scholarly journals The role of management administration to implement key competences in schools: a case study

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (20) ◽  
pp. 3
David Hortigüela Alcalá ◽  
Ángel Pérez-Pueyo ◽  
Javier Fernández-Río

El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar los efectos de un trabajo de secuenciación de las competencias clave (CCC) por los equipos directivos en: 1) la importancia para la gestión del centro, 2) la formación permanente del docente, 3) las estrategias metodológicas y evaluativas, y 4) el aprendizaje del alumnado. Todos los equipos directivos de los 30 Institutos de Educación Secundaria existentes en la ciudad de Burgos accedieron a participar. Se empleó un diseño experimental pretest-postest con grupos naturales y un procedimiento de extracción de datos mixto, cuantitativo-cualitativo. Se generaron dos grupos al azar, el A, experimental, con 16 centros, y el B, control, con 14. En el primero se llevó a cabo un trabajo de secuenciación de las CCC a lo largo de un curso escolar. El instrumento utilizado en la parte cuantitativa fue el cuestionario validado de implantación de las CCC, mientras que en la cualitativa fue un grupo de discusión con los integrantes de uno de los equipos directivos participantes. Los resultados reflejan cómo en el grupo A se encontraron mejoras significativas en la importancia de la secuenciación de las CCC para la gestión del centro y en las estrategias metodológicas y evaluativas. En este grupo, los miembros directivos más formados valoraron cómo más útil esta forma de trabajo a nivel profesional, mientras que en el B los más jóvenes mostraron una mayor valoración. El grupo de discusión valoró satisfactoriamente la intervención. Se concluye la bondad de vincular el tratamiento de elementos curriculares como las CCC a las funciones directivas de manera secuenciada para mejorar los procesos educativos.

1987 ◽  
William A. Worrall ◽  
Ann W. Stockman

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Robert M. Anderson ◽  
Amy M. Lambert

The island marble butterfly (Euchloe ausonides insulanus), thought to be extinct throughout the 20th century until re-discovered on a single remote island in Puget Sound in 1998, has become the focus of a concerted protection effort to prevent its extinction. However, efforts to “restore” island marble habitat conflict with efforts to “restore” the prairie ecosystem where it lives, because of the butterfly’s use of a non-native “weedy” host plant. Through a case study of the island marble project, we examine the practice of ecological restoration as the enactment of particular norms that define which species are understood to belong in the place being restored. We contextualize this case study within ongoing debates over the value of “native” species, indicative of deep-seated uncertainties and anxieties about the role of human intervention to alter or manage landscapes and ecosystems, in the time commonly described as the “Anthropocene.” We interpret the question of “what plants and animals belong in a particular place?” as not a question of scientific truth, but a value-laden construct of environmental management in practice, and we argue for deeper reflexivity on the part of environmental scientists and managers about the social values that inform ecological restoration.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 70-77
Irina Lešnik

Abstract In the following article we try to re-evaluate, the place drama occupies in contemporary elementary education. By limiting the role of drama to literature studies and theatre productions, we lose a greater potential Theatre Pedagogy has to offer to a much broader educational spectrum. The participatory practices of Theatre and Drama in Education (TiE, DiE) promote active learning, based on a most organic children’s activity - play. While students co-create the fictional world of drama, teacher's guidance is crucial in setting new challenges, encouraging students to find creative solutions and reflect on often-complex social issues. Because of its art component, drama challenges the participants on a cognitive as well as emotional level, becoming a truly transformational experience. As such, Drama in Education is especially useful when approaching sensitive and controversial topics. This thesis is presented on a case study observing Year 6 students at St’ Michael’s CE Academy in Birmingham, UK, using Drama in Education method as part of History curriculum.

Raya Muttarak ◽  
Wiraporn Pothisiri

In this paper we investigate how well residents of the Andaman coast in Phang Nga province, Thailand, are prepared for earthquakes and tsunami. It is hypothesized that formal education can promote disaster preparedness because education enhances individual cognitive and learning skills, as well as access to information. A survey was conducted of 557 households in the areas that received tsunami warnings following the Indian Ocean earthquakes on 11 April 2012. Interviews were carried out during the period of numerous aftershocks, which put residents in the region on high alert. The respondents were asked what emergency preparedness measures they had taken following the 11 April earthquakes. Using the partial proportional odds model, the paper investigates determinants of personal disaster preparedness measured as the number of preparedness actions taken. Controlling for village effects, we find that formal education, measured at the individual, household, and community levels, has a positive relationship with taking preparedness measures. For the survey group without past disaster experience, the education level of household members is positively related to disaster preparedness. The findings also show that disaster related training is most effective for individuals with high educational attainment. Furthermore, living in a community with a higher proportion of women who have at least a secondary education increases the likelihood of disaster preparedness. In conclusion, we found that formal education can increase disaster preparedness and reduce vulnerability to natural hazards.

2008 ◽  
Tajjul Ariffin Muhamad Rais ◽  
Thomas J. Broad ◽  
Khaled Ali Al-Ansari ◽  
Arshad Hussain

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