scholarly journals Pemikiran Abdullah An-Na`Im Tentang Teori Evolusi Syari`Ah (Nasakh) Dan Relevansinya Dengan Metode Istinbath Hukum Islam

Dwi Sagita Akbar ◽  
Busyro Busyro ◽  
Afifi Fauzi Abbas

<em>In order to offer a transformative discourse Abdullah Ahmad An-Na'im build a method he called with the evolution of Shari'ah (abrogated). According to him the method can respond to contemporary issues at this time. Because he assumed that abrogating is one of the principal methods and has a wide and high complexity in theology and fiqh (jurisprudence) of Islam. He tries to deconstruct abrogated method and also some methods of ijtihad that had been considered settled by the classical scholar. Abdullah Ahmad An-Na'im radically have done repeated studies against the epistimologi Islamic law as well as the mereformulasi return and customize it with the standard of human rights as well as international law as a benchmark. The method developed by Abdullah Ahmad An-Na'im, he stated three important things that need to be done to realize the abrogating. Text, values of humanity, and logic. He also overestimated human rights, so that a text (paragraph) may be enforced in accordance with human rights. In order to answer the legal issues of contemporary Islam.   </em>

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Salma Salma

The development of Islamic law studies in Indonesia is increasingly interesting to follow. the use of a multidisciplinary approach to Islamic sciences, making the science of Islamic law not only a normative-theological analysis but also integrated with many scientific fields both in the sciences and the humanities. Contemporary global issues require observers and Islamic law reviewers to seriously review Islamic law in depth, one of the global issues that is currently interesting and has become a topic of discussion among many is the issue of the protection of human rights. Human rights formulation in international law cannot be separated from the issue of foreign policy. This paper will conduct a theoretical study of how the concept of Islamic Law itself protects human rights and how it relates to its relationship with post-reform foreign policy. This paper uses a comparative study between legislation and texts (verses) both in the Koran and the hadith, a comparative-critical analysis method makes it easier for the author to find substance in terms of answering the problem statement in this study. The results or conclusions obtained are that human rights are a reflection of carrying out Islamic law in order to realize the nature of universal human benefit. Islam considers that human rights are in accordance with sharia principles, namely protecting one's right to life. This is a strong basis for the study of Islamic law in contributing to the development of human rights principles in the international communityKeywords: Islamic Law, Human Rights, Globalization, International LawPerkembangan kajian hukum Islam di Indonesia makin menarik untuk diikuti. penggunaan pendekatan multidisipliner ilmu-ilmu keislaman, membuat ilmu hukum Islam tidak hanya bersifat normatif-teologis analisanya tapi sudah terintegrasi dengan banyak bidang keilmuan baik ilmu-ilmu sains maupun humaniora. Isu-isu global yang sifatnya kontemporer mengharuskan para pengamat dan pengkaji hukum Islam untuk serius melakukan telaah ulang terhadap ilmu hukum Islam secara mendalam, salah satu isu global yang saat ini menarik dan menjadi perbincangan banyak kalangan adalah soal perlindungan hak asasi manusia. Rumusan HAM dalam hukum internasional tidak bisa dilepaskan dengan persoalan politik luar negeri. Tulisan ini akan melakukan kajian teoritik tentang bagaimana konsep Hukum Islam itu sendiri terhadap perlindungan hak asasi manusia dan bagaimana pula terkait hubungannya dengan politik luar negeri pasca reformasi. Tulisan ini menggunakan studi komparatif antara perundangundangan dengan teks (ayat) baik itu di dalam Al-Quran maupun hadits, metode analisis-kritis komparatif memudahkan penulis menemukan substansi dalam hal untuk menjawab rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini. Hasil atau kesimpulan yang didapat adalah HAM adalah refleksi untuk menjalankan syariat Islam demi mewujudkan hakikat kemaslahatan manusia secara universal. Islam memandang bahwa HAM sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip syariah yakni melindungi hak hidup seseorang. Hal ini merupakan dasar yang kuat untuk kajian hukum Islam dalam memberikan kontribusi pada perkembangan prinsip-prinsip hak asasi manusia di dalam masyarakat internasional.Kata Kunci: Hukum Islam, Hak Asasi Manusia, Globalisasi, Hukum Internasional

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Masthuriyah Sa’dan

In Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), the right to choose a partner for a woman is set by families. This then becomes the spotlight of many circles who argue that fiqh is discriminatory against women. Muslim men have the right to decide with whom to marry. In contrary, Muslim women do not have such a right. Women right is taken over by parents in the name of Islamic law. In the World Conference on Population and Women in Cairo-Egypt in 1994, however, women were proclaimed to have their own reproductive rights that must be protected and maintained. One form of the demands of the reproductive rights is the right of women to determine their own life partner. This paper wants to examine the right to choose a husband for women from the perspective of Islamic law and international law on human rights. Keywords: the right to choose, women, Islamic law, human rights.

Siamak Karamzadeh ◽  
Massoud Alizadeh

The relationship between International Human Rights and Islamic Law has been always an arguable debate at the international level. This issue can be considered by jurists in two aspects. First, from National Law perspective, especially in the countries in which the law, to some extent is affected by Islamic rules. Second, by view of International Law to see that to what extent, there would be compatibility or likely contradiction between human rights norms and Islamic Law.Considering the historical aspect of the issue, this article is suggesting that although from the outset, International Law tried to separate religion from policy, but this historical fact would not prevent theoretical conciliation between religion and Human Rights rules. The review of the content of International Human Rights Law reveals that the rules in the systems in most part are compatible. However, in some cases the incompatibility between these two group pf rules is observed. The existence of different basis under Islamic Law and International Law makes the least difference unavoidable. The constant dialogue between Islamic scholars and publicists can decrease this difference in future.

