scholarly journals Kinerja Kelompok Penyelenggara Pemungutan Suara Pemungutan Suara Ulang pada PEMILU 2019 di Kota Tebing Tinggi

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 214-230
Dian Husri Hurasan ◽  
Muryanto Amin ◽  
Hatta Ridho

This research was motivated by the Re-Voting (PSU) and the Election Result Dispute (PHPU) lawsuit that colored the 2019 Election in Tebing Tinggi City. The performance of the Voting Organizer Group (KPPS) for the 2019 election in Tebing Tinggi City was questioned when the two problems initially stemmed from a mistake by KPPS at the polling station. To prove the performance of KPPS in Tebing Tinggi, the researcher analyzed the performance of KPPS in Kota Tebing Tinggi with 6 (six) indicators proposed by Robbins, namely: Quality, Quantity, Punctuality, Effectiveness, Independence, and work commitment. Because the performance of the organizers is part of the integrity of the election, the researcher uses the integrity theory of Frank and Martinez i Coma, which states that the performance of the organizing body can technically improve the integrity of the election and there is recognition of independence and Pippa Norris who examines the integrity of elections from the field of public management, namely examines electoral integrity using the concepts of electoral maladministration and 'good governance' which emphasizes technical capability and efficient performance, as well as electoral processes and procedures. This study found that although the Tebing Tinggi City KPPS has tried its best in carrying out its duties, the Tebing Tinggi City KPPS's performance is not good, this is due to several factors, namely: 1. Requirements regarding restrictions on serving as KPPS twice, 2. Minimal technical guidance and ineffective, 3. The logistical chaos of the 2019 election, 4. The complexity of the administration of the 2019 election, 5. The workload of the 2019 election that causes Human Error.

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-142
A. Budi Santosa

Budget implementation in government agencies has not been effective even though legislation has mandated that performance-based budgeting should be implemented gradually starting in 2005. Some researches on budgeting found a disregard for the prerequisites for the successful implementation of performance-based budgeting, which includes participation, competence, and the clear documents and budgeting procedures. In Indonesia, the reform of budgeting begins with the issuance of Act No. 17 of 2003 on State Finance and Act No. 25 of 2004 on National Development Planning System, which is a product of legislation that became a milestone of reform in national planning and budgeting. In universities in Indonesia budget management system changes begins to be applied especially after the implementation of autonomy in the management of higher education institutions, namely since the issuance of Government Regulation on Higher Education as State-Owned Legal Entity (BHMN), Public Service Agency (BLU), even the latter leads to the State University-Owned Legal Entity(PTN-BH). The change of financial management is not without reason, but is intended to more financial management of performance-oriented, transparent and accountable, the estuary of the increasing good governance. Pelaksanaan anggaran di instansi pemerintah selama ini belum efektif, padahal undang-undang telah mengamanatkan bahwa pelaksanaan penganggaran berbasis kinerja hendaknya dapat dilaksanakan secara bertahap mulai tahun 2005. Beberapa hasil penelitian tentang penganggaran menunjukan adanya pengabaian terhadap prasayarat keberhasilan pelaksanaan penganggaran berbasis kinerja, yang antara lain ditentukan oleh faktor-faktor pendukung seperti partisipasi, kompetensi, dan adanya kelengkapan dokumen dan prosedur penganggaran secara jelas. Di Indonesia, reformasi bidang penganggaran diawali dengan terbitnya Undang-undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2003 tentang Keuangan Negara Undangundang Nomor 25 Tahun 2004 tentang Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional merupakan produk undang-undang yang menjadi tonggak sejarah reformasi di bidang perencanaan dan penganggaran nasional. Di lingkungan perguruan tinggi Indonesia perubahan sistem manajemen anggaran mulai diterapkan terutama setelah dilaksanakannya otonomi dalam pengelolaan lembaga pendidikan tinggi, yaitu sejak diterbitkannya Peraturan Pemerintah tentang Perguruan Tinggi sebagai BHMN, BLU, bahkan yang terakhir ini mengarah pada PTN-BH. Perubahan arah pengelolaan keuangan tersebut tidak tanpa alasan, namun dimaksudkan agar pengeloaan keuangan lebih berorientasi pada kinerja, transparan dan akuntabel, yang muaranya tentu pada meningkatnya good governance.

