Rizky Firmansyah ◽  
Mochammad Galih S Wicaksono ◽  
Dwi Narulia ◽  
Ridoni Fardeni Harahap ◽  
Annisa Puspita Amalia

This service activity aims to analyze the needs and build a digitalization mindset for MSMEs in Malang City in facing the challenges of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Digital marketing strategies can be a bridge for MSMEs to reach a wider target market, so an interpersonal approach is needed to encourage business people to renew targeted marketing strategies. The method of implementing this activity consists of three stages, namely pre-implementation, implementation and post-implementation. The findings on the activity contain interesting facts, including MSMEs in Malang City do not experience capital problems, cash flow uncertainty causes a reduction in production activities, features on online platforms have not been used optimally and difficulties in compiling interesting content that can create interaction with the target market. Significant results were shown by MSME actors after participating in counseling and training activities, namely MSME actors were able to determine an online platform that could support their marketing system and some MSME actors were able to create interactions with consumers through digital activation to the purchase process from consumers. Apart from that, there are still many things that must be improved by MSME actors, especially in improving the quality of human resources and the digital marketing system.

2021 ◽  
pp. 35
Yolla Margaretha ◽  
Asni Harianti ◽  
Nur Nur ◽  
Maya Malinda ◽  
Andre Sunjaya

Community service is one of the pillars of the Tri Dharma of Indonesian Higher Education. Through community service, educators and students can practice science and technology in society. Maranatha Christian University is one of the universities that strives to have an impact on improving the quality of society through community service. Educators specializing in Entrepreneurship and Marketing Management as a part of the Management Study Program, Faculty of Business, Maranatha Christian University, do community service at the Pasundan Rehoboth Temiyang Indramayu Christian Church. This community service activity discussed online marketing strategies for Temiyang's typical products, namely Manisan Si Mayang (candied mangoes by Temiyang) and Temiyang’s sandals. In order to get the right target market and products that are widely known, it requires online promotion and marketing. Through online marketing strategy, it is expected to be able to find the right type of online promotion and increase knowledge of online marketing for Temiyang products, so that it can become a strategy in optimizing the marketing of Temiyang's superior products and product that can be reached by the wider costomer because the are available online in market place. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat merupakan salah satu pilar dari Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia. Melalui pengabdian masyarakat tenaga pendidik dan mahasiswa dapat mengamalkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi pada masyarakat. Universitas Kristen Maranatha adalah salah satu perguruan tinggi yang berupaya untuk dapat memberikan dampak bagi peningkatan kualitas masyarakat melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Para tenaga pendidik peminatan Kewirausahaan dan Peminatan Manajemen Pemasaran sebagai salah bagian dari Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Bisnis Universitas Kristen Maranatha melakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di Gereja Kristen Pasundan Rehoboth Temiyang Indramayu. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini membahas tentang strategi pemasaran online produk khas Temiyang yaitu Manisan Si Mayang (Manisan Mangga Khas Temiyang) dan sendal Temiyang. Dalam rangka mendapatkan pasar sasaran yang tepat dan produk yang dikenal secara luas maka membutuhkan promosi dan pemasaran online.  Dengan metode pelatihan strategi pemasaran online ini diharapkan dapat menemukan jenis promosi online yang tepat dan meningkatkan pengetahuan pemasaran online produk khas Temiyang, sehingga dapat menjadi suatu strategi dalam optimalisasi pemasaran produk unggulan khas Temiyang dan produk khas Temiyang bisa dijangkau oleh masyarakat luas karena tersedia secara online di market place.

Tri Budiyanto

Most of the Aisyiah womens in the Muhammadiyah Bali region have side jobs as housewives. Various businesses include Small Medium Enterprises (in Bahasa Indonesia, Usaha Kecil dan Menengah) engaged in grocery stalls, selling cloth, food stalls, furniture businesses, Muslim fashion stores and others. Some of the obstacles faced in developing their businesses include capitalization, management and location determination, as well as the quality of production as well as marketing.The purpose of this service activity is to equip Aisyiah Muhammadiyah Bali women in implementing marketing strategies that are in line with their business and competing in marketing. The benefits of this dedication for Aisyiah's mothers are getting knowledge and understanding related to the marketing field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Anothai Ngamvichaikit ◽  

