scholarly journals How Covid-19 Pandemic Reshaped Cultural Environment in Italy and Ukraine: Facebook Content Analysis

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 194
Nataliia Kochkina ◽  
Marina Riccardi

<em><span>The need to incorporate cultural aspects into business practice is long-standing. The cultural environment in Ukraine and Italy was reshaped, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Social networks reflected such transformation both at the personal level and in the business activities of national companies on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other media. Facebook pages were analyzed as the most popular social platform in Ukraine and Italy to reveal these changes. Content analysis of countries' leaders in retail, e-commerce, and service was carried out, namely </span><span>EVA, Rozetka, and Nova Noshta for Ukraine; and Conad, Bottega Verde, and Italo Treno for Italy. T</span><span>wo-phase desk research was conducted with ten research questions for each cultural dimension encoded in a binary system. The research has shown that Ukrainian business still manifests collaborative problem solving, compliance with social standards, and the value of human life. It demonstrates a low level of power distance and uncertainty avoidance. Ukraine is gradually changing its paradigm of thinking to a more hedonic and individualistic similar to Western Europe. In contrast, Italy shows less respect for power in all its manifestations and a greater willingness to take risks than before. The country has become less goal-oriented, restrained, and masculine but more collectivistic.</span></em>

2021 ◽  
Nelli Karapetyan

The article discusses the socio-cultural aspects of the formation of a person's ecological culture. It is well-founded that the important criterion for the ecologicalization of the socio-cultural environment is the formation of the ecological culture of the individual and the society. The socio-cultural environment encompasses all spheres of human life, ensuring the continuous reproduction of the "education-culture-society" quarter - vitality according to the laws of nature.

Назира Думанаева

Аннотация. Изменения в системе современной литературной коммуникации обусловливают необходимость изучения ее структуры в условиях глобализации. В этой связи перспективным представляется выход за пределы собственно художественного текста и исследование его в аспекте гипертекстуальности. Данная статья посвящена истории, характеристике и изучению персуазивности, составляющей одну из модусных категорий как форм осмысления мира в языке. Установлено, что основные лексико-грамматические средства экспликации персуазивности в русском и кыргызском языках традиционно рассматриваются в составе модальных слов, конструкций. Также целью статьи стало изучение результатов исследования лингвистов по данной теме и выявление особенностей экпликации категории персуазивности в художественном тексте. В данной статье на основе анализа художественных текстов русского писателя В. Шукшина и кыргызского прозаика А. Саспаева выявлен прагмалингвистический потенциал категории персуазивности в русском и кыргызском языках. Ключевые слова: персуазивность, модус, модальность, экспликация, метакатегории, актуализационные категории, квалификативные категории, социальные категории, прагмалингвистический потенциал. Аннотация. Азыркы адабий байланыш өзгөрүүлөр глобалдаштыруу шарттарында, анын структурасын изилдөө талап болууда. Бул жагынан алып караганда, толугу менен көркөм тексттин тармагында изилдөө келечектүү. Бул макалада ынанымдуулуктун тарыхы, типтештирүүсү жана изилдөөсү көрсөтүлөт. Изилдөөдөн көрсөтүлгөндөй орус жана кыргыз тилиндеринде ынанымдуулук категориясы негизги лексикалык жана грамматикалык каражаттары модалдык сөздөр болуп эсептелет деп табылган. Ошондой эле, макаланын максаты тил илимпоздордун ушул тема боюнча изилдөөлөрүн, алардын жыйынтыктарын окуу жана адабий тексте ынынымдуулук категориянын ачылышынын өзгөчөлүктөрүн аныктоо болгон. Макалада орус жазуучусу В. Шукшиндин жана кыргыз эл жазуучу- су А. Саспаевдин адабий тексттердин талдоонун негизинде ынанымдуулук категориянын прагмалингвистикалык потенциалы аныкталды. Түйүндүү сөздөр: ынанымдуулук категориясы, модус, метакатегориясы, экспликация, актуализациалдык категориясы, квалификативдик категориясы, социалдык категориясы, прагмалингвистикалык потенциалы. Abstract. Globalization has affected all aspects of human life. Consequently, the structure of literary communication has been changed as the number of supplementary texts originated from a basic fiction text has increased. In this connection, it seems rational and fruitful to study the fiction text considering its hypertextual dimension. The aim of the work is to analyze the recurrent text formation components of russion and kyrgyz hypertext performing the advertising function. The study was based on the texts of praise for fiction books by russion and kyrgyz authors: V. Shukshin and A. Saspaev. The content analysis was applied to study their qualitative characteristics. Key words: hypertext, literary communication, praise, blurb, persuasion, ideonim, book title.

