scholarly journals Comparison of Chitosan Characterization from Mussel Shell Waste Using Varying Concentration of Solvents

Nur Maulida Safitri ◽  
Andi Rahmad Rahim ◽  
Ummul Firmani

Massive amounts of mussel shell waste are generated and wasted from the aquaculture processing sectors, resulting in environmental pollution. This material contains chitosan as a valuable compound characterized as a non-toxic structural component with several food processing applications or medicinal applications. In this research, mussel shells were processed using different solvents concentrations in several stages: demineralization, deproteination, decolourization, and deacetylation. Our result showed that the C2 samples gained a high degree of deacetylation (31.8±0.21%) with low moisture and ash content and medium weight of yield. Further research is recommended to purify chitosan using various instrumentation and assess its bioactivity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-177
Kartono Kartono ◽  
Mukarto Siswoyo ◽  
Bukhori Bukhori

Abstract. Environmental problems in Muara Village, Suranenggala Subdistrict,Cirebon Regency, are accumulated waste of green mussel shells. The objectives ofthis PKM activity are: 1) to deal with the accumulation of green mussel shells asfeed ingredients / fish pelets by applying technology, namely; hammer millmachines, mixer machines, pelet extruders, and 2) to improve the welfare of thecommunity from the activities of making fish feed / pelets. The method used isParticiparoty Action Rural (PRA) which is one of the Participaroty Action Researchmethods. This method prioritizes community participation, identifying problems,compiling programs to plan solutions together. The location of the activity wascarried out in the fishermen group in Muara Village, Suranenggala District,Cirebon Regency. The results of the application of technology for the process ofmaking animal feed carried out in Muara Village can create new businesses forcommunity groups, especially fishermen groups, so that it has implications forincreasing welfare for the surrounding community. Based on the results ofmonitoring and evaluation, it is concluded that the application of appropriatetechnology in overcoming the accumulation of green mussel shell waste can create anew business, namely UKM making fish feed / pelets which in turn can improvewelfare for the community.Keywords: SMEs, appropriate technologyAbstrak. Permasalahan lingkungan di Desa Muara Kecamatan SuranenggalaKabupaten Cirebon adalah menumpuknya limbah cangkang kerang hijau. Tujuandari kegiatan PKM ini adalah 1) untuk menanggulangi menumpuknya limbahcangkang kerang hijau sebagai bahan pakan/pelet ikan dengan penerapanteknologi, yaitu mesin hammer mill, mesin mixer, pelet extruder; dan 2) untukmeningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dari kegiatan pembuatan pakan/pelet ikan.Metode yang digunakan adalah Participaroty Action Research (PAR). Metode inimengutamakan partisipasi masyarakat, mengidentifikasi masalah, dan menyusunprogram merencanakan solusi bersama-sama. Lokasi kegiatan dilaksanakan padakelompok nelayan di Desa Muara, Kecamatan Suranenggala, Kabupaten Cirebon.Hasil dari penerapan teknologi untuk proses pembuatan pakan ternak yangdilakukan di Desa Muara dapat memunculkan usaha baru bagi kelompokmasyarakat, khususnya kelompok nelayan sehingga dapat berimplikasi terhadapmeingkatnya kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat sekitar. Berdasarkan hasil monitoringdan evaluasi disimpulkan bahwa penerapan teknologi tepat guna dalammenanggulangi menumpuknya limbah cangkang kerang hijau dapat menciptakanusaha baru, yaitu UKM pembuatan pakan/pelet ikan yang pada akhirnya dapatmeningkatkan kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat.Kata Kunci: UKM, Teknologi tepat guna

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-158
Miftahul Akhyar Ghofari ◽  
Ali Ridlo ◽  
Rini Pramesti

ABSTRAK: Glukosamin merupakan monomer dari kitosan yang dapat diperoleh dari  limbah  cangkang rajungan (P pelagicus). Glukosamin dibutuhkan  dalam pembentukan dan perbaikan tulang rawan dan jaringan tubuh lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik glukosamin dari limbah cangkang rajungan. Proses isolasi kitosan rajungan terdiri dari deproteinasi dengan NaOH 3N, demineralisasi dengan HCl 1N, dan deasetilasi dengan NaOH 50%. Kitosan yang diperoleh dianalisis karakteristik dan derajat deasetilasinya, selanjutnya kitosan dihidrolisis secara kimia dengan larutan HCl 20% pada suhu kamar selama 4 jam. Glukosamin yang dihasilkan dihitung rendemen, loss on drying (LoD), tingkat kelarutan dan derajat deasetilasinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan rendemen kitosan cangkang rajungan adalah 11,3%, berwarna putih, tidak berbau, kadar air 9,2%, kadar abu 5,4%, dan derajat deasetilisasi 90,8%. Rendemen glukosamin sebesar 8,6%, dengan nilai Loss on Drying 1,3%, kelarutan sebesar 72% dan derajat deasetilisasi sebesar 96,95%. Spektra infrared menunjukan adanya gugus -NH, -OH, -CH dan –C=O yang sesuai dengan yang terdapat pada glukosamin. ABSTRACT: Glucosamine is a monomer from chitosan which can be obtained from small crab shell (P pelagicus) waste. Glucosamine is needed in the formation and repair of cartilage and other body tissues. This study aims to determine the characteristics of glucosamine from small crab shell waste. The process of isolating chitosan from small crab shells consisted of deproteination with 3N NaOH, demineralization with 1N HCl, and deacetylation with 50% NaOH. The chitosan obtained was analyzed its characteristics and degrees of deacetylation, then chitosan was chemically hydrolyzed with 20% HCl solution at room temperature for 4 hours. The resulting glucosamine is then calculated yield, loss on drying (LoD), solubility level and degree of deacetylation. The results showed that the yield of chitosan crab shells was 11.3%, white, odorless, 9.2% moisture content, 5.4% ash content, and 90.8% deacetylation rate. Glucosamine yield was 8.6%, with a Loss on Drying value of 1.3%, solubility of 72% and the degree of deacetylation of 96.95%. Infrared spectra show the presence of -NH, -OH, -CH and -C = O groups that match those found in glucosamine

