2021 ◽  
pp. 20-24
N. Haydarova
2015 ◽  
Vol 77 (23) ◽  
Riwinoto, M.T. ◽  
Selly Artaty Zega ◽  
Gia Irlanda

Animation industry involves huge funds in production process and its success will give  great income. Predicting the box-office of animated film has become an interesting topic to be discussed, because past studies are shown to be contradictory. Sharda and Delen conducted a similar study that used seven parameters, i.e. MPAA rating, competition, star value, genre, special effects, sequel and number of screens; and generated pinpoint accuracy (i.e. Bingo) with 36.9% and within one category (1-Away) with 75.2%. The authors proposed new and simple parameters that can be used to predict the success of animated films, i.e. the actors/actress, animation studio, genre, MPAA rating and the sequel of the film. These five parameters are relatively simple because it can be easily collected. In this study, the use of neural networks in predicting the financial performance of 120 animated films from 1995 until 2013 was explored. There are three categories of financial performance that become the class label of this study, they are: low, medium and high. Our prediction result in bingo is 58% and 1-away is 89,7%. By using the simple parameters, this study can reach a better accuracy. It is expected that this prediction can help animation film industry to predict the expected revenue range before its theatrical release.  

José Luis López Fernández

La ciencia ha estado presente en el hecho cinematográfico desde sus orígenes, ya como impulsora de la invención misma del cinematógrafo en el ocaso del siglo XIX, ya como promotora del continuo desarrollo técnico que los soportes audiovisuales han ido experimentando y garante de la calidad de la imagen y el sonido, a la vez que elemento propiciador de la reciente apertura del cine hacia la digitalización. En este artículo nos proponemos hacer un breve recorrido por los insignos científicos que han sido protagonistas de la historia del medio en un contexto amplio, desde aquellos primeros inventores y pioneros de los efectos especiales y el trucaje hasta los crudos estereotipos sociológicos que el ámbito audiovisual nos ha ofrecido durante décadas, deteniéndonos a analizar el rol propagandístico o admonitorio que la imagen en movimiento ha desempeñado a la hora de reflejar las bienandanzas o adversidades que el progreso tecno-científico puede llegar a acarrear. Abstract:It is an undisputed fact that scientific discovery has been notably present in cinema since its early origins, either as a precursor of the Cinématographe's invention in the twilight of the nineteenth century or even as a tool intended for the technical improvement of the audiovisual aids and the progressive quality of image and sound, as well as a driving force in the opening-up to modern digitalization nowadays. Our aim in this article is to have a short tour around the most prominent scientists that have led the history of film in a wide sense, from the early inventors and the pioneers of special effects and trick photography to the on-screen sociologically stereotypes that audiovisual means have provided for decades. Finally, we also discuss the advertising or warning role that motion pictures have carried out to mainly reflect the prosperities and adversities that techno-scientific progress may entail.Palabras clave:Innovación tecnológica; cinematógrafo; documental científico; cine de animación; estereotipos; biopic.Keywords:Technological Innovation; Cinématographe; Scientific Documentary; Animated Films; Stereotypes; Biopic.

CFA Magazine ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 56-57
Susan Trammell

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 31-42
Citra Kemala Putri

Visual Language is a knowledge that can be used to interpret various images those presented without text. Primadi Tabrani divides this Visual Language into 2 systems, the visual language system called NPM (Naturalist-Perspective-Momenopname) and another visual language system is STP (Space-Time-Plane). At this time which the technological progress has been developing very rapidly, we met many types of images, not just still images, but also moving images such as animated films, one of them is Death Of The Firstborn Egyptians directed by Nina Paley. This research uses qualitative method and uses the Visual Language Theory in analyzing the various visual towards the visuals of this film. The results of a visual study of this film revealed that there was a slice between Modern ‘Tata Ungkap Dalam’ and Traditional ‘Tata Ungkap Dalam’. Meanwhile,  the researh found that Modern ‘Tata Ungkap Luar’ is dominantly use on the film. Thus it can be concluded that the RWD visual language system is not used to produce traditional images only, but also can be combined with NPM visual language system, those could enrich the result of finishing visual.

Mark A. Griep ◽  
Marjorie L. Mikasen

ReAction! gives a scientist's and artist's response to the dark and bright sides of chemistry found in 140 films, most of them contemporary Hollywood feature films but also a few documentaries, shorts, silents, and international films. Even though there are some examples of screen chemistry between the actors and of behind-the-scenes special effects, this book is really about the chemistry when it is part of the narrative. It is about the dualities of Dr. Jekyll vs. inventor chemists, the invisible man vs. forensic chemists, chemical weapons vs. classroom chemistry, chemical companies that knowingly pollute the environment vs. altruistic research chemists trying to make the world a better place to live, and, finally, about people who choose to experiment with mind-altering drugs vs. the drug discovery process. Little did Jekyll know when he brought the Hyde formula to his lips that his personality split would provide the central metaphor that would come to describe chemistry in the movies. This book explores the two movie faces of this supposedly neutral science. Watching films with chemical eyes, Dr. Jekyll is recast as a chemist engaged in psychopharmaceutical research but who becomes addicted to his own formula. He is balanced by the often wacky inventor chemists who make their discoveries by trial-and-error.

Hélène Visentin

This article focuses on the practice of machine theater that originated from courtly spectacles in Italy during the Renaissance and developed throughout Western and Central Europe during the seventeenth century. Defined by rapid scene changes and special effects, machine plays reflect the Baroque fascination with both mechanical devices and the law of optics—or scenery perspective—to produce wonder while displaying royal power and prestige. The aim of this article is threefold: to provide an overview of the origins and development of machine theater, to examine the transmission and dissemination of stagecraft knowledge, and to look at the changing nature of machine plays performed by public theater companies, which took advantage of stage machinery innovations to broaden their repertoire, attract a larger audience, and remain competitive.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. 101063
Enrica E. Bridgewater ◽  
David Menendez ◽  
Karl S. Rosengren

1999 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 58-60 ◽  
Doug Roble

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