2019 ◽  
Valentina Escotet Espinoza

UNSTRUCTURED Over half of Americans report looking up health-related questions on the internet, including questions regarding their own ailments. The internet, in its vastness of information, provides a platform for patients to understand how to seek help and understand their condition. In most cases, this search for knowledge serves as a starting point to gather evidence that leads to a doctor’s appointment. However, in some cases, the person looking for information ends up tangled in an information web that perpetuates anxiety and further searches, without leading to a doctor’s appointment. The Internet can provide helpful and useful information; however, it can also be a tool for self-misdiagnosis. Said person craves the instant gratification the Internet provides when ‘googling’ – something one does not receive when having to wait for a doctor’s appointment or test results. Nevertheless, the Internet gives that instant response we demand in those moments of desperation. Cyberchondria, a term that has entered the medical lexicon in the 21st century after the advent of the internet, refers to the unfounded escalation of people’s concerns about their symptomatology based on search results and literature online. ‘Cyberchondriacs’ experience mistrust of medical experts, compulsion, reassurance seeking, and excessiveness. Their excessive online research about health can also be associated with unnecessary medical expenses, which primarily arise from anxiety, increased psychological distress, and worry. This vicious cycle of searching information and trying to explain current ailments derives into a quest for associating symptoms to diseases and further experiencing the other symptoms of said disease. This psychiatric disorder, known as somatization, was first introduced to the DSM-III in the 1980s. Somatization is a psycho-biological disorder where physical symptoms occur without any palpable organic cause. It is a disorder that has been renamed, discounted, and misdiagnosed from the beginning of the DSMs. Somatization triggers span many mental, emotional, and cultural aspects of human life. Our environment and social experiences can lay the blueprint for disorders to develop over time; an idea that is widely accepted for underlying psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety. The research is going in the right direction by exploring brain regions but needs to be expanded on from a sociocultural perspective. In this work, we explore the relationship between somatization disorder and the condition known as cyberchondria. First, we provide a background on each of the disorders, including their history and psychological perspective. Second, we proceed to explain the relationship between the two disorders, followed by a discussion on how this relationship has been studied in the scientific literature. Thirdly, we explain the problem that the relationship between these two disorders creates in society. Lastly, we propose a set of intervention aids and helpful resource prototypes that aim at resolving the problem. The proposed solutions ranged from a site-specific clinic teaching about cyberchondria to a digital design-coded chrome extension available to the public.

2000 ◽  
Vol 6 (1-3) ◽  
pp. 3-57
Eve M. Whittaker

AbstractThis work proposes that for Eliduc, the culminating statement of her Lais, Marie de France selected a metaphor which was then new to Christianity: the game of chess. Eliduc is a "chess morality," marking the transition between the Muslim game and its varieties in western Europe. Like its Muslim ancestor, but explicating a central Christian text, it teaches philosophical consideration of human life in this world. This paper demonstrates the correspondences between the story of Eliduc and the twelfth century game of chess-its ancestry, objectives, strategies, and equipment, and then describes the game, as it proceeds, of the adult lives of three people.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 375
Maria José Sá ◽  
Sandro Serpa

Internationalization in higher education seems to be an unavoidable process, albeit temporarily limited by the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease of 2019) pandemic. Specifically, internationalization of the curriculum in the context of higher education is a dimension of this internationalization that is less valued in published studies. This paper, through critical reflection, sought to contribute to a deeper understanding of internationalization of the curriculum in higher education. The methodology used consisted of a bibliographic search in international databases, and the selected documents were analyzed using the content analysis technique. This analysis allowed concluding that internationalization of the curriculum in higher education is a complex process and involves several actors, with various challenges to be considered. For this process to be successful, it involves the ability to be attentive to the cultural multiplicity that will be experienced in classes where this internationalization of the curriculum exists.

2007 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-96 ◽  
Leo Lucassen

Migration history has made some major leaps forward in the last fifteen years or so. An important contribution was Leslie Page Moch's Moving Europeans, published in 1992, in which she weaves the latest insights in migration history into the general social and economic history of western Europe. Using Charles Tilly's typology of migration patterns and his ideas on the process of proletarianization since the sixteenth century, Moch skilfully integrates the experience of human mobility in the history of urbanization, labour relations, (proto)industrialization, demography, family history, and gender relations. Her state-of-the-art overview has been very influential, not least because it fundamentally criticizes the modernization paradigm of Wilbur Zelinsky and others, who assumed that only in the nineteenth century, as a result of industrialization and urbanization, migration became a significant phenomenon. Instead, she convincingly argues that migration was a structural aspect of human life. Since then many new studies have proved her point and refined her model.

