scholarly journals Pelatihan Pengembangan Instrumen Evaluasi Online menggunakan Google Form bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-215
Harina Fitriyani ◽  
Dwi Astuti

Abstract. The Covid-19 pandemic forces all elements of society to adapt to newactivities that were not usually done before, including online learning. To carry outlearning evaluations during online learning, some teachers still have not optimizedthe use of available Platforms, such as the free Platform like Google Form.Therefore, it is necessary to have community service activities in the form of trainingon the development of online evaluation instruments for teachers. The purpose of thetraining is to improve the professionalism of teachers in the use of the Google Formapplication with the ExtendedForms add-on. The training was carried out virtuallythrough the Zoom Meeting and was attended by fifth-grade teachers of ElementarySchool/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah throughout Bantul Regency. Thetraining activity methods include lectures, practice, and questions and answers. Thistraining results were participants who participated in as many as 38 teachers, aspeaker delivered material about online evaluation in online learning, introductionto the Google Form Platform followed by practice compiling quiz questions usingGoogle Form. After participating in this training, participants have understood whatfacilities can be optimized when developing online evaluation instruments using theGoogle Form Platform, such as the shuffle option order, shuffle question order, andlimit timer feature with the Extended Forms add-on. After attending the training,there is an increase in the teacher's ability to maximize the Google Form applicationwith the ExtendedForms add-on.Keywords: Online Evaluation, Google Form, Online LearningAbstrak. Adanya pandemi Covid-19 memaksa semua elemen masyarakat untukberadaptasi dengan kegiatan baru yang tidak biasa dilakukan sebelumnya,diantaranya adalah pembelajaran daring. Untuk melaksanakan evaluasipembelajaran selama pembelajaran daring, beberapa guru masih belummengoptimalkan penggunaan Platform yang tersedia, seperti Platform tak berbayarGoogle Form. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya kegiatan pengabdian kepadamasyarakat berupa pelatihan pengembangan instrumen evaluasi online bagi guru.Adapun tujuan pelatihan adalah untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme guru dalampenggunaan aplikasi Google Form dengan add-on ExtendedForms. Pelatihandilaksanakan secara virtual melalui Zoom Meeting dan diikuti oleh 38 guru kelas VSekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah se-Kabupaten Bantul. Adapunmetode kegiatan pelatihan berupa ceramah, praktek, dan tanya jawab. Hasilkegiatan pelatihan ini yaitu peserta telah memahami fasilitas-fasilitas apa saja yangbisa dioptimalkan ketika mengembangkan instrumen evaluasi online menggunakanPlatform Google Form seperti fitur shuffle option order, shuffle question order, danlimit timer dengan add-on ExtendedForms. Selain itu juga peserta telahmendapatkan pengalaman langsung menggunakan Google Form. Setelah mengikutipelatihan, terdapat peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam memaksimalkan aplikasiGoogle Form dengan add-on ExtendedForms.Kata Kunci: Evaluasi Online, Google Form, Pembelajaran Daring.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Budi Juliardi ◽  
Ranti Nazmi ◽  
Lira Suryani

Character education is a must for countries that want to make their citizens have good attitudes and behaviors. The goal to be achieved in Community Service activities is to make students aware of the need to have and implement attitudes that have character. In the school environment, the teacher's role is to educate the character of students. Thus, community service activities want to make students aware and want to instill and develop character attitudes through socialization. Socialization is given to provide direct literacy of character education to students. Socialization is filled with questions and answers so that students who are not familiar with matters relating to character can immediately ask the implementation team.

Setiyani Setiyani

Various problems faced by teachers, students and parents when studying online during a pandemic. The teacher feels the saturation of students studying at home and completing school assignments. Therefore, there is a need for innovation in assigning tasks to be more fun and not a burden. One such innovation is using quizizz. The aim of this service is to improve teacher competence in making online evaluations through the quizizz application . The method used to carry out the service is in the form of lectures, questions and answers, and practice . This activity was attended by 19 teachers at Sadagori 1 Elementary School in Cirebon City. From the results of the community service activities, the teacher's ability to make online quizzes using quizizz increased 100%. Beginner teachers who have never used or know the Quizizz application can easily create and publish quizzes in Google Classroom. The involvement of tutors in each group really helps the teacher to practice making quizzes using quizizzes. The participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the training and hoped that this training would be sustainable.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Ika Pratiwi Simbolon ◽  
Imas Nurani Islami ◽  
Vita Elisa Fitriana

