Establishment of optimal terms and methods for growing seed fruits of the new line LZ-2513 squash in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan

2022 ◽  
pp. 29-32
Ш.Р. Арипова ◽  
С.И. Дусмуратова

Изучение кабачка (Cucurbita pepo var. giraumontia) в природно-климатических условиях Узбекистана и совершенствование технологии выращивания семенных плодов – важное направление селекционной работы по обогащению сортимента овощных культур и организации семеноводства этой культуры. Цель исследований: установить оптимальные сроки высева семян и посадки рассады перспективной линии короткоплетистой формы кабачка LZ-2513 при весеннем сроке выращивания на семенные цели. Исследования проводили в 2016 и 2019 годах на экспериментальном участке Научно-исследовательского института овощебахчевых культур и картофеля Республики Узбекистан (Ташкентский район Ташкентской области). Климат региона схож с условиями большинства овощеводческих хозяйств, расположенных в равнинной центральной части Узбекистана. Почвы опытного участка – типичные суглинки, окультуренные, влагоемкие, глубина залегания грунтовых вод – более 6–7 м, количество гумуса в почве – 0,641–0,943%, азота – 0,072–0,121%, фосфора – 0,130–0,171% и калия – 1,627–2,206%. Погодные условия 2016 и 2019 годов были благоприятными для роста и развития кабачка, за исключением засушливого июля и августа, в течение которых недостаток влаги компенсировали поливами. Испытаны четыре весенних срока посева и посадки рассады (в 2016 году – 3 апреля, 12 апреля, 20 апреля и 1 мая; в 2019 году – 1 апреля, 10 апреля, 21 апреля и 30 апреля). Делянки двухрядковые, длиной 10 м, схема размещения (140+70)/2×50 см. Площадь учетной делянки 21,0 м2. На каждой делянке размещались по 40 растений, повторность опыта четырехкратная. Установлено, что в условиях Ташкентской области Узбекистана наибольший выход семян из плодов у линии LZ-2513 был при выращивании кабачка рассадным способом в первой декаде апреля (в начале I и II декады апреля), а при безрассадной культуре – при посеве семян в начале апреля, что связано с наиболее благоприятными температурными условиями для культуры кабачка. The study of squash (Cucurbita pepo var. giraumontia) in the natural and climatic conditions of Uzbekistan and the improvement of the technology of growing seed fruits is an important direction of breeding work is to enrich the assortment of vegetable crops and the organization of seed production of this crop. The purpose of the research: to establish the optimal timing of sowing seeds and planting seedlings of a promising line of short-leafed squash LZ-2513 at the spring period of cultivation for seed purposes. The research was carried out in 2016 and 2019 at the experimental site of the Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable and melon crops and Potato of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent district of the Tashkent region). The climate of the region is similar to the conditions of most vegetable farms located in the flat central part of Uzbekistan. The soils of the experimental site are typical loams, cultivated, moisture-intensive, the depth of groundwater is more than 6–7 meters, the amount of humus in the soil is 0.641–0.943%, nitrogen – 0.072–0.121%, phosphorus – 0.130–0.171% and potassium – 1.627–2.206%. Weather conditions in 2016 and 2019 were favorable for the growth and development of squash, with the exception of dry July and August, during which the lack of moisture was compensated by watering. 4 spring sowing and planting dates have been tested (in 2016 – April 3, April 12, April 20 and May 1; in 2019 – April 1, April 10, April 21 and April 30). Two-row plots, 10 m long, layout (140+70)/2×50 cm. The area of the accounting plot is 21.0 m2. 40 plants were placed on each plot, the repetition of the experiment was fourfold. It was found that in the conditions of the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan, the highest yield of seeds from fruits of the LZ-2513 line was established when squash was grown by seedling method in the first decade of April (at the beginning of the first and second decade of April), and with seedless culture – when sowing seeds in early April, which is associated with the most favorable temperature conditions for squash culture.

