined. Based on the author’s monitoring of the education management system in the Mari El Republic, the positive and negative dynamics of the number of educational organizations studying in them and in the system of additional education over the past five years, the enrollment of students in specialized education, as well as the dynamics of participants in the regional and final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren were revealed. Particular attention is paid to the study of the state of modernization of the regional system of general education in the framework of the national project, highlighting such priorities as computerization, replenishment of the school library stock, improving the quality of education and developing the personnel potential of the industry. According to the authors, the resolution of such problems as the creation of effective mechanisms for financing educational services in organizations with a weak social infrastructure, the availability of high-quality education, the low attractiveness of working conditions and the level of salaries of teachers, and others remain incomplete. To eliminate them, it is necessary to apply such measures as the further development of innovative forms of the education system, the strengthening of interdepartmental bodies and organizations to increase the educational needs of the population, the creation of a specialized financing system for the modernization of educational institutions, as well as the increase in the level of professionalism of teachers. Their actualization at the present stage contributes to the reduction of conflict zones in the education system.

2021 ◽  
pp. 10-14
Marina Kuznetsova ◽  
Natalya Vinogradova

The article discusses the problem of obtaining reliable information about the level of educational achievements of junior schoolchildren during their transition to the next stage of school education. The implementation of the development goals of students at the initial stage of schooling, set by the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, requires pedagogical diagnostics, which makes it possible to establish the cause of the difficulties that children have in the course of studying various subjects. This ensures the timely intervention of the teacher in the learning process to provide each younger student with pedagogical assistance and support, which makes it possible to eliminate the individual difficulties that arise in him.

И.А. Корецкая ◽  
П.В. Мамчур

Одной из обязательных частей процесса адаптации личности в социуме считается адаптация обучающихся в образовательном учреждении. Наиболее сложным периодом школьной адаптации можно считать переход ребёнка из начального школьного звена в среднее, который характеризуется новыми условиями, формами обучения и сменой преподавательского состава. Именно в пятом классе к школьнику впервые предъявляется множество различных требований. Кроме того, этот период совпадает с началом раннего подросткового возраста у школьников, считающегося наиболее сложным периодом развития личности. Целью нашего исследования было рассмотреть специфику дополнительного образования как одного из факторов, оказывающего влияние на формирование социально-психологической адаптивности у школьников, и выявить особенности обучения детей младшего подросткового возраста, посещающих внешкольные занятия. В качестве основных методик исследования применялись: «Шкала личностной тревожности» А.М. Прихожан, методика социализированности личности учащегося М.И. Рожкова, «Рисунок социальной сети». Выбор данных методик был обусловлен возрастными особенностями участников исследования и позволил сделать подробный и комплексный анализ их уровня адаптации. Результаты исследования позволили создать рекомендации для психолого-педагогической коррекционной работы, направленные на преодоление адаптационных и коммуникативных сложностей у школьников. One of the mandatory parts of the process of adaptation of a person in society is the adaptation of students in an educational institution. One of the most difficult periods of school adaptation can be considered the transition of a child from primary school to secondary, which is characterized by new conditions, forms of education and a change in teaching staff. It is in the fifth grade that a student is first presented with many different requirements. In addition, this period coincides with the onset of early adolescence in schoolchildren, which is considered the most difficult period in personality development. The aim of the study was to consider the specifics of additional education as one of the factors influencing the formation of socio-psychological adaptability in schoolchildren, and to identify the peculiarities of teaching children of early adolescence who attend extracurricular activities. The main research methods used were: “Scale of personal anxiety” by A.M. Prihozhan, the method of socialization of the student's personality M.I. Rozhkova, "Drawing of a Social Network." The choice of these methods was due to the age characteristics of the study participants and made it possible to make a detailed and comprehensive analysis of their level of adaptation. The results of the study made it possible to create recommendations for psychological and pedagogical correctional work aimed at overcoming adaptive and communicative difficulties in schoolchildren.

2021 ◽  
pp. 19-28
О.В. Лингевич

На основании сравнительного анализа определены инвариантные элементы модели подготовки будущих педагогов к организации внеурочной деятельности: целеполагание курсов «Педагогика» и «Психология» на проектирование и формирование навыков развития личностных и метапредметных универсальных учебных действий обучающихся; включение в содержание курсов педагогики и психологии отдельных тем (модулей), направленных на формирование когнитивного компонента обучающихся; организация производственной практики на базе детских оздоровительных лагерей, ориентированной на формирование навыков организаторской (вожатской) деятельности; проектирование и реализация производственной практики на базе общеобразовательных учреждений, сосредоточенной на формирование навыков организации внеклассной деятельности. Предлагается периодизация этапов подготовки будущих учителей к организации внеурочной деятельности учащихся в России: дореволюционный (1900–1917 гг.) – этап создания самостоятельных учреждений внешкольного (дополнительного) образования для взрослых и детей; советский (1917–1991 гг.) – этап формирования государственной модели внешкольной, внеклассной работы с детьми; современный (с 1992 г. и по настоящее время) – этап формирования компетентностной модели подготовки будущих педагогов к организации внеурочной деятельности. Основанием для данной классификации служит содержание и направленность подготовки будущих учителей. Based on the comparative analysis, the invariant elements of the model of training future teachers for the organization of extracurricular activities are determined: the goal setting of the courses "Pedagogy" and "Psychology" for the design and formation of skills for the development of personal and metasubject universal educational actions of students; the inclusion in the content of the courses of pedagogy and psychology of individual topics (modules) aimed at the formation of the cognitive component of students; organization of industrial practice on the basis of children's health camps, focused on the formation of organizational skills (leadership) activities; design and implementation of industrial practice on the basis of general education institutions, focused on the formation of skills for organizing extracurricular activities.A periodization of the stages of training future teachers for the organization of extracurricular activities of students in Russia is proposed: pre-revolutionary (1900-1917) – the stage of creating independent institutions of extra-curricular (additional) education for adults and children; Soviet (1917-1991) – the stage of formation of the state model of extracurricular, extracurricular work with children; modern (from 1992 to the present) - the stage of formation of the competence model of training future teachers for the organization of extracurricular activities. The basis for this classification is the content and orientation of the training of future teachers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 44-48
T. V. Barakina

