scholarly journals Image-forming verbs in the representation of the concept “BOGATYR” in olonkho texts of early and late periods

Л. Н. Герасимова

В статье рассматриваются изобразительные (образные) глаголы, участвующие в вербализации концепта «БОГАТЫРЬ» в эпическом тексте олонхо. Цель исследования – установление особенностей функционирования изобразительных глаголов в смысловом наполнении концепта и выявление наличия преемственности этих особенностей в якутских эпических текстах раннего и позднего периодов при сравнительном анализе. Для достижения поставленной цели использовались следующие методы исследования: метод концептуального анализа, метод сплошной выборки, компонентный анализ, метод семантического определения, метод контекстуального анализа, сравнительный метод. Выборка глаголов была произведена из текстов ранних записей – «Богатырь Тойон Нюргун» Н. Ф. Попова, «Нюргун Боотур Стремительный» К. Г. Оросина, «Ала Булкун богатырь» Т. В. Захарова – Чээбий, «Строптивый Кулун Куллустуур» И. Г. Теплоухова-Тимофеева; из поздних текстов олонхо – «Джирибинэ Боотур» В. О. Каратаева, «Сын лошади Богатырь Дыырай» И. И. Бурнашева – Тонг Суорун, «Кыырджыт Могучий» В. Н. Попова – Бочоох. В анализе было задействовано 13 изобразительных глаголов из ранних текстов и 27 глаголов из поздних текстов олонхо. Как показывает исследование, зафиксированные изобразительные глаголы привлечены для описания внешнего вида богатыря, его действий и движений. Кроме этого, в поздних текстах наблюдается использование изобразительных глаголов в описании телодвижений богатыря. Сравнительный анализ подтверждает сохранение преемственности в поздних текстах. Об этом свидетельствует, например, функционирование аналогичных изобразительных глаголов в описании телосложения богатыря. Изобразительные глаголы, как специальные речевые средства, способствуют лучшему раскрытию и пониманию содержания концепта «БОГАТЫРЬ». У сказителей поздних записей олонхо наблюдается обогащённый словарный запас, следовательно, они для полноты и яркости образа богатыря чаще прибегают к использованию изобразительных глаголов. The article deals with image-forming verbs involved in the verbalization of the concept of “BOGATYR” in the text of olonkho. The purpose of the study was to establish the features of the functioning of image-forming verbs in the semantic content of the concept and to identify the continuity of these features in the Yakut epic texts of the early and late periods in comparative analysis. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: the method of conceptual analysis, the method of continuous sampling, the component analysis, the method of semantic definition, the method of contextual analysis, and the comparative method. The selection of verbs was made from the texts of early recordings – “Bogatyr Toyon Nyurgun” by N. F. Popov, “Nyurgun Bootur the Swift” by K. G. Orosin, “Ala Bulkun bogatyr” by T. V. Zakharov – Cheebiy, “Kulun Kullustuur the Obstinate” by I. G. Teploukhov-Timofeev; from later texts – “Dzhiribine Bootur” by V. O. Karataev, “Son of a Horse Bogatyr Dyyray” by I. I. Burnashev – Tong Suorun, “The Mighty Kyyrdzhyt” by V. N. Popov – Bochookh. The analysis involved 13 image-forming verbs from early texts and 27 verbs from later olonkho texts. As the study shows, the fixed image-forming verbs are involved in describing the appearance of the bogatyr, his actions and movements. In addition, in later texts there is the use of image-forming verbs in describing the movement of the body parts of the bogatyr. Comparative analysis confirms the preservation of continuity in later texts. This is evidenced, for example, by the functioning of similar image-forming verbs in the description of the physical abilities of the bogatyr. Image-forming verbs, as special speech means, help to better reveal and understand the content of the concept “BOGATYR”. The olonkho-tellers of the later olonkho have an enriched vocabulary; therefore, for completeness and brightness of the image of the bogatyr, they more often resort to the use of image-forming verbs.

