scholarly journals Between Earth and Sky: Art and Architecture in Dialogue in the Work of Rui Chafes and Camilo Rebelo

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 483-498
Raffaella Maddaluno

In a former hotel, bought and remodeled by a seed Portuguese producer, in Switzerland, in one of the underground spaces, an architect and a sculptor, also Portuguese, worked together to give life to an egg-shaped space. A space born from the need to give hospitality to a sculpture, Semente by Rui Chafes, has become a pretext for the reflection on numerous themes; the creative and process interaction between art and architecture, the symbolic force of a form like the egg, the possibility of creating a place inside the space and out of time. This collaboration opens the doors to a second chance of project, the client is the same, the place is Portuguese: Grandola, in Alentejo. This time the theme is housing, a concept that brings with it a series of reflections on the relationship between the identity of the person who designs the space and who will then live in it. The collaboration of the two protagonists is measured on this occasion not only with elements experimented in the previous project (the matter, the material, the form), but also with the landscape (its heights, its extensions), with nature (the colors, the smells, the temperature), with the time that will pass and that will put all this to the test. The present text aims to analyze the artistic path of both architect and sculptor, starting from the story of these two occasions in which art and architecture reach a moment of harmonious tangency in the silence and universality of forms. This analysis will reflect on their creative modes, possibly trying to recognize similarities, tangencies or deep divergences. It will also be an opportunity to continue to reflect on the timeless question of the interconnection between art and architecture.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (7) ◽  
pp. 2523-2529
Slobodan Marković ◽  
Zoran Momčilović ◽  
Vladimir Momčilović

This text is an attempt to see sport in different ways in the light of ancient philosophical themes. Philosophy of sports gets less attention than other areas of the discipline that examine the other major components of contemporary society: philosophy of religion, political philosophy, aesthetics, and philosophy of science. Talking about sports is often cheap, but it does not have to be that way. One of the reasons for this is insufficiently paid attention to the relation between sport and philosophy in Greek. That is it's important to talk about sports, just as important as we are talking about religion, politics, art and science. The argument of the present text is that we can try to get a handle philosophically on sports by examining it in light of several key idea from ancient Greek philosophy. The ancient Greeks, tended to be hylomorphists who gloried in both physical and mental achievement. Тhe key concepts from Greek philosophy that will provide the support to the present text are the following: arete, sophrosyne, dynamis and kalokagathia. These ideals never were parts of a realized utopia in the ancient world, but rather provided a horizon of meaning. We will claim that these ideals still provide worthy standards that can facilitate in us a better understanding of what sports is and what it could be. How can a constructive dialogue be developed which would discuss differences in understanding of sport in Ancient Greece and today? In this paper, the authors will try to answer this question from a historical and philosophical point of view. The paper is divided into three sections. The first section of the paper presents two principally different forms or models of focus in sport competitions – focus on physical excellence or focus on game. The dialectic discourse regarding these two approaches to physical activity is even more interesting due to the fact that these two models take precedence over one another depending on context. In the second section of the paper, the focus shifts to theendemic phenomenon of the Ancient Greek Olympic Games, where the topic is discussed from the perspective of philosophy with frequent historical reflections on the necessary specifics, which observeman as a physical-psychological-social-spiritual being. In the third section of this paper, the authors choose to use the thoughts and sayings of the great philosopher Plato to indicate how much this philosopher wasactually interested in the relationship between soul and body, mostly through physical exercise and sport, because it seems that philosophers who came after him have not seriously dealt with this topic in Plato’s way, although they could.