The article reveals the basic concepts associated with robotics: robot, manipulative and mobile (autonomous) robots, robotics. The main directions of the implementation of robotics in the system of basic and additional education of children are considered: educational, competitive, design. The stages of the implementation of the direction of educational robotics, the approximate structure of a lesson in teaching children robotics are presented. The features of the organization of some competitions in robotics, types of tasks for tournament participants, organizational stages are described. The characteristics of the project direction in robotics, the approximate structure of the student's project are given. The importance of each of the considered directions of teaching robotics for the development of the student, its place in the system of general education and the system of additional education is indicated.All three described directions of robotics are in demand among children and parents, teachers, but, despite this, most often only competitive and creative design is implemented in the system of additional education. Unfortunately, in this case, a large number of children capable of robotics may not be identified for objective reasons, and, therefore, lost to engineering professions in the future. Thus, the modern system of basic education faces an acute task of introducing elements of educational robotics into the educational process.

2021 ◽  
pp. 34-40
E. E. Kovshov ◽  
V. S. Kuvshinnikov ◽  
D. F. Kazakov

Organizational, technical and methodological approaches to the creation and virtual reality usage in the development and implementation in additional education of a digital radiography simulator for non-destructive testing of products and materials are considered. It is noted that the most widespread virtual reality technologies are used for training and testing the knowledge of engineering and technical personnel and workers directly involved in production, as well as within the technological preparation of production during complex and responsible operations, including the control of products and materials. The pilot solutions obtained to date and tested allow us to judge the results of complex scientific research. Prospects of expanding the range of applicability of software and hardware solutions of virtual reality, including those based on network protocols and telecommunications solutions, are determined.

2021 ◽  
pp. 171-180
Alexandra Ugryumova ◽  
Lyudmila Pautova ◽  

The level of professional development of personnel is a determining resource for the effectiveness of land reclamation industry and the agro-industrial complex, since the availability and level of development of modern competencies by the workforce largely determine the competitiveness of industry organizations and land reclamation in general. The purpose of the paper is to study the scientific and methodological features and technologies of the system of modern additional professional education of land reclamation personnel, to find reserves for its development. The scientific novelty of research lies in the definition of a complex of organizational and scientific-methodological approaches to the management of additional professional education of the personnel in the industry of land reclamation. The following research methods were used: theoretical analysis, systematization of scientific and methodological materials on additional professional education system, logical and situational analysis, methods of processing and generalization of results. Based on the results of scientific and practical analysis, the structural and content indicators of the readiness of programs of additional professional education of reclamation personnel are determined, a set of scientific and methodological approaches to the implementation of educational programs of additional professional education and the mechanism of sectoral multi-level professional and educational interaction between organizations implementing professional education programs for the reclamation sector of the agro-industrial complex are proposed. The elements of this interaction in the development and implementation of educational programs of additional professional education in the reclamation industry are specified. The following conclusions are drawn. In the course of the conducted scientific and practical research of scientific and methodological features of additional professional education of land reclamation personnel, an attempt is made to solve the problem of scientific, methodological and methodological support for industrial additional education. A mechanism for multi-level professional and educational interaction between industry organizations was developed. The results of this study may be of interest to the heads of organizations that implement additional professional education programs for specialists of the agro-industrial complex, specialists in the field of continuing education.

Kathleen Magiera

Co-teaching can be defined with a multitude of formats in a variety of educational settings. Its underlying concept is that at least two professionals collaborate during their instruction and strengthen their delivery, resulting in improved student outcomes. Partnerships that can be deemed as co-teaching could include pairing various combinations of university instructors, teachers of English-language learners, special education service providers, and student teachers but the following review of co-teaching targets the special education service model. In the preschool through high school setting, the continuing trend toward greater inclusion of students with disabilities means that all teachers are faced with teaching their content to increasingly diverse students. A popular service used to accomplish inclusive practices from preschool to high school is co-teaching. Co-teaching is a service by which students with disabilities and their teachers collaborate together for the purpose of providing students with and without disabilities access to the general education curriculum with specially designed instruction. Co-teaching usually occurs for a designated portion of the instructional day. By carefully planning together, co-teaching pairs provide more intense instruction to the entire class based on the general education content and the learning goals for students with disabilities. While instructing together, both teachers often form smaller instructional groups for more individualized lessons. The co-teachers use their assessment data to inform future instruction within the inclusive classroom. By implementing the effective co-teaching practices of shared planning, instructing, and assessing, teachers become equal partners for the benefit of all students.

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