S. N. Batura ◽  
N. V. Kukshinov ◽  
D. L. Mamyshev ◽  

The work deals with the numerical investigation of hydrogen combustion is supersonic flow with different calculation models.

2013 ◽  
Vol 44 (5) ◽  
pp. 473-482 ◽  
Yuanling Cheng ◽  
Lili Wu ◽  
Ting Chen

2010 ◽  
Vol 76 (768) ◽  
pp. 1134-1143 ◽  
Katsunori DOI ◽  
Takeshi KAWANABE ◽  
Naoki HAMAMOTO ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 161-166
Aneta Bohojło-Wiśniewska

Summary This paper presents an example of humid air flow around a single head of Chinese cabbage under conditions of complex heat transfer. This kind of numerical simulation allows us to create a heat and humidity transfer model between the Chinese cabbage and the flowing humid air. The calculations utilize the heat transfer model in porous medium, which includes the temperature difference between the solid (vegetable tissue) and fluid (air) phases of the porous medium. Modelling and calculations were performed in ANSYS Fluent 14.5 software.

2011 ◽  
Vol 19 (03) ◽  
pp. 177-183 ◽  

The technique of horizontal-tube falling film has been used in the cooling and heating industries such as refrigeration systems, heating systems and ocean thermal energy conversion systems. The comprehensive performance of evaporator is directly affected by the film distribution characteristics outside tubes. In this paper, numerical investigation was performed to predict the film characteristics outside the tubes in horizontal-tube falling film evaporator. The effects of liquid flow rate, tube diameter and the circular degree of tube on the film thickness were presented. The numerical simulation results were compared with that of the empirical equations for calculating the falling film thickness, and agreements between them were reasonable. Numerical simulation results show that, at the fixed fluid flow density, the liquid film is thicker on the upper and lower tube and the thinnest liquid film appears at angle of about 120°. The results also indicate that, when the fluid flow density decreases to a certain value, the local dryout spot on the surface of the tube would occur. In addition, the film thickness decreases with the increases of the tube diameter at the fixed fluid flow density.

Надежда Петровна Скибина

Проведено численное исследование нестационарного турбулентного сверхзвукового течения в камере сгорания прямоточного воздушно-реактивного двигателя. Описана методика экспериментального измерения температуры на стенке осесимметричного канала в камере сгорания двигателя. Математическое моделирование обтекания исследуемой модели двигателя проводилось для скоростей набегающего потока M = 5 ... 7. Начальные и граничные условия задачи соответствовали реальному аэродинамическому эксперименту. Проанализированы результаты численного расчета. Рассмотрено изменение распределения температуры вдоль стенки канала с течением времени. Проведена оценка согласованности полученных экспериментальных данных с результатами математического моделирования. Purpose. The aim of this study is a numerical simulation of unsteady supersonic gas flow in a working path of ramjet engine under conditions identical to aerodynamic tests. Free stream velocity corresponding to Mach numbers M=5 ... 7 are considered. Methodology. Presented study addresses the methods of physical and numerical simulation. The probing device for thermometric that allows to recording the temperature values along the wall of internal duct was proposed. To describe the motion of a viscous heat-conducting gas the unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier - Stokes equations are considered. The flow turbulence is accounted by the modified SST model. The problem was solved in ANSYS Fluent using finite-volume method. The initial and boundary conditions for unsteady calculation are set according to conditions of real aerodynamic tests. The coupled heat transfer for supersonic flow and elements of ramjet engine model are realized by setting of thermophysical properties of materials. The reliability testing of numerical simulation has been made to compare the results of calculations and the data of thermometric experimental tests. Findings. Numerical simulation of aerodynamic tests for ramjet engine was carried out. The agreement between the results of numerical calculations and experimental measurements for the velocity in the channel under consideration was obtained; the error was shown to be 2%. The temperature values were obtained in the area of contact of the supersonic flow with the surface of the measuring device for the external incident flow velocities for Mach numbers M = 5 ... 7. The process of heating the material in the channel that simulated the section of the engine combustion chamber was analyzed. The temperature distribution was studied depending on the position of the material layer under consideration relative to the contact zone with the flow. Value. In the course of the work, the fields of flow around the model of a ramjet engine were obtained, including the region of supersonic flow in the inner part of axisymmetric channel. The analysis of the temperature fields showed that to improve the quality of the results, it is necessary to take into account the depth of the calorimetric sensor. The obtained results will be used to estimate the time of interaction of the supersonic flow with the fuel surface required to reach the combustion temperature.

2000 ◽  
Fahua Gu ◽  
Abraham Engeda ◽  
Mike Cave ◽  
Jean-Luc Di Liberti

Abstract A numerical simulation is performed on a single stage centrifugal compressor using the commercially available CFD software, CFX-TASCflow. The steady flow is obtained by circumferentially averaging the exit fluxes of the impeller. Three runs are made at design condition and off-design conditions. The predicted performance is in agreement with experimental data. The flow details inside the stationary components are investigated, resulting in a flow model describing the volute/diffuser interaction at design and off-design conditions. The recirculation and twin vortex structure are found to explain the volute loss increase at lower and higher mass flows, respectively.

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