scholarly journals Theoretical study on binding interactions of laccase-enzyme from Ganoderma weberianum with multiples ligand substrates with environmental impact

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 001-009 ◽  
Cárdenas-Moreno Yosberto
Fabrício Lemos Siqueira Mendes ◽  
Raul Ivan Raiol de Campos ◽  
Sílvia Helena Ribeiro Cruz ◽  
Helena Doris de Almeida Barbosa Quaresma

O ecoturismo é considerado uma atividade geralmente de baixo impacto ambiental, orientado às localidades onde haja área de significativo valor ambiental e cultural. E, que pode, conforme suas atividades recreacionais e educativas, contribuir para a conservação da biodiversidade e sociodiversidade local. Neste sentido, o conceito de ecoturismo é apresentado como visita a ambientes naturais, tendo o mínimo de impacto por seus visitantes sobre a diversidade local. Exemplo disso é Jericoacoara, localizado à 320 km da capital Fortaleza (CE), onde sua diversidade, como um todo, é extremamente propícia a este segmento do turismo. Nele, se destaca o Parque Nacional de Jericoacoara (PNJ) apresentando uma área de 8.850,00 hectares que abrange oito ecossistemas. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever a percepção dos discentes do Curso de Turismo da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) a partir da visita técnica, como parte de suas atividades acadêmicas desenvolvidos durante o curso. A metodologia utilizada foi a partir da aplicação de questionário com perguntas semiestruturada e fechadas. Este foi direcionado à trilha realizada no PNJ. O público-alvo foram 27 discentes do Curso de Turismo da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). A visita técnica foi realizada no mês de novembro de 2015. Após a coleta dos dados, estes foram inseridos na planilha do Office Excel. Posteriormente, os dados foram tabulados em valores absolutos, seguidamente calculados os valores relativos. Os resultados apontam que a maioria dos discentes nunca realizaram uma trilha, e informaram que a principal dificuldade encontrada durante a caminhada foram a elevada temperatura e o percurso longo. Dentre o principal aspecto natural que mais chamou a atenção foi a vegetação local, e que o local oferece risco de acidentes durante o percurso. Com relação ao lixo e saneamento local, a maioria informou que não percebeu nada de anormal durante a caminhada na trilha. Porém, com relação aos ruídos e vandalismo, as respostas foram positivas. E, para finalizar os discentes responderam que, do ponto ecoturístico, o local é bom para o desenvolvimento deste segmento. Deste modo, concluiu-se que os discentes do Curso de Turismo da UFPA apresentam boa percepção da trilha do PNJ, uma vez que durante o percurso a observação para diversos aspectos foram notadas, sejam elas positivas ou negativas; comprovando deste modo que o trabalho teórico realizado durante o curso tem aguçado a percepção dos discentes durante essas vistas técnicas. The perception of the Jericoacoara National Park by UFPA tourism students ABSTRACT Ecotourism is considered a low environmental impact activity, guided to locations where there is area of significant environmental and cultural values. And it can contribute to the conservation of local biodiversity and social diversity, due to its recreational and educational activities. In this direction, the concept of ecotourism is presented as visiting natural environments, having minimal visitor impact on local diversity. An example of this is Jericoacoara, located 320 km from the capital Fortaleza (CE), where its diversity is extremely favorable to tourism activities. Inside of it, is also located the Jericoacoara National Park (JNP) an area of 8850.00 hectares consisting of eight ecosystems. The objective of this study is to describe the perception of tourism students of Federal University of Pará (UFPA), based upon a technical field trip, as part of their academic activities developed during their coursework. The methodology included a questionnaire with semi-structured and closed questions, which was applied during the trail at the JNP. The audience was 27 tourism students of UFPA. The field trip took place in November 2015. The collected data were inserted in the Excel Office spreadsheet, then tabulated and calculated their absolute and relative values. The results indicate that most of the students never walked on a trail and they reported that the main difficulties encountered during the walk were high temperature and the long itinerary. The natural aspect that drew the most attention was the local vegetation, but the environment offers risk of accidents during the itinerary. Regarding the waste and local sanitation, most of the students said that they did not see anything unusual while walking on the trail. However, with regard to noise and vandalism, the answers were affirmative. Finally, the students answered, based upon ecotourism perspective, that the area is adequate to the development of this activity. Thus, it was concluded that the students have a good perception of the JNP trail, because during the walk observations of many aspects were noted, whether positive or negative, proving thereby that the theoretical study done during the coursework has sharpened the perception of students during the field trip. KEYWORDS: Ecotourism; Perception; Jericoacoara.

2015 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-139
Mohamad Nassereddine ◽  
Jamal Rizk ◽  
Mahmood Nagrial ◽  
Ali Hellany

Abstract High-voltage infrastructure upgrade is expending due to the growth in populations. To save on easement cost and to reduce the environmental impact of these projects, HV transmission lines occupy the same easement as pipelines in many cases. This joint easement introduces the AC interference between transmission lines and pipelines. The induced voltage can reach a limit which will jeopardize the human safety. The cited research studies the induced voltage under the presence of the overhead earth wire (OHEW) using the shielding factor. The work in this paper studies the induced voltage using the OHEW section current along with the superposition theorem. The simulations are compared to the existing research methods. The case study along with the theoretical study discusses the advance accuracy of the proposed method over the existing shield factor used in the presence research. Furthermore, they introduce the effective length along with the effective shielding factor, which aids in computing the additional effect that the OHEW has on the induced voltage.

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