Oksana Tsiuniak  ◽  
Halyna Rozlutska 

The article actualizes the problem of introduction blended learning in higher education institutions during the quarantine period caused by the spread of corona virus infection COVID-19. Today, the whole world is in the conditions of strict quarantine measures, and learning in isolation has become a challenge for all participants in the educational process.The authors reveal the essence of the concept "blended learning". It is proved that blended learning is an innovative form of the educational process organization in HEI, a qualitatively new approach that transforms the structure and content of education, changing the traditional roles of a teacher and applicants of higher education. It is noted that blended learning due to its versatility and availability of a wide range of learning tools forms different models. That’s why, to solve the problem of using a certain model in the educational process, the educational opportunities of each of them are considered. In addition, the authors note that blended learning makes it possible to combine digital educational resources with a variety of online services for the implementation of educational activities in higher education institutions. It is concluded that an important aspect of blended learning is the separation of educational material studied in the classroom with that which will be studied in the electronic informative-educational environment. It is also necessary clearly defined the activities that a student will perform, teaching methods in various forms of educational work organization, the system of monitoring, control and self-control. Blended learning combines two important components - knowledge, teacher skills and technological tools that allow you to organize learning at a high level.

Roxana Stefanescu ◽  
Mariana Iatagan ◽  
Cristian Uta

The management of teaching is connected and could be increased by using a wide range of different methods especially when we refer to Online and Blended learning. In the first part, the paper is aiming at reviewing the literature regarding the concepts and benefits of Online and Blended learning. Based on this considerations, 8 partner universities from 8 countries jointly developed the Project “Modern competences of academic teachers – the key to modern Higher Education Institutions (HEI)” – Acronym MOCAT. The paper underlines the goals and achievements of the MOCAT project that proposes a conceptual process to increase the management performance in teaching. The paper shows in an organized manner the main deficiencies that are altering the teaching competencies of academic teachers and in connection with this, the project offers solutions to improve the methodological competency of the teachers regarding the development and use of modern approaches. The outcomes of the project consist in the development and implementation of a Multicultural Model of an Academic Teacher Competencies and in 10 online courses that represent modern training materials in the field of teaching methodology. In the end are exposed the way the results of the project can be evaluated in time as well as the anticipated effects of the project implementation.

Andrii Cherkashyn

The article considers the main approaches to the problem of stress resistance of students in higher education institutions of Ukraine. It is determined that a number of scientists consider stress resistance as a property of the individual that determines its effective activity, and others as cognitively conditioned mechanisms for overcoming stress. It is noted that in psychological science there are other views on the stress resistance of the individual, but when studying the stress resistance of students in the educational process of higher education, it is advisable to use the above approaches. Studies suggest that most students have low levels of psychological stress, mental stress and medium, high levels of resilience. The main coping strategies of students’ behavior in stressful situations are “confrontational coping”, “avoidance”, “self-control” and “problem solving planning”.

Olena Orlova

Legal clinical education as an innovative form of legal education is studied in the article. The analysis of the influence of the legal clinic on the formation of the legal consciousness and culture of the future lawyer, his formation as a specialist is carried out. The process of modernization of legal education in Ukraine, where the emphasis is on the practical training of future lawyers, and where clinical education plays a crucial role is considered. It is substantiated that legal clinic is a necessary component in obtaining the profession of a lawyer; consolidation of theoretical knowledge and acquisition of practical skills by students, implementation of legal education activities, provision of free legal aid to people in need are grounded. It is proved that the presence of legal clinics within the structure of higher education institutions, their activities and importance for improving the practical training of future lawyers indicates the indisputability of the necessity to study and research legal clinical education. Emphasis is placed on the need to improve the system of future lawyers training. It is legal clinical education that is the best form of legal influence on a person, and is an integral part of the overall reform of higher education, which is being carried out today in Ukraine and aims to train lawyers with high level of competencies and legal awareness. Legal clinics allow students to be creatively realized, to reveal their intellectual potential; and are a link between the traditional educational process and future practical activities. Increase the number of legal clinics, separation of legal clinics into a separate structural unit with the staff in all higher education institutions, the introduction of teaching of a mandatory course in legal clinical education will contribute to the formation of a future lawyer. Legal clinic is a special kind of legal education (for the population) and an innovative form of legal education (for the applicants for law schools).

