scholarly journals Hadarat in Tual City Maluku: The Role of Arab Al-Katiri in Integration of Islam and Local Culture

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Usman Nomay ◽  
Jamain Warwefubun

<p>This paper examines the hadarat tradition as part of integrating Islam with local culture by the Al-Katiri Arab group in Tual City. Attendance is a unique ritual that the people of Tual City carry out in celebrating religious holidays such as Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, weddings, circumcisions, and other religious activities. The community conducts friendship around the village while dancing accompanied by chanting <em>shalawat</em> to the Prophet Muhammad with music (tambourine) in the hadarat. This article uses a qualitative descriptive method, with observations, interviews, and documentation as the data collection techniques. This article shows that the Al-Katiri Arab community played a role in the spread of Islam in Tual City through trade routes and social and cultural approaches. The descendants of the marriage between the Arab al-Katiri group and the Kei Community of Tual City have been considered one part of the Kei community of Tual City. The information was obtained using historical research methods. Appreciating the culture of the Kei people of Tual City as a form of preaching the spread of Islam is the key to the success of the Al-Katiri Arab group living in harmony amid society with local cultural traditions.</p><p><em>Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang tradisi hadarat sebagai bagian dari strategi mengintegrasikan Islam dengan kebudayaan lokal oleh kelompok Arab Al-Katiri di Kota Tual. Hadarat menjadi sebuah ritual unik yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Kota Tual dalam merayakan hari besar keagamaan seperti Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Hari Raya Idul Adha, perkawinan, khitanan, dan kegiatan keagamaan lainnya. Masyarakat melakukan silaturahim mengelilingi kampung sambil menari diiringi lantunan shawat kepada Nabi Muhammad dengan musik (rebana) dalam hadarat. Artikel ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi sebagai Teknik pengumpulan datanya. Hasil peneltian artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa komunitas Arab Al-Katiri berperan dalam penyebaran agama Islam di Kota Tual, melalui jalur perdagangan dan pendekatan sosial dan budaya. Keturunan dari hasil pernikahan antara kelompok Arab al-Katiri dengan Masyarakat Kei Kota Tual sudah dianggap sebagai satu bagian dengan masyarakat Kei Kota Tual. Informasi tersebut didapatkan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah. Menghargai kebudayaan masyarakat Kei Kota Tual sebagai suatu bentuk dakwah penyebaran agama Islam merupakan kunci kesuksesan kelompok Arab Al-Katiri hidup rukun di tengah-tengah masyarakat dengan tradisi budaya lokal. </em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 358-375
Desi Karlina

Globalization has resulted in a shift in human morals, marked by the many cases of moral deviations that are rife in various parts of Indonesia so that the application of spiritual attitudes has not been maximized. The attitude of dishonesty is shown by the number of students who cheat on the test, and the attitude of indiscipline is shown by the number of students who are late so that the application of social attitudes does not seem to be visible. The role of PAI teachers is considered quite important for the development of these two attitudes. At SMPN 1 Darussalam, PAI teachers have played a role in fostering spiritual and social attitudes. Big. This research was conducted with a field study using a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews and documentation. The results showed the role of PAI teachers in fostering spiritual attitudes by praying before and after lessons, praying in congregation, doing charity activities every Friday, and religious activities. The role of PAI teachers in fostering social attitudes is carried out through social service activities, visiting the Disabled Foundation and nursing homes, getting used to the 3S (smile, greeting, greeting), reporting to the teacher what items are found, punishing students who are late. Factors supporting the role of Islamic Education teachers in fostering spiritual and social attitudes are seen from adequate school facilities in the form of female/male prayer rooms, learning media such as LCD, the use of active methods. While the inhibiting factors include the lack of adequate facilities, especially LCDs, the lack of interest in teachers and knowledge, and the lack of interest in students to improve themselves.