NALARs ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Ardi Ardiansyah Daniardi ◽  
Ricky Ravsyan ◽  
Ria Dwi Putri

Abstrak. Penelitian rekonstruksi bentuk Candi di Sumatera perlu dilakukan dikarenakan Candi di Sumatera umumnya hanya tersisa bagian kaki,  sehingga penelitian mengenai langgam dan terkait budaya sulit dilakukan. Selain itu kajian pemaknaan bentuk dan perumusan langgam arsitektur candi perlu dilakukan kajian morfologi terlebih dahulu. Permasalahan yang dijumpai pada situs percandian di Sumatera adalah tidak semua candi di Sumatera memiliki bentuk yang utuh melainkan mayoritas hanya menyisakan bagian dasar candi dan paling lengkap hanya badan candi, hal ini apabila dibiarkan maka masalah ini akan tetap mengambang tanpa ada solusi ke depan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut diperlukan kajian tafsiran bentuk candi secara utuh. Dari beberapa penelitian umumnya menggunakan metode komparasi dengan melihat bangunan-bangunan candi di Indonesia akan tetapi metode  urutan rekonstruksi bentuk tidak begitu rinci, di dalam  penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dan bersifat penelitian lapangan. Adapun analisis data yang dilakukan menggunakan analisis morfologi dan komparasi, data hasil pengukuran candi Padang Roco dirumuskan angka perbandingannya. Berdasarkan hasil rekonstruksi ditemukan bahwa bentuk  Candi Padang Roco memiliki gaya arsitektur yang berbeda dari candi di Indonesia pada umumnya mulai dari bentuk punden berundak seperti tipe candi di Indo-Cina. Bentuk candi ini juga serupa dengan keberadaan struktur kuno yang berbentuk punden berundak yang ditemukan di Lampung dan memiliki analogi dengan perabotan tradisional di Palembang juga serupa dengan punden berundak.Kata Kunci : Rekonstruksi, Bentuk, Proporsi, Candi ABSTRACT. Research on the reconstruction of temple form in Sumatera needs to be done because the temples in Sumatera generally only left with the base of the temple, so research on culture and culture-related is difficult. Besides that, the study of the meaning of the form and formulation of the temple architectural style needs to be carried out morphological study first. The problem encountered in the ensemble site in Sumatera is that not all of them have a complete form, but the majority only leaves the leg and most complete only the body parts of the temple. This problem will remain floating without any future solutions. Based on these problems, the researchers tried to begin by enlightening the study of how the interpretation of the temple form, which left the foot of the temple became the appearance of the temple as a whole. From several studies generally using the comparative method by looking at temple buildings in Indonesia but the purpose of explanation of the order of the reconstruction process is not very detailed, in this study the method used is qualitative and is field research. As for the data analysis carried out using morphological and comparative analysis, the data from the measurement of Padang Roco temple were compared. Based on the result of the reconstruction it was found that the shape of the Padang Roco temple had a different architectural style from the temples in Indonesia, in general, ranging from the form of Punden terraces such as the type of temple in Indo-China. The shape of the temple is also similar to the existence of ancient structure in the form of Punden terrace found in Lampung and have an analogy with traditional furniture in Palembang which is also identical to Punden form.Keywords : Reconstruction, Form, Proportion, Candi

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
M. Mardar ◽  
M. Hkrupalo ◽  
M. Stateva

For the purpose of improvement of the Ukrainian nutritional standards this Article provides comparative analysis of field rations of different countries worldwide to make a proposal on improvement of food-stuff assortment in food ration for military personnel in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Army of USA, the British Army, Army of Germany, Army of Italy, Army of Canada, Army of France, Army of Belarus, Army of Armenia. In accordance with the comparative analysis it was established that ration composition used for the Armed Forces of Ukraine military personnel lags behind developed countries of the world both in nutrition arrangement and in nutrient composition, especially in relation to assortment and variety of ration food-stuff. Moreover, a field ration is strictly unified and doesn’t consider individual needs of military personnel in calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, food fibers. Selection of individual field ration takes to account only age of military personnel, i. e. individual needs related to nutrition composition such as physical abilities, level of physical activity, gender, type of occupation before military conscription and etc. are not consideredThe obtained results confirms practicability of assortment products assortment included to field rations for the purpose to correct nutrition rations towards optimal balance for military efficiency of army, adaptation of military personnel to physical and psychological loads.