Worldwide, the time spent online and in digital media has been increasing, thus becoming the primary source of health and medical information. This phenomenon is driving all business, including the pharmaceutical industry, in gearing toward digital marketing strategies. Developing countries like Thailand still extend existing laws to regulate digital media despite the differences with traditional media, and consumers face the risks of buying drugs illegally and products that overclaim despite stringent pre-approval regulations on drug marketing. This study utilizes design thinking as a human-centric research method to propose appropriate and practical digital marketing guidelines for the pharmaceutical industry, using 53 informants. The problems were that consumers face persuasive risks and the need for reliable sources of drug information. The current regulatory process places a high burden on regulators and the laws that enforce it. However, several new digital strategies such as unbranded information and targeted marketing are not covered by existing laws. Regulations on teleconsultation are also needed, but no legislation currently exists for such activities. And finally, experts have articulated four domains as follows: eRegulations, e-Information sources, and e-Consultation to provide easy access to professionals, and e-Ethics, a supportive mechanism toward ethical drug marketing

Rina Agustini

The sub-district office is a government institution that uses letter media in delivering information or activities carried out to support government programs. Writing official letters is one of the activities in administration that can help smooth the activities of the administration. Therefore, writing official letters is very important to be understood by all sub-district office employees to support the administrative work process. The purpose of this service activity is to find out the understanding of writing official letters of the Gunungtanjung District Office of Tasikmalaya District and to find out an increase in understanding of writing official letters of the Gunungtanjung District Office in Tasikmalaya District. The implementation of Community Service activities is packaged using a workshop approach. The activity was carried out using the method of lecture, discussion and practice. The achievement of the training activities was the increasingly motivated sub-district office staff to improve their competence and professionalism in writing official letters. The quality of official letters that have been produced by employees of the Gunungtanjung District Office in Tasikmalaya Regency has also increased as explained below. 20 official letters with very good categories, 7 official letters with good categories, and 3 official letters classified as sufficient (score <70). The training activities benefited the participants and were expected to improve the quality of services in the Gunungtanjung District Office in Tasikmalaya Regency.Keywords: official letter, sub-district employee.�ABSTRAK�Kantor kecamatan merupakan lembaga pemerintah yang menggunakan media surat dalam menyampaikan informasi atau kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilaksanakan guna mendukung program pemerintah. Penulisan surat dinas merupakan salah satu kegiatan dalam administrasi yang dapat membantu kelancaran aktivitas bidang administrasi. Oleh karena itu, penulisan surat dinas sangat penting dipahami oleh semua pegawai kantor kecamatan untuk mendukung proses kerja administrasi. Adapun tujuan dilaksanakannya kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pemahaman penulisan surat dinas pegawai Kantor Kecamatan Gunungtanjung Kabupaten Tasikmalaya dan untuk mengetahui peningkatan pemahaman penulisan surat dinas pegawai Kantor Kecamatan Gunungtanjung Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat ini dikemas dengan menggunakan pendekatan workshop. Kegiatan dilakukan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi dan latihan. Pencapaian� dari kegiatan pelatihan ialah semakin termotivasinya para pegawai kantor kecamatan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalitasnya dalam penulisan surat dinas. Kualitas surat dinas yang telah dihasilkan oleh para pegawai Kantor Kecamatan Gunungtanjung Kabupaten Tasikmalaya juga mengalami peningkatan sebagaimana uraian berikut. 20 surat dinas dengan kategori sangat baik, 7 surat dinas dengan kategori baik, dan 3 surat dinas tergolong katerori cukup (skor < 70). Kegiatan pelatihan dirasakan manfaatnya oleh para peserta dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan di Kantor Kecamatan Gunungtanjung Kabupaten Tasikmalaya.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-157
Ascharisa Mettasatya Afrilia