R. A. W. Rhodes

The chapter reviews the several definitions of governance: the minimal state; corporate governance; the new public management, ‘good’ governance; a socio-cybernetic system. It then stipulates a definition of governance as self-organizing, inter-organizational networks. It argues there is a trend from government to governance in British government because of the hollowing-out pressures and the tools for intergovernmental management are integral to effective steering. Policy networks are already widespread. This trend is not widely recognized and has important implications not only for the practice of British government but also for democratic accountability. Governance as self-organizing networks is a challenge to governability because the networks can become autonomous and resist central guidance. They are set fair to become the prime example of governing without government.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Hafiez Sofyani

ABSTRAK Direvisinya Undang-Undang Desa No. 6/2014 menjadi harapan banyak warga desa, khususnya untuk menjadi institusi mandiri dalam mengelola sumber daya milik desa. Namun banyak kalangan yang meragukan sumber daya manusia desa mampu untuk memenuhi amanat undang-undang tersebut. Menariknya, dari sekian banyak permasalahan implementasi UU Desa, juga tidak sedikit desa yang berhasil berkat otonomi yang diberikan peraturan baru tersebut. Dalam studi fenomenologi ini, peneliti mencoba menggali keberhasilan Desa Dlingo, Bantul, Daerah Isitimea Yogyakarta yang dulunya menjadi desa terpuruk dan kini menjadi desa percontohan dalam pengelolaan dan tata kelola desa. Gagasan ideologi dan pandangan Lurah Dlingo tentang pembangunan desa kemudian dapat digali oleh peneliti. Dalam Pembangunan organisasi, termasuk pemerintahan desa, memahami konsep modern seperti New Public Management atau Good government Governance saja tidak cukup. Bagi beliau tidak hanya soal sistem dan strukturyang perlu dibenahi, tetapi upaya membangikitkan jiwa dan semangat masayarakat desa untuk berdikari (berdiri di atas kaki sendiri) dan saling bergotong-royong adalah yang paling fundamental. Beliau menambahkan, membangun desa adalah membangkitkan kesadaran dan semangat warga desa bahwa mereka ada untuk “benar-benar ada” di tanahnya sendiri, bukan menjadi obyek pembangunan, yang kadang tidak mampu menghadirkan keadilan. Kata kunci: Undang-Undang Desa; Pengelolaan; Tata Kelola; Fenomenologis; Berdikari ABSTRACT The revision of Village Government Law no. 6/2014 is the hope of many villagers, especially to become an independent institution in managing the village's resources. However, many people doubting that human resources in village are able to fulfill the mandate of the law. Interestingly, from the many problems of implementation of the Village Law, there are several villages are successful due to the autonomy given. In this phenomenology study, researcher tried to explore the success of Dlingo Village, Bantul, Daerah Isitimea Yogyakarta which used to be a slumped village where now become role model village in village management and governance. The idea of Dlingo Village ideology and views on village development can then be explored by researcher. In the development of organizations, including village administrations, understanding modern concepts such as New Public Management or Good Governance is not enough. For him it is not just about systems and structures that need to be addressed, but the effort to inculcate the spirit of the village community to be “berdikari” (autonomous) is the most fundamental. He explains that build the village is raising awareness and spirit of the villagers to understand that they exist have to be "really exist" in their own land, rather than being the object of development, which sometimes could not bring justice. Keywords: Village Law; Management; Governance; Phenomenological; Autonomous

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 209-216
Valerii Bakumenko ◽  
Oleksiy Krasnorutskyy ◽  
Anatolii Hatsko

The modernization of the management system and the knowledge management model is needed in the context of the public administration reform, taking into account the concept of decentralization and Good Governance. That is why the article focuses on the author’s approach to substantiating the formation of a modern knowledge system in public management and administration in Ukraine. It is proved that the approach to the knowledge system formation should be based on the identification of the needs of public administration objects. The need to comply with the necessary diversity law for a management subject of public entity regarding its knowledge of the entity has been identified. The content of the principle «from general to specific» for the objects of public administration is considered. The formation structure of the basic knowledge system in the public sphere is presented, which unites a number of blocks. The first block deals with the system of basic knowledge of public management and administration. The second block deals with the idea of a public authorities system at different levels. The third block concerns the formation of basic knowledge about public service. The fourth block concerns the formation of a basic knowledge system about current trends in the development of domestic public administration. The fifth block deals with the knowledge about the development and implementation of public policy and implementation of public administration. The sixth block deals with the consideration of public administration as a deliberate activity to establish internal procedures and processes in public administration to ensure their smooth functioning. The seventh block concerns the knowledge system for ensuring social stability. The eighth block is a glossary of basic terms and the ninth is a bibliography. The proposed approach is the scientific substantiation of the development of educational and professional programs of the basic textbook and standards for the specialty 281 – «Public Management and Administration». Keywords: knowledge, public administration, the necessary diversity law, public policy, public service, public authorities, public stability.