2018 ◽  
Jurnal ARISTO ◽  
Muhammad Fadli ◽  
Muh. Kausar Bailusy ◽  
Jayadi Nas ◽  
Achmad Zulfikar

This research aims to illustrate and analyze the role of local elites in increasing voter participation and impact of local elite involvement in North Toraja District Head Vice Regent and Vice Regent 2015 by using qualitative descriptive method. Data were obtained by using interviews as well as literature and document studies.The results indicate that local elites play a role in increasing participation in Pilkada in North Toraja according to their capacity. Local political elites socialize candidate pairs, become campaign teams and volunteer teams of candidates for regent / vice bupati candidates. Religious figures become part of the election organizers and socialize the implementation of Pilkada through religious activities. Adat leaders play a role by utilizing the charisma owned socialize information Pilkada to the community, build communication with the candidate pair then support it in the elections.The involvement of local elites in the implementation of North Sulawesi District Head Vice Regent and Vice Regent 2015 has a significant impact on the political participation of the community. Increasing the political participation of the people in Pilkada is not solely because of the involvement of local elites in disseminating information on Regional Head Election. However, there are other motivating factors that enable the community to actively participate, namely (1) to be given material rewards (including piloting gambling activities) and (2) the religious sentiments of one of the candidate pairs on religious leaders in worship activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
Lutfin Haryanto ◽  
Abas Oya ◽  
Jessy Parmawati Atmaja

Pluralism is a view of life in understanding, acknowledging and accepting the existence of pluralism and diversity in a community group. The people of Donggo, Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara have different religious beliefs, in which there are different cultures and customs. There are three religions that developed in Palama Village 2, Nggerukopa hamlet, Donggo District, namely Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. With a variety of religious beliefs, of course, each individual community has different desires, and this can lead to conflict between individuals in the community, for this reason it is necessary to understand pluralism which refers to the meaning of tolerance in order to live in harmony, to unite the diversity of a nation. The formulation of the problem raised in this study is how is the form of religious harmony in the Donggo custom community? The formulation of the problem raised. The purpose of this study is to find out the pluralism of the Donggo custom people in maintaining religious harmony. Researchers obtain data in this study is from observation, interviews and documentation. The data were analyzed by qualitative descriptive method. Based on the results of the study it was found that the forms of harmony of the Donggo custom people in maintaining religious harmony were cua kaco'i angi (mutual respect), doho kaboro weki (sitting together), inga dasa uma (helping to build a house), batu rawi rasa (participating in events) and tio kasama weki rasa ra dana (guarding with the village). Thus, the researcher concludes that the Donggo custom people in Nggerukopa really care for their religious harmony in any form to continue to live in harmony with each other.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Devi Nur Puspitasari ◽  
Hardi Warsono ◽  
Ida Hayu DM

BUMDesa activities are inseparable from community empowerment which aims to accommodate all community activities in the economic sector and as an alternative to poverty alleviation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the processes and factors supporting the empowerment of village communities carried out by BUMDesa Tirta Mandiri so that they get many achievements. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive research design. The research results show that the success of Ponggok Village is not obtained instantly but through a series of community empowerment processes. The role of the village government is very influential in the success of BUMDesa because it is not tired of conducting literacy studies by cooperating with academics and consultants. Various innovations were also developed to be able to compete and keep up with the times, therefore other village-level economic institutions such as Pokdarwis Wanua Tirta and UKM Nila Murni are collaborating with them to be more active in empowering the people of Ponggok Village.Keywords: BUMDesa, Community Empowerment, Ponggok Village

Nanang Mizwar Hasyim

This article explores the village independent of Panggungharjo through developed communication. Based on the qualitative-descriptive method, it can be a result of a new perspective on independent village development. The development of communication by the stronger local leadership can be Panggungharjo Village entrance of the nomination of the better village in Indonesia for Village-Owned Enterprises (Badan Usaha Milik Desa) on developing of institutional governance. Leadership as a local strongman has established to analyze framing on the role of communication with the people. The participation can be conducted to developing programs on physically and unphysically. This paper founded on social services programs (education, health, and economic) and better central both effective and efficiency on Village-Owned Entreprises management. This enterprise can be economic productivity increasingly. In adding of village budgeting from the result of economic productivity on access and planning social programs more accessible for societies. Artikel ini mengeksplorasi kemandirian Desa Panggungharjo melalui komunikasi pembangunan. Hal ini dilandasi oleh prestasi Desa Panggungharjo yang berhasil menjadi desa mandiri. Melalui metode kualitatif-deskriptif dapat menghasilkan satu perspektif baru dalam pembangunan desa mandiri. Ternyata, komunikasi pembangunan yang diciptakan oleh kekuatan leadership lokal mampu menjadikan Panggungharjo masuk nominasi desa terbaik di Indonesia dalam pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDesa). Leadership sebagai local strongman telah membingkai framing analisis dalam pola komunikasi dengan masyarakat. Dengan komunikasi efektif menghasilkan masyarakat yang pasif menjadi lebih aktif. Hal ini terlihat dengan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam setiap program pembangunan. Partisipasi tersebut telah mampu menjalankan program-program pembangunan yang bersifat fisik maupun non fisik. Temuan penelitian yang paling menonjol adalah program pelayanan sosial (pendidikan, kesehatan, dan ekonomi) tersentral dengan baik melalui pengelolaan BUMDesa secara efektif dan efisien. BUMDesa menjadi motor penggerak pelayanan karena pendapatan secara ekonomis setiap tahun terus meningkat. Kondisi ini menjadikan pendapatan desa semakin bertambah. Dengan penambahan anggaran desa dari hasil produktifitas ekonomi semakin mempermudah akses dan perencanaan program pelayanan sosial bagi masyarakat.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
Try agung Handaya putra ◽  
Agus Tinus ◽  
Nurbani Yusuf