This community service activities aims to deepen public understanding in making financial records and reporting correctly and making the financial statements as a basis for investment analysi. The investment analysis method used is a discounted cash flow model to determine whether the investment is undervalued or overvalued. The community in this activity are students of SMK Bina Nasional Informatika, North Cikarang. The implementation phase of this activity includes a field survey, coordination with the school principal, the implementation of a financial report socialization program as a basis for stock investment analysis, and preparation of the report. The socialization activity went smoothly attended by 28 Accounting students in class XII. Socialization participants seemed enthusiastic about the material provided. This can be seen from the beginning to the end of the event, all participants followed well. Based on the results of interviews, questions and answers and direct observations, community service activities have increased the knowledge of students by as much as 80% about how to prepare good financial statements and conduct stock valuations using financial statements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Arina Firdaningrum ◽  
Rokhmaniyah Rokhmaniyah ◽  
Tri Saptuti Susiani

<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em> </em></p><p><em>The implementation of online learning in Indonesia has caused smartphones to be widely used as learning tools which are considered effective for conducting online learning. The use of smartphones makes it easier for us to obtain learning information anywhere and anytime, especially in achieving online learning goals in elementary schools. The study aimed to examine the application of smartphone-based learning for online learning at SDN Podosoko 2, the faced obstacles, and the solutions. It was qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collection techniques were observation, interviews, and document analysis.The results showed that the application of smartphone-based learning for online learning of fifth grade met good category about the learning process and student learning resources. The teacher createdWhatsApp group to convey subject materials, information, questions and answers, assignments, and learning resources. The teachers faced several obstacles in applying smartphone-based learning for online learning of fifth grade but they tried</em><em> </em><em>to handle those obstacles. </em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> learning, smartphone, online learning</em><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Pemberlakuan pembelajaran daring di Indonesia saat ini, menyebabkan perangkat komunikasi seperti <em>smartphone</em> dimanfaatkan sebagai media pembelajaran yang dinilai efektif untuk menyelenggarakan pembelajaran daring. Pemanfaatan <em>smartphone </em>memudahkan kita dalam meperoleh informasi belajar dimana saja dan kapan saja, terutama dalam pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran daring di sekolah dasar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui penerapan media pembelajaran berbasis <em>smartphone</em> dalam pembelajaran daring di SDN Podosoko 2 serta kendala dan solusi yang dihadapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan media pembelajaran berbasis <em>smartphone</em> dalam pembelajaran daring di kelas V dalam kategori baik untuk kegiatan proses pembelajaran dan sumber belajar siswa. Guru memanfaatkan <em>whatsapp group</em> untuk menyampaikan materi pelajaran, informasi, tanya jawab, penugasan, pengumpulan tugas, dan sumber belajar. Pelaksanaan penerapan media pembelajaran berbasis <em>smartphone</em> dalam pembelajaran daring di kelas V memunculkan beberapa kendala. Sekolah mengupayakan berbagai solusi untuk mengatasinya.</p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Media pembelajaran, <em>Smartphone</em>, Pembelajaran daring.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-113
Priehadi Dhasa Eka ◽  
Suwanto Suwanto ◽  
Agus Suhartono ◽  
Akhmar Barsah ◽  
Sudiarto Sudiarto

Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk menggerakkan masyarakat agar melek mata, sadar bahwa sekarang ini harus cerdas dan bijak dalam manajemen keuangan dengan semakin kompetitif dan sulitnya mendapatkan tambahan penghasilan, maka yang dapat dilakukan yaitu memanajemen keuangan antara pendapatan dan pengeluaran seimbang agar terpenuhi semua kebutuhan keluarga, atau kata peribahasa tidak boleh besar pasak daripada tiangnya. Metode pengabdian dengan metode seminar, diskusi dan tanya jawab serta evaluasi secara personal. Hasil kegiatan penyuluhan manajemen keuangan pada Karang Taruna Di Kp. Serua Poncol Tangerang Selatan., dapat berbagi pengetahuan tentang mengelola keuangan sehingga tidak konsumtif dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya dengan harapan ada kelebihan yang bisa ditabungkan sesuai kemampuannya secara berkelanjutan sehingga aman secara ekonomi. Kata Kunci: Manajemen Keuangan, Perekonomi KeluargaABSTRACTThe purpose of community service activities is to move the community to be literate, aware that now must be smart and wise in financial management with increasingly competitive and difficult to get additional income, then what can be done is managing financial between balanced income and expenditure so that all family needs, or proverbs must not be greater than the pole stake. The method of service is the method of seminars, discussions and questions and answers and personal evaluation. The results of financial management education activities at Karang Taruna Kp. Serua Poncol, South Tangerang, can share knowledge about managing finances so that it is not consumptive in meeting their needs with the hope that there will be advantages that can be combined according to their abilities in a sustainable manner so that it is economically safe.Keywords: Financial Management, Family Economy 

