scholarly journals HOMESCHOOLING; An Alternative Islamic Education Institution in Muslim Family

Ilman Nafi'a ◽  
Septi Gumiandari
At-Tafkir ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-186
Muslim Hasballah

Meunasah is one of the basic levels of traditional Islamic educational institutions in Aceh. Which to date continues to be vehement with recitation and other civic activities. aims to find out the origins and the development of meunasah as a basic traditional Islamic educational institution in Aceh. This research applied a literature study by collecting various references. The results showed that meunasah had existed since the formation of the Islamic community in Aceh. The development of meunasah as a traditional Aceh Islamic education institution was only discovered during the period of Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636).

2014 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Zaki Ghufron

Islamic Boarding school is an islamic education institution which has an identical tradition in indonesian muslim societuy. This institution has emerged long before the colonialism era in Indonesia. In its long history since years to pursue the concept of modernism, islamic boarding school, sometimes ,has also been perceived negatively because of transnasionalism ideology which is adopted in recent years. In that case, this paper aimed to describe the existence of islamic boarding school in indonesian social life. By argumenting and comparing some previous studies in this case to gain an accurate result. Moreover, this paper is intended to answer some western perception about islamic boarding school in Indonesia, and finally emphasize the role of islamic boarding school as a government partner and its function in creating democracy.  Keyword: Islamic Boarding School, Tradition, Modernization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-73
Nur Adila Muhammad ◽  
Izziah Suryani Mat Resad @ Arshad

Abstract Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah was one of the Islah Minangkabau scholar that play a huge role in the Islah Islamic thought and Islamic education reformation. Even though his education background is informal and was only received in the Minangkabau region, he can be regarded as an exemplary scholar that is very progressive and can be regarded highly with other Islah scholars. His biggest contribution that gives a huge impact towards the Muslim Minangkabau community is the Islamic education reformation with modern orientation. This model of modern Islamic education Institution that was introduced by Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyah became a prime example to the establishment of other Islamic education institution. Thus, this research will study the Islah movement in Minagkabau and the biography of Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah. In addition, the objective of this research is to analyse his role regarding the thought purification and Islamic education reformation in Indonesia.This research is a qualitative research that utilizes the content analysis as the research design with the use of historical research method.The finding of this research shows that Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah was one of the Islah scholars from the 20th century. Even though he did not receive a formal education and only receive his education in Minangkabau, he emerge as one of the reformation figure of Islah that have a huge impact to the Islah movement in Minangkabau especially the Islamic education reformation and also the Islah of Islamic thought in Minangkabau. The Islamic education reformation that has been done by Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah become the foundation and model of the Islamic education reformation in whole of Minangkabau and Indonesia. Keywords: Islah scholar, islah of Islamic thought, education reformation, Zanuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah, Minangkabau   Abstrak Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah merupakan seorang daripada ulama islah Minangkabau yang memainkan peranan besar dalam islah pemikiran dan reformasi pendidikan Islam. Walaupun beliau mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan yang tidak teratur dan hanya belajar dalam wilayah Minangkabau, namun beliau merupakan seorang tokoh ulama yang begitu progresif dan mampu menyamai tokoh-tokoh islah terkemuka yang lain. Sumbangan terbesar beliau yang memberi impak besar kepada umat Islam Minangkabau ialah pembaharuan pendidikan Islam berorientasikan moden. Model institusi pendidikan Islam moden yang diperkenalkan oleh Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah menjadi contoh kepada penubuhan institusi pendidikan Islam yang lain. Justeru, kajian ini meneliti gerakan islah di Minangkabau dan biografi Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah. Selain itu, objektif kajian ini juga menganalisis peranan beliau terhadap pemurnian pemikiran dan pembaharuan pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Kajian ini merupakan kajian yang berbentuk kualitatif menggunakan analisis kandungan sebagai reka bentuk kajian dengan menggunakan metode kajian sejarah. Hasil kajian mendapati Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah merupakan seorang daripada ulama islah abad ke-20. Walaupun beliau tidak mendapat pendidikan yang sistematik dan hanya belajar di Minangkabau sahaja, beliau mampu muncul sebagai tokoh pembaharu dan islah yang memberi impak besar kepada gerakan islah di Minangkabau terutamanya reformasi pendidikan Islam dan juga islah pemikiran Islam di Minangkabau. Pembaharuan pendidikan Islam yang dilakukan oleh Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah menjadi asas dan model kepada pembaharuan pendidikan Islam di seluruh Minangkabau dan juga Indonesia. Kata kunci: ulama islah, islah pemikiran Islam, reformasi pendidikan Islam, Zanuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah, Minangkabau

