scholarly journals Hospitalias Kristen Dalam kegiatan rohani terhadap pertumbuhan iman ditengah covid-19

2021 ◽  
Mewa Artika Sura' Paembonan

Dunia saat ini sedang menghadapi pandemi yang disebabkan oleh SARS-CoV-2 (virus Corona) dan infeksinya yang disebut COVID-19. Infeksi virus ini awalnya ditemukan di Wuhan, Cina pada Desember 2019 dan telah menyebar dengan cepat ke berbagai belahan dunia. Di awal kemunculannya, virus ini mendapat beragam respons yang muncul dari masyarakat Indonesia. Sebagian mulai berhati-hati dan menerapkan pola hidup sehat, tetapi lebih banyak yang tidak peduli dan terkesan meremehkan; bahkan menjadikan virus ini sebagai bahan candaan. . Bahkan ketika COVID-19 mulai menyebar dengan cepat ke berbagai daerah dan beberapa negara telah menutup akses keluar masuk, pemerintah dan warga Indonesia masih terkesan santai dan kurang melakukan tindakan pencegahan terhadap virus ini. Dengan munculnya berbagai masalah karena adanya pandemi Covid-19 yang dimana salah satunya adalah dalam melakukan berbagai kegiatan rohani, peraturan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah dalam membatasi banyak kegiatan yang termasuk adalah ibadah yang dilaksanakan di rumah masing-masing. Abstract The world is currently facing a pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 (Corona virus) and its infection called COVID-19. This viral infection was originally discovered in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and has spread rapidly to various parts of the world. At the beginning of its appearance, this virus received various responses from the Indonesian people. Some started to be careful and adopt a healthy lifestyle, but more people did not care and seemed to be belittling; even making this virus a joke. . Even when COVID-19 began to spread rapidly to various regions and several countries had closed access in and out, the government and Indonesian citizens still seemed relaxed and did not take precautions against this virus. With the emergence of various problems due to the Covid-19 pandemic, one of which is carrying out various spiritual activities, regulations issued by the government limit many activities including worship that is carried out in their respective homes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 580-591
Deepak Subedi ◽  
Suman Bhandari ◽  
Saurav Pantha ◽  
Uddab Poudel ◽  
Sumit Jyoti ◽  

African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious viral infection of domestic and wild pigs with high mortality. First reported in East Africa in the early 1900s, ASF was largely controlled in domestic pigs in many countries. However, in recent years ASF outbreaks have been reported in several countries in Europe and Asia. The occurrence of ASF in China, the largest pork producer in the world, in 2018 and in India, the country that surrounds and shares open borders with Nepal, has increased the risk of ASF transmission to Nepal. Lately, the pork industry has been growing in Nepal, overcoming traditional religious and cultural biases against it. However, the emergence of viral infections such as ASF could severely affect the industry's growth and sustainability. Because there are no effective vaccines available to prevent ASF, the government should focus on preventing entry of the virus through strict quarantine measures at the borders, controls on illegal trade, and effective management practices, including biosecurity measures.

Gabriel B. Iwasokun

The corona virus disease, otherwise known as COVID-19, is an extremely communicable and pathogenic viral infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and has spread to almost all the countries in the world. The transmission of the virus is through touching of the nose, eyes, or mouth by a finger that has been contaminated through droplets on a surface when a carrier sneezes or coughs. Since the existing fingerprint devices are predominantly contact based, it implies that they can aid in the transmission of the virus. This paper discusses the application of fingerprint devices in notable places with high rate of COVID-19 infection as well as the threats to fingerprint technologies and the countermeasures. The need to change focus and orientation towards contactless biometric technologies as sure solution to the fear and animosity expressed towards contact-based fingerprint technology is also expatiated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-143
Rif’at Ayu Wijdan Irham ◽  
A. Khawarizmi Siregar ◽  
Hasse Jubba

This paper aims to see how the response of Muslims and the government related to the Covid-19 pandemic that occurred throughout the world. This research is a qualitative study of document studies using sources consisting of publications. Muslims believe in this pandemic originating from Allah SWT, but Muslims are expected not to react to it too much and make this phenomenon to increase the capital of God for the Almighty God, Islamic jurisprudence can help find solutions to overcome it. Covid-19 Pandemic. The government as a leader in this country has implemented a policy related to the reduction of Covid-19. Many people who respond to the policies set by the government do not believe also because they oppose the government because of the lack of education by the government and Indonesian religious leaders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Mukharom Mukharom ◽  
Havis Aravik

