Assessment of various scenarios for the development of mineral deposits in the region (as exemplified by the Republic of Tuva)

D.F. Dabiev ◽  
S.A. Chupikova ◽  
A.F. Chuldum

It is shown that Tuva has a sufficiently rich mineral and raw material diversity and the potential for their development. Nevertheless, the development of the republic is hindered by the existence of transport and infrastructure restrictions, to eliminate which, first of all, it is necessary to build a railway along the Kyzyl-Kuragino highway. On the other hand, given the border area of the territory that adjoins western Mongolia, there is a possibility of implementing various scenarios for the construction of railway tracks. The calculations performed to evaluate scenarios for the development of mineral resources of the republic using methods of intersectoral assessment shows that when implementing a pessimistic option for the development of the potential of mineral resources of Tuva (in which the construction of the railway to Tuva is frozen and only deposits of non-ferrous metals and gold are developed), the gross regional product of the republic will grow to 164 billion rubles, which will be 45% of the growth of this indicator in relation to the GRP of 2018. With the implementation of the optimistic option I, (in which it is planned to build a railway along the Kuragino-Kyzyl highway, coal deposits, non-ferrous metals, gold are being developed), the GRP of the republic will grow up to 351 billion rubles. In addition, calculations have been made for the construction of railways that would connect Tuva with Mongolia and China.

2021 ◽  
Vol 274 ◽  
pp. 05010
Rufina Ivanova ◽  
Dilyara Mukhametzyanova ◽  
Olga Belay ◽  
Rustem Sirazetdinov ◽  
Ella Biktemirova

The effectiveness of innovation activity is largely determined by the relevant infrastructure which is the basic component of a developed economy. The correlation between the development of the innovative economy and the intensification of investment activity is revealed. On the basis of retrospective analysis of trends and patterns in the development of investment activity, an assessment of the resource support of the investment process in the Republic of Tatarstan is carried out. The need for advanced development of the production potential of the investment and construction complex of the region and the material and technical base on the basis of the development of the local raw material base is justified. An economic and mathematical model of the interaction of investment recourses that determine the level of innovative development of the region is proposed. On the basis of the theory of factor models, the quantitative relationships between the factors that have the greatest impact on investment development are investigated. They are: gross regional product, investment in fixed assets, the volume of contract work, the volume of investment in housing construction, the cost of research and development in the gross regional product, the share of innovation costs in industrial investment.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
Slobodan Majstorović ◽  
Vladimir Malbašić ◽  
Miodrag Čelebić

Curent situation of raw material base and study of limestone like construction stone deposits in the Republic of Serbian were relatively poorly considered during the last decades, and the main problems are the following: low production capacity fragmentation of production, needs for raw materials homogenization and delivering of standard quality, undeveloped market, the recession of the domestic economy and the economies in the region, the relatively low level of exploration by many deposits, especially lack of knowledge of the occurrence legality for certain types and quality of raw materials and lack of complete quality indicators for raw material, which sometimes causes the utilization of only the highest quality deposit parts.This paper provides an overview of active quarries in the Republic Srpska with exploitation of limestone like technical building stone and present an attempt to determine the basic quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the raw material and the current working conditions at these quarries. The purpose of such a review would be in an effort to create a clearer picture about production, market, social and other aspects of the limestone exploitation in the Republika Srpska and the realistic possibilities of maintaining and developing of these mineral resources utilization, which can certainlybe interesting for the development of many other industries in the Republic Srpska.


The article considers the terms “innovation potential”, “regional innovation potential”, and the state of innovation potential. The purpose of this article is to determine the current state and prospects for the development of the innovative potential of the Akmola region. The research methodology consists in systematization of innovative indicators of the region by comparison and economic and statistical groupings. The analysis of the formation of the innovative potential of the region on the example of the Northern regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out. In particular, the dynamics of the gross regional product and innovation activity in the Akmola region is presented.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 1105-1112
Anastasia Vasilkova ◽  
Alexander Byvaltsev ◽  
Olga Khmelnitskaya ◽  
Grigory Voiloshnikov ◽  

