scholarly journals Kesalahan Berbahasa dalam Modul I Bahasa Indonesia PPG Dalam Jabatan Tahun 2020

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Rahmad Hidayat

This research is here to explain several forms of errors in the material module of the Pendidikan Profesi Guru Dalam Jabatan Tahun 2020. Research on the analysis of language errors in the PPG module has never been carried out.  In data collection, used the Listening method with the Note Technique.  The data are recorded in such a way in tabulations.  In analyzing the data, the Intralingual Matching method was used with HBS and HBB techniques. HBS and HBB techniques are realized by comparing between language data and applicable rules.  Furthermore, deviant linguistic data are classified based on the types of violations against linguistic rules and theories.  The presentation of the results of data analysis in this study is based on the taxonomy of linguistic categories in language error analysis.  The results showed that in the module I PPG Dalam Jabatan Tahun 2020 there were spelling errors in the form of punctuation errors, capital letters errors, italicization errors, and word writing errors; morphological errors in the form of word formation errors and word non-conformity; syntactic errors in the form of misuse of conjunctor and ineffective sentences.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-114
Nur Endah Permatasari ◽  
Ika Maiatun Khasanah ◽  
Nur Alifiah Martia Putri

Language is a tool to express an opinion or statement that will be conveyed to others. There are two types in language media, namely oral language and written language. One work that uses written language as a communication medium is a magazine. To write a magazine, you must use a language structure that is good and right or in accordance with the rules of language. But often times in a magazine there are still many mistakes, for example, in the 2018 edition of Pandawa magazine, there are errors in language spelling and at the syntactic level. Types of language errors at the spelling level include errors in letter usage, word writing, use of punctuation, and combination spelling. Types of language errors at the syntactic level include, discourse, sentences, clauses, and phrases. This study aims to describe language errors, especially at the spelling level and at the syntactic level. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative research, which describes the object of language errors in the 2018 edition of the Pandawa IAIN magazine. The techniques of data collection and data analysis are (1) collecting language errors, (2) identifying errors based on linguistic level (syntax, phonology, morphology, and spelling), (3) ranking errors, i.e. sorting errors based on the number of errors, (4) explaining conditions, explaining what is wrong, the cause of errors, and how to correct errors, (5) predicting linguistic level that is prone to errors, (6) correcting errors, namely correcting errors, finding the right way to reduce or eliminate these errors. The results of this study, namely errors in the spelling level in the Pandawa IAIN Surakarta magazine, there are capital letters writing errors, italics, punctuation marks, and hyphens; errors at the syntactic level in the Pandawa IAIN Surakarta magazine, there are mistakes in phrases, and sentences. Bahasa merupakan suatu alat untuk mengungkapkan sebuah pendapat atau pernyataan yang akan disampaikan kepada orang lain. Ada dua jenis dalam media bahasa, yaitu bahasa lisan dan bahasa tulis. Salah satu karya yang menggunakan bahasa tulis sebagai media komunikasi, yaitu majalah. Untuk menulis sebuah majalah, harus menggunakan tatanan bahasa yang baik dan benar atau sesuai dengan kaidah kebahasaan. Namun sering kali penulisan dalam sebuah majalah masih terdapat banyak kesalahan, misalnya terjadi dalam majalah Pandawa edisi 2018 yang terdapat kesalahan berbahasa dalam tataran ejaan dan sintaksis. Jenis kesalahan bahasa pada tataran ejaan meliputi kesalahan dalam pemakaian huruf, penulisan kata, pemakaian tanda baca, dan ejaan kombinasi. Pada jenis tataran sintaksis, yaitu meliputi wacana, kalimat, klausa, dan frase. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan-kesalahan berbahasa, khususnya dalam tataran ejaan dan sintaksis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif analisis, yaitu mendeskripsikan objek tentang kesalahan berbahasa dalam majalah Pandawa IAIN Surakarta edisi 2018. Teknik pengumpulan data dan analisis data, yaitu (1) mengumpulkan data kesalahan berbahasa, (2) mengidentifikasi kesalahan berdasarkan pada tataran kebahasaan (sintaksis, fonologi, morfologi, dan ejaan), (3) memeringkat kesalahan, yaitu mengurutkan kesalahan berdasarkan banyaknya kesalahan, (4) menjelaskan keadaan, yaitu menjelaskan apa yang salah, penyebab kesalahan, dan bagaimana perbaikan kesalahan,(5) memprediksi tataran kebahasaan yang rawan akan terjadinya kesalahan, (6) mengoreksi kesalahan, yaitu memperbaiki kesalahan, mencari cara yang tepat untuk mengurangi ataupun menghilangkan kesalahan tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini, yaitu kesalahan pada tataran ejaan dalam majalah Pandawa IAIN Surakarta, terdapat kesalahan penulisan huruf kapital, kata yang dicetak miring, tanda baca, dan tanda hubung; kesalahan pada tataran sintaksis dalam majalah Pandawa IAIN Surakarta, terdapat kesalahan frasa, dan kalimat.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-114
Nur Endah Permatasari ◽  
Ika Maiatun Khasanah ◽  
Nur Alifiah Martia Putri

