scholarly journals Character Education in the Pandemic Era: A Religious Ethical Learning Model through Islamic Education

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (11) ◽  
pp. 132-153
Nadri Taja ◽  
Encep Syarief Nurdin ◽  
Aceng Kosasih ◽  
Edi Suresman ◽  
Tedi Supriyadi

The social distancing policy in the COVID-19 outbreak has influenced the non-holistic learning process, causing several moral problems. The learning process tends to promote the cognitive aspect, while the affective aspect tends to be neglected. This research aims at offering a learning model that promotes religious ethical values through religious education in junior high schools (SMP/Sekolah Menengah Pertama) in an effort to develop effective attitudes. The development of the model is carried out in five stages of research, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE). This research involved two groups of participants consisting of 376 students and 45 Islamic Education (PAI/Pendidikan Agama Islam) teachers in junior high schools in West Java. The research results explore the PAI learning model that develops religious ethical values as learning objectives. The process of internalizing these values is developed through the processes of knowing, of doing, and of being. Religious ethical values that are developed in students are the crystallization of four prophetic characters, namely fathonah, siddiq, amanah, and tabligh. The test results of two junior high schools, both public schools and religious-based schools, concluded that the application of the religious ethical learning model was able to improve students' religious ethical character at a high level. This research contributes to the development of PAI learning designs in the pandemic era based on the development of prophetic characters. In addition, this research can be a guideline for teachers or academics in developing research related to student character within the framework of character education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-13
Ermawati Ermawati ◽  
Siti Rochmiyati

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan Tri-N (Niteni-Nirokke-Nambahi) dan Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) dalam perangkat pembelajaran teks deskripsi kelas VII di SMP. Perangkat pembelajaran tersebut adalah berupa Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP). RPP memuat ajaran Tri-N dan PPK diimplementasikan di bagian kegiatan proses pembelajaran yaitu di pendahuluan, kegiatan inti, dan kegiatan penutup. Tri-N ditunjukkan dalam kegiatan niteni-mengamati, niteni-menanya, niteni-mengasosiasi, nirokke-mengasosiasi, dan nambahi mengomunikasikan. PPK yang dimuat di dalam perangkat pembelajaran RPP teks deskripsi ini meliputi religius, disiplin, percaya diri, kerja sama, dan mandiri.   Kata Kunci: Teks Deskripsi, Tri-N, PPK Abstract This study aims to describe the development of Tri-N (Niteni-Nirokke-Nambahi) and Strengthening Character Education (PPK) in the VII grade text description learning tool in junior high schools. The learning kit is in the form of a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). The RPP contains the teachings of Tri-N and PPK implemented in the learning process activities section, namely in the introduction, core activities, and closing activities. Tri-N is shown in the activities of niteni-observing, niteni-asking, niteni-associating, nirokke-associating, and enhancing communicating. PPK that is contained in the lesson plan lesson text description includes religious, disciplined, confident, cooperative, and independent. Keywords: Description text, Tri-N, PPK

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-128
Iyep Candra Hermawan ◽  
Aan Hasanah

ABSTRACTThis research reveals the values of character education based on Sundanese Local Wisdom (KLS) in relation to Core Competencies (KI) in learning Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) in Junior High Schools. Character values become a reference in the world of education and must be applied in schools. In KLS, there are several character values that are revealed in 'paribasa or babasan' which is a treasure for the life of the Sundanese. These character values are relevant to those formulated by the Ministry of National Education as many as 18 character values. Meanwhile, the character values in Civics learning are as reflected in the KI formulation in elementary education for grades VII-IX. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be revealed that there is a significant relevance of SEA-based character values with character values in KI and those formulated by the Ministry of National Education. Of the 42 'paribasa' KLS character values, it can be classified into 12 character values that are relevant to the KI formulation. The KLS character values become enrichment materials in Civics learning in Junior High Schools.Keywords: Character education, Sundanese, local wisdom, core competence AbstrakPenelitian ini mengungkapkan tentang nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter berbasis Kearifan Lokal Sunda (KLS) dalam hubungannya dengan Kompetensi Inti (KI) dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) di Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Nilai-nilai karakter menjadi acuan dalam dunia pendidikan dan harus diterapkan dalam persekolahan. Dalam KLS memiliki beberapa nilai karakter yang terungkap pada ‘paribasa atau babasan’ yang menjadi khasanah bagi kehidupan orang Sunda. Nilai-nilai karakter tersebut relevan dengan yang dirumuskan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional sebanyak 18 nilai karakter. Sedangkan nilai-nilai karakter pada pembelajaran PPKn sebagaimana tercermin dalam rumusan KI pada pendidikan dasar kelas VII-IX. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat diungkapkan bahwa terdapatnya relevansi yang signifikan nilai-nilai karakter berbasis KLS dengan nilai-nilai karakter dalam KI serta yang dirumuskan oleh Kemendiknas. Dari sebanyak nilai karakter KLS 42 ‘paribasa’, maka dapat diklasifikasikan pada 12 nilai karakter yang relevan dengan rumusan KI. Nilai-nilai karakter KLS menjadi bahan pengayaan dalam pembelajaran PPKn di Sekolah Menengah Pertama.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan karakter, Kearifan lokal, Sunda, Kompetensi inti

