Мухтарова Хураман Зиядхан гызы ◽  
Насибова Гюльтар Джумшуд гызы ◽  
Микаилова Гюляр Фамиль гызы

The Lower Kura depression is a recognized oil and gas generating basin, characterized by positive stratigraphic, lithological-facies and structural-tectonic criteria for oil and gas content. However, it is necessary to additionally assess the prospects for oil and gas content of the southwestern side of the basin, guided by the criteria for the presence of reservoirs, seals and traps, paleotectonic criteria and seismic geological indicators.According to the results obtained from a detailed study by geophysical methods of the Kyurovdag-Neftchala belt and the territories framed to it, it was found that developed lithologically limited and stratigraphic traps in the Sarkhanbeyli, Orta Mugan, Shargi Shorsulu and Babazanan areas have all the signs of oil and gas prospects. These traps are located at a depth of no more than 4.5 km between the Mesozoic paleorelief protrusions and the Pleocene sediments covering them. It was the disagreement between these rocks that played an important role in the migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons. It should be noted that the traps formed in the process of sedimentation by primary reservoirs above the unconformity surfaces are sedimentation-stratigraphic and adjacent to the unconformity surface. Studies have revealed similar traps in deeper pinching horizons, which can be considered promising in terms of the development of reservoirs, cap rocks and oil-damaging reservoirs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 123-134
T. R. Akhmedov ◽  
T. Kh. Niyazov

The article is devoted to the elucidation of the nature of the wave field recorded below the supporting-dominant seismic horizon «P» in the Middle Kura depression of Azerbaijan. A brief overview of the work carried out here is given; it is indicated that some geologists and geophysicists of our country, in our opinion, mistakenly assume that the observed wave field below the specified horizon is formed mainly by multiple reflections. Since the introduction of the common depth point method into the practice of seismic exploration, individual areas of the Middle Kura depression in Azerbaijan, including the Yevlakh-Agjabedi trough, have been repeatedly studied with varying degrees of frequency tracking. On the basis of this, a fairly large number of promising structures have been identified and mapped. But the structure of the Mesozoic, in particular the deposits of the Upper Cretaceous, still remains insufficiently studied. The study of the geological structure of the Mesozoic sediments, which are considered promising in terms of oil and gas content, is an urgent geological task; exploration work was carried out in the studied areas of the Middle Kura depression using a complex of geophysical methods at the modern technical and methodological level and new results were obtained. The constructed seismic sections show a dynamically pronounced and well-traceable seismic horizon corresponding to the Mesozoic surface and located deeper than it, relatively weak, short, discontinuous reflective boundaries that characterize the structure within the Mesozoic deposits. The studies carried out on the basis of modeling and velocity analysis made it possible to prove that the wave field in the time interval corresponding to the Mesozoic deposits owes its origin to intermittent single reflections from volcanic-carbonate deposits of the Upper Cretaceous age.

Boris A. Golovin ◽  
Konstantin B. Golovin ◽  
Marina V. Kalinnikova ◽  
Sergey A. Rudnev ◽  

In the established practice of geological exploration for oil and gas conclusions about the facies belonging of the rocks of oil and gas basins and individual exploration areas were made mainly on the basis of the study of core material. Recently for this purpose the results of seismic exploration and well logging have been used. Geophysical methods despite their obvious progress are indirect and intermittent core sampling and incomplete coring make facies analysis difficult. Тhe study of cuttings during the well logging process makes it possible to fill this gap through direct continuous observations along the well section. The use of the whole complex of geophysical methods allows one to mutually compensate for the limitations and disadvantages of each of them and more fully and reliably assess the genetic characteristics and reservoir potential of productive deposits. Sequential accumulation, comparison and analysis of heterogeneous geophysical data make it possible to continuously refine apriori facies models and forecast oil and gas content which ultimately allows to optimize the directions and volumes of drilling.