Language is a tool to express an opinion or statement that will be conveyed to others. There are two types in language media, namely oral language and written language. One work that uses written language as a communication medium is a magazine. To write a magazine, you must use a language structure that is good and right or in accordance with the rules of language. But often times in a magazine there are still many mistakes, for example, in the 2018 edition of Pandawa magazine, there are errors in language spelling and at the syntactic level. Types of language errors at the spelling level include errors in letter usage, word writing, use of punctuation, and combination spelling. Types of language errors at the syntactic level include, discourse, sentences, clauses, and phrases. This study aims to describe language errors, especially at the spelling level and at the syntactic level. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative research, which describes the object of language errors in the 2018 edition of the Pandawa IAIN magazine. The techniques of data collection and data analysis are (1) collecting language errors, (2) identifying errors based on linguistic level (syntax, phonology, morphology, and spelling), (3) ranking errors, i.e. sorting errors based on the number of errors, (4) explaining conditions, explaining what is wrong, the cause of errors, and how to correct errors, (5) predicting linguistic level that is prone to errors, (6) correcting errors, namely correcting errors, finding the right way to reduce or eliminate these errors. The results of this study, namely errors in the spelling level in the Pandawa IAIN Surakarta magazine, there are capital letters writing errors, italics, punctuation marks, and hyphens; errors at the syntactic level in the Pandawa IAIN Surakarta magazine, there are mistakes in phrases, and sentences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-68
Nurul Fajriyani ◽  
Mochammad Rosyid Ridho ◽  
Qoriatul Laili

The library guide book certainly has a significant role in the learning process for new students. All forms of direction contained in this book are important to consider in terms of language. This study aimed to describe language errors in diction and spelling found in the guide book. The purpose of this study was to describe language errors in the diction and spelling. The research method used was descriptive qualitative, using error analysis framework. Data collection technique was done qualitatively. The data analysis was done in the following stages: processing and preparing data to be analyzed, reading and describing the entire data, recording all data obtained, analyzing more details and describing errors in each data, classifying each data in spelling or diction fields, and interpreting all data according to relevant. The results of the analysis indicated that there were 25 errors on diction, consisting of 3 prepositional writing errors, 17 standard word writing errors, and 5 italics writing data. In addition, there were 10 errors the spelling field, consisting of 2 data on punctuation, and 8 errors in the use of foreign words.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Heru Setiawan

This research examines and discovers the variation and formation of slang in the street food court (angkringan) of the Perpek community, Ponorogo Regency, which is indicated by a variant of the slang language. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The research data is in the form of words from languages that contain slang forms and are spoken by sellers and buyers. Data collection uses observation techniques supported by note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique used is the equivalent method and the method of religion. The findings of this research are four processes of the formation of slang language in terms of the formation of phonological structures, namely: (1) reversing the overall arrangement of letters, for example "mahal" to "laham", (2) giving an insert at the beginning and at the end both vowels and consonants, for example "kopi" becomes "ngikop", (3) exchanges consonants and replaces one or two letters, for example "sedikit" becomes "sikit", and (4) words are shortened or cut without changing their meanings, for example "mama cantik" to be "macan". The results of the research findings indicate the formation of new slang languages that are different from the original languages, both from Indonesian and regional languages (Javanese). Penelitian ini mengkaji dan menemukan variasi dan pembentukan bahasa slang di angkringan komunitas Perpek, Kabupaten Ponorogo, yang terindikasi ditemuakan varian bahasa slang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode diskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian berupa kata dari bahasa yang mengandung bentuk bahasa slang dan dituturkan oleh penjual dan pembeli. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi yang didukung dengan teknik simak-libat-catat. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode padan dan metode agih. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh temuan berupa empat proses pembentukan variasi bahasa slang dari segi pembentukan struktur fonologis, yaitu: (1) membalikkan susunan huruf secara keseluruhan, misal "mahal" menjadi "laham", (2) memberikan sisipan di awal dan di akhir kata, baik vokal maupun konsonan, misal "kopi" menjadi "ngikop", (3) menukar konsonan dan mengganti satu atau dua huruf,  misal "sedikit" menjadi "sikit", dan (4) kata dipendekkan atau dipotong tanpa mengubah maknanya, misal "mama cantik" menjadi "macan". Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukkan adanya pembentukan bahasa slang baru yang berbeda dari bahasa aslinya, baik dari bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa daerah (bahasa Jawa).