2018 ◽  
Vol 251 ◽  
pp. 01003
Lyazat Aruova ◽  
Nabi Dauzhanov ◽  
Zhumabeke Ospanova ◽  
Shamshygaim Toleubayeva ◽  
Aizhan Utkelbaeva

The energy of solar radiation is a powerful energy reserve at the surface of the globe which is about twenty billion kW. This amount of energy is more than 100 times greater than the amount of necessary energy for the whole planet; besides the usage of this powerful energy radiator is not associated with polluting substances that pollute the planet. The usage of solar energy nowadays is very important, as the problem of using traditional energy resources is especially acute, because of their irreplaceability and increase in their cost. At the plants of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the industrial production of building materials today, a trend is outlined for the use of non-traditional types of energy, and mainly solar energy at the stage of heat treatment, where steam heating was traditionally used. In these researches, development in the direction of temperature treatment of polystyrene concrete was considered. The purpose of the research is the development and practical implementation of the technology of production of polystyrene using solar energy. The results of the conducted researches confirmed that the usage of solar thermal treatment methods for the thermal treatment of polystyrene concrete is effective in weather conditions for the southern regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan which refers to areas with dry and hot climatic conditions. Detailed studies of polystyrene concrete under high-temperature weather conditions have been carried out and introduced into production. The usage of heliotechnology for the production of polystyrene concrete improves the quality of manufactured products, also makes it possible to reduce the energy costs of traditional energy covered by the use of solar energy.

A.A. Autko ◽  
I.S. Butov

Овощеводство Республики Беларусь в последние годы показывает высокую динамику развития. Природно-климатические условия Беларуси благоприятны для возделывания холодостойких овощных культур (все виды капусты, столовые корнеплоды, зеленные). Условия для ежегодных гарантированных сборов теплолюбивых культур (томат, огурец) в открытом грунте имеются только в юго-восточных и юго-западных районах республики. На остальной территории гарантированные урожаи этих культур наиболее возможны в теплицах, под пленочными укрытиями и в утепленном грунте. В Республике Беларусь посевные площади под овощами в последние годы во всех категориях хозяйств стабилизировались на уровне 6570 тыс. га, в том числе в хозяйствах населения 4650 тыс. га, в КФХ 1011 тыс. га. В последние 20 лет прослеживается положительная тенденция поступательного наращивания производства в КФХ, урожайность овощной продукции в которых в 2018 году на 64 и 31 превышала аналогичный показатель по с.-х. организациям и хозяйствам населения соответственно. В общей структуре валового сбора овощей на хозяйства населения приходится порядка 6769, КФХ 1619, с.-х. организации 1315. Производство овощей на душу населения в последние годы колебалось на уровне 178206 кг (при норме 146 кг). Республика полностью обеспечивает себя овощами, кроме того овощи поставляются на экспорт. В стране построено более 60 современных овощехранилищ, однако большинство из них требует существенной реконструкции. В настоящее время отмечен также рост производства плодоовощных консервов. Таким образом, внутренний рынок овощей полностью обеспечен продукцией собственного производства. Для повышения эффективности овощеводства Республики Беларусь на основе специализации и концентрации производства необходимо совершенствование организации всего овощного подкомплекса, включающую территориальное размещение, специализацию и структуру производства овощей, в том числе укрепление материально-технической базы переработки и хранения, улучшение организации закупок товарной продукции, расширение ассортимента и улучшение качества овощей.Vegetable growing in the Republic of Belarus in recent years shows a high dynamics of development. The natural and climatic conditions of Belarus are favorable for the cultivation of cold-resistant vegetable crops (all types of cabbage, table roots, green). Conditions for annual guaranteed collections of heat-loving crops (tomato, cucumber) in the open ground are available only in the South-Eastern and South-Western regions of the Republic. In the rest of the territory, guaranteed yields of these crops are most possible in greenhouses, under film shelters and in insulated soil. In the Republic of Belarus, the sown areas under vegetables in recent years in all categories of farms have stabilized at the level of 6570 thousand hectares, including in households 4650 thousand hectares, in farms 1011 thousand hectares. In the last 20 years, there is a positive trend of progressive increase in production in farms, the yield of vegetable products in which in 2018 by 64 and 31 exceeded the same indicator for agricultural organizations and farms, respectively. In the total structure of the gross harvest of vegetables on the farms of the population accounts for about 6769, farm 1619, agricultural organizations 1315. Production of vegetables per capita in recent years has fluctuated at the level of 178206 kg (at the rate of 146 kg). The Republic fully provides itself with vegetables, in addition, vegetables are exported. More than 60 vegetable stores have been built in the country, but most of them require significant reconstruction. Currently, there is also an increase in the production of canned fruits and vegetables. Thus, the domestic market of vegetables is almost completely provided with products of its own production. To improve the efficiency of vegetable growing of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of specialization and concentration of production it is necessary to improve the organization of the whole vegetable subcomplex, including geographical location, specialization, and the structure of production of vegetables, including a strengthening material-technical base of processing and storage, improving the procurement of commodity products, expanding the range and improving the quality of vegetables.