Gökhan Kodalak

There is a peculiar aesthetic undercurrent traversing Baruch Spinoza’s philosophy, harbouring untapped potentials and far-reaching consequences for contemporary discussions on aesthetics. The relationship between aesthetics and Spinoza’s philosophy, however, has been nothing but a huge missed encounter, resulting in the publication of only a few books and a handful of articles throughout a vast period of more than three-and-a-half centuries. Which begs the question: might there be, despite our persistent negligence, much more to the relationship of Spinoza and aesthetics than first meets the eye? I will argue that there might be. For once Spinoza’s philosophy as a whole, ranging from his philosophical and political treatises to his private letters and unfinished manuscripts, is read between the lines, latent seeds of a peculiar aesthetic theory become visible—an aesthetic theory that moves beyond subjective and objective approaches that have come to dominate the field, and rather grounds itself on affective interactions and morphogenetic processes. A subterranean journey through Spinoza’s affective aesthetics constitutes the subject matter of this paper, which interweaves subtle aesthetic hints buried deep within his philosophical archive, while unfolding relevant ramifications of these promising discoveries for the current aesthetic discourse.

2020 ◽  
Vol II (5) ◽  
pp. 107-141
Stela Glaucia Alves Barthel ◽  
Ana Catarina Peregrino Torres Ramos ◽  
Viviane M. Cavalcanti Castro

Cemeteries are socially constructed spaces, understood as museum spaces and have examples of art and architecture that show the changes that occur in societies. The tumular architecture, object and research source of funeral archaeology, takes into account its conceptual and typological progression over time. This article examines architectural styles in seven cemeteries of three cities abroad and two Brazilian cities. Père Lachaise in Paris, Forest Lawn Memorial Park Hollywood Hills in Los Angeles and La Recoleta cemetery in Buenos Aires were analyzed. In Rio de Janeiro, the cemetery São João Batista and in Recife three cemeteries: the Lord Bom Jesus of Redemption - cemetery of Santo Amaro, the cemetery of the English and the Bom Jesus of Arraial, the Cemetery of Casa Amarela. The approach is related to cemiterial studies with the interface of funeral archaeology and tumular architecture. Forty jazigos were analyzed, including some architectural styles. This work raised the characteristics of these deposits, defining the styles employed, showing the relationship between styles and purchasing power with the use of materials and techniques corresponding to the socioeconomic status of the owners of the deposits.

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-31
Endah Irawan ◽  
R.M. Soedarsono ◽  
G.R. Lono L. Simatupang

Penelitian ini difokuskan pada tiga hal yaitu: (1) menemukan ciri-ciri musikal lagu gedé; (2)menunjukkan perbedaan relasi musikal antara lagu gedé dengan pertunjukan wayang golék dankiliningan; dan (3) menunjukkan kompleksitas hubungan garap di dalam lagu gedé, yaitu hubunganantara nyanyian sindén dengan nyanyian alok, rebaban, gambangan, dan kendangan. Penelitianini menggunakan pendekatan etnomusikologis didasarkan pada cara kerja ala Wim van Zanten,yaitu memadukan aspek musikologis dan antropologis. Musik ditempatkan sebagai objek utamasekaligus dasar relasinya dengan persoalan-persoalan kebudayaan dan masyarakat. Hasil penelitianini menunjukkan bahwa lagu gedé menunjukkan peran, proses, interaksi dan kompleksitas garapnyakhusus. Pada sisi pencipta lagu, lagu gedé diakui sebagai pengguritan yang sulit dan langka. Padasisi penyaji, membawakan lagu gedé diperlukan persyaratan seperti: modal vokal bagus, menguasaiperbendaharaan lagu dan laras, terampil menafsir garap lagu dan memberi sénggol-sénggol unik. Denganketiadaan lagu gedé, mutu garap kesenimanan sinden dan pangrawit dan jalinan interaksi kemampuanmusikal di antara pemeran garap vokal, rébab, gambang, dan kéndang mengalami keterbatasan.The Musical Characters of Lagu Gedé Kepesindenan on Sundanese Karawitan. The researchis mainly focused on the three things: (1) to find the musical characteristics of lagu gedé; (2) to show thedifference on the musical relationship of lagu gedé song with a puppet show and kiliningan; (3) to show thecomplexity of the working relationship on lagu gedé, such as the relationship between the singing of Sindenand the hymns of alok, rebaban, gambangan, and kendangan. The ethno musicological approach of lagugedé is based on the work method of Wim van Zanten which is a musical approach with an anthropologicalperspective. The two aspects – musicological and anthropological – are respectively combined. Music isintensively placed as the main object in order to discover the basis of its relation with cultural and socialissues. The results of the research on lagu gedé show the role, process, interaction, and complexity of the musicalinterpretation which are characterized by a slow tempo. From the composer’s point of view or the musicalcomposition, lagu gedé is recognized as a difficult and rare form of pengguritan. From the performers’ pointof view (the sinden or female vocalist and the pangrawit or musician), a number of special skills are requiredin performing lagu gedé. These may include a good voice, a good command of the musical repertoire, tuning,and musical composition, and the ability to interpret the music and provide the unique sénggol-sénggol aswell. By the absence of lagu gedé, there will be more limited quality of interpretation and artistry of thesinden and pangrawit, and the musical skills and interaction among the musicians (such as the vocalist,rébab, gambang, and kéndang players).