Purwokerto is the capital of Banyumas Regency as a growing and developing small tow. Purwokerto has experienced population transformation in terms of both quantity and quality. Based on statistical data can be seen that the population in the city per year 2014 ranged between 292,782 people with an area of 38.58 KM². The increase of population per year is also increasing along with the number of migrant population. This is an opportunity for business people are no exception to the culinary business. Waroenk Ora Umum is one type of culinary business which is quite rapid growth in the city of Purwokerto. Along with the current milenal era, it is necessary to further explore the marketing strategy of targeted marketing communications. And digital marketing is one strategy that has enough impact to increase the number of consumer culinary business in this era. This study used qualitative research methods. Data collection is done by observation, documentation, and interview. The results show that Waroenk Ora Umum Purwokerto has utilized digital marketing strategy which is also balanced with other marketing strategies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Tony Sitinjak ◽  
Budi Berlinton Sitorus ◽  
Martha Ayerza Esra ◽  
Elis Sondang Dasawaty ◽  
Farida Komalasari

Currently mastery of digital marketing has become a must for business people. However, there are<br />still many parties who have not mastered it. In order to provide briefing and enrichment on digital<br />marketing strategy, this community service activity (PKM) was carried out in collaboration with<br />Dekopinda - North Jakarta. Starting with the formulation of the problem, followed by the formulation of<br />the material and the determination of the form of activity, this PKM was carried out on June 26, 2021<br />using an online platform, because it took place in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic and the<br />implementation of the PPKM Mikro in DKI Jakarta. This activity was attended by 35 participants who<br />are the Managements and Members of Dekopinda – North Jakarta. The material presented includes<br />the understanding of digital marketing, digital marketing channels, internet marketing and its main<br />channels, how to start digital marketing, strategies for choosing social media as a promotional tool,<br />and how to choose a marketplace for beginners. After participating in this activity, participants felt<br />great benefits and suggested similar activities with different topics. The proposed topics are<br />leadership and identification of business opportunities during a pandemic.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Jajuk Herawati ◽  
Lusia Tria Hatmanti Hutami ◽  
Pristin Prima Sari

Community service activity is related to Training of Entrepreneurship Making and Promotion Digital Marketing Batik To Women Fostering Family Welfare (PKK). The purpose of this activity is to introduce entrepreneurship and digital marketing of handmade batik to the women PKK Pandeyan Numbers. In addition, PKK women can follow up to have store of batik from their production. The venue is located at RW 04 Pandeyan Hall. The activity targets are women PKK Kalangan Pandeyan. The implementation followed by cooperation with Sanggar Batik Jenggolo as a speech how to make batik. Training methods are studying, discussions and practices. Training activities include entrepreneurship, promotion, product decisions and branding, digital marketing and making batik. The result of this activity is handkerchief batik.Keyword: Entrepreneurship, Digital Marketing, Batik Tulis

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Mafazah Noviana ◽  
Nur Husniah Thamrin

ABSTRAK Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kualitas visual sebuah kawasan adalah dengan seni mural. Selain dianggap memperindah tampilan kawasan, keberadaan gambar-gambar dan warna ini juga dapat memperkuat karakter sebuah kawasan. Panti Asuhan Baitul Walad merupakan salah satu panti asuhan yang terletak di Kelurahan Loa Buah. Panti asuhan ini mempunyai misi menolong anak-anak yatim atau yang tidak mampu yang berpotensi untuk memperoleh pendidikan yang baik. Sebagai bekal untuk menghadapi kehidupan di masa depan, anak-anak asuh panti harus banyak memperoleh bekal keterampilan salah satunya adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan membuat mural. Khalayak sasaran program ini adalah anak asuh Panti Asuhan Baitul Walad.  Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan metode ceramah, praktik dengan bimbingan, serta evaluasi. Dalam kegiatan pelatihan dan ini tahap-tahap yang lakukan adalah memberi materi pendahuluan, tahap persiapan pembuatan mural, tahap melukis dan tahap finishing. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan yang direncanakan, peserta antusias mengikuti kegiatan dan memberi respon yang positif. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa pembuatan mural ini memberi keterampilan baru bagi peserta yaitu anak asuh Panti Asuhan Baitul Walad sekaligus secara umum memperbaiki aspek estetika visual Kawasan Loa Buah Kota Samarinda. Kata Kunci: loa buah; mural; pelatihan; pendampingan.ABSTRACT One effort that can be done to improve the visual quality of an area is with mural art. Besides being considered to beautify the appearance of the region, the presence of images and colors can also strengthen the character of an area. Baitul Walad Orphanage is one of the orphanages located in the Village of Loa Buah. This orphanage has a mission to help orphans or underprivileged people who have the potential to get a good education. As a provision to face life in the future, orphanage children have to get a lot of skills, one of which is training and assistance in making murals. The target audience for the program is the foster children of the Baitul Walad Orphanage. The method used is the lecture method, practice with guidance, and evaluation. In the training activities and the stages, the steps taken are to provide preliminary material, the preparation stage for mural, the painting stage and the finishing stage. The implementation of this activity went well as planned, participants enthusiastically participated in the activity and gave a positive response. The community service activity in the form of making murals gave new skills to participants, the foster children of the Baitul Walad Orphanage, while at the same time improving the visual aesthetic aspects of the Loa Buah Samarinda City.Keywords: accompaniment; loa buah; mural; training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 157
Mutia Fonna ◽  
Mursalin Mursalin ◽  
Aklimawati Aklimawati ◽  
Muliana Muliana ◽  
Fajriana Fajriana ◽  

ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 1 Dewantara, Aceh utara. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk memberikan pengetahuan bagi guru-guru dalam menulis artikel ilmiah, mengembangkan pengetahuan dan meningkatkan kualitas penulisan artikel ilmiah, melatih guru untuk mempublikasikan artikel penelitian secara mandiri pada jurnal nasional berbasi OJS (Open Journal System). Kegiatan ini di dasari oleh permasalahan mitra yaitu: (1) Belum adanya pelatihan khusus untuk mendukung penulisan karya ilmiah berbasis riset. (2) Minimnya pengetahuan guru dan keterbatasan ide dalam penulisan karya ilmiah. (3) Guru masih mengalami kesulitan untuk mempublikasikan artikel ilmiah secara mandiri pada jurnal nasional. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan terdiri dari 3 tahapan yaitu. Tahapan sosialisasi dan diskusi dilakukan melalui penyuluhan (pemaparan materi) tentang (1) Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Berbasis Riset Bagi Guru dan Teknik Submission di Jurnal Nasional dan (2) Teknik Submission Artikel di Jurnal Nasional Berbasis OJS. Tahap kedua yaitu tahapan diskusi dimana pada tahap ini dilanjutkan dengan diskusi berupa tanya jawab antara pemateri dengan peserta. Tahap ketiga yaitu mempraktekkan bagaimana cara submit artikel ilmiah sesuai dengan target submission jurnal nasional berbasis OJS. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu semua peserta antusias mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan yang diberikan, hal ini terlihat dari para peserta yang menyimak dengan seksama materi yang disampaikan, dan mengajukan pertanyaan ketika ada kendala yang belum dipahami. Kata kunci: penulisan artikel lmiah; teknik submission ABSTRACTThis service activity was carried out at SMP Negeri 1 Dewantara, North Aceh. The purpose of this service is to provide knowledge for teachers in writing scientific articles, develop knowledge and improve the quality of writing scientific articles, train teachers to publish research articles independently in national journals based on OJS (Open Journal System). This activity is based on partner problems, namely: (1) There is no special training to support the writing of research-based scientific papers. (2) The lack of teacher knowledge and limited ideas in writing scientific papers. (3) Teachers still have difficulty publishing scientific articles independently in national journals. The method of implementing the activity consists of 3 stages, namely. The stages of socialization and discussion are carried out through counseling (exposure to material) on (1) Research-Based Scientific Article Writing for Teachers and Submission Techniques in National Journals and (2) Article Submission Techniques in OJS-Based National Journals. The second stage is the discussion stage where at this stage it is followed by a discussion in the form of questions and answers between the presenter and the participants. The third stage is to practice how to submit scientific articles in accordance with the OJS-based national journal submission target. The results obtained are that all participants are enthusiastic about participating in the training activities provided, this can be seen from the participants who listen carefully to the material presented, and ask questions when there are obstacles that are not yet understood. Keywords: scientific article writing; submission techniques

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-91
Iwan Darmawansyah ◽  
Sismiati Sismiati

This study aims to develop instruments that marketers can use in developing digital marketing in their industry. The method used is applied research and constructivism point of view. Researchers conducted interviews and developed digital marketing strategies. The results of this study explain that call to action provides consumer effectiveness in purchasing products. However, it is necessary to encourage promotion through ig paid to provide a wider range of promotions. This study also explains some important things to consider in preparing the target market by analyzing customer personals and designing customer journeys.

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