2020 ◽  
pp. 22-28 ◽  
V. F. Khlebnikov ◽  
N. V. Smurova ◽  
I. T. Balashova

Actuality. Industrial technologies of vegetable crops cultivation, including squash cultivation, a lot of attention is paid to the uniformity of seeds by morphometric traits as a condition allowing to use the precision technologies.The goal of the study is to determine specificities of measured polyvariance the seeds of Cucurbita pepo var. giramontia Duch. under changes of climate conditions in Transnistria.Materials and methods. The studies were carried out at the experimental plot of Pridnestrovian State University (Tiraspol) in 2005-2012. Objects of studies – 5 lines (166/5; 19/84; 98/5; 5Б; 48/20) of squash. Morphometric traits of seeds: mass, width, length, thickness were evaluated in the sample of 100 seeds. Mass of the seed was evaluated with help of torsion scales with exactness to 0,001 g. Width, length, thickness were mesuared with microscope MBS-10 with exactness to 0,1 mm. squash plants were treated with water solutions of the preperation Micefit in concentrations 10 and 100 mg/l in the phase of "2-3 true leaves" and "6-7 true leaves", standard is water treatment.Meteorological conditions (temperature, amount of precipitation) the year of seed reproduction were characterized by the data of Tiraspol Agrometeorological Station. Hydrothermal regime the growing of squash plants was characterized by the hydrothermal coefficient (CHT) of Selyaninov.Results. The nature of changes in temperature and precipitation over 7 years (2005-2012 periods) were reflected increased anomality of weather conditions in Transnistrian region. First of all, it concerns the quantity and the intensity of precipitation during the formation and maturation of squash seeds. Distribution decades of total precipitation and temperatures caused extremely uneven hydration: CHT variation ratio was 29.2-61.3%. Almost all periods of study were stressful for plants and led to the dimensional polyvariance of squash seeds. The variation of morphometric traits (coefficient of variation) is depended on changes in the hydrothermal regime of the growing season. It has a non-linear character and was genotypically caused. Applying the preparation Micefit had a significant effect on the manifestation of traits of squash seeds and its interaction with meteorological factors determined their modifying ability in the following order: mass (78,2%)→ length (56,6%)→ thickness (43,7%)→ width (40,4%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 04024
Shavkat Durkhodjaev ◽  
Sohibjon Islamov ◽  
Tulganoy Kenjaeva ◽  
Abdulaziz Tojiboyev

In this article, the results of research on the cultivation of patty pan squash in the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan, Planting for different periods and its growth, development, yield, as well as the impact of weather conditions were presented. Squash is a one-year plant of the family of zucchini, mainly shrub, rarely found in the form of a whip. The results showed that average yield of “White-13” control was 16 tons/ha, and it was 17 tons/ha in “Solnyshko”. Furthermore, “NLO White” and “Umberall” had a high yield compared to the other varieties and hybrids, accounted for 15 tons/ha and 15.1 tons/ha, respectively. The highest average temperature during seed germination was found in 16 august, which was 30.3°C, whereas the lowest average temperature was 18.6°C in 1st April. The results showed that 4 days were required to reach 10% of seed germination in the period April 16 and May 1, however, 10% of seed germination in July 1 and 16th took 6 days. Furthermore, the least days for 75% of seed, germination was observed in the period of May 1, accounted for 8 days, and the rest of the period was the same.

