scholarly journals Analisis Kebutuhan Debit Air Di Gedung C RSUD Kota Bukittinggi

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-98
Mela Melarizki Rizki ◽  
Muchlisi Nalahuddin ◽  
Riza Muharni

In the Bukittinggi City Hospital building which has 6 floors, there is a water pump and a reservoir used to supply clean water for daily needs. Based on the reality in the field where there is no secondary data to determine the type of pump and reservoir. The purpose of this analysis is to obtain clean water discharge requirements, obtain the type of pump and ensure that the reservoir used for building C RSUD Kota Bukittinggi is in accordance with the type of pipe and reservoir installed in building C, floor 6. By using field studies and interviews and applying the formulas related to pump calculations. In determining the type of pump to be used in the building, it includes the required water discharge, determining the capacity of the components to be used such as pipe diameter, water tank capacity on the ground floor and roof of the building and the total head on the pipe. Based on the calculation results, the required water discharge is 0.08333 m 3 /min, the upper reservoir has a capacity of 150,000 liters, the bottom reservoir is 5,000 liters and the Hot that occurs is 18.429 m. Then the required pump specifications are 40 x 32B2 -51.5 Grundfos CM 10-3. The pump specifications are not much different from those that have been applied in the field.

2017 ◽  
Vol 33 (10) ◽  
pp. 475
Hubi Maria Padji ◽  
Sudarmadji Sudarmadji

Purpose: This study aimed to determine the relation of climate factors and the availability of clean water with the diarrhea occurrence in Kupang City from the years of 2011-2015.Methods: This study used an ecological study design with Pearson correlation with Spearman correlation tests and used secondary data consisting of diarrhea cases, water discharge, and climate data of Kupang City from 2011-2015.Results: The results of statistical analysis showed that variables that correlate with diarrhea occurrence in Kupang City were rainfall (p = 0.0001; r = -0.48), humidity lag1-3 (p = 0.000; r = -0, 5), wind speed lag2-3 (p = 0.000; r = 0,5 and clean water supply (p = 0.0002; r = - 0.47) while the air temperature variable had no correlation with diarrhea occurrence in Kupang city in 2011 -2015 (p value > 0.05).Conclusion: Based on the research results, it was concluded that the variables of rainfall, humidity lag1-3, wind speed lag2-3 and availability of clean water were correlated with the incidence of diarrhea in Kupang City from the years of 2011-2015.

1995 ◽  
Vol 31 (7) ◽  
pp. 127-135 ◽  
P. Balmér ◽  
M. Tagizadeh-Nasser

Oxygen transfer to water in gravity flow pipes has been studied in a 24 m long, 0.225 m diameter sewer. Laboratory tests were conducted where the slope and flow in the sewer could be varied independently. The clean water reaeration test was used to determine the oxygen transfer. The KL value for the oxygen transfer was found to be a function of energy dissipation and mean hydraulic depth. The results are discussed in relation to oxygen transfer determinations in flumes and field studies of oxygen transfer in sewers.

1997 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-144 ◽  
J D Lozon ◽  
H J MacIsaac

We utilize literature surveys to examine the relationship between establishment of exotic species and human or natural disturbances of ecosystems. Of the 133 papers published in 10 ecological journals between 1993 and 1995, 63 reported on field studies involving 299 and 103 successful, nonredundant plant and animal introductions, respectively. Invasions of terrestrial ecosystems dominated (>>97%) the surveyed literature. Disturbance was associated with establishment of exotic species in 56% of these studies, though its importance differed among papers describing plants (68%) and animals (28%). Plants species (86%) were significantly more dependent on disturbance for establishment than were animals (12%). However, animals and plants that were dependent on disturbance for establishment were almost equally dependent (58 versus 68%) on it for range expansion. In a second survey, 402 plant and 103 animal taxa were identified that explicitly linked establishment of exotic species to disturbance. Human activities were attributed with establishment of species in 97 and 57% of these cases, respectively. Common mechanisms associated with establishment of exotic animals included ballast water discharge, intentional releases, and residential development. Establishment of exotic plants was associated with animal activities (e.g., grazing, seed introduction), soil disturbance, forestry, fire, agriculture, and human activities. In contrast to invasions theory, our survey indicates that the association between establishment and spread of exotic species and disturbance ought not be assumed a priori. Some animals repeatedly invade new habitats once geographic barriers are circumvented, indicating that communities may be more receptive to exotic species than previously acknowledged. By contrast, introduced plants established most often in disturbed habitats.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 675
Ailina Rahmanita Fauzi ◽  
Sri Endah Wahyuningsih

