scholarly journals Pemanfaatan Logic Pro X dan E-Gamelan sebagai Alternatif Media Pembelajaran Praktik Karawitan Secara Daring

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-47
Mas Drajad Jiwandono ◽  
Dilla Octavianingrum ◽  
Gandung Djatmiko

Masa darurat COVID-19 menuntut proses pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring. Hal ini menghambat proses pembelajaran praktik karawitan di SMP Negeri 2 Kretek, Bantul DIY. Oleh karena itu inovasi media pembelajaran cukup dibutuhkan seperti pemanfaatan Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) Logic Pro X dan aplikasi E-Gamelan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan DAW Logic Pro dan E-Gamelan sebagai alternatif media pembelajaran praktik karawitan secara daring. Pengumpulan data ditempuh mulai dari observasi, wawancara, dan analisis dokumen yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan tersebut. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah guru dan peserta didik di sekolah terkait. Teknik validasi pada penelitian ini menggunakan validasi triangulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media Logic Pro X dan E-Gamelan dalam proses pembelajaran praktik karawitan SMP cukup efektif membantu guru dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Lebih lanjut, sebagian besar para siswa memberikan respon positif terhadap proses pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan.  The COVID-19 emergency period demands that the learning process be carried out online. This hinders the learning process of karawitan practice at SMP Negeri 2 Kretek, Bantul DIY. Therefore, learning media innovations are needed, such as Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), Logic Pro X and the E-Gamelan application. This study aims to describe the use of DAW Logic Pro and E-Gamelan as alternative media for learning karawitan practice online. Data collection was taken starting from observation, interviews, and analysis of documents related to these problems. Sources of data in this study were teachers and students in affiliated schools. The validation technique uses a triangulation validation technique. The study results indicate that using Logic Pro X and E-Gamelan media in the learning process of junior high school karawitan practice is quite effective in helping teachers achieve learning goals. Furthermore, most of the students gave a positive response to the learning process carried out. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 98
Ni Wayan Fitriani ◽  
Luh Gd Rahayu Budiarta

Online learning is something new for teachers and students, so there are various obstacles to it. This study aims to: analyze the preparation of EFL teachers in preparing lesson plans and identify and describe teacher difficulties in preparing lesson plans for EFL students. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research design. Data on teacher preparation and difficulties faced by teachers in preparing lesson plans were taken using a questionnaire by determining five aspects, namely: 1) learning objectives, 2) learning materials, 3) learning activities, 4) media and learning resources and, 5) learning assessment. The study results are that the teacher fulfills all the steps in compiling a one-page lesson plan, which fulfills the steps provided by the instrument. Regarding the problems faced in the process of preparing lesson plans by teachers, it can be synthesized that there are six difficulties encountered by teachers, such as 1) stating learning objectives that contain behavior (B), 2) connecting learning objectives to core competencies, 3) compiling learning materials based on indicators. Learning, 4) selection of learning media based on learning objectives, 5) selection of learning media based on learning materials, and 6) selection of assessment based on learning objectives.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 146
Arina Restian