1991 ◽  
Vol 69 (3) ◽  
pp. 757-764 ◽  
William E. Cooper Jr. ◽  
Laurie J. Vitt

Antipredatory adaptations in which a predator's attack is diverted to body parts that may be sacrificed or are less vulnerable sometimes depend upon the conspicuousness of the body part attacked. The predator's attention is drawn to the emphasized part, which serves as a decoy. Such defenses appear paradoxical in that they increase the probability of detection. However, they simultaneously increase the probability of postdetectional escape enough to decrease the overall probability of being killed. Based on probabilities of detection and of escape following detection, a simple model predicts the conditions in which autotomy and related defenses are favored. For a conspicuous decoy, equilibrium values of the increases in probabilities of detection and of escape following detection are given. Data on the conditional probability of escape after detection are discussed for the scincid lizards Eumeces fasciatus and E. laticeps, which have brightly colored autotomous tails. Versions of the model that split the predator–prey encounter into several successive stages are outlined briefly and illustrated by the data for the two lizard species. Strategies for measuring the probabilities and testing the model's predictions are considered.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Boby Agil Prasetyo ◽  
Izza Lu’lu’ul Jannah ◽  
Tyas Ayu Putri Kiswanto ◽  
Yuniawatika Yuniawatika

Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah tentang pengenalan anggota tubuh dan bagian-bagian yang perlu dijaga lewat media monopoli. Pemberian pengetahuan tentang anatomi tubuh, kesehatan seksual, fungsi organ reproduksi sangat dibutuhkan anak-anak, lebih tepatnya pada masa menyongsong pubertas. Karena pubertas, bagian tubuh seksual siswa mulai tumbuh. Hal itu menyebabkan risiko kekerasan seksual meningkat. Pemberdayaan guru untuk memberi penyuluhan tentang menjaga bagian tubuh seksual pada siswa sangat diperlukan sebagai langkah antisipatif untuk meminimalisir peluang terjadinya kekerasan seksual. Pemilihanmetode tepat diperlukan agar materi yang akan disampaikan dapat terintegrasi secara optimal. Maka dari itu kreativitas dan penguasaan dalam media pembelajaran sangat dibutuhkan dimana dalam program kali ini menggunakan game monopoli. Mekanisme dari pelaksanaan kegiatan program dibagi dalam beberapa tahap, (1) tahap persiapan, pengorganisasian, (2) survey, (3) pelaksanaan, dan (4) tahap evaluasi kegiatan program. Hasil dari program kerja ini adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan baik dari para staff pengajar lewat macam media pembelajaran inovatif maupun bagi para siswa terutama terhadap materi yang disampaikan terkait knowing your body well, antusiasme dan keaktifan peserta sebagai bentuk ketertarikan terhadap program, terciptanya media pembelajaran monopoli itu sendiri, dan publikasi pada media massa.  Kata kunci— Media Belajar, Menjaga Diri, Monopoli. Abstract The purpose of this program aims to introduction of limbs and parts that need to be maintained through monopoly media. Giving knowledge about the anatomy of the body, sexual health, the function of the reproductive organs is needed by children, more precisely during the period of puberty. Because of puberty, parts of a student's sexual body begin to grow. That causes the risk of sexual violence to increase. Empowering teachers to provide counseling about maintaining sexual body parts for students is needed as an anticipatory step to minimize opportunities for sexual violence. The selection of the right method is needed so that the material to be delivered can be optimally integrated. Therefore creativity and mastery in learning media are needed where in this program uses monopoly games. The mechanism of implementing program activities is divided into several stages, (1) the preparation, organizing, (2) surveys, (3) implementation, and (4) evaluation of program activities. The result of this work program is an increase in knowledge both from teaching staff through a variety of innovative learning media and for students, especially to the material delivered related to knowing your body well, enthusiasm and activeness of participants as a form of interest in the program, the creation of monopolistic learning media itself, and publication in mass media. Keywords— Learning Media, Guarding Yourself, Monopoly

2020 ◽  
Vol 80 (4) ◽  
pp. 11-17
M. Alshynbayeva ◽  
J. Omasheva ◽  
Sh. Mazhitayeva ◽  