Purpose research These are 1) To analyze the concept of criminal responsibility notary law in the deed that is based on false information. 2) To analyze the legal consequences of the deed notary Based on False Information.The method used by researchers is Empirical Juridical (socio legal research)and specification in this study were included descriptive analysis. Even the sources and types of data in this study are primary data obtained from field studies with an interview with a notary in Grobogan. And secondary data obtained from the study of literature. This study uses qualitative data analysis Based on the results of research that 1) Notaries can not be held criminal liability associated with the manufacture of the deed (partijnakten) based on false information, and can not meet the crime of counterfeiting element formulation in Article 266 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. 2) However, the notary can be held criminal liability against relaas deed or deed of officials (ambtelijke akten) if deliberate or careless notary make a fake deed to the detriment others. That made base on notary deed against false information does not in itself result in the deed null and void. The aggrieved party to the existence of the deed as it should file a civil suit to the court to cancel the deed.Keywords : Concept of Law; Criminal Responsibility; Notary; Deed; Specification False

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Verell Rengga Harsvardan ◽  
Anissa Noor Tajudin

This research will redesign the flexible pavement on the Kalihurip-Cikampek toll road using three flexible pavement design methods, namely the 2002, 2013 and 2017 methods, and analyze the structural responses that occur in the form of horizontal and vertical strain, the main components. In calculating the value of repetition of permits against fatigue damage (Nf) and groove cracks (Nd), it is processed using the KENPAVE program. Furthermore, the calculation results of the flexible pavement thickness, the value of repetition of permits against fatigue damage (Nf) and groove crack damage (Nd) were compared from the three methods. The method used is mechanistic-empirical. Primary data is obtained from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing and LHR0 starting in 2020, taking into account traffic growth from 2020 to 2035, as well as secondary data assumptions by referring to previous regulations and research. The results of this study indicate that the 2002 method produced the largest pavement thickness, while the 2013 and 2017 methods produced relatively the same pavement thickness. However, the 2002 method produced the largest repetition of permits against fatigue damage (Nf) and groove cracks (Nd). So it can be concluded that the 2017 method produces a better design. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini akan mendesain ulang perkerasan lentur pada Jalan Tol Jakarta-Cikampek ruas Kalihurip-Cikampek menggunakan tiga metode desain perkerasan lentur yaitu metode 2002, 2013, dan 2017, serta menganalisis respons struktral yang terjadi berupa regangan horisontal dan vertikal, komponen utama dalam menghitung nilai repetisi izin terhadap kerusakan fatik (Nf) dan retak alur (Nd), diolah menggunakan program KENPAVE. Selanjutnya dibandingkan hasil perhitungan tebal perkerasan lentur, nilai repetisi izin terhadap kerusakan fatik (Nf) dan kerusakan retak alur (Nd) dari ketiga metode tersebut. Metode yang digunakan mekanistik-empiris. Data primer didapat dari Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) dan LHR0 dimulai pada tahun 2020, memperhitungkan pertumbuhan lalu lintas dari tahun 2020 sampai 2035, serta data sekunder asumsi dengan tetap mengacu pada peraturan dan penelitian sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode 2002 menghasilkan tebal perkerasan terbesar, sedangkan metode 2013 dan 2017 menghasilkan tebal perkerasan yang relatif sama. Namun metode 2002 menghasilkan repetisi izin terhadap kerusakan fatik (Nf) dan retak alur (Nd) terbesar. Sehingga disimpulkan metode 2017 menghasilkan desain lebih baik.

Jurnal Tekno ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-61
Muhammad Ruslan ◽  
M.Saleh Al-Amin ◽  
Emidiana Emidiana

Abstract   Fire is a phenomenon that occurs when a material reaches a critical temperature and reacts chemically with oxygen (for example) producing heat, flame, light, smoke, water vapor, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, or other products and effects. Fires can occur anywhere, be it in office buildings, residences or public facilities. As for other than in public areas, fires often occur, both in rooms and laboratories, the triggers are almost the same due to negligence and not being careful in using flammable tools. For this reason, the need for a fire detector with a detector system using an alarm so that once a fire occurs, all those in the building can find out through the detector with an alarm sound as a fire marker. In order to reduce casualties, the need for a sprinkler system to extinguish the fire, and can assist the officers or authorities in the building as soon as possible. From the above problems, this research will determine how many detectors and sprinklers are needed, as well as how much water volume, pump power, and ground water tank are needed. This type of research is quantitative research by direct observation of the object under study, then researchers measure the room one by one using a building meter. From the calculation results by taking a sample on the 1st floor, the number of detectors needed is 10 smoke detectors and 3 heat detectors, the number of sprinklers is 47, the volume of water needed is 846 m3, the pump power and ground water tank needed are hydraulic power. pump (HHP) 3,28621 kW, pump shaft power (BHP) 4.38 kW, pump electric power (P) 6 kW, diesel pump (PpD) 4 HP, jocky pump (PJk) 0.6 kW, capacity GWT ( QGWT) 44 m3.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 903-914
Erwin Ferdinansyah ◽  
Azmeri Azmeri ◽  
Eldina Fatimah

