scholarly journals Deletion in Syndrome Compounds Perspective Antarah Bin Shaddad: An applied grammatical study

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-26
Faiz Shuaib Adam

The deletion in the syndromic compounds is a syntactic phenomenon that deals with the syntactic changes that occur to the Arabic sentence in deleting one of the compounds, and the compounds associated with this concept are those terms that the owner does not separate from the other, And its deletion is one of the characteristics of the Arabic language, the structure of the economy in the composition, and the structure of that deletion builds on several purposes and grammatical errors that suggest and summarize that. The research deals with these compounds contained in the commentary of Antarah bin Shaddad, who is one of the knights ’poets from the pre-Islamic era, because of the large number of these omissions in this comment.

2009 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ubaidillah Ubaidillah

The research is aimed to describe the types of grammatical errors, especially the process of forming Arabic noun phrases (NP) done by students of Department of Arabic Language and Literature of State University for Islamic Studies Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, and to explain the factors that influence those errors. The data of this study is taken from the result of writing exam in the class of kitābah muhakkamah or 'academic formal writing' of the fifth semester. The method, which is used to describe the grammatical errors, especially the making process of Arabic NPs, is the method of error analysis. The result of the analysis shows that the frequency of errors in the process of forming the Arabic NPs, which happens repeatedly, is when the patterns of NP are noun+noun (N+N) and noun+adjective (N+Adj). The error of NP with a pattern of N+N happens when the article (al-) at head noun is used, while the error of NP with a pattern of N+Adj happens when the article (al-) at head noun, which has definite modifier, is omitted. The factors, which influence the making errors of Arabic NP, are grammatical factors. The grammatical factors are caused by the different rules between the Indonesian and Arabic NP. On the other hand, the process of language acquisition of second or foreign language makes these problems worse. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Rhoma Dwi Aria Yuliantri ◽  
Anggit Darmatadara

This research finds that the language used by Suara Partai Masjumi and Bintang Merah using direct and clear statement in delivering their own ideology. Both also have contrast differences in the vocabulary choices. Suara Partai Masjumi presents Islamic party using the vocabulary influenced by Islam for instance the use of Arabic language for example Muktamar, Djihad, etc . This magazine also cites holy Al-Qu’ran ayat and brings Islamic leaders inside the articles. In the other hand, Bintang Merah magazine as its party ideology intentionally uses marxis term like revisionis, trotskisme, materialisme, etc. This magaizne cites communism and the communist leader. The intention of their publication is to campaign their ideologis and political party’s ideas, they are Partai Masjumi and Partai Komunis. Besides, as the informative magazine, it is also as a material source of their members only to educate their members however in society education it does not give any contributions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Nur Sukma Suri ◽  
Mascahaya Mascahaya ◽  
Farida Hanum Ritonga

Arabic language influences Indonesian vocabulary in term of borrowing words from Arabic, thus adding vocabulary to Indonesian. Vocabulary address form in Arabic are: ummi, abi, jid, jiddah, khale, khalati, amme, ammeh, ane, ente, antum, ustadz, ustadzah, mu'allimah, habib, bin, binti, akhi, ukhti, buya and the other. This is a field research and literature study aimed to explore terms of address in Arabic at the Arab community in Medan city and their influence in the Indonesian language development in Medan. This is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach that reveals facts, circumstances, phenomena which occur. This research conducted and presented data as it was, especially regarding to addressing terms used in the Arab Community city of Medan.

Shofwatul Fu'adah

For muslims, Arabic language is more important than the other languages. One of the ways to understand Arabic is learn about it. Learning strategies have an important role in learning Arabic, including learning vocabulary. But, in reality Many students feel difficult to learn Arabic, especially in mastering mufradat and other materials. One of the reasons is the wrong process when studying mufradat. This paper describes the implementation of mind mapping strategy in learning Arabic vocabulary at Junior High School (SMP) Alam Banyuwangi. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with three data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that mind mapping strategy can help the teachers to solve the problem of learning Arabic, especially to improve students' mastery of Arabic vocabulary. Because mind maps use visual and sensory reminders in a pattern of related ideas. This map evokes original ideas and triggers memories easily.