Abstract: Dance teacher have a very important role in improving the learning outcomes of students in schools in learning the art of dance with management in the classroom. The field of dance lessons more emphasis on aspects of psychomotor, and this is what distinguishes the field of dance lesson with other lessons. So the solution was also different. One form solution is to select or determine the learning approaches that enable learners to participate actively in the learning and learning goals can be achieved. One approach appropriate learning is active learning, creative, effective, and fun (PAKEM) which requires the activity of teachers and students in the learning process. PAKEM make students can be more creative and learning process can take place in an effective and enjoyable. This study aims to determine learning the art of dance at the junior high schools in Malang by using. Dance lesson with an art management approaches. The scope of the study include: (1) Dance Lessons Planning, (2) Implementation of learning the art of dance (3) The role of teachers and students in learning the art of dance, (4) The results of student learning. The results showed that the dance teacher has made the completeness or learning devices, one of which is learning implementation plan (RPP). When viewed from the implementation of the lesson plan in mind that the learning is in conformity with the characteristics of PAKEM namely making students active and creative in finding new ideas. In addition teachers are also active in managing the classroom so as to create effective learning in a pleasant atmosphere. Additionally supporting infrastructure PAKEM learning approach is sufficient in the implementation of learning the art of dance, especially in the optimal use of instructional media so as to support the teaching and learning process (PBM). The results of the second study found that learning the art of dance in Junior High School in Malang in addition to using PAKEM approach also uses the approach to CTL (Contexstual Teaching and Learning) in with the intent to be able to achieve the learning objectives and lesson plans that have been made previously. So as to create a more conducive learning environment in achieving optimal learning outcomes. Abstrak: Guru seni tari memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik di sekolah dalam pembelajaran seni tari dengan menajemen di kelas. Pelajaran bidang seni tari lebih banyak menekankan pada aspek psikomotorik dan hal ini yang membedakan pelajaran bidang seni tari dengan pelajaran lainya. Sehingga penanganannya pun juga berbeda. Salah satu bentuk penanganannya adalah dengan cara memilih atau menentukan pendekatan pembelajaran yang memungkinkan peserta didik berpartisipasi secara aktif dalam pembelajaran dan tujuan pembelajaran bisa tercapai. Salah satu pendekatan pembelajaran yang tepat adalah pembelajaran aktif, kreatif, efektif, dan menyenangkan (PAKEM) yang menuntut keaktifan guru beserta siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Dengan PAKEM siswa bisa lebih kreatif dan proses belajar mengajar dapat berlangsung secara efektif dan menyenangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembelajaran seni tari pada SD di Malang dengan menggunakan pembelajaran seni tari dengan pendekatan menajemen seni. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini meliputi: (1) Perencanaan Pembelajaran Seni Tari, (2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran seni tari (3) Peran serta guru siswa dalam pembelajaran seni tari, (4) Hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru seni tari telah membuat kelengkapan atau perangkat pembelajaran, salah satunya adalah rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP). Bila dilihat dari rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran diketahui bahwa dalam pembelajaran sudah sesuai dengan karakteristik PAKEM yaitu membuat siswa aktif dan kreatif dalam menemukan ide baru. Selain itu guru juga aktif dalam mengelola kelas sehingga tercipta pembelajaran yang efektif dalam suasana yang menyenangkan. Selain itu sarana prasarana pendukung pembelajaran dengan pendekatan PAKEM sudah cukup dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran seni tari khususnya dalam penggunaan media pembelajaran yang optimal sehingga mampu mendukung proses belajar mengajar (PBM). Hasil penelitian kedua ditemukan bahwa pembelajaran seni tari pada  di SD Negeri Malang selain menggunakan pendekatan PAKEM juga menggunakan pendekatan CTL (Contexstual Teaching and Learning) secara beriringan dengan maksud agar mampu mencapai tujuan pembelajaran serta rencana pembelajaran yang telah dibuat sebelumnya. Sehingga tercipta lingkungan belajar yang lebih kondusif dalam pencapaian hasil belajar secara optimal. Kata Kunci: Desain pembelajaran PAIKEM GEMBROT, seni tari

2021 ◽  
pp. 8-13

The study investigated the pedagogical competence of teachers and its influence on student’s academic achievement. The descriptive survey research design was adopted and the census (all) sampling technique was used to sample 250 Junior High School (JHS) teachers in Ashaiman Municipality. The collected data from the close-ended questionnaire was analysed with mean and standard deviation on the scale of 1-4 and the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation was used to test the hypothesis. The study revealed that as a pedagogical competence, the teachers provided appropriate feedback, adapted to changing conditions, explained content to students and communicated learning goals effectively. It was also found that there was a weak positive relationship between the classroom management competence of teachers and student’s academic achievement. The study, therefore, concluded that the pedagogical competence of teachers could help promote deep knowledge, understanding and expectation among students if teacher’s pedagogical competencies are effective. Also, when teachers increase their knowledge and competence to manage the classroom, they could provide high expectations for student’s social support, guidance and independent thought in learning. Recommendations were made to the municipal education directorate, Ghana Education Service and Ministry of Education, Ghana based on the findings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 370-381
Imam Tyas Sansinadi ◽  
Winarko Winarko

