scholarly journals Natural School Management: A New Paradigm for Education

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 479
Firman Firman ◽  
Friscilla Wulan Tersta ◽  
Eva Iryani

School of nature is one of the new concepts in the world of education. The natural school is basically an alternative form of education that uses the universe as a place of learning, teaching material and also as an object of learning. According to some experts, it is believed that this concept is an effective approach for the realization of activities related to active learning. The aims of this research are to investigate how the management of natural schools works, specifically in planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling. This study utilized qualitative method with a case study approach. The data were collected by semi structure interview, observation and documentation. The data were then analyzed, described, and interpreted comprehensively. The data revealed  that character education and religion are emphasized to the students in teaching and learning process. There are 3 curriculum adopted in the management of this natural school, namely: Curriculum implemented by the national Education Office, IT (Islam terpadu) curriculum, and BBA curriculum (learning with nature). It was agreed to create an academic student and balanced character.  

Nadwa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-34
Mar'atussholihah Kuswandi ◽  
Arif Rohman ◽  
Disa Hediansah

This study describes the learning process of religious-based character education at TK ABA Berbah, Sleman, during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study incorporates a qualitative research method with a descriptive case study approach. Findings suggest that the school implemented blended learning activities in which lessons are conducted online and offline. Habituation became a key activity during the offline session. The involvement of parents contributed to the success of learning during the pandemic, set an example, and monitor their kids at home. Blended learning provided an increase in the communication's intensity and the relationship between parents, children, and teachers so that teaching and learning religious-based character education can be conducted appropriately amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Achmad Didik Khoirudin ◽  
Hermanu Joebagio ◽  
Sariyatun Sariyatun

<em>Learning must be a vehicle for the holistic growth and development of students' potentials through their active role towards a better chance. One of the subjects that have content of character education is History education. These characters will shape motivation with dignified methods and processes. It turns out that these character values are embodied in the philosophy of life of the people of Lampung. How is the analysis of the philosophy of life of the people of Lampung as enrichment in character education in history subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Kibang? The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of the philosophy of life of the people of Lampung as enrichment in character education in history subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Kibang for the academic year 2020/2021. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods with a case study approach. In teaching and learning activities there is an interaction between students regarding the subject matter. After the lesson is completed, the objectives of the analysis of Lampung's philosophical values will be achieved as an enrichment of character education, namely the inculcation of Lampung philosophical values such as Piil pesenggiri, meeting nyimah, nengah nyapur, sakai sambayan, and bejuluk adek. In history lessons, there are also aspects of character that are dominant in history learning, even though all values can be included in each subject, namely eighteen indicators of character education.</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 369-380
Rudi Suherman

This study reported four–week English bedtime story of Rara, a young English language learner from Indonesia. A case study approach was employed in this study. Fitri, Rara’s mother, was asked to read five different English stories to her on the basis of the period of four weeks regularly. These stories were given as media for children to have comprehensible input. The data were taken from daily journal written by the mother and a semi-structure interview in which was then analyzed and interpreted. The result showed that the child was able to follow the storylines and was able to comprehend them. The story also helped the child acquiring some English vocabularies and fixed utterances naturally. Hence, English bedtime story program can be considered as an alternative way in introducing English to EFL young learners.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Rizky Muhartono ◽  
Zahri Nasution