Abstract: Baitussalam sub-district is one of the areas vulnerable to water in the district of Aceh Besar. During this time the District community Baitussalam it difficult to obtain a continuous flow of clean water. This is due to the remote location of the water source so as to obtain clean water, people need a lot of time and effort. Villagers District of Baitussalam were not served with clean water Regional Water Company (PDAM) Tirta Mountala, using ground water as clean water. Problems arise when the dry season, the ground water level has decreased, even loss of water discharge at all. This study aims to identify the dominant factors that may affect the distribution of water supply and analyze the strategy of water supply clean water prone villages in the subdistrict of Aceh Besar district Baitussalam. This research was conducted with questionnaires and interviews. Observations were made on the District community Baitussalam unserved water from PDAM Tirta Mountala. The results showed that the dominant factor affecting the distribution of clean water in District Baitussalam is an area that will be served by PDAM Tirta Mountala, and the allocation of increased funding water infrastructure. Strategy clean water supply in villages prone to water in the District Baitussalam is a set of service areas by PDAM Tirta Mountala towards building water treatment, then allocate increased funding water infrastructure, improve the discharge source of clean water related water needs in each village, and do development of Drinking Water Supply system (SPAM). Abstrak: Kecamatan Baitussalam merupakan salah satu kawasan rawan air bersih yang ada di Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Selama ini masyarakat Kecamatan Baitussalam mengalami kesulitan untuk mendapatkan air bersih yang kontinu mengalir. Hal ini disebabkan karena lokasi yang jauh dari sumber air sehingga untuk mendapatkan air bersih, masyarakat membutuhkan banyak waktu dan tenaga. Masyarakat desa Kecamatan Baitussalam yang tidak terlayani air bersih Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Mountala, menggunakan air tanah sebagai air bersih. Permasalahan timbul saat musim kemarau, muka air tanah mengalami penurunan, bahkan kehilangan debit air sama sekali. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengindentifikasi faktor dominan yang dapat mempengaruhi distribusi penyediaan air bersih dan menganalisis strategi penyediaan air bersih di desa rawan air bersih pada Kecamatan Baitussalam Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner dan wawancara. Pengamatan dilakukan pada masyarakat Kecamatan Baitussalam yang belum mendapatkan pelayanan air dari PDAM Tirta Mountala. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi distribusi air bersih di Kecamatan Baitussalam adalah luas wilayah yang akan dilayani oleh PDAM Tirta Mountala, dan alokasi dana peningkatan prasarana air bersih. Strategi penyediaan air bersih di desa rawan air bersih pada Kecamatan Baitussalam adalah menetapkan wilayah pelayanan oleh PDAM Tirta Mountala terhadap bangunan pengolahan air bersih, kemudian mengalokasikan dana peningkatan prasarana air bersih, meningkatkan debit sumber air besih terkait kebutuhan air pada masing-masing desa, dan melakukan pengembangan Sistim Penyediaan Air Minum (SPAM).

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 259
Preliyanto Puji Utomo ◽  
Bambang Tri Bawono

The problems discussed in this study are efforts to tackle traffic accidents by law enforcers in the Blora Police Law Area and the application of Act No. 22 Of 2009 On Road Traffic and Transportation to accident rates in the Blora Police Law Area. The approach method used is sociological juridical, descriptive analytical research specifications. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection methods are field studies and library studies. The data analysis method uses qualitative analysis. As a knife analysis, crime prevention theory and law enforcement theory are used. The results of the research show that the handling of traffic accidents by law enforcers in the Blora Police Law Area is carried out through preventive and repressive measures. Preventive efforts are carried out through routine patrol activities, zebra operations, counseling at schools and in the community and installing biilboard warning signs in accident-prone areas. The repressive effort is carried out through a series of investigative actions against traffic accidents which are guided by applicable laws and regulations. The application of Act No. 22 Of 2009 On Traffic and Road Transportation towards accident rates in the Blora Police Law Area is not optimal. The accident rate is still relatively high from year to year despite various efforts have been carried out. This is due to the lack of public awareness and legal culture of the community which does not support the programs implemented by the Blora Police Law Area in reducing the level of traffic accidents.Keywords: Implementation; Countermeasures; Traffic Accidents.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Ayu Rahmad Jayanti ◽  
Ririn Endah Badriani ◽  
Yeny Dhokhikah