The purpose of the study is to conduct experiments in order to determine the possibility of technogenic gold-bearing raw material cyanidation using ultra-low concentrations of NaCN. Experiments are carried out on the cyanidation of three samples of technogenic raw materials of different composition. The first sample consists of pyrite cinders (Au - 1.8-2.3 g/t, Ag - 13-22 g/t, Fe - 48.52%, Cu - 0.15-0.30%, Zn - 0.3-0.6%). The second sample is represented by the aged tailings of copper-zinc flotation (sample I) with the content of Au - 0.8 g/t, Ag - 7.0 g/t, Fe - 17.2%, Cu - 0.212%, Zn - 0.207%. The next object is the copper-zinc flotation tailings of a concentration plant (sample II), with the following content of Au - 1.22 g/t, Ag - 15.2 g/t, Cu - 0.13%, Zn - 0.23%. It is recommended to use an aqueous wash from non-ferrous metals with subsequent lime treatment as a preliminary processing of pyrite cinders. Cyanidation is carried out at different consumptions of reagent: from 0.075 to 3 kg/t. The experiments have shown that gold recovery in this range of NaCN consumption varies from 42.9 to 44.2%; moreover, a decrease in the reagent consumption allows to reduce the concentration of non-ferrous metal ions in cyanidation solutions. Before cyanidation sample I has also been subjected to aqueous wash to remove acid and non-ferrous metals. NaCN consumption varies from 0.25 to 2.2 kg/t. In this case the extraction of gold amounts to 36.6-46.4%. Cyanidation of tailings (sample II) is carried out in the range of 0.15-1.2 kg/t of NaCN. Gold recovery varies from 24.1 to 30.9%. The cyanidation technology of technogenic raw materials in the field of ultra-low concentrations of sodium cyanide is promising, since it provides acceptable gold recovery under low reagent consumption. For further research in the field of development of an extraction technology of valuable components, the flotation tailings of copper-zinc production (sample II) are chosen as a promising object. It is planned to carry out semi-industrial tests, calculate technical and economic indicators and develop process regulations.

2021 ◽  
Sergey Trebukhov ◽  
Valeriy Volodin ◽  
Olga Ulanova ◽  
Alina Nitsenko ◽  
Farkhat Tuleutay

Abstract Residues from the municipal solid waste processed in incineration plants in European countries are an important raw material to obtain valuable components, including non-ferrous metals. State and private companies specializing in the processing of waste incineration slag as products most often receive concentrates of non-ferrous metals, which, on average, contain, in mass. %: 20÷60 Cu; 10÷30 Zn; 5÷15 Pb; ~ 1 Al; ~ 1 Sn; ~ 1 Fe, up to 50 g/t Аu and up to 3,000 g/t Ag. Concentrates are sent for processing to smelters without taking the cost of zinc into account. The paper presents the study on the separation of metallic zinc into a separate product (zinc concentrate) from the collective concentrate of non-ferrous metals by a vacuum-thermal method, the safest from the environmental point of view. The study was performed with non-ferrous metal concentrate of +0.3-0.8 mm in size, containing wt. %: 68.07 - Cu; 12.4 - Zn; 14.78 - Pb; 0.99 - Al; 1.2 - Sn; 0.15 - Fe, up to 2.0 kg/t - Ag. The material was heat treated at 800÷900℃ with the residual pressure in the system of less than 0.13 kPa. Zinc concentrate was obtained, containing more than 96% of the main component. At the same time, the Cu content increased by 14.09% in the residue from the heat-vacuum treatment. Other metals (Pb, Al, Sn) including noble metals were also concentrated in the residue. The results of the study show that it is possible to separate zinc into a separate product from non-ferrous metal concentrates containing more than 10% Zn in the initial material by the proposed method.