The article focuses on to conduct a comparative analysis of English and Kazakh phraseological units nominating the image of a dog. The purpose of this study is to consider the national and cultural specifics, reflected in the stable expressions of the English and Kazakh languages with the "dog" component. The article provides a brief overview of works related to the issues of phraseology in English and Kazakh. The work was based on general scientific methods: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis. The work with the collected card index of stable expressions was carried out by the method of continuous sampling, using the descriptive-analytical method. An important place in the work with the material was given to the methods of definitional, contextual and typological analysis. Using the comparative-comparative method, national-specific and universal features of zoonyms in English and Kazakh languages were determined. The material of the research was a card index of phraseological units of the English and Kazakh languages (more than 160 units) which were selected using the method of continuous sampling from phraseological dictionaries of the English and Kazakh languages. When analyzing the authors of the article relied on materials from phraseological dictionaries in English and Kazakh languages. In the course of the analysis, groups of phraseological units were identified and their differences and similarities in the compared languages were identified, as well as their national and cultural specificity, based on the action of universal cultural codes; the national and cultural specificity of zoonyms is determined by a number of extralinguistic factors: the location of the country, the living conditions of the people, their customs and traditions, history, religion and socio-political structure. All this secures national-specific connotation to zoonyms and determines their productivity. The results of the study showed that through the prism of axiology, an analysis of English and Kazakh stable combinations with the "dog" component, reflecting the paradigm of values (general cultural and national-cultural) and anti-values of the corresponding ethnic communities, was presented, as well as universal values representing at the intercultural level. The results of the study showed that through the prism of axiology, the analysis reflects the paradigm of values (general cultural and national-cultural) and anti-values of the corresponding ethnic communities. The research results have both theoretical and practical significance; it will be additional material for elective courses on the subject of "Lexicology" taught at the faculties of philology and foreign languages in higher educational institutions.

Natalia Berehovenko ◽  
Natalia Demchenko

Aim of investigation. This scientific research aims to describe English adjectives of dimension to denote the general small size and ways to reproduce them in Ukrainian and Russian based on BBC films “The Blue Planet” and “Life”. The main research methods are a complex translation, inductive and deductive methods for generalization of the selected language material and derivation of new provisions on the basis of well-known ones. In addition, the method of continuous sampling was also used – to form the body of the studied material; method of comparative and translation analysis of original texts and translations and contextual analysis; method of linguistic description – for direct study of the phenomenon in the text, systematization and generalization of adjectives of dimension translation features. The scientific novelty of the article is that, despite the significant achievements of domestic and foreign linguistics in the study of English adjectives of dimension, the problem of their field semantics with a fairly wide range of lexical compatibility still remains insufficiently studied. Therefore, this study highlights the problem of adequate translation and selection of a lexical equivalent from a wide range of synonyms that are part of the lexical and semantic group of adjectives of dimension. Also new is the research material – English-language films and their simultaneous interpretation, which we recorded in writing. Conclusions. Thus, adjectives of dimension of the micro field to denote the small overall size such as small, little, tiny, minute, microscopic, miniature, slight are translated in an appropriate way. Unlike other adjectives of dimension of the same micro field, small and tiny are used with a large number of comparative structures. Adjective of dimension small is often combined with collective nouns and words meaning representatives of flora and fauna. In contrast to the above- mentioned adjectives, adjective of dimension tiny has a wider range of equivalents, lexical and grammatical transformations are rarely used in its translation. In addition, the article identifies differences in the structures of the conceptual space of English adjectives of dimension to denote the general small size. Besides this, the basic stylistic and semantic differences between English adjectives of dimension that belong to the same micro field are established. The main methods and translation techniques of the adjectives of dimension to denote the general small size from English into Ukrainian and Russian are determined. The use of such lexical and grammatical transformations in translation as replacement of a word of one part of speech with a word of another (nominalization, adverbialization), lexical (contextual) replacement, semantic development, antonymous translation is mostly noticed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 527-535
Venera Khisamova ◽  
Liliia Abdullina ◽  
Leila Nurgalieva ◽  
Zukhra Motygullina

Purpose of the study: This study is undertaken to identify the similarities and differences of synonymous relations in the medical terminology of English, Russian and Tatar languages. Methodology: To identify the common and special in the compared languages, a comparative method is used. The basis of comparison in the medical terminology of genetically unrelated languages was established. In this study, the method of feature comparison was used, i.e. the phenomenon of synonymy was studied in a comparative aspect. Main Findings: The results of this study contribute to the selection of the correct, appropriate synonym for the term when translating into medical texts. Comparative analysis of three languages in the matter of synonyms in medical terminology has shown that English and Russian languages have more similarities than English and Tatar ones and Russian and Tatar ones. Application of the study: This study is of great importance in compiling dictionaries. At the same time, it will help students of the medicine faculty with the translation of medical texts, taking into account the peculiarities of the synonymy of terms in each language. Novelty: The synonymy in the medical terminology of genetically unrelated languages, in particular, English and Tatar languages, Russian and Tatar languages has not been studied to date in a comparative aspect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-81
M. V. Mosin ◽  
N. M. Mosina ◽  