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 904-910
Sri Susanti ◽  
Syahmi Edi ◽  
Hasruddin Hasruddin

This study aimed to analyze the science process skills of a scientific approach in the learning process of biology in State Junior High Schools in Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang. This method applied a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The population was all students consisting of 8 public schools in State Junior High Schools of Percut Sei Tuan for the academic year of 2020/2021. Samples were taken from 180 eighth-grade students from 5 schools in Percut Sei Tuan by using purposive sampling. To obtain the data, the description test was used as an instrument to measure students'' science process skills with indicators such as observing, classifying, interpreting, predicting, hypothesizing, planning experiments, applying concepts, and communicating in biology learning. The results on science process skills in the biology learning of plant structure and function material were categorized as good with a mean score of 72.06 and the highest indicator for observing obtained a mean score of 82.77 with a very good category and the lowest indicator for communicating obtained a mean score of 64.58 with a good category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 209
Wahyu Mimbar

Babul Maghfirah Is one Of junior high Schools located in Aceh Besar which gives high attention to Arabic Learning In This Rase, It is one of 13 Junior high Schools In Aceh Besar which still Implements School-Based Curriculum (KTSP) in Teaching learning process. That is why, the write intended to conduct a Research under the title “ The Analysis of Arabic Material in School-Based Curriculum design” The present research was aimed to Find Out : 1) The Obstacle Faced by the Teacher in transferring the material in school-Based Curriculum design, 2) The Strength and weakness Of School-Based Curriculum method, and 3) The analysis of Arabic learning from cognitive, effective and Psikomotor view in School-Based Curriculum design. Descriptive Qualitative design was used in this research so that the writer used Questionnaire, Observation, and Interview to collect the data needed. Furthermore, all students (24 students) of grade VIII were become the sample of this research. After Conducting the research, it was Found that : 1) most of the Teachers had lack understanding toward the School-Based Curriculum it self. It was caused by the Curriculum was not a perfect design and still need a futher development: 2) Lack of understanding in “Nahwu and Qawai’id” material was one of the weakness of KTSP in cognitive. It made The Students hard to master the method of giving the line, gathering new vocabularies and expression. Thus, it led them to be unable to speak Arabic, Affectively, the Students were more exsited to learn Arabic with School-Based Curriculum design, in psikomotor aspect, the writer found that students had good Capability in Performing “ istima’kalamQira’ah and Khitabah”. They also tonded to motivate each other. 3) After Conducting observation, Interview and Questionnare, It was also found that the Material of Arabic Language in School-Based Curriculum did not meet to Students need.


Anna Michniuk, Rodzice a nowomedialne wspomaganie współczesnej polskiej szkoły (raport z badań) [Parents and new media in modern Polish schools]. Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, nr 23, Poznań 2018. Pp. 249-266. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: The article presents some of the conclusions of the research carried out in 2016 among the junior high schools located in lubuskie voiewodship. One of the subjects of the research was the parents of new media support for modern school assess. The text presents parents’ opinions on the new media activity of students, support of new media in the teaching – learning process, building contact between the school and parents and also (auto)promotion of the school. The article also contains a short description of the new media activity of parents of contemporary teenagers and characteristic of the media world in which modern parents were brought up.

