Rizky Oktaviani Putri, Shantika Martha

Service Performance (SERVPERF) merupakan metode pengembangan dari Service Quality (SERVQUAL). SERVPERF menggunakan skala kinerja dan skala kepentingan untuk mengukur kualitas jasa, sedangkan  Important Performance Analysis merupakan metode yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi prioritas yang diperlukan untuk perbaikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas pelayanan akademik FMIPA Untan pada mahasiswa tahun 2017/2018. Data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada responden yang telah ditentukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa atribut yang memerlukan perbaikan seperti kemudahan memperoleh informasi bagi mahasiswa (t3), proses pelayanan cepat dan tidak berbelit terkait dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa (r2), kesabaran petugas dalam menanggapi keluhan mahasiswa (e1).Kata Kunci: Kualitas Pelayanan, SERVPERF, IPA

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 1961-1969
Donny Ivan Samuel Simatupang ◽  
Helena Tatcher Pakpahan ◽  
Desyanti Chrismash

This study aims to describe the level of visitor satisfaction in Eden 100 Agrotourism based on visitor perceptions, analyze the service performance of Eden 100 Agrotourism Center to influence service quality at Eden 100 Agrotourism Park, and how to improve service quality in Eden 100 Agrotourism Area. purposive, namely in Eden 100 Agrotourism which is located in Lumbanjulu Village, Lumbanrang District, Toba Samosir Regency, North Sumatra Province. This sampling method uses purposive sampling, the sampling technique is not based on random, regional or start, but based on considerations that focus on certain goals. The data analysis method used is a descriptive method and Importance Performance Analysis. The results of the study where the calculations were carried out using the help of SPSS version 15. The results of this study were: 1) The level of suitability of visitors was 73.05%-114.15%, the average level of conformity obtained was 96.53%. The average value of conformity is 17.62% lower than the level of visitor satisfaction which should be 114.15%. In this case, it can be concluded that the level of service performance of Taman Eden Agrotourism 100 is lower than the level of interest or expectations of visitors. 2) Based on the measurement results using Importance Performance Analysis, it can be seen in the Cartesian diagram that the location of items that affect visitor satisfaction with service quality at Taman Eden Agrotourism 100 is divided into four quadrants. 3). Based on the results of the Cartesian diagram, it is known that the service quality dimension attributes that need special attention are in quadrant A (priority) in the context of agro-tourism efforts in improving service quality, including a. the ability of employees to guide visitors which is included in the reliability variable, b. employees are willing to provide fast service which is included in the responsiveness variable, c. the patience of employees in providing services that are included in the guarantee variable, d. employees do not discriminate in serving visitors which are included in the guarantee variable.

Bapi Das ◽  
Tung Sheng Kuo ◽  
Yuan Shufang

In the recent era, service quality has played a key role in each organization. This study aims to evaluate the service quality performance of ChilliesineIndian restaurants located in Taichung city of Taiwan. In this context, we have adopted the DINERSERV questionnaire after reviewing various literature. Importance performance analysis methodology has been used to understand the service performance of each service item. The study will evaluate and analyze the service quality desired as per the customer in Taichung city under the context of the service quality. IPA being a marketing tool to give a vivid picture for managers to make decision and understand their competitive advantage and improve on the rest.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Syarief Gerald Prasetya

The research is aimed at describing service quality and customer satisfaction with PT Bank BNI services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study used 60 customers to be selected randomly as samples. The analysis method uses Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The results of the analysis found that the performance of services provided by PT Bank BNI Bogor Branch has been able to meet the interests of customers by 83.07%. Then it is known that several attributes are the main priority because their performance is still below the interests of customers, namely the queuing system during the Covid-19 pandemic, the speed of customer service during the Covid-19 pandemic, bank operational schedules during the Covid-19 pandemic, guarantees of getting quality service. the Covid-19 pandemic, the completeness of the facilities/equipment provided, the alertness to customer complaints during the Covid-19 pandemic, the speed in resolving the Covid-19 pandemic problems, the readiness to overcome queues during the Covid-19 pandemic and the readiness of officers when needed. From the results of the CSI analysis, it is known that the level of customer satisfaction is 77.61% which is included in the satisfied category. Thus the services provided by PT Bank BNI Bogor Branch during the Covid-19 pandemic can be said to be good but they still have to continue to make improvements so that their service performance is getting better.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-42
Saiful Ghozi ◽  
Aditya Rakhman Rakim ◽  
Mahfud Mahfud

Penelitian ini mengukur kinerja kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan melalui persepi kinerja yang dinilai mahasiswanya. Kuisioner berbasis HEdPERF dikembangkan dalam pengambilan data. Dari 369 kuisioner yang diisi responden, hanya 235  yang dinyatakan valid dan dianalisis. Analisis data dilakukan melalui dua analisis, yaitu (1) penghitungan Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI);  dan (2) Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Nilai CSI yang diperoleh adalah 75, 42% yang masuk kategori puas. Sedangkan pada analisis IPA didapat bahwa 10 indikator berada diposisi kuadran I. Daerah dimana kelemahan terbesar dari kualitas pelayanan, dan membutuhkan perhatian manajerial yang mendesak untuk meningkatkan kinerja kualitas pelayanan.This study measures the performance of service quality provided by Balikpapan State Polytechnic through the perceived performance of students. The HEdPERF-based questionnaire was developed in the collection of data. Only 235 out of 369 completed questionnaires are valid. Data analysis was carried out through two analysis i.e., (1) measurement of Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), and (2) Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The CSI value obtained was 75.42% in the satisfied category. Whereas the result of IPA analysis showed that ten indicators were positioned in quadrant I. The indicators were the greatest weakness of service quality, and requiring urgent managerial attention to improve the quality of service performance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-130
Dian ayunita Nugraheni nurmala Dewi