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-107
Nafi'ah, Wahyu Hanafi

This study aims to describe the actualization of semantic field theory in the reinterpretation of the hadiths of Islamic economic ethics. This research uses descriptive interpretive method. Actualization of semantic field theory can be explained when want to know the meaning of a word then must know the meaning of the word associated with the previous word. If viewed from the nature of the semantic relationship, then the words are grouped into a semantic field divided into 1). sintagmatic 2). set field (paradigmatic). The results of this study explain 1). Hadiths about Islamic economic ethics narrated by Ahmad and Abu Dawud with the word focus "syafā'at". contains the meaning of "mediator of goodness". The meaning of this "intermediary of goodness" is obtained through the formulation of the syntagmatic field, namely to comprehend a series of semantically interconnected words such as "double and rescue" meaning. Semantically terminology, the meaning of the word hadith is "Whosoever intercedes for a good to his brother, then he is rewarded and received, then he has come to a great door of the doors of usury. 2). Hadith about Islamic economic ethics narrated by Muslims. The word focus of the hadith is the word "gharar" which is semantically interpreted by "deception". The meaning of "deception" is obtained through the formulation of the syntagmatic field, namely by understanding the meaning of words that are still relevant to the word "deception", such as the word "unclear, and syubhat". In semantic terms, the meaning of the hadith is "Rasulullah Saw forbade buying by throwing stones and buying fraud. 3). Hadiths about Islamic economic ethics that Bukhori maintains. The focus word of the hadith is "Najsyi" which is semantically interpreted as "deceiving". The meaning of "deceiving" is derived from the paradigmatic field formulation, ie by understanding the relationship between elements at a certain level and other language elements such as "unclean, dirty, and disease" meaning. In semantic terms, the meaning of the hadith is "That the Messenger of Allah forbade buying by way of deceiving".

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (7) ◽  
pp. 2523-2529
Slobodan Marković ◽  
Zoran Momčilović ◽  
Vladimir Momčilović