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-80
Faizal Bachrong

Pesantren is Islamic education institution that still be needed by the Ummah. The study of kitab kuning is an important element of it, and this generally tends to be stagnant, for various reasons. Therefore the study of the use of kitab kuning in pesantren is urgent. This research highlights the reality of kitab kuning study in boarding school, mainly Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah Ternate. This is qualitative research in which the data collection techniques are interview, observation and study of documents and literature. The analysis of the data is qualitative description. The result of this research shows that Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah Ternate, which was established in 1994, includes a combination between Islamic boarding school system and formal education units in the form of schools and madrasas. Basically the santri are lodged. The boarding school students are junior and senior high school students, both male and female. The male and female campuses are separated by a distance of about 1 km. They are all participated in tahfidz Alquran and ta’līm diniyyah. The books studied in this boarding school are limited to 5 books that outlined by the Central Executive, regarding Aqidah, Fikih, Tafsir, Sirah and Arabic. The study of these books uses lecture method and the santris only gather and heed without having the book.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 818-833
Mufiqur Rahman

The failure to response digitalization evidenzed by the violence of child in the education institution and social environment that KPAI declared as the impact of digital culture and civilization that indicated instead of the failure of home’s education. This paper will discuss and share an idea with literature view methode with the urgent of multicultural Islamic education. The Values of Multiculturalsm can be tought early like humanity, tolerance, respecting minority, loving a weak, keeping unity and peace, mentaining the culture. Those values can be implemented by the following methode such as;  1. al-Awamiru wa an-Nawahy (order and forbid),. 2. Taqdimu al-Qudwah al-Toyyibah (modelling), 3. Al-Tsawabu wa al-I’qobu (reward and punishment). 4. Al-Iyha’u (direct method), . 5. Metode Qisshoh(story).

Zulhazzi Siregar ◽  
Sugianto Sugianto ◽  
Marliyah Marliyah

Islamic Boarding School is a life-oriented Islamic education institution that emphasizes the importance of having a religious attitude and good emotional intelligence in students as a form of motivation that supports good performance and brings the good name of the Islamic boarding school. This study aims to prove how the direct and indirect influence of Religiosity and Emotional Intelligence on performance with motivation as an intervening variable. The sample in this study was the member of the Student Organization of Modern Islamic Boarding School Nurul Hakim Tembung, totaling 47 people. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach using path analysis with multiple linear regression models with SPSS version 20. The results of this study found that religiosity does not affect motivation. Emotional intelligence has a significant effect on motivation. Motivation does not affect performance. Indirectly Religiosity does not affect performance through motivation. Emotional intelligence indirectly does not affect performance through motivation.   Religiosity, Emotional Intelligence, Motivation, Performance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Yuanda Kusuma

<p>Along with the development of the times, more and more alquran literacy needs. The demands of alquran's literacy skills have become one of the spreading phenomena. Therefore, there is a non-formal education institution which is usually called the Alquran Education Park. Al-quran education parks are almost in every area and have a variety of alquran literacy learning methods. These methods vary both from the principle, characteristics, methods and stages. So with the diversity of methods, TPQ institutions can adapt to the needs and characteristics of students, The diversity of these methods is also considered to be able to complement the deficiencies of the methods with each other. This paper seeks to describe the models for the development of BTQ learning in TPQ / TPA in Indonesia. . The results of this paper will, be insightful while discourse and early action to develop BTQ learning in Islamic education institutions.</p><p><strong><span class="fontstyle0">Keywords</span></strong><span class="fontstyle1">: al-Qur’an literacy; BTQ learning; al-Qur’an Education Park (TPQ)</span></p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 151
Biltiser Bachtiar Manti ◽  
Adian Husaini ◽  
Endin Mujahidin ◽  
Didin Hafidhuddin