Introduction: the article presents a comparative analysis of phonetic structure of a word’s stem on the material of the Mordovian (Moksha and Erzya) and Baltic-Finnish (Finnish and Estonian) languages. Particular interest of the study is the study of changes that occurred in the structure of consonant combinations and affected the state of the structure of the Finno- Ugric word’s stem. Objective: on the basis of a comparative method to study the phonetic changes that occurred in the combinations of consonants in the nominal and verbal stems of Finno-Ugric origin in the middle of the word, and to determine the preserved degrees of identity of the ancient Finno-Ugric word-formation stem. Research materials: the nominal and verbal word stems of modern Mordovian (Moksha and Erzya) languages, considered from the point of view of the comparative and historical method, as well as their etymological correspondences in the Baltic-Finnish (Finnish and Estonian) languages, revealed by the method of continuous sampling from etymological dictionaries. Results and novelty of the research: the article presents a detailed description of the development of consonant combinations in the Finno-Ugric word stem; the differences that arose in the common stems in the modern Mordovian, Finnish and Estonian languages as a result of separate development are revealed; the reasons transforming the structure of the Proto-Finno-Ugric word stem are identified. The relevance of the study is determined by the lack of knowledge of the structure of the Finno-Ugric word stem on the material of the Mordovian languages, as well as the need to identify additional data required for further in-depth study of the phonemic and morphemic levels of the Mordovian (Moksha and Erzya) languages. It will help to more fully describe certain aspects of both Finno-Ugric and Mordovian linguistics. The novelty of the study lies in the absence of comparative works devoted to the study of the phonemic structure of the Finno-Ugric word stem with the use of materials of closely related (Moksha and Erzya) and distantly related (Finnish and Estonian) languages at the same time.

2011 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 259-263
A. Kuzelov ◽  
O. Savinok ◽  
E. Atanasova

Nowadays in some west European countries increase the need of rabbit meat. The production of rabbit?s meat in these countries is based on some practical knowledge and methods of selection and breeding. The success in production of this kind of meat depends from the rabbit?s fat or from the quality of the body during the transport (confectioning meat). That is the reason why in these countries the selection of rabbits is making with a big attention. That is why is important to examine the phenotypic connection of the slaughter?s characteristics during the confirmation of the optimal selective criterion. The mass of the thighs and the mass of the muscle layer of the thighs are very important for the rabbit?s selection. The thigh?s mass has strong phenotypic correlation and full genetic correlation with the mass of the clean body. The purpose of this investigation is to find the range of connection of the thigh?s dissection based on correlative and regressive analysis in the prediction of the thigh?s meat contribution and also from the clean body. Based on the obtained results we can conclude that the mass of the thighs is a reliable indicator as to the yield of the thigh as for the whole body musculature.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Ruly Dandy Krisyanto ◽  
Hafiz Ardian ◽  
M Sofwan Anwari

Humans couldn’t be separated from the use of various biological resources. Resources for the utilization of fauna used for food, medicine, traditional ceremonies, mistycal and art. One of the indigenous ethnic found in the West Kalimantan province is the Dayak Sebaruk in Setunggul Village. The Dayak Sebaruk people also has diversity in ultilization for foods, medicine, traditional ceremonies, mistycal and art. This research objective is expected to provide information about the local knowledge of Etnozoology such as to obtain the animal species and the animal ultilization by Dayak Sebaruk Community in Setunggul Village, Silat Hilir District, Kapuas Hulu Regency. The method used a survey, the selection of respondent were choosing by snowball sampling technique and data collecting used questionnaire. This research were obtained 15 male respondent. The result of the research reaveling there are 10 species of animal ultilization for medecine. Body parts that are ultilized for medicine are the whole body, bile, bounce, bones, fat, reed, fins,blood, honey and thorns.How to processing with dried, poured boling water, burned, fried fat, take blood and honey. How to used by drink, spread and stabbed with chicken feathers in the back of the body with lamp.Keywords :Ethnozoolical, Medicine, Dayak Sebaruk, Setunggul Village

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