Secara khusus tsunami berdampak besar terhadap kehidupan nelayan. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengkaji mekanisme pemberian bantuan terhadap masyarakat nelayan setelah terjadinya gempa dan tsunami di Desa Labuhan Bhakti Kabupaten Simeulue, Propinsi Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). Riset dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus pada mekanisme pemberian bantuan kepada masyarakat nelayan. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan survei terhadap responden menggunakan cara wawancara semi terstruktur dengan panduan beberapa topik data. Data yang diperoleh baik data primer maupun data sekunder dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa gempa bumi dan tsunami yang terjadi di Kabupaten Simeulue telah mengakibatkan rusaknya sarana dan fasilitas di sektor kelautan dan perikanan, bahkan korban jiwa pada masyarakat nelayan. Pemberian bantuan kepada masyarakat nelayan di Kabupaten Simeulue melalui beberapa tahapan, mulai dari menentukan lokasi penerima bantuan dankelompok pendamping, hingga pentahapan yang berupa kegiatan pendaftaran, pendaftaran ulang, penegasan, penguatan organisasi dan administrasi. Kemudian, dilanjutkan dengan penguatan modal, usaha produktif dan penguatan jaringan menuju tahap pengembangan usaha. Program pendampingan telah berhasil dilakukan pada nelayan setempat yang ditunjukkan oleh dua aspek yaitu respon masyarakat dan aspek ekonomi. Disarankan proses pemberian bantuan terhadap nelayan memperhatikan kondisi sosial budaya, adat dan kebiasaan dalam menangkap ikan, sehingga bantuan dapat berguna bagi nelayan, melalui proses need assessment yang dilakukan secara cepat, tepat dan terarah. Tittle: The Giving Aid Mechanism to the Fishers at Labuhan Bhakti Village, Simeulue District, Nanggroe Aceh Darrussalam Province.Specially, tsunami has big impact for fishers. The aim of this paper is to recite the aid mechanism for fishers after tsunami and earthquake at Labuhan Bhakti Village, Simeulue District Nanggroe Aceh Darrussalam Province. This reaserch was done by using case study approach in term to see fishers aid mechanism. Primary and secondary data was used. Data was collected by using survey approach to responden that contain semi-structure interview with some data topics as a guideline. Descriptive analysis was used to analize primary and secondary data. The result shows that earthquake and tsunami that happened in Simeulue District has destroyed facilities in marine and fisheries sector, include fishers victims. Steps in giving aid mechanism to the fishers at Simelue District; Choosing location for aid receiver and assistant group, arranging in phases that contents registers, re-registers, confirmation, administration and organization strenghten. Then, it was continued by capital strenghten, productive effort and network strenghten to the development phase. Assistance programe has been done successfully by the local fishers  that showed by two aspects : society response and economy aspect. The study suggests that donation or aid mechanism has to be considered with social-culture condition and customs in fishing, so that the aid can be useful for the fishers through need assessment process done quickly, exactly and directed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-272
Nur Ulwiyah ◽  
Lilik Maftuhatin ◽  
Mochamad Samsukadi