Oksana Tashkinova ◽  
Olga Rogovska ◽  
Svetlana Bulgakovа

Theoretical and practical bases for forming professional competencies of higher education training applicants through participation in volunteering. It is indicated that the process of professional training in the higher education establishments should be aimed at the formation of a competitive specialist, taking into account the needs of employers and the realities of today.  Volunteering is presented as an important resource for development and education of the specialists of different specialties because from the one hand volunteering allows to get general competencies and from the other hand it allows to gain the necessary experience in the future professional activities even during training process. The wide use of volunteering as a trend of educational work in higher education institutions will contribute to the formation of a coherent and harmonious personality and professional. The experience of usage of volunteering as a field of educational work in higher education institution on the example of the State Technical University “Azov State Technical University” is analyzed. The use of a new tool in the educational process - the diary of volunteer practice - is analyzed. The results of the conducted sociological research - through the method of interviewing of the applicants of higher education - according to the effectiveness of the organization of volunteer practice are presented. Volunteering can increase students' motivation to learn vocationally-oriented disciplines, but under the conditions of properly organized and controlled process of volunteeing. Therefore, higher education institutions need to develop and implement new forms of work that will be perceived and performed by the students. This will enhance the competitiveness of professionals in the labor market.

Vira Brednyova ◽  
Iryna Prochorets ◽  
Olga Smychkovskaya

The gradual process of reforming educational activities lays new demands on education in the higher education system of Ukraine, and therefore there is a need to improve the methodology of teaching any discipline, to continuously monitor the quality of applicants’ educational success, as well as to apply the competence-based approach to education, in general. The article determines the relevance of the study of the educational process optimization in higher education institutions (HEI), including mastering modern principles of teaching Graphic disciplines the creation of which contributes to the active formation of professional competence of students majoring in artistic and architectural specialties. The process of education in HEI is known to be a significant factor in the socialization of a personality, since in addition to acquiring new knowledge and professional competences, it also promotes self-education and self-realization in future life. The authors reveal the peculiarities, technological means and methods of teaching Graphic disciplines and organization of the educational process for freshman and sophomore students of art-related HEI. There is a need to increase the efficiency not only of classroom contact hours, but also of the extracurricular work. This requires that teachers should constantly search for new ways and approaches that could facilitate mastering of educational material. The model of the educational process for near future is one of the directions determining the improvement of the whole education system and involves this type of training, which is characterized by a considerable amount of independent work, which also requires a sufficiently high level of stable skills of individual graphic competence. In this regard, the formation of students’ motivation and interest throughout the educational process in HEI, the recognition of the necessity to obtain a quality graphic education, which is the key to success in their future professional activity, are of great importance.

Svitlana Romanyuk ◽  
Veronika Trofimchuk

The article deals with the peculiarities of blended learning implementation in teaching foreign languages for professional purposes at the institutions of higher education. The author examines the essence of blended learning model, which combines traditional form of study (face-to-face session) with online collaborative learning and all characteristics of information educational technologies, analyzes its main principles and priorities, as well as the difficulties of its introduction in the educational process of the university. In particular, the possibility of using blended learning as a means of improving the effectiveness of the educational process is considered. The article substantiates the methodical expediency of blended learning application in the process of teaching foreign languages for professional purposes at higher educational institutions at non-philological specialties. Recently, the higher educational institutions intensify the process of learning foreign languages through the introduction of the variety of teaching technologies. Blended learning is a combination of the traditional classroom and modern digital education. Blended learning can be an important direction in the modernization of higher education and a prerequisite for improving quality and efficiency of the learning process. The main advantages of blended learning are productivity, teamwork, individualization, asynchrony, speed, interactivity, didactic support, the presence of control systems, self-control, evaluation.