И.А. Керимов ◽  
А.В. Висмурадов ◽  
А.А. Даукаев ◽  
А.Н. Доля ◽  
В.А. Рудов ◽  

В статье рассмотрена ресурсная база твердых неметаллических полезных ископаемых (ТНПИ) Чечен- ской Республики. Проанализировано современное состояние структуры запасов и ресурсов ТНПИ. Опре- делены основные проблемы в воспроизводстве и использовании минерально-сырьевой базы, разработа- ны рекомендации по развитию геологоразведочных работ и освоению полезных ископаемых республики. Resource potential of solid non-metallic mineral resources (SNMR) of the Chechen republic is considered in the article. Modern condition of SNMR supplies and resources structure has been analyzed. The main problems in reproduction and usage of mineral raw material base has been determined, recommendations on geological exploration development and minerals exploitation of the Republic has been worked out

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 1602-1614
G.N. Okhlopkov

Subject. This article explores the issues related to the system of indicators of forecasting of gross regional product and their relationship. Objectives. The article aims to justify the appropriateness of using a systems-based approach when forecasting gross regional product, based on the inter-industry balance model. Methods. For the study, I used the techniques of mathematical modeling in economics. To verify the accuracy of the forecast calculations, retrospective forecasts of the gross regional product of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for 2017–2018 were carried out. Results. The article presents a developed classification of significant types of economic activity to forecast gross regional product. Conclusions. The use of a systems-based approach in the forecast calculations of gross regional product using the inter-industry balance model provides adequate forecast results.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (23) ◽  
Aleksej Milošević ◽  
Ranko Cvijić

The Strategy for the management and utilization of mineral resources of the Republic Srpska includes inevitably the mineral resource base as an essential element of material and social development, and it is one of the significant reliance forms on its own suorces in achieving economic development. In this sense, geological exploration, like an important activity in providing mineral resources for the development of the economy of the Republic Srpska, has not been given adequate attention since the 1990 and has not been systematically conducted at all. The practice of the surrounding countries, and also in the earlier period, in these regions was such that geological exploration were treated adequately with the importance of mineral resources and, accordingly, funds were provided for their financing by the state and also by users of mineral resources. Today, there are no systematic geological surveys in the Republic Srpska and no systematic sources for their financing. The geological research activity in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the former Yugoslavia, throughout the earlier period, was characterized by relatively good organization and coherence of the research program. Due to this, many remarkable results have been achieved, which justify the realized investments in many ways. The paper presents the basic characteristics of the mineral raw material base of the Republic Srpska, as then an analysis of inefficiency and stagnation in the research was done, and finally suggestions are given the necessary activities to improve the present situation.

R. V. Zarubin ◽  
M. Y. Zarubin ◽  

The article deals with the development of small and medium-sized businesses, taking into account the concept of smart specialization. The article presents a combination of data from the “quad spiral”, aimed at the formation and intensification of network interactions of business-state-science-civil society components for the creation of evolutionary, “smart”, sustainable entrepreneurship, growth of the economy of regions and the country as a whole. The analysis and classification of regions by the level of production of the gross regional product is carried out, the set of specialization is defined. The monitoring of targets for achieving key indicators of innovative development of the country was carried out. The sequence of work with smart specialization is presented. Conclusions are drawn on the further development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2021 ◽  
pp. 42-47
М.М. Низамутдинов ◽  
В.В. Орешников ◽  
А.Р. Атнабаева

Статья посвящена вопросам прогнозирования развития субъектов Российской Федерации. Рассмотрен прогноз динамики валового регионального продукта Республики Башкортостан на средне- и долгосрочную перспективы, а также ряд взаимосвязанных параметров. Проведен анализ показателей в текущих и сопоставимых ценах, их динамики и соотношения. Выявлен ряд противоречий, указывающих на наличие рассогласованности представленных значений. Раскрыты отдельные противоречия другим документам стратегического планирования. Результаты могут быть использованы для повышения эффективности управления региональным развитием. The article is devoted to the issues of forecasting the development of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The forecast of the dynamics of the gross regional product of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the medium - and long-term prospects, as well as a number of interrelated parameters, is considered. The analysis of indicators in current and comparable prices, their dynamics and correlation is carried out. A number of contradictions are revealed, indicating the presence of inconsistency of the presented values. Some contradictions with other strategic planning documents are revealed. The results can be used to improve the efficiency of regional development management.

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