This study discusses the process of internalizing Islamic characters in students applied in the Kuttab Al-Fatih Jombang non-formal educational institution. The character education that has been proclaimed by the government since 2003 through the National Education System has not shown encouraging results. This was shown by the rampant immorality of the ordinary people to the elite of this nation. With the intervention approach and the micro habituation, Kuttab Al-Fatih Jombang seeks to instill Islamic characters in their students. This research method is qualitative with a case study approach. Data were extracted by means of observation, interviews and documentation, then validated and analyzed by interactive analysis models of Miles and Huberman. The results of the study indicate that Kuttab Al-Fatih Jombang focuses on cultivating Islamic characters to their students. This is shown in the material given, only Qur’an learning and thematic faith. The safeguarding of Islamic characters is not only the same as the provision of material theoretically, but practically carried out by all those involved in micro habiation including school policies and rules, leaders, teachers, staff, students and parents. Therefore, the process of cultivating student character is done with two patterns, namely the pattern of formation and habituation patterns so that Islamic characters are internalized naturally to students. تناقش هذه الدراسة عملية استيعاب الشخصيات الإسلامية في الطلاب المتقدمين في مؤسسة غير رسمية "كتاب الفاتح "جومبانج. إن تعليم الشخصية الذي أعلنته الحكومة منذ عام 2003 من خلال نظام التعليم الوطني لم يظهر نتائج فخور بها. وذلك يظهر من خلال الفجور المتفشي للناس العامة حتى صفوة هذه الأمة. مع نهج التعويد على التعليم الجزئ ، يسعى مؤسسة "كتاب الفاتح "جومبانج إلى غرس الشخصيات الإسلامية فى نفوس طلابها. يستخدم هذا البحث الطريقة البحثية النوعية مع نهج دراسة الحالة. تم استكشاف البيانات من خلال الملاحظة والمقابلات والوثائق ، ثم تم التحقق منها وتحليلها من خلال نموذج التحليل التفاعلي لميلز وهوبرمان ، وقد أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن كتاب الفاتح جومبانج ركز على زراعة الشخصيات الإسلامية للطلاب. يظهر هذا في المواد التعليمية التى تعطى هى تعليم القرآن والإيمان موضوعيىا فقط. وإن الحفظ على الشخصيات الإسلامية لا يقتصر على توفير المواد نظريا فحسب ، بل ينفذ عمليا من قبل جميع المشاركين في التعليم االجزئ ، بما في ذلك السياسات والقوانين الخاصة بالمدارس والقادة والمعلمين والموظفين والطلاب ووالديهم. لذلك تتم عملية زراعة الشخصيات الإسلامية للطلاب بنمطين ، هما نمط التكوين ونمط التعويد حتى يتم استيعاب الشخصيات الإسلامية بشكل طبيعي في فى نفوس الطلاب. Penelitian ini membahas tentang proses internalisasi karakter- karakter islami pada peserta didik yang diterapkan di lembaga pendidikan non-formal Kuttab Al-Fatih Jombang. Pendidikan karakter yang telah dicanangkan pemerintah sejak 2003 melalu Sisdiknas belum menunjukkan hasil yang membanggakan. Hal itu ditunjukan dengan maraknya perbuatan amoral dari masyarakat awam sampai elit bangsa ini. Dengan pendekatan intervensi dan baituasi mikro pendidikan, Kuttab Al-Fatih Jombang berusaha menanamkan karakter-karakter islami kepada peserta didiknya. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Data digali dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, kemudian divalidasi dan dianalisis dengan model analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kuttab Al-Fatih Jombang fokus pada penanaman karakter-karakter islami kepada peserta didiknya. Hal itu ditunjukan pada meteri yang diberikan hanya pada pembelajaran al- Quran dan iman secara tematik. Penamanan karakter-karakter Islami tersebut tidak hanya sekerdar pemberian materi secara teoretis, tetapi secara praktis dilaksanakan oleh semua yang terlibat dalam mikro pendidikan yang meliputi, kebijakan dan aturan sekolah, pimpinan, guru, staf, siswa dan orang tua. Jadi proses penanaman karakter siswa dilakukan dengan dua pola, yaitu pola pembentukan dan pola pembiasaan sehingga karakter-karakter islami terinternalisasikan secara alami pada peserta didik.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 303-320 ◽  
Sally Jones

Purpose – This paper aims to to explore power and legitimacy in the entrepreneurship education classroom by using Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological and educational theories. It highlights the pedagogic authority invested in educators and how this may be influenced by their assumptions about the nature of entrepreneurship. It questions the role of educators as disinterested experts, exploring how power and gendered legitimacy “play out” in staff–student relationships and female students’ responses to this. Design/methodology/approach – A multiple-method, qualitative case study approach is taken, concentrating on a depth of focus in one UK’s higher education institution (HEI) and on the experiences, attitudes and classroom practices of staff and students in that institution. The interviews, with an educator and two students, represent a self-contained story within the more complex story of the case study. Findings – The interviewees’ conceptualization of entrepreneurship is underpinned by acceptance of gendered norms, and both students and staff misrecognize the masculinization of entrepreneurship discourses that they encounter as natural and unquestionable. This increases our understanding of symbolic violence as a theoretical construct that can have real-world consequences. Originality/value – The paper makes a number of theoretical and empirical contributions. It addresses an important gap in the literature, as educators and the impact of their attitudes and perceptions on teaching and learning are rarely subjects of inquiry. It also addresses gaps and silences in understandings of the gendered implications of HE entrepreneurship education more generally and how students respond to the institutional arbitration of wider cultural norms surrounding entrepreneurship. In doing so, it challenges assertions that Bourdieu’s theories are too abstract to have any empirical value, by bridging the gap between symbolic violence as a theory and its manifestation in teaching and learning practices.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Mulyadin Mulyadin ◽  
Amat Jaedun

Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengungkapkan: (1) nilai-nilai semboyan maja labo dahu dalam pendidikan karakter;  (2) implementasi semboyan maja labo dahu dalam pendidikan karakter;  (3) efektivitas implementasi semboyan maja labo dahu dalam pendidikan karakter di MTs Negeri 1 Kota Bima. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Penentuan  subjek penelitian yang dilakukan dengan teknik purposive. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis kualitatif model interaktif dengan langkah-langkah: pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Nilai-nilai semboyan maja labo dahu sesuai dengan nilai-nilai dalam pendidikan karakter, yaitu: nilai religius, jujur, disiplin, mandiri, menghargai prestasi, dan cinta tanah air. (2) Implementasi semboyan maja labo dahu belum dirumuskan secara eksplisit atau dibakukan sebagai materi pelajaran. (3). Semboyan  maja labo dahu telah efektif memberikan pengetahuan moral tentang nilai-nilai semboyan maja labo dahu kepada siswa. Kata Kunci:   semboyan,  maja labo dahu,  pendidikan karakter MAJA LABO DAHU SLOGAN IN CHARACTER EDUCATION Abstract: The purpose of this research was to reveal: (1) ) the values of the maja labo dahu slogan in character education; (2)  the implementation of   maja labo dahu  slogan  in character education; (3) the effectiveness of the implementation  of maja labo dahu  slogan in character education in Public MTs 1 Bima City. This research is a qualitative descriptive research using case study approach in Public MTs 1 Bima City. Informants in this study were principals, teachers, and students of Public MTs 1 Bima City. Determination of research was subjects conducted with purposive techniques. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that: (1) The values of maja labo dahu slogan were in accordance with the values in character education, namely: religious values, honest, disciplined, independent, appreciating achievement and loving the homeland. (2) the implementation of maja labo dahu slogan in Public MTs 1 Bima City was not formulated explicitly or standardized as subject matter. (3) The slogan maja labo dahu has effectively provided moral knowledge about the values of maja labo dahu  to learners. Keywords: Maja labo dahu slogan,,  character education

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. p11
Gloria Nyame

Leadership training for educational leaders in the academia has been considered paramount to empower them both for leadership and management skills, knowledge and experience necessary to bring about quality in teaching and learning. Majority of the academic leaders are appointed without any preparation for the role and tend to struggle on the role in order to be effective. Most studies carried out on academic leaders in Africa focus mainly on challenges, roles and theories of leadership. This study explores the journeys involved in the preparations of academics who become Head of Departments in a selected university in Ghana in order to enable them play their roles effectively. The case study approach was used to study the journeys involved in the preparations of 16 academic HoDs in a selected university in Ghana, focusing on how they accessed their roles, their understanding about the roles, preparations they have had on the roles and the preparations they would have wished for the roles. It sought to describe, understand and interpret the learning journeys of academic HoDs regarding how they became HoDs and preparations they received to be effective in their roles. Interviews and documentary evidence were employed. Semi structured interviews were conducted with sixteen university head of departments. Using thematic analysis, the study revealed among others that most newly appointed academic HoDs were not given formal training before they began to play their roles, Again, the findings revealed different degrees of preparations which were mainly informal and were not directly linked to the roles of the HoDs, which were consistent with the literature that majority of academic HoDs did not receive preparations for their roles and tended to use their experiences to play their roles. Based on these findings, recommendations are that there should be a formal training on the HoD’s duties and their implementations for all newly appointed HoDs to enrich them with the necessary skills and knowledge to make them effective and efficient. There is the need to conduct needs assessment from the HoDs to inform their preparation or training and development of HoDs manual to serve as a reference guide to the HoDs. It is hoped that the findings will contribute to effective preparations of the academic HoDs. The research may also lead to the production of HoD’s manuals. More importantly, it may inform policies to identify areas for effective preparations of the academic HoDs.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Murniyetti Murniyetti ◽  
Engkizar Engkizar ◽  
Fuady Anwar