2003 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-106
Ermin Sinanovic

In this paper, I look into the moral foundation of humanitarian intervention in international law and its Islamic counterpart. My objective is to identify the traits shared by both sets of laws, and to see if the same or similar justification can be used across cultures to reach the same goal. In other words, one goal is to assess the claims that the basis upon which humanitarian intervention is justified has a universal appeal. Both international and Islamic law justify humanitarian intervention on moral grounds. International law bases its justification upon the human rights discourse. Islamic law provides enough bases for legitimizing humanitarian intervention, and Qur’anic verses, scholarly opinions, and Islamic principles provide a sound background for it. Paramount in this task is the concept of human dignity (karamah al-insan). We found no disagreement on this fundamental issue between the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and Islamic law. Human dignity, as understood in international human rights and its Islamic counterpart, thus could form the jus cogens of international law, a common human heritage upon which everybody can agree.

Wolfrum Rüdiger

This chapter examines the influence of international law and Islamic law on the constitutions of Islamic states. It discusses the historical development of the relationship between Islamic law and international law; reference to human rights and international law in the constitutions of Islamic states (Africa, Middle East, and Asia); and the impact of the Sharīʻah on the ratification of international human rights treaties.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 27
Jamhari Jamhari

<p>Abstract: Abdullah An-Na'im is the figure of the modern<br />thinker; his work is a good starting point of radical Islam<br />modernist and fundamentalist position that both of them<br />dominate contemporary thinking in the Islamic world.<br />According to Shari'ah are no longer relevant and no longer<br />adequate for the needs of modern society, it has led to serious<br />problems when dealing with human rights standards. An-Na'im<br />transformed basic understandings of traditional Islamic law. In<br />terms of Shari'ah, An-Na'im advocated a new system of Islamic<br />law which is believed to provide a thorough foundation more in<br />line with Islamic life in the contemporary world. This article<br />will explore formulation in the face of political structures, social<br />order, criminal law, international law and human rights.</p><p><br />ملخص: عبد لله النعیم ھو الرقم المفكر المعاصر؛ عملھ ھو نقطة انطلاق جیدة ل<br />الحداثیة الإسلام المتطرفة و الموقف الأصولي أن كلا منھم تھیمن على التفكیر<br />المعاصر في العالم الإسلامي . وفقا ل أحكام الشریعة الإسلامیة لم تعد مناسبة والتي لم<br />تعد كافیة لتلبیة احتیاجات المجتمع الحدیث، وقد أدى ذلك إلى مشاكل خطیرة عند<br />التعامل مع معاییر حقوق الإنسان. النعیم تتحول التفاھمات الأساسیة للقانون الإسلامي<br />التقلیدي. من ناحیة الشریعة الإسلامیة، دعا النعیم نظام جدید للشریعة الإسلامیة التي<br />یعتقد أنھا توفر أساسا شاملا أكثر انسجاما مع الحیاة الإسلامیة في العالم المعاصر.<br />ھذه المادة سوف تستكشف صیاغة في مواجھة البنى السیاسیة والنظام الاجتماعي،<br />والقانون الجنائي والقانون الدولي و حقوق الإنسان.</p><p>Kata Kunci : Reformasi Syariah, Abdullah An-Na’im</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Muhammad Afdhal Askar

The development of Corruption Crimes has a widespread adverse impact on the lives of Indonesian people life. To stop this, it is needed to be taken a variety of extraordinary efforts including by implementing capital punishment for perpetrators, especially related to criminal acts of corruption that concern to many people that occur when the country is in danger. Even so, not all people agree with the application of capital punishment because it is considered to be conflict with Human Rights, the Constitution of the Republic Indonesia and Pancasila. To analyze these legal issues, various efforts can be taken such as seeing the meaning of the nature of human rights in the perspective of national and international law, interpreting legal norms using appropriate interpretation methods and seeing the existence of capital punishment in the perspective of religious law and customary law. Writing in this study uses a normative juridical approach with the type of data in the form of secondary data which comes from primary legal material and secondary legal material. The writing is done descriptively.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Ahmad Taufiq

The laws contained in the Qur'an still exist that require interpretation and have the potential to develop. Muslims worldwide may be entitled to apply Islamic law, provided it does not violate the rights of other people and groups, both within and outside of the Islamic community. That is, in claiming and using individual and collective rights to self-determination, Muslims must also recognize and guarantee equal rights for others. Abdullah, descriptive-analytical nature. Ahmed An-Naim to answer the gap between shari'ah and issues of modernity . Shari'a decontructions are used for Islamic legal issues using the Knife of Analysis used first by Mahmud Thaha's Theory of Law Evolution, the second nasikh mansukh theory, the third  Makiyyah and Madaniyah, the fourth the interpretation of the gender-based text, the fifth concept of shari'a on human rights

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 198
Abu Dzarrin Al-Hamidy

<p>This article deals with the issue of homosexuality from the perspective of human rights international law and Islamic law, particularly in the view of Mashood Baderin. The result of understanding towards human rights international law as well as towards Islamic law as the blessings for the universe places human beings in the most respected position. However, there emerge the phenomenon of non-mainstream sexual orientation, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT). In the perspective of Mashood Baderin, who portrays human rights international law and Islamic law on the principles of equality and justice, these LGBTs have their rights, as they are also human beings that should be respected due to their human dignity. It is inhumane to discriminate and condemn them. They should receive proportional treatment from the state so that their civil rights are guaranteed. However, with regard to their sexual orientation Islamic law prohibits the same sex marriage or other forbidden sexual relations</p>

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