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Nanang Bustanul Fauzi ◽  
Muh. Fatoni Rohman ◽  
Maulfi Syaiful Rizal

Writing is a skill that must be mastered by students. These language skills are useful for writing a thesis as a final assignment for students to get a bachelor's degree (master and / or doctorate). In thesis writing, spelling, and sentences used are standard and effective sentences so that readers easily understand the intent of the author. This study aims to describe mistakes in writing spelling, terminology, and writing mistakes in the thesis of UB's Faculty of Arts students. This study uses qualitative research with a case study design to obtain a description of the data. The results of this study reveal that the most common language errors are found, namely spelling errors used by students in the thesis. The spelling mistakes were 52.03% the use of punctuation, 39.53% word writing, and 0.08% letter writing, while sentence writing errors were found in aspects of structural incompatibility, inequality, inaccuracy, incoherence, disparity, and incoherence in the sentence .

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 381-394
Stefanus Tebajak Henakin ◽  
Siprianus See

The purpose of this research is to describe the professional competence of Grade IV Indonesian teachers at The Central Ende Catholic Primary School in Ende Regency. Professional competence relates to the teacher's ability to master materials and teaching tasks. This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research. Subjects in this study were Indonesian teachers, principals, and grade IV students. The object of this research is the professional competence of teachers of Bahasa Indonesia subjects. Data collection using interview, observation, and documentation methods. Data analysis is conducted descriptively qualitatively. Based on the results of this study, it is known that the professional competence of Indonesian teachers in grade IV in Catholic primary schools in Central Ende subdistrict is relatively good. Professional competencies that have been mastered by teachers include the ability of teachers in mastering materials, structures, concepts, and scientific mindsets, the ability of teachers in mastering the standard of competence and basic competencies of the Indonesian language, the ability of teachers in developing indonesian language learning materials creatively, and the ability of teachers in developing professionally in a sustainable manner. Thus, it can be concluded that the overall professional competence of indonesian language teachers in grade IV as threatening as Ende Tengah needs to be maintained and also organized efforts to continuously improve the professional competence of teachers in accordance with the development of science and technology.

Tasliati Tasliati

Abstrak: Kata mencuri perlu diteliti mengingat kata ini berkaitan dengan tindakan hukum yang dapat dikenakan kepada orang yang didakwa melakukannya. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kata mencuri dengan memanfaatkan teori semantik prototipe model Linda Coleman dan Paul Kay (1981). Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang diisi oleh 40 responden. Analisis data menggunakan metode campuran (mixedmethod), yaitu analisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) prototipe kata mencuri didukung oleh tiga elemen, yaitu (a) me-ngambil barang orang lain tanpa izin; (b) mengetahui bahwa barang itu milik orang lain; dan (c) memanfaatkan barang itu untuk kepentingan pribadi; (2) elemen-elemen yang mendukung makna kata mencuri memiliki kadar yang berbeda: tertinggi b, kemudian c, dan terendah a. Hal itu menunjukkan bahwa faktor kesengajaan adalah elemen yang paling menentukan suatu tindakan dikategorikan benar-benar mencuri. KataKunci: semantik prototipe, kata mencuri, linguistik kognitifAbstract: The word mencuri (steal) needs to be studied because it is related to legal action that can be imposed on people who are charged doing it. This study aims to describe the word mencuri (steal) using the prototype model of Linda Coleman and Paul Kay (1981). Data collection used a questionnaire which was filled out by 40 respondents. Data analysis used mixed method, namely quantitative and qualitative analysis. The results showed that (1) the prototype of the word mencuri (steal) is supported by three elements; (a) taking other people’s belongings without permission; (b) knowing that the item belongs to some-one else; and (c) using the goods for personal gain; and (2) the elements that support the meaning of the word have different levels: the highest is a, then b, and the lowest is c. The results showed that the intentional factor is the most determining element of an action categorized as actually stealing.Keywords: prototype semantic, the word steal, cognitive linguistic

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Zulfadli A. Aziz ◽  
Vivi Nolikasari

One of the processes of word formation is reduplication which words or morphemes are repeated. This study focuses on reduplication in Jamee language. This descriptive qualitative study aims at finding out forms of reduplication and the meaning contained in the reduplication in Jamee. The data were collected through ethnographic interview by recording ten native speakers of the Jamee language who live in Labuhanhaji sub-district, South Aceh. They were chosen through purposive sampling. A total of 261 reduplication words were obtained during the interviews, and they were analysed using three stages; data reduction, data display and data verification. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that there are four types of reduplication in the Jamee language: full reduplication, partial reduplication, lexicalized reduplication, and affixed reduplication. The study also shows that reduplication in Jamee language can be in the forms of verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and pronominals. Despite previous studies show that there is no infix in the Jamee language, hence it does occur in this study even though it is rarely used in this language. It is assumed that it may have come into the language through the borrowing from Bahasa Indonesia.