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-176
Hermaya Ompusunggu ◽  
Anggun Permata Husda ◽  
Elsya Paskaria Loyda Tarigan ◽  
Argo Putra Prima

This service aims to provide online learning guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic which was carried out at the Permata Harapan Vocational School in Batam. This training was carried out for 4 meetings using the zoom application. Community service activities in the form of educational development for Permata Harapan Vocational High School students can provide benefits by applying the methods of implementing training activities, discussions and questions and answers. This service was attended by Mr. Miftahul Ilmi and Mrs. Lolita as teachers at Permata Harapan school and also attended by 20 students. The results obtained from this activity are: the ability of students to the digital world increases, especially for the applications used and the available tools. Students also feel they have a high curiosity to understand the applications used and are interested in the menus offered. The ability to adapt to the online learning system is very necessary for current conditions, where the presenter also conveys motivation to students to continue to be able to follow the lesson well.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 975-982
Rahmawaty ◽  
Abdul Rauf ◽  
Widya Astuti

  The problem of garbage in Medan City is one of the problems that needs to be addressed immediately. The program of community service activities aims to provide training to the community on how to process garbage into something useful. This Community Service was conducted for women and teachers in Bureau of Logistics (Bulog) Foundation teachers with presentation, discussion and garbage management practices. Presentation activities carried out by the community service team by providing material on how to process household organic garbage into compost in the Bulog Office Hall, Medan. After finishing the presentation of the material, participants were given the opportunity to discuss about the material provided to the questions and answers or responses. After the presentation and discussion, follow the training on how to make compost from household organic garbage in Sei Semayang Village, Deli Serdang Regency. The positive responses were received with a good reception at the arrival of the community service team at the location and at the time the presentation and training were conducted. This activity was successfully carried out with the support of woman and Bulog foundation teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 112
Arif Sholahuddin ◽  
Rizki Nur Analita ◽  
Syahmani Syahmani ◽  
Atiek Winarti ◽  
Abdul Hamid ◽  

Pelaksanaan evaluasi pembelajaran merupakan salah satu kompetensi profesional guru yang penting untuk mengukur kualitas hasil belajar siswa. Pada mata pelajaran kimia, evaluasi pembelajaran tersebut perlu dilakukan secara detil hingga diketahui sejauh mana pemahaman konsep yang dimiliki siswa. Salah satu instrumen evaluasi pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan adalah tes diagnostik bentuk bertingkat atau multi–tier. Beberapa penelitian di Indonesia melaporkan bahwa guru cenderung mengalami kesulitan dalam mengembangkan instrumen evaluasi yang berbasis diagnostic multi–tier. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) berikut bertujuan untuk membantu guru menjadi terampil dalam mengembangkan instrumen evaluasi diagnostik multi–tier. Peserta kegiatan adalah seluruh guru kimia dari MGMP (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) Kimia Kabupaten Barito Kuala, Kalimantan Selatan. Kegiatan PkM dilaksanakan sebanyak dua kali secara daring. Metode kegiatan meliputi: (1) Penyampaian materi oleh narasumber; (2) Diskusi dan tanya–jawab antara narasumber dengan peserta; (3) Penugasan kepada peserta; dan (4) Evaluasi hasil penugasan. Instrumen evaluasi diagnostik multi–tier yang telah dikembangkan oleh peserta kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat diharapkan dapat menguatkan kompetensi profesional guru Kimia Implementation of learning evaluation is one of the teacher's professional competence that is important to survey students' quality of learning outcomes. The evaluation in chemistry subject needs to be done detailly in determining how students understand the concepts. One of the learning evaluation instruments that can be used is multi-tier diagnostic. Several studies in Indonesia reported that teachers experience difficulties developing evaluation instruments based on multi-tier diagnostic. The following community service activities aimed to help teachers become skilled in developing multi-tier diagnostic evaluation instruments. Participants in the activity were all chemistry teachers from the MGMP (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) of Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan. The activity was carried out twice online. Methods of activity included: (1) Delivering material by the speakers; (2) Discussions between speakers and participants; (3) Assigning participants; and (4) Evaluating the assignment's result. There was expected that the multi-tier diagnostic evaluation instruments developed by participants of community service could strengthen their professional competence.