Nevrita Nevrita

<p class="Abstract">Place of research  in some of SMP Negeri in Tanjungpinang and Bintan. The population is all science teachers of SMP Negeri in Tanjungpinang and Bintan while the sample in this study consists of eight Junior High Schools located in Tanjungpinang and four Junior High Schools in Bintan.This study aims to determine the use of learning media by science teachers in Tanjungpinang and Bintan and constraints faced by teachers regarding the use of learning media. Sampling technique in this research is simple random sampling. While type of research is descriptive. Data collection was obtained through questionnaires, interviews and documentation. Questionnaire contains ten questions using a Guttman scale consisting of “yes” and “no” questions.Data collection is also done by interviewing teachers to find out the constraints found by teachers during the learning process takes place. Other data collection techniques are done by looking at the RPP created by teachers on the learning media used.The results obtained an average of 69.16% of teachers use learning media during the learning process took place. From the average results seen that not all teachers of IPA in SMP Negeri Tanjungpinang and Bintan use learning media during the learning-teaching process.While the expectations at this time in accordance with the demands of the curriculum that during the learning process should use learning media. The results from the questionnaires obtained data about the constraints found in the teacher's use or to use the learning media.The results obtained by analyzing the RPP turns out that teachers write the media used in each meeting, this is not in accordance with the fact of the average outcomes. There should be a policy from government and school to overcome these obstacles. Further research that I suggest is to know the creativity of teachers in making learning media.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Agustin Wahyuningtyas ◽  
Udik Budi Wibowo

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen pendidikan karakter pada SMP Full Day School di kota Yogyakarta yang mencakup perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan pengendalian. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis fenomenologi. Latar penelitian pada SMP Full Day School di kota Yogyakarta. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Kepala Sekolah, dua wakil kepala bidang kurikulum, dua guru, dua karyawan, dua orang tua, dan tiga siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan analisis dokumen. Keabsahan data dijamin dengan triangulasi, menggunakan bahan referensi (rekaman wawancara, vidio dan foto) dan mengadakan membercheck.Analisis data menggunakan analisis domain, taksonomi dan komponensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen pendidikan karakter yang ada pada SMP Full Day School terdiri dari: (1) perencanaan pendidikan karakter disusun sesuai dengan visi, misi dan tujuan sekolah dengan melibatkan semua unsur sekolah; (2) pengorganisasian pendidikan karakter di bawah bidang kesiswaan dengan dasar pembagian tugas dan tanggung jawab lebih pada kemampuan pendidik dalam bidang agama; (3) pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter di sekolah ditempuh melalui strategi secara terpadu; (4) pengendalian pendidikan karakter di sekolah secara internal berupa directing dan controling.Kata kunci: pendidikan, karakter, manajemen pendidikan karakter, SMP full day school CHARACTER EDUCATION MANAGEMENT IN FULL DAY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS OF YOGYAKARTAAbstractThis research aims to determine the character education management of full day junior high schools of Yogyakarta, which includes planning, organizing, implementing and controling.This research used a qualitative approach with type of phenomenology. The research was conducted in four full day junior high schools in Yogyakarta. The research subjects were head masters, heads of the curriculum, teachers, employees, parents, and students. The data were collected using interview, observation and document analysis. The data validity was guaranteed by triangulation, using reference materials (interview recorded, video and photos) and holding member check. The data were analyzed using domain, taxonomy and componential.The results show that the management of character education at full day junior high schools consists of: (1) the planning of character education which is in accordance with the vision, mission and goal; (2) the organizing of character education is under the student affair based on the tasks and responsibilities of educators of religion; (3) the implementation of character education in schools is integrated with subject content, daily activities at schools and programed activities, and establishes communication with parents and environmental conditioning; (4) the internal management control of character education in schools is in the form of directing and controling.Keywords: education, character, character education management, full day junior high school

Charles Agyei Amoah ◽  
Michael Owusu ◽  
Laud Teye Nartey ◽  
Richard Akwasi Frimpong

The purpose of the study is to find out the opinions of head teachers and students on classroom factors that affect performance of students in integrated science at the Junior High Schools in Kumasi Metropolis. The study used a descriptive survey. The sampling procedure employed for the study was both random and purposive sampling. A sample of two hundred and twenty (220) subjects participated in the study. The instruments that were used in the study were questionnaire and interview schedule. It was found out that most of the students in the public schools have greater access to integrated science text books as against their private school counterparts. Supervision is regularly carried out in the private schools by the head teachers but not much can be seen at the public schools and this has the tendency of improving teaching and learning of science at the private school. It was recommended that effective supervision must be performed regularly by heads of schools during integrated science lessons.

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