Google Classroom as a tool that connects teachers and students which encourage interaction with each other through a virtual online class that offers various features. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of using Google Classroom in the ELT class for improving classroom interaction through the teacher's perspectives. By using the phenomenological qualitative research with a sample of one private junior high school teacher in Yogyakarta, data collected were obtained using open-ended and semi-structured interviews. The analysis was done by reading each transcript, rereading, and looking for common words that fit the category. The result revealed that the use of Google Classroom in ELT class is beneficial in the learning process, it can increase students' attention. However, some students did not pay attention to the learning process, and the students used English to communicate if the teacher asked them in the learning process.

Galuh Destari Kumala Dewi ◽  
Sarjiwo Sarjiwo ◽  
Antonia Indrawati

AbstractThis study aims to uncover and describe several learning methods applied to learning Rumeksa Dance at Sanggar Dharma Yuwono Purwokerto. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques are using observation, interviews, literature study, and documentation. In this research, the data sources were the teachers and students who took part in the Rumeksa Dance lessons at the Dharma Yuwono Studio. The data validation technique used was a triangulation of data sources and methods. In this study, triangulation of sources done by checking data sources from the head of the studio, teachers, and students to find out the learning process of Rumeksa Dance, while the triangulation method was done by checks the correctness of data derived from the observation and interview methods. Furthermore, the data obtained is processed and analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results showed that the learning process of Rumeksa Dance used the lecture method, demonstration method, imitation method, drill or practice method, peer tutor method, and outdoor study method. The use of this method is appropriate because the learning process can be done well. Besides that, students can master the material and performed the Rumeksa Dance correctly.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap dan mendeskripsikan beberapa metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan pada pembelajaran Tari Rumeksa di Sanggar Dharmo Yuwono Purwokerto. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan cara observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, dan dokumentasi. Sumber data dalam penelitan ini adalah pengajar dan peserta didik yang mengikuti pembelajaran Tari Rumeksa di Sanggar Dharmo Yuwono. Teknik validasi data yang digunakan yaitu triangulasi sumber data dan metode. Triangulasi sumber dalam penelitian ini dengan cara mengecek sumber data dari ketua sanggar, pengajar, dan peserta didik untuk mengetahui proses pembelajaran Tari Rumeksa, sedangkan triangulasi metode mengecek kebenaran data yang berasal dari metode observasi dan wawancara. Selanjutnya data yang diperoleh diolah dan dianalisis dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran Tari Rumeksa menggunakan metode ceramah, metode demonstrasi, metode imitasi, metode latihan atau drill, metode tutor sebaya, dan metode out door study (pembelajaran di luar kelas). Penggunaan metode tersebut sudah tepat karena proses pembelajaran dapat dilakukan dengan baik, selain itu, peserta didik dapat menguasai materi dan menarikan Tari Rumeksa dengan benar. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Nelvia Susmita

<p><em>This research aims to describe the speech act of locussion, illocussion, and perlocussion in Bahasa Indonesia subject for students grade X SMAN 8 Kerinci. Speech act is a crucial aspect which is used in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Therefore, it is important to concern the use of speech act done by both teachers and the students in order to accomplish the learning goals. The theories used to analize the speech act of the teachers and students in the learning process of Bahasa Indonesia subject in this research are proposed by Nadar (2008), Suadi (2014), Chaer (2010), Bonodari (20115), and Rehardi (2005). The type of this research is qualitative research. The subject of the research are teachers and students grade X in SMaN 8 Kerinci in the process of teaching and learning in Bahasa Indonesia subject. The technique of data collection are namely listening freely and speaking involved, recording techinque, and writing down technique. The technique of data analysis is equal pragmatics. The result of the research can be described as follow: it is found the speech act in form of locussion, illocussion, and perlocussion. The speech act of locussion includes the forms of news, questions forms and commands forms. The speech act of illocussion includes assertive illocussion, directive, expressive, commisive, and declarative. The speech act of perlocussion that was found is giving influences</em><em>.</em></p>