P. M. Akhmedova

In the conditions of covered crop in Dagestan tomato ranks the first in terms of cultivation area and in the country it is the second place after cucumber. However, tomato production has not yet reached the level necessary to meet people’s need. Growing it allows solving the problem of import substitution, ensures a constant supply of fresh vegetable products and solves the problem of a balanced, complete nutrition human nutrition throughout the year. When studying vegetable crops in covered crop conditions were revealed both general provisions characteristic of any region and specific features depending on the complex of local natural conditions. The level of radiation, temperature, humidity, wind and snow loads leave a certain influence on the growing tomatoes technology, which makes the problem of developing scientifically grounded elements of technologies for their production, ensuring high yields of vegetable plants and environmentally safe out-of-season products. With a wide variety of soil and climatic conditions in Dagestan, territories with extreme natural contrasts, even within a single agroclimatic region, the features of light and other microclimate regimes require clarification of the most important elements of agricultural technology. One of the main components of tomato growing technology is timely protection against diseases and pests. In the absence of a system of protective measures yield losses can reach 50% or more. In this context, the assessment of new F1 hybrids in film greenhouses in the winter-autumn circulation was carried out, the most promising of them for the conditions of Dagestan were identified, and the main elements of their cultivation were developed. The article presents the results of the dynamics of the yield of the crop by months. The influence of sowing and planting dates on the tomatoes yield is shown, the optimal scheme of sowing and planting tomatoes is determined. A phenological calendar for plant protection was compiled. The prospects of growing the studied hybrids in this region have been substantiated. Обоснована перспективность выращивания изучаемых гибридов в данном регионе.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 160-166
Marsel Khismatullin ◽  
Mars Khismatullin ◽  
Ayrat Valiev ◽  
Rahim Ullah ◽  
Aleksandr Komissarov

The development of globalization processes and, as a result, “blurring of borders” between countries give rise to fierce competition in food markets. In such conditions, ensuring food security largely depends on the efficiency of agricultural production. One of the factors of its stability, regardless of the influence of weather and climatic conditions, especially in areas of risky agriculture, including the Republic of Tatarstan, is irrigation. The research was carried out to assess the current state of the development of irrigated agriculture and its economic efficiency in the Republic of Tatarstan. The efficiency of irrigation was studied in Arsk and Laishevsky municipal districts of the Republic of Tatarstan when water was supplied, respectively, by diesel (“Kyrlay” LLC) and electrified pumping stations (“Narmonka” LLC). The object of research is potatoes on a total area of 258 hectares. It is not clear how it is possible to conduct research in different farms with different methods of water supply, and to carry out calculations for the total area. The costs of irrigation with 5-fold irrigation with water supply by electrified pumping stations paid off 11.9 times. Direct costs per 1 hectare of potatoes with a planned yield of 250 c/ha amounted to 110,590 rubles/ha, including 5-time irrigation - 10,235 rubles/ha, or 9.2%. The cost of production during irrigation decreases, in comparison with cultivation without irrigation, 2 times or more. A ruble of direct costs for irrigation provides additional products worth more than 12 rubles. According to Federal State Budgetary Institution “Tatmeliovodkhoz” Management”, it is much more profitable to grow fruit and berry and vegetable crops on irrigation. This should push for structural changes in favor of irrigated production of highly marginal crops