Objectives of this study were analyze fish auction participant satisfaction to auction services in TPI Morodemak, analyze attributes effect, services that fit to service quality measurement, and analyzed fish auction participants perception to performance and importance for fish auction house Morodemak services. Used descriptive method and purposive sampling with 49 respondents consists of commercial fishmongers, traditional fishmongers, purse seine owners, and boat lift net owners as fish auction participant. Satisfication measurement used Customer Satisfication Index (CSI), Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA) and gap analysis. Results from this study were value CSI 20% (0.2) indicate the auction participants dissatisfied with the services provided, IPA show there are four attributes should be develop, two elements have not been completed based on measurement requirements of service satisfaction, gap value average -0.05 means the auction participants were not satisfied with the performance of TPI services because the performance value was lower than the importance value.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 14
Eddy Supardi

The Tax Payer obidience in fulfiling their taxation obligation will be influenced a lot by the satisfaction level toward the service fiscus. The aim of this observation is to know the response of Tax Payer toward service quality through importance and performance. The population which become the object of this observation is the personal Tax Payer registered in Bogor Tax Service Office and the number of respondents taken as the sample are 100 respondents with Slovin formula. The analysis method used is descriptive analysis and importance-performance analysis.   The result of this observation will be able to be used as one of the input to Bogor Tax Service Office in improving the quality service and for the following observation, especially those who take the same object as the observation in order to improve the quality service to the Tax Payer based on the service of its working way which is felt less. Otherwise it is important for The Tax Payer, maintaining the good work or balancing the service quality based on the working way which is evaluated less important by The Taxe Payer, but has been done reasonably well or very well by The Service Office

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 84-99
Ilias Danatzis ◽  
Jana Möller ◽  
Christine Mathies

Low-quality service providers who are unable or unwilling to compete through superior performance increasingly use humour in their marketing communication to generate positive service outcomes. Yet it remains unclear whether using humour to communicate poor service quality is indeed effective. Based on an online experiment in the context of budget hotels, this study finds that using humour to deliberately communicate poor service quality leads to higher purchase intentions and service quality evaluations by reducing both technical and functional service quality expectations. Theoretically, this study extends humour and service research by providing first empirical evidence for the viability of using humour as an effective tool for leveraging customer expectations of service quality rather than improving service performance. Managerially, these insights highlight how reducing customer expectations is an alternative strategy for attracting new customers and for achieving superior quality evaluations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
Fachry Prasetyo ◽  
Priyanto Susiloadi

Good service quality in public services will give an impetus to the user community to give a good assessment. Good service by the State Civil Servants (ASN) in the Transportation Obligatory Licensing Unit (UPAKWU) in the Karanganyar District Transportation Department was apparently still receiving complaints from the service user community. This shows that there are still some shortcomings in the implementation of the service system in the office. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling method. The data used are primary data obtained directly from respondents by providing a list of questions or questionnaires. Data analysis techniques using Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) are used to measure the level of satisfaction of someone over the performance of other parties, and Cartesian Diagrams to determine service indicators that satisfy or do not satisfy consumers. The results showed that: Service quality in UPAKWU Karanganyar Regency according to customer perceptions has not been satisfactory, despite having good service performance / above average. This is based on the results of the Importance Performance Analysis analysis which gets a result of 94.36% (Total Tki

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 85
Rina Nur Chasanah ◽  
Andreas Wijaya

Public infrastructure and congestion issues become salient problems in Indonesia. According to INRIX Global Traffic Scoreboard (2018): Jakarta was ranked as twelfth worst in the world. Air quality also becoming another issues that derived from traffic congestion causing air pollution. To mitigate this issue, government has been established MRT Jakarta in 2019. This study aims to evaluate and improving service level of Moda Raya Terpadu (MRT) in order to encourage more people using public transportation, moreover altering people using public transportation would reduce the amount of fossil fuels and reducing bad air pollution for a better climate. Methodolgy of the research using service quality theory with five dimension from Parasuraman et. al, and extended in Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method. Therefore, data was distributed using questionnaire with 18 item measurement and 102 respondents was collected. As a result, tangibility, reliability, and responsiveness dimension had been classified in quadrant one, followed assurance dimension in quadrant two, however empathy dimension had been measured in quadrant four and indicates to be improved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 504
Patrícia Moura e Sá ◽  
Maria João Rosa ◽  
Gonçalo Santinha ◽  
Cátia Valente

This paper aims to measure the quality of the services delivered by a court by assessing the satisfaction of court users and service providers, i.e., magistrates and court officials. For that purpose, a case study was carried out and data were collected by means of a questionnaire based on the SERVPERF instrument, in which perceived service quality is measured, considering court users, magistrates, and court officials’ perceptions of post-service performance. One hundred and fifty-eight questionnaires were successfully returned. An in-depth interview was later conducted to the court administrator to gain a richer understanding of the results achieved and ask follow-up questions. Overall, findings revealed that court users, magistrates, and court officials clearly have a positive view of the services provided, although improvement is needed, particularly in the court’s facilities and technological equipment. The current research sheds some light on the potentialities and difficulties of assessing service quality in the judiciary and contributes to the validation of the SERVPERF instrument in this context.

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