Shara Novita ◽  
Wisman Hadi ◽  
Marice Marice

Evaluation is the result of the teaching and learning process carried out by teachers and students. Assessment serves to measure students' understanding of the material given by the teacher. Evaluation or procurement activities also play an important role in improving the quality of learning. As for the accuracy of the use of the Indonesian language rules in the class and UAS test exam questions made by Indonesian Language teachers in SMP 27 for the last two years, namely in the total of 195 questions consisting of multiple-choice descriptions, it was found that 86 questions (44%) were not effective and 99 questions (51%) are effective. The most common mistake is the alignment and unity of ideas and economics. The accuracy of the use of the operational word in this study is quite good, because only 5 questions (3%) are incorrect and 190 other questions (97%) are stated correctly.

Maemunah Maemunah

Learning strategy is a set of methods designed by a teacher that must be adapted to the conditions and conditions that exist in his school. The more appropriate the strategy chosen by a teacher in teaching and learning activities in schools, the greater the chance of achieving the expected learning goals. Educational experts who prioritize the importance of learning strategies that must be considered by a teacher in the learning process. Like Mulyasa's opinion, pleasant learning is a learning process in which there is a strong cohesion between the teacher and students, without feeling forced or depressed. Fun learning is a pattern of good relations between teachers and students in the learning process. Some strategies that can be used by a teacher in the learning process contained here are Direct Learning Strategies, Indirect Learning Strategies, Interactive Learning Strategies, Learning Strategies through Experience, Independent Learning Strategies, Jigsaw Cooperative Strategies, Problem Based Learning Strategies, Contextual Learning Strategies, and Expository Learning Strategies (SPE).

Imam Pakhrurrozi ◽  
Imam Sujadi ◽  
Ikrar Pramudya

This study aims to determine the interaction between teachers and students that occur in the process of learning Mathematics with jigsaw model in junior high school in Surakarta using FIAC (Flanders Interaction Analysis Condition) analysis. This study includes qualitative descriptive research. The subjects of this study are teachers and students of 8th grade of junior high school in Surakarta and students' learning achievement sheets. The object of research is the interaction of teachers and students in the learning of mathematics, including the sense of receiving, giving praise, how teacher teaches the material, how the teacher directs the students, how the teacher gives criticism, student responses, student speech initiative and the level of silence or crowd. Data collection methods used in this study are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data obtained in the form of qualitative data in the form of observation results of teacher and student interaction, interview transcript and documentation of teaching and learning activities. The data obtained were analyzed by FIAC. The result of the research shows that jigsaw learning process is: 1) the interaction between teacher and student in the learning of mathematics is multi direction. The research results are confirmed by the value of Teacher Response Ratio (RRG) that is equal to 44.48% and the value of Student Initiative Ratio (RIS) of 43.47%; 2) The learning done by the teacher is successful. The success of multi-direction learning is evidenced by the average score of the student achievement test of 78.30. The value is categorized into either category.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-151
Tomoko Tamura ◽  
Yuko Uesugi

Purpose While Lesson Studies are usually defined as “teacher-led” collaborative research for the purpose of improving teaching, one Japanese junior high school has conducted “student-led” Lesson Studies (SLS) for the past 20 years. The purpose of this paper is to clarify how this school involves students in the Lesson Study process to identify the importance of learners’ perspectives and create the best learning environment. Design/methodology/approach Using the case study method, the researcher observed the lesson study process, research lessons and pre-lesson and post-lesson discussions with teachers and students at the case school, as well as examining the school’s annual reports. One-on-one interviews were held with the principal and teachers at the case school. A group interview was conducted with 18 students (8th grade), and additional interviews were held with four students and a Homeroom Teacher. All interviews were recorded and analyzed based on self-regulated learning theory. Findings In SLS, students observe the learning activities in other classes and compare them with their own learning activities. Thus, they come to view their in-class learning process in a metacognitive way and can collaborate with teachers to reflect on their learning process and to create a more effective learning environment. Originality/value While previous studies on Lesson Study have consisted of artificial/experimental one-time practices involving acute researcher-led interventions, this paper uniquely investigates genuine, daily practices that teachers and students developed on their own. This research is of considerable interest as it goes beyond traditional studies in Japan.

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