AbstractThis study discusses the corona virus that occurred in parts of the world, including Indonesia to find solutions in the form of policies issued by the government, with reference to events in the time of the Prophet Muhammad, including his policy in dealing with outbreaks in the masses, this research is descriptive qualitative using primary and secondary data related to the history of the Prophet Muhammad in solving infectious disease cases. The results of this study indicate that the corona virus outbreak was not much different from the conditions in the mass of the Prophet Muhammad, by the presence of the bubonic plague and leprosy at that time. The policy is to quarantine the area both inside and outside the area, so it does not spread. In the current context, related to Covid 19 cases, lockdown or social distance solutions, including finding the anti-virus immediately, so that it can treat and stop its spread. Keywords: Policy, Viruses, Corona, Lockdown. Social distance. Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas tentang Virus corona yang terjadi di belahan dunia, termasuk Indonesia untuk menemukan solusi dalam bentuk kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah, dengan merujuk pada kejadian di masa Rasulullah Muhammad, termasuk kebijakannya dalam mengatasi wabah pada massa itu, penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder yang berhubungan dengan sejarah Nabi Muhammad dalam menyelesaikan kasus penyakit menular. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa wabah virus corona tidak jauh beda dengan kondisi di massa Rasulullah Muhammad Saw, dengan adanya wabah pes dan lepra pada saat itu. Kebijakannya adalah melakukan karantina wilayah baik ke dalam maupun keluar wilayah, sehingga tidak menyebar. Dalam konteks saat ini, terkait kasus covid 19, lokckdown atau social distance solusinya, termasuk segera menemukan anti virusnya, sehingga dapat mengobati dan menghentikan penyebarannya.Kata Kunci: Kebijakan, Virus, Corona, Lockdown. Social distance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-146
Desy Tri Anggarini ◽  
Ani Rakhmanita

WHO establishes coronavirus (coronavirus disease, COVID-19), as the Public Health Anxiety of the World on January 30, 2020. The increase in countries affected by the Covid-19 virus is widespread throughout the world such as America, Spain and Italy making the world economic situation even more get worse. Some institutions predict the weakening of the world economy. The contraction of the global economy is still ongoing, uncertainty in the global financial markets has declined as the sluggish spread of COVID-19. The limitation of economic activity as a step for handling COVID-19 risks reducing global economic growth in 2020. Research on Government Policy for  Economic Recovery and handling  COVID-19 Virus in Indonesia, taking stimulus from fiscal and monetary policies undertaken by the Bank Indonesian , Ministry of Finance and Regulations Government 2020, with descriptive qualitative research methods using secondary data such as literature books, review studies from the internet and policies from the government and related ministries. The results of this study have carried out monetary policy through Bank Indonesia, and fiscal policy through the Ministry of finance and supported by Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of the National Economic Recovery Program in the Context of Supporting State Financial Policies for Handling the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) and / or Facing Threats That Harm National Economy and / or Financial System Stability and Save the National Economy. Keywords: Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, Covid -19, Corona Virus

Achintya Bhattacharyya ◽  
Dipak Bhowmik ◽  
Joy Mukherjee

AbstractThe problem of facing difficulty to control the spreading of newly detected novel corona virus 2019 is a matter of attention throughout the whole world. The total numbers of infected individuals have already crossed 2 million throughout the world. The government of all the affected countries have already taken many measures like lockdown to stop the spread. Therefore, it is important to study the nature of growth and interpretations are necessary for taking needful by the government. In this paper, we have tried to interpret the spreading capability of novel corona virus in India taking into consideration of 21 days lockdown data. The prediction is based on the present number of available cases and number of new cases reporting daily. We have explained the number of infected people in India comparing with Italy, China, Spain, and USA data of 21 days individually after announcing lockdown. The plot of daily new cases with the number of days spent after lockdown is fitted by linear and polynomial function. The best fitted graph is chosen for interpretation and that is based on the parameters obtained from fitting. The forecast of maximum spreading possibility is discussed with linear and 4-degree polynomial fitting parameters. Finally, some further preventive measurements are also discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 178
Dwi Kartika Pebrianti ◽  
Armina Armina

The case of the Corona Virus is known through a mysterious disease that paralyzed the City of Wuhan, China. The tragedy at the end of 2019 has continued until the spread of the Corona virus has spread throughout the world. Quoted from CNN, here are some things that must be known about the development of the Corona virus, which is commonly called the Corona virus or COVID-19, until it broke out and became a pandemic. Everyone needs to maintain mental health to avoid physical complaints that arise due to stress. Because when someone is stressed, the immune system in the body will decrease. This will cause the body to be susceptible to disease. Realizing that anxiety due to COVID-19 has pervaded many communities, the World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2020 released a guide for people to jointly maintain mental health. Through community service activities by directly interacting with the community while still implementing the COVID-19 protocol, socialization was carried out about the importance of maintaining mental health in the community during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Community service at RT 30 Recognize Besar, the community can know, recognize and overcome how to recognize mental health disorders including anxiety and depression, it is hoped that the community will always think optimistically in facing the Covid-19 pandemic, by implementing health protocols, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, always think positively, maintain communication with family and friends