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-9
Patimat Akhmedova

The aim of the work is to evaluate new F1 tomato hybrids in the winter-spring circulation, to identify the optimal timing of their planting in protected ground, to determine the most economically promising of them for the natural and climatic conditions of Dagestan. The studies were carried out in 2018–2020 in the greenhouse facilities of LLC “Agro-AS” of the Republic of Dagestan. The scheme of the two-factor experiment provided for the study of the following options: tomato hybrid (factor A) - mid-ripening hybrid Tivay 12 F1, mid-ripening hybrid T-34 F1, late-ripening hybrid Pink Ball F1; transplanting date (factor B) - early (January 10), medium (January 20), late (January 30). Sowing seeds for growing seedlings was carried out for each planting date, respectively, November 20, November 30 and December 10. Repetition 3 times, the area of the accounting plot - 2.5 m2. The largest yield was formed when the seedlings were planted on January 20, the yield of hybrids in total for 4.5 months was 23.0 ... 28.0 kg/m2. When planting seedlings on 10.01, it decreased by 0.55 ... 1.79 kg/m2, and on 30.01 - by 1.91 ... 2.56 kg/ m2. According to the yield level, the results of the tasting assessment of fruits and the economic efficiency of production, the hybrids represent the following decreasing series: T-34 F1> Tivay 12 F1> Pink Ball F1. Of the tested varieties, the domestic hybrid T-34 F1 and the Dutch hybrid Tivay 12 F1 are the most suitable for growing in protected soil in Dagestan. Economically more efficient is the time of planting seedlings in the substrate in the winter-spring turnover in the suburbs of Makhachkala on January 20, which provides the highest yield and net income per unit area

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 12-16
A. A. Ibragimov ◽  
A. К. Karakhanov ◽  
A. A. Abdurakhmanov ◽  
A. Е. Eshdavlatov ◽  
P. A. Uteniyazov ◽  

. For sowing small seeds of vegetables, in particular onions, special seeders are used. They are not produced in the Republic of Uzbekistan, while many diff erent pneumatic seeders are produced abroad. The authors note that foreign samples are complex in design, not adapted to local soil and climatic conditions, cannot provide even seed placement on ridges, and the cost of the seeders themselves and service are very high.(Research purpose) To develop a vegetable seeder in relation to the soil and climatic conditions of Uzbekistan, to determine the seeding rate of onion seeds depending on the length of the active part of the seed reel, to evaluate the formation quality of sowing ridges and irrigation furrows.(Materials and methods) The authors determined the sowing rate by turning the seeder drive wheel at a given length of the active part of the sowing reel and collecting the sown seeds in cups with further weighing. The quality of sowing ridges and irrigation furrows formation was evaluated by the method of profi ling the fi eld before and after the seeder’s pass.(Results and discussion) The authors developed a vegetable seeder that performed three operations in one pass: cutting irrigation furrows, forming sowing ridges of a trapezoidal shape and sowing onion seeds and other small-seeded vegetable crops in a three-row tape method in each tape. They found that the dependence of the seeding rate on the length of the active part of the reel had a slightly fragile parabolic shape, and the required seeding rates – 24-48 pieces per linear meter (3.9-7.8 kilograms per hectare) – were provided with the length of the sowing reel 3.3- 6.2 millimeters. It was proved that the seeder provided a high-quality formation of sowing ridges and irrigation furrows: the row spacing was 68.8 centimeters (installation spacing – 70 centimeters), the top ridge width was 42.5 centimeters (the predetermined one was 40 centimeters), the depth of irrigation furrows was on average 9.6 centimeters.(Conclusions) A vegetable seeder was developed for sowing small-seeded vegetable crops with the simultaneous formation of sowing ridges and cutting irrigation furrows, which ensured high-quality performance of all operations and observance of onion seeds.