2021 ◽  
Budiani F. Endrawati ◽  
Niar K. Julianti ◽  
Azmia R. Nafisah ◽  
Chandra S. Rahendaputri ◽  
Endah Mutiara

Yusraida Khairani Dalimunthe ◽  
Sugiatmo Kasmungin ◽  
Listiana Satiawati ◽  
Thariq Madani ◽  
Teuku Ananda Rizky

The purpose of this study was to see the best quality of briquettes from the main ingredient of coconut shell waste<br />with various biomass additives to see the calorific value, moisture content, ash content, and volatile matter<br />content of the biomass mixture. Furthermore, further research will be carried out specifically to see the quality of<br />briquettes from a mixture of coconut shell waste and sawdust. The method used in this research is to conduct a<br />literature study of various literature related to briquettes from coconut shell waste mixed with various additives<br />specifically and then look at the best quality briquettes produced from these various pieces of literature. As for<br />what is determined as the control variable of this study is coconut shell waste and as an independent variable,<br />namely coffee skin waste, rice husks, water hyacinth, Bintaro fruit, segon wood sawdust, coconut husk, durian<br />skin, bamboo charcoal, areca nut skin, and leather waste. sago with a certain composition. Furthermore, this<br />paper also describes the stages of making briquettes from coconut shell waste and sawdust for further testing of<br />the calorific value, moisture content, ash content, volatile matter content on a laboratory scale for further<br />research. From various literatures, it was found that the highest calorific value was obtained from a mixture of<br />coconut shell waste and bamboo charcoal with a value of 7110.7288 cal / gr and the lowest calorific value was<br />obtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste and sago shell waste with a value of 114 cal / gr, then for the value<br />The highest water content was obtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste and rice husk with a value of<br />37.70% and the lowest water content value was obtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste 3.80%, then for the<br />highest ash content value was obtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste and coffee skin with a value of<br />20.862% and for the lowest ash content value obtained from a mixture of coconut shell and Bintaro fruit waste,<br />namely 2%, and for the highest volatile matter content value obtained from a mixture of coconut shell and coconut<br />husk waste with a value of 33.45% and for the value of volatile matter levels The lowest was obtained from a<br />mixture of coconut shell waste and sago skin waste with a value of 33 , 45%.

Marine Drugs ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Magdalena Mititelu ◽  
Gabriela Stanciu ◽  
Doina Drăgănescu ◽  
Ana Corina Ioniță ◽  
Sorinel Marius Neacșu ◽  

(1) Background: The mussel (Mytilus edulis, Mytilus galloprovincialis) is the most widespread lamellibranch mollusk, being fished on all coasts of the European seas. Mussels are also widely grown in Japan, China, and Spain, especially for food purposes. This paper shows an original technique for mussel shell processing for preparation of calcium salts, such as calcium levulinate. This process involves synthesis of calcium levulinate by treatment of Mytilus galloprovincialis shells with levulinic acid. The advantage of mussel shell utilization results in more straightforward qualitative composition. Thus, the weight of the mineral component lies with calcium carbonate, which can be used for extraction of pharmaceutical preparations. (2) Methods: Shell powder was first deproteinized by calcination, then the mineral part was treated with levulinic acid. The problem of shells generally resulting from the industrialization of marine molluscs creates enough shortcomings, if one only mentions storage and handling. One of the solutions proposed by us is the capitalization of calcium from shells in the pharmaceutical industry. (3) Results: The toxicity of calcium levulinate synthesized from the mussel shells was evaluated by the method known in the scientific literature as the Constantinescu phytobiological method (using wheat kernels, Triticum vulgare Mill). Acute toxicity of calcium levulinate was evaluated; the experiments showed the low toxicity of calcium levulinate. (4) Conclusion: The experimental results highlighted calcium as the predominant element in the composition of mussel shells, which strengthens the argument of capitalizing the shells as an important natural source of calcium.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (11) ◽  
pp. 2691-2706
Magdalena Tanona ◽  
Paweł Czarnota