The clean water distribution in the Genteng Subdistrict, Banyuwangi Regency is included in the service area of the Zone 1 PDAM tile unit. The 60 liters/second reservoir discharge capacity is obtained from Sumber Umbul Sari in the Glenmore District. The distribution of clean water in Zone 1 is still less than 70% of the area served, as the installed discharge capacity is estimated to be insufficient. In order to achieve the distribution goal, a network system must be developed by adding direct debits and planning a new pipeline. The Epanet 2.0 program simplifies the calculation of pipeline networks by integrating elevation data, network maps, pipeline specification, and load. The analysis of the simulation results was conducted using the Public Works Minister's hydraulic parameter standards 2007. Planning of a distribution network and a cost budget in 2029 were done to estimate the water supply needs and budgets required. The hydraulic simulation results based on the analysis of the pressure of all joints are in accordance with the standard, while the analysis of the velocity in pipe is less standard. The need for water discharge in 2029 is 71.6 liters/second. In Kembiritan Village, the construction of distribution pipes with an additional reservoir unit was planned. The planned pipe dimensions in the development area were 25 mm at 796 meters, 50 mm at 4062 meters, and 75 mm at 1518 meters. The cost of planning a clean water distribution system in 2029 is Rp. 1,431,375,000.00. Distribusi air bersih di Kecamatan Genteng Kabupaten Banyuwangi merupakan wilayah pelayanan Zona 1 PDAM unit Genteng. Kapasitas debit reservoir sebesar 60 liter/detik berasal dari sumber umbul sari di Kecamatan Glenmore. Pendistribusian air bersih di wilayah Zona 1 masih kurang dari 70% wilayah yang terlayani, karena diperkirakan kapasitas debit yang terpasang kurang mencukupi. Untuk memenuhi target pemerataan distribusi perlu pengembangan sistem jaringan dengan penambahan debit dan perencanaan jaringan pipa baru. Program Epanet 2.0 memudahkan dalam perhitungan jaringan perpipaan dengan mengintegrasi data elevasi, peta jaringan, spesifikasi pipa dan debit. Analisis hasil simulasi menggunakan standar parameter hidrolis Permen PU 2007. Perencanaan pengembangan jaringan distribusi dan anggaran biaya pada tahun 2029 guna memperkirakan debit kebutuhan air dan anggaran biaya yang dibutuhkan. Hasil simulasi hidrolis berdasarkan analisis tekanan semua junction telah sesuai standar, sedangkan analisis kecepatan masih di bawah standar. Kebutuhan debit air tahun 2029 sebesar 71,6 Liter/detik. Pengembangan pipa distribusi direncanakan di Desa Kembiritan dengan tambahan satu unit reservoir. Dimensi pipa rencana di wilayah pengembangan digunakan diameter 25 mm sepanjang 796 m, diameter 50 mm sepanjang 4062 m dan diameter 75 mm sepanjang 1518 m. Biaya perencanaan sistem distribusi air bersih tahun 2029 sebesar Rp. 1.431.375.000,00.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-208
Kartika Dewanty Sitepu ◽  
Marlina Marlina ◽  
Jelly Leviza

This article discusses the Implementation of Forced Tax Collection and Confiscation in an Effort to Optimize Tax Receipts at the Binjai Pratama Tax Office. Answering these problems used normative and empirical juridical research methods. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Field studies by conducting interviews with informants namely Bailiffs and Taxpayers. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively. From the results of the study showed that the implementation of tax collection with forced letters and seizures carried out by the Bailiff at the Binjai Primary Tax Service Office had been carried out in optimizing tax revenue. In reality, there are still some obstacles, namely the low compliance of taxpayers paying taxes, the address of registered taxpayers is difficult to find, the lack of supporting data, the number of bailiffs, and legislation. To overcome these obstacles, socialization and outreach activities to the public are carried out intensively and continuously, improving the address of registered taxpayers, adding bailiffs and human resources, increasing cooperation with third parties and clarifying the laws and regulations on active billing actions in order to achieve targets and realize tax revenues.

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