Babel ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 55 (4) ◽  
pp. 329-344 ◽  
Alya' M.H. Ahmad Al-Rubai'i

All aspects of human life rely on the most important cognitive ability that man has been endowed with, namely, memory. Some cognitive tasks such as consecutive interpreting put high demands on this powerful ability to the effect that it needs special training to cope with those demands. The interpreter is required to perform a number of complex cognitive activities in order to transpose the original message from one socio-cultural environment into another. Unless his memory is able to perform well, his task will be adversely affected. In this paper, an attempt is made to suggest a number of steps that provide special training to novice interpreters with the aim of improving the performance of their memory. This is done in a preparatory training course that does not involve consecutive interpreting but working from and into the same language. If the instructor manages to help the trainee overcome memory problems in advance, he can smoothly introduce him to the process and strategies of consecutive interpretation proper. The steps suggested proceed over three phases: (1) attentive listening, meaningful analysis and visualizing, (2) anticipation and note-taking, and (3) rephrasing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 119-126

Death is one of the most difficult topics a person can talk about. The human being is busy with how to continue his life and improve its conditions. This study aims is to explore the writing of Facebook pages of the dead. The research used the qualitative approach through a content analysis, where (50) publications were found on fifteen pages of a dead person with an intentional sample, and the results of the research showed that writing people in the pages of the dead included two directions, the first direction is a desire to immortalize the dead and a kind of preserving their roots Alive. As for the other direction, it was weeping over their ruins and showing the end of a person's death and his end life. Sometimes in the same post include both directions together, meaning "the use of the deceased’s account by his family by changing the profile picture of the dead, and at the same time inviting the deceased’s friends through his page to the memorial event. People write on the pages of the dead in order to weep over their ruins on the one hand, and to immortalize their memories on the other side. Facebook as a social platform and the interaction of people with the pages of the dead shows the great social interaction that takes place in this space, and research in this field is not consistent with one and only claim, as some posts are either temporary or permanent; Therefore, I have used screen capture technology to collect and retain information. The pages of the dead included referring to them, writing memorials and longing, etc. Facebook has become a social platform that allows those who lose a dear person to share their grief through it, and enables them to deal with death and relieve their pain

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 24 ◽  
Deniz Tonga

<p>No matter what century we live in, even though the tools we use change from age to age, man is not a creature who can be considered or understood without the concept of values. Although we have different religions, languages, races and cultures, the personality of man is always constructed through values. Values are factors that directly influences human life and society in a positive or negative way. This study suggests that values education aimed at teaching individuals certain values is not sufficiently practiced by families in Turkey. In order to address the problem, this study aimed to increase the awareness of family members regarding values and help them turn values into behavior in everyday life. To this end, a 24-month “values education program” involving a set of activities was carried out. Every month, a specific value was chosen taking into account the needs of family members and “value booklets” were prepared using four sub-dimensions of the chosen value. 10 families participated in the program and the data was collected from 25 individuals. The resulting data was subjected to content analysis. 3 main themes were found to be important in the light of the data: moral development, development of communication skills, and religiousness. These themes were thought to be beneficial in terms of understanding the effectiveness and importance of family members’ internalizing values and turning them into behavior in everyday life.<strong></strong></p>

Diacronia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Sorina-Crina Ghiață

Starting with the independence process of all the territories once colonies and later, overseas territories of the different states of Western Europe, Latin America meant an association of unique paradoxes. Portugal and Spain have dominated in the past, especially from a linguistic and religious perspective,the current space that became avaried cultural environment. In this context, the aim of this study is to capture, in the introductory part, characteristics of the Latin American complex identity(reflected, for example, in the names associated with this space of civilization, in political circumstances and social issues, in particular). In addition, another purpose is to highlight the way in which these aspects are considered in the prose of modern Latin American writers, Rodrigo Rey Rosa and Héctor Abad Faciolince. At the same time,emphasizing the scourge of discrimination or inequality, but especially the perpetual violence, thestudyconcludes with a reference (also found in the literary discourse of the two texts chosen for analysis, Los sordos and El olvido que seremos) to the ethical spirit, but also to the feeling of empathy—subjects approached by both writers—in a world that seems more and more fragmented and depersonalized, as if it has been occupied by a continuous stigma of imbalance.

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