AbstrakUpacara Larungan merupakan salah satu tradisi peninggalan leluhur yang diwujudkan dengan melarungkan sesaji ke Telaga Ngebel. Tradisi ini dilaksanakan setiap satu tahun sekali pada tanggal 1 Suro atau 1 Muharram. Tujuan dilaksanakannya larungan ini adalah sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa atas berkah yang telah diberikan. Upacara larungan tersebut memiliki makna mendalam bagi masyarakat Ngebel, karena masyarakat percaya akan datangnya malapetaka apabila tidak melaksanakannya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) partisipasi masyarakat dalam upacara larungan, (2) kearifan lokal upacara larungan dapat mewujudkan harmonisasi sosial masyarakat, (3) peran pemerintah desa dalam mencegah konflik dengan memanfaatkan kearifan lokal upacara larungan.Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah Pemerintah Desa Ngebel, tokoh masyarakat Desa Ngebel dan masyarakat Desa Ngebel. Pengumpulan data dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah data reduction, data display, dan conclusion drawing/verification. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) partisipasi masyarakat Desa Ngebel dalam upacara larungan tergolong aktif dibuktikan dengan keikutsertaan masyarakat dalam rangkain kegiatan yang sudah disusun oleh panitia pelaksana; (2) nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang terkandung dalam upacara larungan antara lain: nilai religi, nilai hiburan, nilai kekerabatan, nilai keindahan dan nilai simbolik. Kearifan lokal dalam upacara larungan memiliki kekuatan untuk menumbuhkan rasa persatuan sehingga membuat persaudaraan masyarakat semakin kuat yang menjadikan masyarakat dapat hidup damai dan harmonis; (3) nilai kearifan lokal dalam upacara larungan yang menjunjung semangat persatuan dimanfaatkan pemerintah desa dan stakeholders dalam menyelesaikan konflik yang timbul di masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Kearifan Lokal, Upacara Larungan, dan Harmonisasi AbstractUpacara Larungan is one of the ancestral heritage that is realized by washed away the offerings to Telaga Ngebel. this tradition is carried out once every year on the 1st of Suro or 1st Muharram. The purpose of doing this ban is as an expression of gratitude to the all-powerful God for the blessings that have been given. The upacara larungan has deep meaning for Ngebel society, because people believe it will come disastrous if not implement it.This study aims to describe: (1) community participation in upacara larungan, (2) local wisdom of upacara larungan can realize social harmonization of society, (3) role of village government in preventing conflict by exploiting local wisdom of upacara larungan.This research uses qualitative research with descriptive method. The data sources used are Ngebel Village Government, Ngebel village community leaders and Ngebel Village community. Data collection was collected by interview, documentation and observation techniques. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, display data, and conclusion drawing/verification.The results of the study showed (1) the participation of Ngebel Village communities in the upacara larungan is classified as actively evidenced by the participation of the community in the series of activities that have been prepared by the organizing committe; (2) the values of local wisdom contained in the upacara larungan include: religious value, entertainmen value, kinship value, beauty value and siymbolic value. Local wisdom in the upacara larungan has the power to foster a sense of unity that makes the community fraternity stronger that makes the people can live in peace and harmony; (3) the value of local wisdom in the upacara larungan that upholds the spirit of unity utilized by the village government and stakeholders in resolving conflicts arising in the community. Keywords:Local Wisdom, Upacara Larungan, and Harmonization