Abstract The Index of Atmospheric Purity (IAP) is a popular tool used for the assessment of air quality in polluted urban areas, on the basis of phytosociological data of epiphytic lichen communities. We hypothesized that this indicator could also be used in less polluted forest areas to determine the quality of ecological conditions for lichens. The aim of the present study was to verify the use of IAP method in the assessment of environmental pollution, and alternatively for the assessment of general ecological conditions in protected mountain forests of Gorce National Park (Polish Western Carpathians) based on the epiphytic lichen biota associated with Picea abies. The spatial distribution of IAP values on monitored sites in GNP was compared with: 1) spatial distribution of accumulated sulfur, nitrogen, selected heavy metals, and total heavy metals in Hypogymnia physodes thalli in 1993 and 2018 (30 sites), 2) mean ecological indicator values characterizing species requirements for light (L), substrate reaction (R) and nutrients (N), in 1993, 2013 and 2018 (33 sites). Generalized linear model and redundancy analysis were performed for disclosing most influencing factors affecting lichen communities. The study revealed a few negligible relationships between IAP values and accumulation of such elements as Ni, Mn, Cd, and Cr in both monitoring periods. Simultaneously, IAP can be useful for the identification of forest areas with a high degree of naturalness.

Jurnal Kimia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
N. L.P.V. Paramita ◽  
N. M. D. Andani ◽  
I. A. P. Y. Putri ◽  
N. K. S. Indriyani ◽  
N. M. P. Susanti

Black tea is a type of tea in such a way the polyphenols undergo a high degree of oxidation. The characteristics of simplicia are strongly influenced by the environment. In order to use a simplicia as an active ingredient, characterization test are required for maintaining the quality and safety. This study aimed to find out the characteristic of black tea simplicia from tea leaves (Camellia sinensis var. assamica) which were taken from Bali Cahaya Amerta Tea Plantation, Angseri Village, Baturiti Sub-district, Tabanan Regency, Bali. The characterization of the simplicia was done based on standard parameters of tea plant in Farmakope Herbal Indonesia including macroscopic test, microscopic test, the loss on drying, the contents of water soluble compound, ethanol soluble compound, total ash, acid insoluble ash, total phenol and the identification of cathecin. The results showed that black tea simplicia elongated shaped with blackish brown, odorless, tasteless, and there were fragments identifier such as sclerenkim fibers, epidermis with stomata, macrosklerida, leaf mesophyll with vascular tissue, and rosette calcium oxalate crystals. The result of the compounds content that dissolve in water was 31.84% ± 0.6446%, compounds content that dissolve in ethanol was 16.64% ± 0.414%, the loss on drying was 5.19% ± 0.0902%, total ash content was 4.67% ± 0.0392%, ash content that was insoluble in acid was 0.19% ± 0.0025%, and the total fenol content was 0.9733% ± 0.0189%. From the results, the black tea simplicia fulfills the requirements of simplicia characteristic based on Farmakope Herbal Indonesia parameter.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (103) ◽  
pp. 20141227 ◽  
Susan C. Fitzer ◽  
Wenzhong Zhu ◽  
K. Elizabeth Tanner ◽  
Vernon R. Phoenix ◽  
Nicholas A. Kamenos ◽  

Ocean acidification (OA) and the resultant changing carbonate saturation states is threatening the formation of calcium carbonate shells and exoskeletons of marine organisms. The production of biominerals in such organisms relies on the availability of carbonate and the ability of the organism to biomineralize in changing environments. To understand how biomineralizers will respond to OA the common blue mussel, Mytilus edulis , was cultured at projected levels of p CO 2 (380, 550, 750, 1000 µatm) and increased temperatures (ambient, ambient plus 2°C). Nanoindentation (a single mussel shell) and microhardness testing were used to assess the material properties of the shells. Young's modulus ( E ), hardness ( H ) and toughness ( K IC ) were measured in mussel shells grown in multiple stressor conditions. OA caused mussels to produce shell calcite that is stiffer (higher modulus of elasticity) and harder than shells grown in control conditions. The outer shell (calcite) is more brittle in OA conditions while the inner shell (aragonite) is softer and less stiff in shells grown under OA conditions. Combining increasing ocean p CO 2 and temperatures as projected for future global ocean appears to reduce the impact of increasing p CO 2 on the material properties of the mussel shell. OA may cause changes in shell material properties that could prove problematic under predation scenarios for the mussels; however, this may be partially mitigated by increasing temperature.

1971 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
R.A. Gallop ◽  
P.E. Cansfield ◽  
M. Vlaovic ◽  
A. Hydamaka ◽  
R. Rastogi

Abstract Work in our laboratory and elsewhere, has shown that many common organic wastes, such as straw, grain, fruit, pits, nut-shells, seed-hulls, other fibrous plant residues, wood, cardboard and newspaper can be used as fuel and substrates, for the production of commercially useful charcoals, including activated carbons for direct environmental protection, or through reclamation of wastes to high degrees of purity, before re-use or discharge. This topic will be reviewed, including work on activated carbons, its use in rapid physico-chemical cyclic reclamation and re-use systems, for biological wastes, particularly those from food processing industries, and other feasibilities for its use in environmental pollution abatement

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