2021 ◽  
pp. 238-256
Amal Arrame

Translation is not simple transpositions operations or transcoding processes from one language to another, it involves complex mental processes where linguistics alone cannot be sufficient. It is a communication situation between two languages, Arabic and French in this case, where the objective of the translator is the transmission of his final product in a clear way, respecting the meaning and the author intention of the original version. Translation of phrases is a real dilemma for translators; however, it turns out that it is a necessity in order to discover the other, and to try to keep the same effect as the source text by giving it a stylistic touch typical to the target language. To this end, we have carefully chosen the corpus that we have translated. A corpus that reflects the originality of the Arabic language and the possibility of reducing the linguistic, cultural and discursive gaps between Arabic and French through translation. The translation processes we have chosen, take into account the target language, French in this case, its idioms, phrases and proverbs inventory, its particularity and, finally, its ability to comprehend the idea contained in the idioms of the source language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-148
Muflihah Muflihah

Most of the generation (Arabic linguistic academics) have not comprehended the linguistic theories which initiated by Al-Jahid. This study aims to research on the concept of communication with the signs in Al-Jahid works. To identify these problems in depth and thoroughly, qualitative descriptive study was used. The primary data sources of this research were various sources, mainly Al Jahid book with documentation from the works of Al-Jahid and observation techniques based on the other books about Jahid ‘s point of view, such as Kamal Bisyri and other linguists. The results of this study concluded that: Al-Jahiz is an Arabic language expert who discussed the theory of non-verbal communication. In the case of learning a language, we also have to comprehend the theory of communication, especially communication with signs by Al-Jahiz. His thoughts were followed by several contemporary scholars. Thus, it is highly recommended to the Arabic researchesr to figure out the works of previous Arabic scholars which had been discussing about contemporary linguistic.

2018 ◽  
Vol 214 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-74
M . Raad Abdul Jabbar Jawad

     To start with, a definition of the term 'color' in Arabic language is presented.  Then, a study of colors implications in Al-Jahili poetry is proceeded; the poet's creativity in using color terms and incorporating these terms in Jahili poems explicitly or implicitly in forming up the topics of their poetry, then outlined. Color figures and images are dominant in Al-Jahili poetry to its extreme so as to propagate an oasis of environmental emulations, on one hand, and an outlet for personal experience on the other. In his poetry, Antara followed his ancestors' poetic traditions and closely textualized their inspirations and fantasies in his versification.  Partly, his poetic diction was personalized; whereas, the semantic contents tackled by ancestors were mediated and de toured astray in some instanses.  Reviewing his poetry collection one can infer his typical attitudes of using colors: the black, the white, the red, the green, the blue, and the yellow. Excessive use of these colors can be cited along with multiplicity of presentation in creating a quantum of color implications especially those of the white and the black, he used a decorated mosaic of colors in forming his poetic image; whereas he incorporated a corona of colors in restoring his poeticity.  Color contrasts are foregrounded in building up perceptible imagesof his poems. Colorful images, he used, asa loverand as a knight are merged with his passion and bravery; though gloomy in his macabre. The paper concludes that Antara used an excessive influx of colors terminology and semantic sheds in entailing his topics, focusing on the red, black and white.  The black was his favorite; whereas the red and the black are used excessively in his expressions.  Explicit reference to the red and black was the highest in number in the selected poems.  Essentially, some node that the notability of the black was a symptom of suffering and degrading he suffered as a black.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
Yusuf Ismail

The Hadiths of the Prophet regarding benefits of dates or scientifically known as Phoenix dactilyfera has gain so much attention from the scientist of Islamic knowledge and the modern sciences. Most researches presented in the topic focus on the benefit of dates in dealing with poisoning as it were clearly stated in the Hadith, furthermore some new scientific findings prove that the benefits of dates are far beyond that. Besides, the benefits of dates in dealing with black magic is still undiscovered by the modern sciences, even though some people claim to explain it scientifically, it is no more than an example of pseudoscience. It is also important to mention that most of the books published in the field of al-‘Ijaz al-‘ilmi related to the dates issue, especially those written in Arabic language has been observed to repeat the same scientific information regarding the benefits of dates despite the presence of new scientific researches and findings. On the other hand, some researches in this subject also has been notably neglect the importance of collecting all related texts of the Hadith before starting to interpret it, which is a vital step in understanding the Hadith. Therefore this research aims at understanding the Hadith regarding the benefits of dates through collecting all related Hadith in the topic and further interpreting it scientifically by referring to new scientific researches available.