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola pendidikan karakter terhadap siswa yangdilaksanakan oleh empat sekolah dasar berkategori unggul di Kota Padang Sumatera Barat. Penelitianmenggunakan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan studi kasus (qualitative case study design). Sumberdata penelitian diambil dari dua belas orang informan yang terdiri atas kepala sekolah, guru kelas,guru Pendidikan Agama Islam, guru seni dan guru olah raga yang dipilih dari empat sekolah dasartersebut menggunakan teknik purposive. Data penelitian diambil melalui wawancara secara mendalam(indepth interview) kepada seluruh informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat delapantema penting tentang pola pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter efektif yang dilaksanakan terhadap siswadi empat sekolah tersebut. Delapan tema tersebut dilaksanakan melalui: (1) materi pembelajaran; (2)aturan-aturan sekolah (disiplin, peduli lingkungan, tanggung jawab); (3) perlombaan sains antarsiswa(kreatif, gemar membaca, rasa ingin tahu); (4) ajang penghargaan siswa berprestasi (menghargai, kerja keras,demokratis, peduli); (5) peringatan hari kebangsaan (semangat kebangsaan, cinta terhadap tanah air,menghargai, peduli); (6) praktik ibadah dan bimbingan kerohanian (jujur, religius, tanggung jawab); (7)kegiatan pramuka (kreatif, peduli sosial, kerja keras, jujur, bersahabat, cinta damai demokratis); (8) adanyakelas talenta dan musik (kreatif dan bekerja keras, menghargai). Kata Kunci: pola, pendidikan karakter, siswa sekolah dasar  PATTERNS OF CHARACTER EDUCATION OF PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS  Abstract: This study aims to determine the pattern of character education to students conducted by asuperior category of four elementary schools in the city of Padang, West Sumatra. The study used aqualitative method through a case study approach. Sources of data were taken from twelve informantsconsisting of the principal, classroom teacher, a teacher of Islamic education, art teacher andsports teacher selected from four elementary schools using purposive technique. Data were takenthrough in-depth interviews (depth interview) to all informants. The results showed that there areeight important themes on the pattern of implementation of effective character education conductedon students in four schools. Eight themes are carried through: (1) the learning materials; (2) the schoolrules (discipline, care for the environment, responsibility); (3) competition between students of science(creative, fond of reading, curiosity); (4) awards outstanding students (respect, hard work, democratic,caring); (5) commemoration day of nationality (the national spirit, love of the homeland, respect, care);(6) the practice of worship and spiritual guidance (honest, religious, responsibility); (7) scouting(creative, social care, hard working, honest, friendly, peace-loving democratic); (8) their talents andmusic classes (creative and work hard, respect).Keywords: pattern, character education, primary school students

2021 ◽  
pp. 095042222110308
Teik Aun Wong ◽  
Wei Chieh Cheah

This study examines the practice, outcomes and challenges of a “triple-blend” approach which combines the components of classroom instruction, online facilitation and external exposure. Examining this pedagogical approach provides guidance for improving the delivery of teaching and learning. The study takes a multiple case study approach, employing action research methodology. The authors are practicing lecturers and the five cases, drawn from a private institution of higher education in Penang, Malaysia, have an average of 13.8 students, comprise undergraduate and postgraduate classes, and cover business, social science and humanities disciplines. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons are made between student cohorts. Students’ behavior and performance are tracked using an online learning management system. The findings reveal that the deployment of the triple-blend approach on aggregate produces positive outcomes in terms of student engagement and performance. However, there are instances of negative outcomes, suggesting that other factors are at play apart from the choice of pedagogical approach. Discussion of the challenges in deploying this approach shows that the process is far from homogenous. Nonetheless, the overall perspective indicates a positive relationship between the triple-blend approach and positive teaching and learning outcomes. This study provides guidance for teachers on deployment challenges and best practices.

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