This text is an attempt to see sport in different ways in the light of ancient philosophical themes. Philosophy of sports gets less attention than other areas of the discipline that examine the other major components of contemporary society: philosophy of religion, political philosophy, aesthetics, and philosophy of science. Talking about sports is often cheap, but it does not have to be that way. One of the reasons for this is insufficiently paid attention to the relation between sport and philosophy in Greek. That is it's important to talk about sports, just as important as we are talking about religion, politics, art and science. The argument of the present text is that we can try to get a handle philosophically on sports by examining it in light of several key idea from ancient Greek philosophy. The ancient Greeks, tended to be hylomorphists who gloried in both physical and mental achievement. Тhe key concepts from Greek philosophy that will provide the support to the present text are the following: arete, sophrosyne, dynamis and kalokagathia. These ideals never were parts of a realized utopia in the ancient world, but rather provided a horizon of meaning. We will claim that these ideals still provide worthy standards that can facilitate in us a better understanding of what sports is and what it could be. How can a constructive dialogue be developed which would discuss differences in understanding of sport in Ancient Greece and today? In this paper, the authors will try to answer this question from a historical and philosophical point of view. The paper is divided into three sections. The first section of the paper presents two principally different forms or models of focus in sport competitions – focus on physical excellence or focus on game. The dialectic discourse regarding these two approaches to physical activity is even more interesting due to the fact that these two models take precedence over one another depending on context. In the second section of the paper, the focus shifts to theendemic phenomenon of the Ancient Greek Olympic Games, where the topic is discussed from the perspective of philosophy with frequent historical reflections on the necessary specifics, which observeman as a physical-psychological-social-spiritual being. In the third section of this paper, the authors choose to use the thoughts and sayings of the great philosopher Plato to indicate how much this philosopher wasactually interested in the relationship between soul and body, mostly through physical exercise and sport, because it seems that philosophers who came after him have not seriously dealt with this topic in Plato’s way, although they could.

2016 ◽  
pp. 1741-1758
Christine S. Barrow

A qualitative analysis of special education youth who attended school at a recreation center in Brooklyn NY helps provide an understanding of the relationship between alternative high school education and offending. According to Wang and Fredericks (2014), interventions that aim to improve school engagement may promote positive youth development, including reducing involvement in problem behaviors. This study focuses on youth who were at risk for offending due to poor academic performance and previous delinquent involvement. Prior to attending school at this facility, the individuals were previously exposed to an environment that put them at risk for delinquency. This investigation provides support for preventative measures to youth conflict and delinquency by placing them in an environment that promotes pro-social behavior.

Christine S. Barrow

A qualitative analysis of special education youth who attended school at a recreation center in Brooklyn NY helps provide an understanding of the relationship between alternative high school education and offending. According to Wang and Fredericks (2014), interventions that aim to improve school engagement may promote positive youth development, including reducing involvement in problem behaviors. This study focuses on youth who were at risk for offending due to poor academic performance and previous delinquent involvement. Prior to attending school at this facility, the individuals were previously exposed to an environment that put them at risk for delinquency. This investigation provides support for preventative measures to youth conflict and delinquency by placing them in an environment that promotes pro-social behavior.

Aaron Allen

The Incorporation chose to describe themselves as ‘the House’, laying claim to their place as one of the building blocks of a godly society, and emphasising their desire for unity and a common purpose for their brethren. Chapter one will look at the internal relationships within this House, both between craft and craft in a composite incorporation, and between freemen and ‘stallangers’, exploring how certain trades became established while others remained tolerated and licensed unfreemen. The internal craft aristocracy and the oligarchic tendency to be selective in allowing access to corporate privileges led to a particular crisis in the 1690s, when the deacon convener of Edinburgh’s fourteen incorporated trades ordered the doors of Mary’s Chapel shut until arbitration could mend the relationship between the two senior trades of Mary’s Chapel, the masons and the wrights. Still, this divided House managed to survive, despite encroachments of unfree craftspeople and internal disputes.

2020 ◽  
pp. 123-140
LaTonya J. Trotter

This chapter describes the contraction of social work as intrinsic to understanding the story of nursing's expansion. The Forest Grove Elder Services' mandate of coordination and comprehensive management seemed like the perfect setting to showcase social work's expertise. Moreover, the Grove was mandated to hire social workers—a rarity in outpatient health care. Despite its having all the right organizational conditions, the doors of legitimacy never seemed to open for social work. Exploring how this occurred provides an opportunity to consider the relationship between nursing's professional gains and social work's losses. The chapter then shows how the logics and structural conditions that legitimate nursing's expansion are related to those that justified social work's contraction. Physician absence is undoubtedly a necessary condition for nursing's expansion; however, it is not a sufficient one. One must also understand how the NPs' incorporation of social and organizational problems into the clinic came to make more sense than having them resolved within social work.

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