Abeer Al-Shabel ◽  
Mustafa Bany Ziyab

ملخص البحث:      هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل الأخطاء التركيبية اللغوية: الصوتية، والصرفية، والنحوية، لدى متعلمي اللغة العربية بوصفها ثانية، وذلك عن طريق التعرف إلى أسبابها، والعوامل التي تؤدي إلى الوقوع فيها، ومظاهر تلك الأخطاء، والكشف عن تلك الأخطاء التركيبية الشائعة لدى متعلمي اللغة العربية كلغة ثانية، ومحاولة تصنيفها، واتجاهات تحليل تلك الأخطاء حسب نظريات تعليم اللغة الحديثة وتعلمها، والاقتراحات والحلول لعلاج تلك الأخطاء. وقد دلت النتائج التي أشارت إليها بعض الدراسات التي تناولت هذا الجانب أن أسباب الأخطاء التركيبية لدى متعلمي العربية كلغة ثانية تعود إلى: فرط التعميم، أو القياس الخاطئ، أو الترجمة الحرفية، أو استعمال اللغة دون الاستعداد والتحضير، وبعض تلك الأخطاء سببه نفسيّ: كالقلق، أو التعب والإرهاق، ومنها أسباب بيولوجية، وتمّت مناقشة تلك الأسباب، وكيفية معالجتها، وختمت الدراسة بمجموعة من النتائج والتوصيات ذات الفائدة للدارسين، والباحثين، وأهل الاختصاص. الكلمات المفتاحية: مستويات اللغة-التراكيب اللغوية-نظريات تعليم اللغة-اتجاهات تحليل الأخطاء اللغوية-الأخطاء التركيبية.   Abstract This study aims at analyzing the syntactic, linguistic, and grammatical errors of the learners of Arabic as a second language, by identifying the causes, the factors that lead to them, the manifestations of those errors and the detection of these syntactical errors that are common among the Arabic language learners as a second language. The study attempts to classify them and categorizes these errors according to the theories of modern language teaching in addition to suggesting solutions to remedy those errors.The results indicated that the reasons for the syntactic mistakes committed by the learners of Arabic as a second language are due to excessive generalization, wrong measurement, literal translation, or use of language without preparation. Some of these mistakes are caused by a psychological factor such as exhaustion or tiredness and other biological causes which were discussed and deliberated in addition to finding solutions to them. The study concluded with a set of conclusions and recommendations that would be of interest to scholars, researchers, and specialists in the field.   Keywords: language levels - language structures - language teaching theories -linguistic error analysis trends - structural mistakes.   Abstrak Kajian in bertujuan untuk menanalisa kesalahan tatabahasa dan penggunaan bahasa para pelajar bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa kedua dengan mengenalpasti sebab-sebab, faktor yang membawa kepada perkara tersebut, manifestasi kesalahan tersebut serta cara mengesan kesalahan tersebut yang merupakan perkara yang biasa dalam kalangan pelajar bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa kedua. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasi kesalahan-kesalahan mereka mengikut teori-teori moden bahasa dan juga untuk turut menangani kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut.  Kesimpulan kajian menunjukkan bahawa sebab-sebab untuk kesalahan tatabahasa yang dilakukan oleh para pelajar bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa kedua adalah disebabkan oleh sifat generalisasi yang berlebihan, analogi yang salah, terjemahan harfiyah atau penggunaan bahasa tanpa persediaan. Sebahagian kesilapan-kesilapan ini adalah disebabkan oleh faktor psykologi seperti kepenatan dan sebab-sebab bilogi lain yang telah dibincangkan disamping mencari penyelesaian untuk masalah tersebut. Kajian ini merumuskan beberapa pemerhatian dan cadangan yang akan dapat dimanfaatkan oleh para pengkaji, cendekiawan and pakar dalam bidang tersebut.   Katakunci: Tahap-tahap bahasa – struktur bahasa – teori pengajaran bahasa – teori analisa kesalahan bahasa – kesalahan sruktur

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Yetti Hasnah

Arabic Fusha is a language that is maintained and in principle same as Arabic which is used in the time of Jahiliya and the beginning of Islam. Whereas Arabic Amiya is Arabic has undergone many changes from the form of the Fusha, both from the aspect of vocabulary and structure. At the end of the 19th century there was an appeal to use Arabic Amiya as an oral and written language. The reason is because it is used by the Arab community in general and because of its simple form and structure. On the other hand, there are many defenders of Arabic Fusha who offer a number of weaknesses in Arabic Amiya as the reason for their rejection. In fact, both types of Arabic language still exist in Arabic society with their respective functions.

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