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-113
Riska Hediya Putri ◽  
Feri Kameliawati ◽  
Surmiasih Surmiasih ◽  
Inggit Primadevi

ABSTRAK Pandemi Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) mewabah ke seluruh dunia sejak awal tahun 2020 dan membawa dampak yang signifikan bagi kehidupan manusia di seluruh dunia. Wilayah di tanah air memberlakukan PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) yang menyebabkan sekolah dan tempat kerja diliburkan, kegiatan keagamaan atau ibadah bersama dibatasi dan kegiatan-kegiatan di tempat umum atau fasilitas publik juga dibatasi. Menilik himbauan dari pemerintah agar masyarakat tetap tinggal di rumah dan menjaga jarak sosial atau social distancing yang saat ini istilahnya diubah menjadi physical distancing oleh WHO. Physical distancing adalah hal yang hampir tidak mungkin dilakuakan oleh anak usia dini sebab dunia anak adalah dunia bermain dengan kecenderungan anak untuk berinteraksi secara langsung. Metode kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan terapi bermain ular tangga. Tujuan kegiatan ini memberi pengertian kepada anak tentang adaptasi kebiasan baru melalui cara yang menyenangkan, salah satunya melalui terapi bermain. Perbedaan pengetahuan anak sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan pendidikan kesehatan dengan media bermain ular tangga dan lebih berpengaruh dalam peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap anak mengenai 3M, terutama pada pertanyaan tanda dan gejala corona virus dan penting tidaknya memakai masker, adanya peningkatan presentasi sekitar 67%. Oleh karena itu terapi bermain ular tangga lebih banyak memberikan rangsangan terhadap anak dan sesuai dengan keinginan anak yakni bermain. Kata Kunci: Covid-19, New Normal, Terapi Bermain  ABSTRACT Coronavirus Disease Pandemic 2019 (COVID-19) has spread to the world since the beginning of 2020 and has had a significant impact on human life around the world. Areas in the country impose PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) that cause schools and workplaces to be closed, religious activities or worship together are restricted and activities in public places or public facilities are also restricted. Considering the appeal from the government for people to stay at home and maintain social distance or social distancing which is currently the term changed to physical distancing by WHO. Physical distancing is almost impossible for early childhood to do because the world of children is a world of play with a tendency for children to interact directly. This method of community service activities is done with therapy playing snake ladder. The purpose of this activity gives understanding to children about the adaptation of new habits through fun ways, one of which is through play therapy. Differences in children's knowledge before and after health education activities with the medium of playing snake ladder and more influential in increasing the child's knowledge and attitude about 3M, especially on the question of signs and symptoms of corona virus and the importance of not wearing a mask, there was an increase in presentation of about 67%. Therefore, the therapy of playing snakes stairs provides more stimulation to the child and in accordance with the child's wishes, namely, play. Keywords: Covid-19, New Normal, Play Therapy

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 111-116

Kenya is one of those countries in the world suffering from the deadly Corona virus and its economy is greatly affected. There is therefore a need for the Kenyan government to put measures in place to break the chain of spreading the virus by enforcing nationwide curfew, boarder lockdown of the most affected counties and stay and work from home measures. The Ministry of health alongside its stakeholders had to quickly set up various mechanisms to counter the disease. The government took drastic steps to curb the spread of the pandemic by closing down learning institutions, entertainment joints, eateries and public gathering including funerals. Church services and weddings were temporarily banned too. This was to break the chain and reduce the spread of the virus and if possible completely eliminate the Covid-19 in the country. Due to the urgency of the matter, leaders needed to embrace new ways of doing things and have a vision clearly spelt and well understood approach. On the other hand, leaders in charge of communication needed to verify their facts and not be too quick to call for press conferences to ensure that channels of communications were open to all in order to avoid speculations that results in lack of trust if things are not done in a transparent way.

Md. Lutfor Rahman Shimanta ◽  
Hridoy Gope ◽  
Israt Jahan Sumaiya

The outbreak of Corona Virus effected negatively on the world’s economy which has already touched the maximum sectors. Readymade garments sector has the large contribution in Bangladesh’s economy. For increasing the locked down period, it is hitting badly by stopping production and cancellation of orders with some issues. This paper will represent the brief scenario and impacts of garments sector in recent days and the economy status of Bangladesh for the pandemic. The study is based on secondary data, collected from different authentic journals and web portals etc. Bangladesh’s garments earnings mostly depended on export but on these days, the buyers are cancelling their orders and the factories are being failed to give payments to the worker, some are being shut down also. As the duration of locked down is increasing, there is a huge chance to get unemployed and Bangladesh can be faced an undisciplined condition in near future. BGMEA and BKMEA are taking necessary steps to support the worker. Ensuring health security, the authorities are trying to reopen the factories limitedly to meet up the immediate needs. The government has taken the situation on most priority and introduce some improvement packages to run the economy smoothly and reduce the losses of the country for the pandemic.

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