Yulia Yulia ◽  
Faisal Faisal ◽  
Fauzah Nur Aksa

Socialization and legal counseling on the Tuha Peut Traditional Institution in dispute resolution in Sawang District are part of community service activities. The background of this activity is that in the Qanun of Customary Institutions, Tuha Peut is one of the customary institutions that has the authority to settle disputes between members of a community of a village. In Sawang Subdistrict, Aceh Utara District, there are still many customary disputes that have not been resolved by customary settlement in the village and many have been reported by the community to the police. This is also due to the lack of knowledge of the Tuha Peut Customary Institution in resolving disputes at the village level. This socialization and legal counseling was carried out by presenting the material and continued with a discussion of questions and answers and swearing back. The results of socialization and legal counseling in Sawang District found that the results of the feedback provided by participants experienced an increase in understanding of the role of the Tuha Peut Traditional Institution in dispute resolution. The implementation of this activity received a good response from the Tuha Peut Customary Institution, because they increased their knowledge and they rarely got activities like this.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Catur Rini Sulistyaningsih

Tujuan dari program ini ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan khalayak sasaran tentang pengolahan jerami dengan limbah jamu secara praktis. Dengan kegiatan ini kelompok tani dihimbau dapat memanfaatkan limbah jerami yang melimpah dan kurang di daya gunakan sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pupuk organik dan kebutuhan unsur hara tanaman terpenuhi. Pengabdian pada masyarakat dilaksanakan mulai bulan Juli sampai Oktober 2011 di Kelurahan Gedong, Kecamatan / Kabupaten Karanganyar. Bentuk kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat yaitu memberi penyuluhan  (ceramah dan tanya jawab ) dan demonstrasi pembuatan pupuk jerami dengan limbah jamu. Sasaran kegiatan adalah kelompok tani padi  sawah di Kelurahan Gedong, Kecamatan / Kabupaten Karanganyar. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang telah dilakukan menyebabkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan peserta tentang pembuatan pupuk organik dari jerami dengan limbah jamu sebesar 1,61 % dan peningkatan ketrampilan tentang pembuatan pupuk organik jerami dengan limbah jamu sebesar 3,80 %. Presentasi pemahaman materi meningkat menjadi 156, 57 %. Para peserta merasa puas karena dengan teknologi maju yaitu pengomposan dengan menggunakan limbah jamu menyebabkan jerami dapat difermentasi (terurai) lebih cepat dan praktis, sehingga pupuk organik dari jerami dapat segera dimanfaatkan pada periode tanam berikutnya. Kata kunci: limbah jerami, limbah jamu, pupuk organik plus AbstractThe purpose of this program is to increase the knowledge and skills of the target audience about processing straw with medicinal waste in a practical manner. With this activity, farmer groups are encouraged to take advantage of the abundant and underutilized straw waste so that they can meet the needs of organic fertilizer and plant nutrient needs are met. Community service is carried out from July to October 2011 in Gedong Village, Karanganyar District / District. The form of community service activities is providing counseling (lectures and questions and answers) and demonstration of making straw fertilizer with herbal medicine waste. The target activity is a group of rice farmers in Gedong Village, Karanganyar District / District. Community service activities that have been carried out have led to an increase in participant's knowledge about making organic fertilizer from straw with medicinal waste by 1.61% and increasing skills about making straw organic fertilizer with herbal medicine waste by 3.80%. Presentation of understanding of the material increased to 156, 57%. The participants were satisfied because with advanced technology that is composting using medicinal waste, straw can be fermented faster and more practically, so that organic fertilizer from straw can be used immediately in the next planting period.

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