2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Mukti Agung Wibowo

Campuran agregat dengan void minimal dalam perkerasan flexible memberikan distribusi beban yang baik kelapisan dibawahnya. Sehingga beban berat dapat di distribusikan dengan baik kelapisan bawahnya yang berkualitas lebih rendah. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh agregat dengan void minimal pada propertis beton. Untuk komparasi propertis antara beton yang menggunakan agregat dengan void minimal terhadap beton tanpa memperhatikan void, dan beton yang menggunakan agregat dengan void maksimal digunakan acuan mix design  Department of Environment. Pengaruh agregat dengan void minimal memberikan void beton lebihkecil, meningkatkan kuat tekan beton, dan meningkatkan kuat tarik belah betonnya dengan perbedaan yang tidak signifikan. 


Waste generated from industries and from various places around us not only contains rubber or plastics but contains lot many harmful pollutants whichare hazardous if disposed continuously in open and leftto degrade in our environment.Our project aims to study properties of different materials which may help in utilising the waste as well as improve the quality of roads and make them efficient, stable, durable and long lasting. Some of the materials that we have studied and considered to be tested in the partial replacement of bitumen are PMB and CRMB.

1998 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-86 ◽  
N Hearn ◽  
J Aiello

Experimental work on prismatic concrete specimens was conducted to determine the relationship between mechanical restraint and the rate of corrosion. The current together with the changes in strain of the confining frame were monitored during the accelerated corrosion tests. The effect of mix design and cracking on the corrosion rates was also investigated. The results show that one-dimensional mechanical restraint retards the corrosion process, as indicated by the reduction in the steel loss. Improved quality of the matrix, with and without cracking, reduces the rate of steel loss. In the inferior quality concrete, the effect of cracking on the corrosion rate is minimal.Key words: corrosion, concrete, repair.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 2756
Federica Vitale ◽  
Maurizio Nicolella

Because the production of aggregates for mortar and concrete is no longer sustainable, many attempts have been made to replace natural aggregates (NA) with recycled aggregates (RA) sourced from factories, recycling centers, and human activities such as construction and demolition works (C&D). This article reviews papers concerning mortars with fine RA from C&D debris, and from the by-products of the manufacturing and recycling processes of building materials. A four-step methodology based on searching, screening, clustering, and summarizing was proposed. The clustering variables were the type of aggregate, mix design parameters, tested properties, patents, and availability on the market. The number and the type of the clustering variables of each paper were analysed and compared. The results showed that the mortars were mainly characterized through their physical and mechanical properties, whereas few durability and thermal analyses were carried out. Moreover, few fine RA were sourced from the production waste of construction materials. Finally, there were no patents or products available on the market. The outcomes presented in this paper underlined the research trends that are useful to improve the knowledge on the suitability of fine RA from building-related processes in mortars.

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