New Collegium ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (103) ◽  
pp. 58-61
O. Kamenev ◽  
V. Lysechko

Current trends in the development of the education sector require significant changes in approaches, methods, techniques and tasks of training. The challenges that arise need to be addressed, which will make it possible to increase the competitiveness of higher education seekers after their graduation, and, as a consequence, to improve the competitiveness of the higher education institution itself. The tasks that arise are: a change in the approach to the educational process of research and teaching staff, which must consist in the interest of teachers themselves to improve the quality of educational services they provide; a change in the approach to the educational process of learners – students, listeners, cadets, etc. – that is, it is necessary to transform those who are taught into those who learn; definition of criteria for the effectiveness of education, which is obviously not only in achieving program learning outcomes. The main criteria of efficiency of educational activity are formulated in the article. These criteria are obviously not only the amount and strength of knowledge and skills, competencies and program learning outcomes. Using only such criteria, it is impossible to fully assess the current requirements for the effectiveness of education. In the conditions of market relations, economic crisis, global mental restructuring, the main criterion for the effectiveness of training of the specialist is the ability to employ him in various positions after graduation, and possibly during training. What is more important is the ability of the job seeker to self-improve and master various competencies when changing functional responsibilities. That is, a higher education student must have a wide range of competencies, not only deep ones, which will enable him to develop under certain conditions in the performance of functional duties. Such tasks make it possible to solve the use of elements of dual education, distance technology using modern technological solutions and motivation of participants in the educational process to self-development. The article concludes that the mutual combination of dual education with distance learning technologies should ultimately solve the urgent problem of training an experienced specialist with a high level of competence who will be able to perform production tasks without additional internship or training after graduation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 11-17
Uktamjon Sh. Abdullayev ◽  

This article describes the organization of educational work in higher education institutions of pedagogical direction in Uzbekistan, the achievements, problems and their solution in the training of teachers, especially in the training of teachers at the National University of Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan, Andijan, Fergana, Namangan, Samarkand, Bukhara, Gulistan, Karshi and Termez State Universities, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Kokand, Navoi, Jizzakh, Nukus State Pedagogical Institutes.Index Terms: Uzbekistan, education, school, pedagogy, institute, university, teacher, student, direction, knowledge, higher, faculty, educational process

2021 ◽  
pp. 34-41
Perminova L.A. ◽  
Yurkova T.F.