<p>This research is motivated by the attitude of Muslim ambiguity in facing modernity which its existence is necessity and can not be rejected in any way. The product of modernity has roiled throughout the joints and pulse of human life without any rebellion. Because he is present with a friendly and pragmatic smile, so able to lull and make forget the impacts. The author formulates this research on the concept of modern education Mahmud Yunus and its relevance to modern education now and how its contribution to modern educational institutions in Indonesia. This study aims to get a picture of modern educational thinking Mahmud Yunus and its relevance to the birth of modern educational institutions in Indonesia. This research is library research, where the data obtained through primary data sources and secondary data, either through the source books of Mahmud Yunus figures directly or from reading materials and internet searching and interviews that the author describes by arranging them according to the theme and issues, especially issues related to the modernization of Islamic education in Indonesia. The concept of modern education Mahmud Yunus is a radical renewal of the education system by taking into account the needs and demands of society, without destroying the existing order. So the offer of modernization of education Mahmud Yunus, in the application of its implementation does not get opposition from anyone, both internal and ekster-nal. While his contribution to the birth of modern educational institutions in Indonesia; In the first place, institutional modernization, Mahmud Yunus is among those who pioneered the need to change the teaching system from the individual ones as applied in the pesantren using the sorogan or weton method. Secondly, the modernization in curriculum where Mahmud Yunus was the first to pioneer the existence of an integrated curriculum, a curriculum combining religious knowledge and general science in Islamic educational institutions, especially in developing Arabic teaching. Third, modernization in the field of learning, Mahmud Yunus is recognized by educational experts as a way hacker for the birth of new methods of Islamic education in Indonesia and he made a new teaching method that he introduced with the name al-thariqah al-mubasyarah (direct methode) that teaches various components science of Arabic. From the thought of Mahmud Yunus is found a new concept, namely; "ICT-based Modern Madrasahs" from the elaboration of the modernization concept both from the institutional side, the curriculum, the method of learning and producing a reliable educator in the hope of becoming a new paradigm for the world of Islamic education in the world and Indonesia in particular.</p><p class="keywords">Keywords: modern education, islamic education institution, integrated curriculum</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-126
Muhammad Imad

Kebijakan merupakan garis pedoman untuk bertindak atau mengaplikasikan suatu strategi untuk mendapatkan suatu tujuan tertentu dari sebuah lembaga atau organisasi. Pondok Pesantren Al-Basyariyah merupakan suatu lembaga yang mencoba menerapkan sebuah kebijakan dalam upaya pengembangan lembaga pendidikan islam yang dipimpinnya. Hal ini tentunya merupakan suatu wujud kepekaan dan kepedulian terhadap berbagai perkembangan realitas sosial yang seringkali mendatangkan berbagai dampak dalam setiap sisi kehidupan termasuk dalam dunia pendidikan pondok pesantren.Salah satu segi kehidupan organisasional yang amat penting untuk selalu mendapat perhatian pimpinan puncak suatu organisasi adalah menyesuaikan kemampuan organisasi yang dipimpinnya dengan perubahan-perubahan kondisi lingkungan yang pasti selalu terjadi. Untuk dapat menampung akibat dari segala perubahan yang selalu terjadi itu, manajer puncak mutlak perlu mengambil suatu langkah strategis guna mengantisipasi dari dampak perubahan tersebut -positif atau negatif- terhadap keberlangsungan hidup organisasi yang bersangkutan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perencanaan pengembangan kelembagaan yang dilaksanakan sebagai suatu kebijakan pimpinan Pondok Pesantren Al-Basyariyah dan langkah-langkah pengembangan kelembagaan yang ditempuh di Pondok Pesantren Al-Basyariyah. Policy is a guideline for acting or applying a strategy to get a specific goal from an institution or organization. Al-Basyariyah Islamic boarding school is an institution that tries to implement a policy in the development of the Islamic education institution it leads. This is certainly a form of sensitivity and concern for various developments in social reality which often have various impacts in every aspect of life, including in the world of Islamic boarding school education.One aspect of organizational life that is very important to always get the attention of the top leadership of an organization is to adjust the ability of the organization they lead to changes in environmental conditions that are sure to always occur. To be able to accommodate the consequences of all the changes that always occur, top managers absolutely need to take a strategic step in anticipating the impact of these changes - positive or negative - on the survival of theorganization concerned.The purpose of this study is to determine the institutional development planning implemented as a policy for the leadership of the Al-Basyariyah Islamic Boarding School and the institutional development steps taken at the Al-Basyariyah Islamic Boarding School.  

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