Tarek Rana

This chapter explores and explains recent modernisation changes in the Australian Public Sector and provides insights on implications of new public management style reform for public sector accounting, auditing and accountability systems and practices. By adopting a narrative analysis approach, this chapter reconnoitres the change by dissecting the public-sector governance, performance and accountability reform and identifies significant modernisation changes in public sector management which has switched focus from a “rules-based” to “principles-based” accountability framework. Moreover, this chapter highlights the changes, challenges and opportunities that arises with the implementation of the new framework which can be seen as an innovative determination of modernisation. The modernisation change in Australia has produced new ideas of good governance and requirements for meaningful accountability systems and practices by mobilising various accountability mechanisms such as accountable authority, corporate plan, program evaluation, performance measurement, and risk management.

Tolga Demirbas

Fiscal transparency today is considered as an essential element of both good governance and e-governance. Therefore, in the new public management and budgeting reforms made by governments, it is clearly observed that fiscal transparency is one of the key elements. E-government technologies, and especially the internet, are supportive to the efforts on the part of governments offering unprecedented opportunities to public administrations enabling the dissemination of fiscal information and improving the e-governance system. In Turkey, where there is the tradition of Continental Europe, the reforms made through new laws in early 2000 contain various legal and institutional regulations to improve fiscal transparency and encourage the public administrators to use websites in an attempt to enhance fiscal transparency. This chapter, within the context of evaluating the endeavors in question, examines the websites of municipalities in Turkey in terms of fiscal transparency and eventually presents some suggestions for the improvement of the e-governance system.

Mohammad Habibur Rahman ◽  
Patrick Kim Cheng Low ◽  
Mohammad Nabil Almunawar ◽  
Fadzliwati Mohiddin ◽  
Sik-Liong Ang

Policy reform initiative in e-Government and other public management areas such as good governance has been momentous and visible in many societies in recent years. However, in many countries, reasonably good policies have made somewhat slow progress at the implementation stage. It has to be appreciated that policy implementation occurs in several ways, manifesting multiple challenges. Taking a key interest in Brunei Darussalam and Singapore, this chapter has made an attempt to see how these challenges or critical factors play a key role in making e-Government policy a success. The authors have examined e-Government strategies in Brunei in the light of policy success in Singapore. Based on their empirical research in these two small countries in South-East Asia, this chapter highlights the salient features and success factors that have enabled e-Government policies to be successfully implemented in Singapore. Learning lessons from Singapore, the authors have proposed potential success ingredients for an effective e-Government policy implementation in Brunei.

2007 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 373-389 ◽  
Abbas Harati-Mokhtari ◽  
Alan Wall ◽  
Philip Brooks ◽  
Jin Wang

This paper examines the recent introduction of the AIS to the ship's bridge and its potential impact on the safety of marine navigation. Research has shown that 80 to 85% of all recorded maritime accidents are directly due to human error or associated with human error. Safety is an important element of marine navigation and many people at different levels are involved in its management. The safe and efficient performance of joint systems, is heavily dependent upon how functions are allocated between the human and the machine. This paper investigates different regulations, supervision for proper use, training, and management of AIS users. It uses previous research and three separate AIS studies to identify problems. The potential of the AIS to cause problems is analysed. The classic human factor “Swiss Cheese” Model of system failure has been modified for the AIS to investigate a possible accident trajectory. The paper then concludes with recommendations and suggestions for improvements and further work.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-45
Elena Kireeva

In the given contribution the author analyses the Russian experience in the implementation of the concept of good governance. The research highlights the issues in the sphere of public management, which have been only partially resolved in the course of the administrative reform in the Russian Federation. Using the method of comparative legal analysis and monitoring the author reviews the existing approaches to the concept of good governance in the scientific literature and explores the implementation of the principles of good governance enshrined in the EU documents in the Russian law.

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