V.K. Serderov ◽  
T.G. Khanbabaev ◽  
D.V. Serderovа

Наряду с правильной организацией базой хранения, для эффективного использования картофеля большое значение имеет его переработка. Содержание сухого вещества один из показателей качества пригодности сортов картофеля для его переработки. В статье обобщены результаты оценки урожайности сортов картофеля в климатических условиях высокогорья Республики Дагестан и содержания в клубнях сухого вещества как критерия пригодности сортов для переработки на картофелепродукты. Исследования проводили в опорном пункте Курахский , МО Курахский район Республики Дагестан, расположенном на высоте 2000 2200 м над уровнем моря в 2017 и 2018 годах. Контроль районированный в республике среднеранний сорт Волжанин. Схема посадки 70 30 см, повторность четырехкратная. Почвенный покров представлен горными каштановыми среднесуглинистыми почвами. Содержание гумуса 2,91-3,01. Питательными веществами почвы обеспечены в средней степени: гидролизуемого азота 2,2-3,5 мг, подвижного фосфора 4-6 мг и обменного калия 12,5-16,5 мг на 100 г. Погодные условия вегетационных периодов были благоприятные для возделывания картофеля. Средняя температура воздуха во время посадки (май) составила 11-12 С, а во время вегетации летние месяцы 14-16 С. Опытные участки расположены опыты в засушливой зоне, так как выпадающие осадки во время вегетации (в среднем 60-80 мм в месяц) недостаточны для роста и развития картофеля. За время вегетации были проведены пять поливов по бороздам из расчета 50 л на м2 (500 м3/га). По урожайности (31,438,7 т/га) в сравнении с контролем выделились сорта: Импала, Ирбитский, Жуковский ранний, Манифест, Матушка, Невский, Примобелла, Розара, Сильвана, Спиридон и Удача. По содержанию сухого вещества (25,829,1) в сравнении с контролем выделились сорта: Алена, Нарт, Гиоконда, Матушка, Росси, Вектор, Примобелла, Импало и Дезире.Along with the correct organization of storage base, for the effective use of potatoes, its processing is of great importance. The dry matter content is one of the indicators of the quality of potato cultivars suitability for processing. The article summarizes the results of assessment of the yield of potato cultivars in the climatic conditions of the highlands of the Republic of Dagestan and the content of dry matter in tubers as a criterion for the suitability of cultivars for processing into potato products. The research was carried out in the reference point Kurakhsky, MO Kurakhsky district of the Republic of Dagestan, located at an altitude of 2000-2200 m above sea level in 2017 and 2018. Control-zoned in the Republic of mid-early cultivar Volzhanin. Planting scheme is 70 30 cm, repeat-four times. The soil is mountain brown medium loamy. Humus content is 2.91-3.01. Soil nutrients are provided to an average extent: hydrolyzed nitrogen 2.2-3.5 mg, mobile phosphorus 4-6 mg and exchange potassium 12.5-16.5 mg per 100 g. The weather conditions of the growing season were favourable for potato growing. The average air temperature during planting (May) was 11-12 C, and during the growing season the summer months was 14-16 C. Experimental plots are located in the arid zone, as precipitation during the growing season (on average 60-80 mm per month) is not sufficient for the growth and development of potatoes. During the growing season, five furrow irrigation was carried out at the rate of 50 l per m2 (500 m3/ha). In terms of yield (31.438.7 t/ha) in comparison with the control, the following cultivars were distinguished: Impala, Irbitsky, Zhukovsky ranniy, Manifest, Matushka, Nevsky, Primobella, Rosara, Silvana, Spiridon and Udacha. According to the dry matter content (25.829.1) in comparison with the control, the following cultivars were distinguished: Alena, Nart, Gioconda, Matushka, Rossi, Vector, Primobella, Impala and Desire.

2019 ◽  
pp. 21-24
Sergey M. Sirota ◽  
Lyudmila L. Bondareva ◽  
Kurbangadzhi N. Veliev

Relevance The Republic of Dagestan is the southernmost region in the Russian Federation. The climatic conditions of the Derbent district of the Republic of Dagestan are favorable for seed production without direct cabbage. Material and method In cabbage seed production in direct culture it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of cabbage biology. In the Republic of Dagestan near the city of Derbent, all the phasic processes near cabbage take place in a short autumn period and in early spring. Results Years of experience in the conduct of cabbage seed production made it possible to determine the optimal timing for planting varieties (parental hybrids) of white cabbage of different groups of ripeness and different varieties. The technology of direct seed farming of cabbage is presented.

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