An important component of the educational process in higher education institutions is the practical training of students, in particular the passage of industrial pedagogical practice, which is a mandatory component and the result of mastering the psychological and pedagogical component of higher education.The analytical materials of the organization of industrial (pedagogical) practice are presented in the work. Arguments of expediency of effective ways of formation of competitiveness of future teachers in the conditions of school practice are resulted. During the formation of practical skills, future professionals gain experience working with students, teaching staff, parents. The ability to identify acute issues, to organize correctional classes on the problems of student education, to act as a class teacher for future teachers is an important aspect of becoming a professional.The urgency of the problem is primarily determined by the task of reforming the content and forms of training of future teachers, which requires appropriate adjustments in the process of mastering practical professional competencies.The authors present the comments of stakeholders, which are analyzed and the corresponding conclusions are made. In particular, the introduction into the curriculum of the educational component “Theory and methods of educational work in educational institutions”. The practice of industrial (pedagogical) practice shows that the quality of performance indicators increases significantly in accordance with the success of higher education seekers in self-realization during practice.Among the leading competencies that are formed during practice are the development of skills to analyze educational activities, skills of self-control and self-assessment of the process and outcome of pedagogical activities and the ability to analyze difficulties in pedagogical activities and solve them. Stakeholders noted an insufficient level of self-management skills, which should be noted by the organizers of industrial practice.The purpose of the article is to substantiate the significant contribution of industrial practice in the formation of professionalism of future teachers.Research methods. During the study of the organization of psychological and pedagogical practice we used such general scientific methods as theoretical, empirical (analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison, systematization, generalization).Key words: psychological and pedagogical component of educational process, pedagogical (production) practice, influence of practice on quality of future profession. Важливою складовою частиною освітнього процесу в закладах вищої освіти є практична підготов-ка студентів, зокрема проходження виробничої педагогічної практики, яка є обов’язковим компонентом і результатом опанування психолого-педагогічної складової частини підготовки здобувачів вищої освіти.У роботі представлено аналітичні матеріали організації виробничої (педагогічної) практики. Наведено аргументи доцільності ефективних способів формування конкурентоздатності майбутніх учителів в умовах шкільної практики. Під час формування практичних навичок майбутні фахівці набувають досвід роботи з учнями, педагогічним колективом, батьками. Уміння виявляти гострі питання, організовувати корекційні заняття з проблем виховання учнів, виступати в ролі класного керівника для майбутніх учителів є важливим аспектом становлення професіонала.Актуальність висунутої проблеми в першу чергу визначається завданням реформування змісту та форм навчання майбутніх учителів, що потребує внесення відповідних корективів у процес опанування практичними професійними компетентностями.Авторами наведено зауваження стейкхолдерів, які проаналізовано та зроблено відповідні висновки. Зокрема, введення в навчальні плани освітньої компоненти «Теорія та методика виховної роботи в закладах освіти». Практика проведення виробничої (педагогічної) практики засвідчує, що якісні показники результативності значно зростають відповідно до успішності здобувачів вищої освіти в самореалізації під час практики. Серед провідних компетентностей, які формуються під час практики, є вироблення умінь здійснювати аналіз виховних заходів, навичок самоконтролю й самооцінки процесу і результату педагогічної діяльності та умінь аналізувати труднощі, які виникають у педагогічній діяльності й вирішувати їх. Стейкхолдерами відмічено недостатній рівень сформованості навичок само менеджменту, на що слід звертати увагу організаторам виробничої практики. Метою статті статі є обґрунтування вагомого внеску виробничої практики у становлення професіоналізму майбутніх учителів.Методи дослідження. Під час вивчення питання організації психолого-педагогічної практики нами використані теоретичні та емпіричні загальнонаукові методи (аналіз, синтез, спостереження, порівняння, систематизація, узагальнення). Ключові слова: психолого-педагогічна складова частина освітнього процесу, педагогічна (виробнича) практика, вплив практики на якість майбутньої професії.

Ganna Ilnytska ◽  
Victoria Klymenchenko ◽  
Oksana Konovalenko

The proposed article is devoted to the introduction of innovative mobile games in the educational process of foreign students of higher education institutions to identify interest in innovative author's creation of mobile games for use in the educational process during academic physical education classes. The purpose of the work is to implement the introduction of innovative mobile games into the educational process of foreign students of higher education institutions. A scientific novelty consists of a creative approach in the use of 16 new mobile games with standard sports equipment and non-sports equipment during academic physical education classes. The team of authors of this article are scientific and pedagogical workers of three Kharkiv Universities and have been working on the creation of an author’s complex of the most modern universal mobile games for students with different levels of physical fitness and di fferent levels of health. The objectives of the study were to identify students' interest to innovative author's creation of mobile games for use in the educational process during academic physical education classes. Conclusions. An objective analysis of the results obtained from the previous questionnaire provided specific data for the rapid management decisions to optimize the educational process of physical education. The questionnaire conducted after the experiment proved that the students liked the lessons with the use of new moving games, and the students noted the creative approach of teachers to their work. The introduced author's mobile games of a wide range helped teachers to establish relationships with students, to establish communication and interaction between students of different nationalities, to promote the development of motor skills, to involve students in academic classes who enjoy attending them. Thus, the purpose of the research is realized and the efficiency and social benefit of using modern, new mobile games in the educational process of students is proved.

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