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 301
Muhammad Fadli ◽  
Muh. Kausar Bailusy ◽  
Jayadi Nas ◽  
Achmad Zulfikar

This research aims to illustrate and analyze the role of local elites in increasing voter participation and impact of local elite involvement in North Toraja District Head Vice Regent and Vice Regent 2015 by using qualitative descriptive method. Data were obtained by using interviews as well as literature and document studies.The results indicate that local elites play a role in increasing participation in Pilkada in North Toraja according to their capacity. Local political elites socialize candidate pairs, become campaign teams and volunteer teams of candidates for regent / vice bupati candidates. Religious figures become part of the election organizers and socialize the implementation of Pilkada through religious activities. Adat leaders play a role by utilizing the charisma owned socialize information Pilkada to the community, build communication with the candidate pair then support it in the elections.The involvement of local elites in the implementation of North Sulawesi District Head Vice Regent and Vice Regent 2015 has a significant impact on the political participation of the community. Increasing the political participation of the people in Pilkada is not solely because of the involvement of local elites in disseminating information on Regional Head Election. However, there are other motivating factors that enable the community to actively participate, namely (1) to be given material rewards (including piloting gambling activities) and (2) the religious sentiments of one of the candidate pairs on religious leaders in worship activities.

Boiolifu Bu’ulolo

Orahu is a tradition of deliberation which is well known in the life system of the people of South Nias, especially in the areas of Maniamölö, Onolalu, To'ene and Mazinö. Orahu is carried out in every important activity in the community, for example discussing problems related to the village, death events, weddings, Fa'ulu and Mambu Ana'a parties (ceremony to increase social status or traditional parties) and others. Orahu to a large extent is called Orahua Mbanua, and is usually performed at Ewali Sawolo or Ewali Orahua (the courtyard in front of the house of the most influential nobleman or Balö Ji'ulu). The Orahua Mbanua was followed by the Si'ulu (nobles), Si'ila (traditional leaders) and Ono Mbanua (the whole community). This research was aimed at describing as well as revealing the local wisdoms of Orahu. This research applied qualitative descriptive method. The data in this study were collected using interview techniques and literature study. The research results shows that Orahu tradition emphasizes on the solidarity and wise decision taking which become a very important aspect in the life system of Nias people. It was in this open forum that all village problems were discussed, and decided how to handle them.  In ancient times, Orahu was also used as a trial and for determining punishment for violators of village customs. Orahu is usually done at the bale (village meeting hall), but to a lesser extent, it can also be carried out at home.

Language means to give opponents meaningful speeches so that they can be understood and understood because in language, of course, requires excellent and correct linguistic tools. This study aims to analyze the deixis of the people of the village of Rante Gola, Bonegunu District, North Buton Regency. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method carried out by not prioritizing the numbers, but prioritizes the depth of appreciation of the interaction between the concepts being studied independently. The population in this study was the community of Rante Gola Village, Bonegunu District, North Buton Regency, the sample in this study amounted to 14 people. Data collection techniques in this study were recorded and recording techniques. Based on the approach used, the data analysis method used is the contextual method. The contextual way is a method of analysis that is applied to data by basing, calculating, and linking contexts. The results of the above research are deixis found in the Kulisusu Dialect of the Rante Gola Village Community, Bonegunu District, North Buton Regency, namely six types, namely: Deiksis People or Persona, place, time, discourse, social, and pointer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 120
Syifa'ul Qulub ◽  
Aribowo Aribowo

This study focuses on the motives of community participation in collective action in the form of displacement over the function of forest land in Solokuro Village, Lamongan Regency. The researcher used a qualitative descriptive method with the aim to explore the findings. For the theoretical framework, the researcher chose Mancur Olson's collective action theory in exploring the phenomenon of collective movement. This theory explains the motives of individual participation in collection activities, supported by individual’s interests. For communities who have lost their lands, they surely will be involved the collective actions with the hope that they will obtain the land permit back. For society in general, their participation in the movement was aimed to fight for the access of village road. The participation of community leaders and NGOs had purpose to obtain social incentives. Collective action conducted by the people of Solokuro Village succeeded in driving the developer out of the village forest land as a form of collective purposes and it can be seen when the community obtained the forest management permit back, namely Social Forestry Decree.

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