Mukhlis Mukhlis ◽  
Raden Yusuf Sidiq Budiawan ◽  
Rawinda Fitrotul Mualafina ◽  
Siti Ulfiyani

<p>Several errors in spelling and grammar were found in the students' writing on Indonesian language courses. The errors affect the quality of students' academic works. Based on the findings, this study was aimed at (1) describing the forms of misapplication of Indonesian rules and writing in the students’ writing, and (2) defining the aspects behind the application of Indonesian rules and writing in the students’ writing. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This research was carried out in data collection, data classification, data analysis, and informal data analysis presentation. There are two results in this study. First, language errors were found at three levels, namely errors in aspects of letter writing, elements of paper and use of words, and writing sentences. Second, there are some factors behind this error, both internally and externally.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 117
Zainal Abidin

Abstract The research on the infixed words in KBBI (Indonesian Great Dictionary) aims at describing the infixed words in the structure of the dictionary. This is a qualitative descriptive research. The subject of this study is the Fourth Edition of KBBI, while the object of research is the infixed entries contained in the dictionary. The data used in this study is the whole infixed words that made the entry in the dictionary. Data collection is carried out by reading and writing techniques. The data analysis steps are performed by collecting the entries, sorting the entries, classifying the entries by category or criteria according to the entry structure. The analysis is carried out after classification. The result of the research shows that in Fourth Edition of KBBI, there are twenty infixed words which are divided into four infixes -el-, -em-, -er-, and -in- and arranged as the main entry, i.e gelembung (bubbles), gelenang (grateful), geletar (tremble), geligi (teeth), gemeletuk (tingling), gemelugut (shrieking), gemeresik (rustling), gemeretak (rattling), gemerencang ( clanging), gemerincing (jingling), gemerlap (sparkling), gemetar (trembling), gemuntur (thundering), gemuruh  (rumbling), gerigi (serrations), serabut (fibers), seruling (flutes), sinambung (continuous), telingkah (hoarse), and telunjuk (finger). The word gerisik in the dictionary has the same basic meaning as the rhyme form, although the word geresik as the basic form of rustle are not found, while gerincing is the basic form of rattle, although the word gerencing is not found because the clanging rhyme is given the equivalent of word gemerincing to refer to the formation used. Meanwhile, in the dictionary, the word seruling (flute) that is supposed to be a derivation form of the word suling is created to be one of the meanings of the suling entry instead.  Abstrak Penelitian tentang kata-kata berinfiks pada Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kata-kata berinfiks dalam struktur kamus tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Edisi Keempat, sedangkan objek penelitiannya adalah lema berinfiks yang terdapat di dalam kamus tersebut. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh kata berinfiks yang dijadikan lema dalam kamus tersebut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik baca dan catat. Langkah-langkah analisis data dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan lema, mengurutkan lema, mengklasifikasikan lema berdasarkan kategori atau kriteria sesuai dengan struktur lema. Penganalisisan dilakukan setelah dilakukan pengklasifikasian. Dari hasil penelitian ditunjukkan bahwa di dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Edisi Keempat terdapat dua puluh kata berinfiks yang dibedakan menjadi empat infiks -el-, -em-, -er-, dan -in- dan disusun sebagai lema utama, yaitu gelembung, gelenang, geletar, geligi,  gemeletuk, gemelugut, gemeresik, gemeretak,  gemerencang, gemerincing, gemerlap, gemetar, gemuntur, gemuruh, gerigi, serabut, seruling,  sinambung, telingkah, dan telunjuk. Kata gerisik dalam kamus tersebut bermakna dasar yang sama dengan bentuk jadian gemeresik meskipun tidak ditemukan kata geresik sebagai bentuk dasar gemeresik, sedangkan gerincing merupakan bentuk dasar gemerencing kendatipun tidak ditemukan kata gerencing karena pada lema gemerincing diberi padanan kata gemerencing untuk mengacu bentukan yang dipakai. Sementara itu, kata seruling yang seharusnya merupakan bentuk derivasi dari kata suling dalam kamus tersebut malah dijadikan salah satu makna dari lema suling. 

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