С.А. Мамаев ◽  
А.Р. Юсупов ◽  
А.С. Мамаев ◽  
З.А. Юсупов

В данной статье даны особенности геологического строения района газопроявления «Цущар» в Кулинском районе на отложениях среднеюрского возраста, предлагается геолого-структурная схема возможного формирования залежи нефти и газа. Незначительные проявления газоносности, связанные обычно с минеральными источниками и подчиненные мощной толще юрских сланцев, развитых на значительных площадях нагорного Дагестана, начали обращать на себя внимание с 1931 г., в связи с поисками месторождений легких редких газов. Анализы газов показывают повышенное содержание легких редких газов в целом ряде месторождений нагорного Дагестана. Кроме группы месторождений Южного Дагестана известен пока только один выход горючего газа в Центральном Дагестане – Кулинском районе. На него указывает в своем рукописном отчете Дагестанскому Совнархозу геолог Н. М. Леднев. Этот выход подчинен юрским сланцам, связан с нарушениями неотектонического характера, образованными в результате сейсмической активизации региона. Цель исследования. Целью наших исследований является обоснование перспектив газоносности Горного Дагестана. На изучаемой территории отмечается наличие неправильных куполовидных складок с неожиданными направлениями их осей, пересекающими основное направление складчатости, частичными местными уклонениями в залегании пластов. Методы исследования. Основными методами исследования при изучении перспектив газоносности Горного Дагестана являлись геолого-структурный, стратиграфический, морфологический, тектонический и дешифрирование аэрофотоснимков. Результаты исследования. По сравнению с Предгорным Дагестаном и Прикумским районом, Горный Дагестан был подвержен более интенсивным геотектоническим движениям, неоднократно подвергался складчатости, испытал инверсию, со значительно большей амплитудой, что привело к усиленной денудации, развитию трещиноватости и разрывов, метаморфизму пород и органических образований. Все это отрицательно влияло на сохранение нефти и газа. Можно предполагать, что многие залежи, сформировавшиеся при прохождении продуцирующими толщами главной фазы нефтеобразования, были разрушены в периоды активизации тектонической деятельности на рубеже юры и мела, мела и палеогена. В дальнейшем шла генерация, преимущественно, газообразных углеводородов, которые при особенно благоприятных условиях могли сохраниться до настоящего времени. По результатам исследований можно утверждать, что газовое проявление Цущар могло проявиться в 1622, 1652 гг. в результате сильных землетрясений, эпицентр которых располагался в пределахисследуемого района This article describes the features of the geological structure of the Tsushar gas show area in the Kulinsky region on the Middle Jurassic deposits, and proposes a geological-structural diagram of the possible formation of oil and gas deposits. Minor manifestations of gas content, usually associated with mineral springs and subordinate to a thick stratum of Jurassic shales, developed over large areas of highland Dagestan, began to attract attention from 1931, in connection with the search for deposits of light rare gases. Gas analyzes show an increased content of light rare gases in a number of fields in highland Dagestan. In addition to the group of fields in Southern Dagestan, only one outlet of combustible gas in Central Dagestan is known – the Kulinsky region. It is pointed out in his handwritten report to the Dagestan Economic Council by the geologist N. M. Lednev. This outlet is subordinate to the Jurassic shale and is associated with neotectonic disturbances formed as a result of seismic activation of the region. Aim. The purpose of our research is to substantiate the prospects for gas content in Gorny Dagestan. In the study area, there are irregular dome-shaped folds with unexpected directions of their axes crossing the main direction of folding, partial local deviations in bedding. Methods. The main research methods in the study of the prospects for the gas content of Mountainous Dagestan were geological-structural, stratigraphic, morphological, tectonic and additional aerial photographs. Research results. Compared to Piedmont Dagestan and Prikumskiy region, Gorny Dagestan was subject to more intense geotectonic movements, repeatedly underwent folding, experienced inversion, with a much higher amplitude, which led to increased denudation, the development of fracturing and fractures, metamorphism of rocks and organic formations. All of this negatively affected the conservation of oil and gas. It can be assumed that many deposits, formed during the passage of the producing strata of the main phase of oil formation, were destroyed during periods of intensified tectonic activity at the boundary between the Jurassic and Cretaceous, Cretaceous and Paleogene. In the future, there was the generation of mainly gaseous hydrocarbons, which, under especially favorable conditions, could persist to the present day. According to the research results, it can be argued that the gas manifestation of Tsushar could have manifested itself in 1622, 1652. as a result of strong earthquakes, the epicenter, which was located within the study area

2017 ◽  
pp. 34-43
E. E. Oksenoyd ◽  
V. A. Volkov ◽  
E. V. Oleynik ◽  
G. P. Myasnikova

Based on pyrolytic data (3 995 samples from 208 wells) organic matter types of Bazhenov Formation are identified in the central part of Western Siberian basin. Zones of kerogen types I, II, III and mixed I-II and II-III are mapped. Content of sulfur, paraffins, resins and asphaltenes, viscosity, density, temperature and gas content in oils from Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments (3 806 oil pools) are mapped. Oil gradations are identified and distributed. The alternative model of zones of kerogen II and IIS types is presented. The established distributions of organic matter types can be used in basin modeling and in assessment of oil-and-gas bearing prospects.

2015 ◽  
pp. 9-15
A. I. Diyakonov ◽  
L. V. Parmuzina ◽  
S. V. Kochetov ◽  
A. Yu. Malikova

It is shown that the evolutionary-catagenetic model for calculating the initial potential hydrocarbon resources can serve as a scientific basis for the separate quantitative prediction of areas of oil-and-gas content. In this case retrospectively evaluated are the scales of generation and accumulation of hydrocarbons in the source rocks during catagenetic evolution of sedimentary basin. The authors propose a method, the results of evaluation of generation and accumulation scales and initial potential oil and gas resources for major oil-and-gas bearing complexes of Dzhebol stage.

Georesursy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 21-33
Vagif Kerimov ◽  
Nurdin Yandarbiev ◽  
Rustam Mustaev ◽  
Andrey Kudryashov

The article is devoted to the generation and accumulation systems in the territory of the Crimean-Caucasian segment of the Alpine folded system. An area of prolonged and stable sagging in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic – the Azov-Kuban Trough, which is a typical foreland basin – is distinguished within this segment. According to the results of geological and geochemical studies and modelling, depocentres are identified in this area, consolisated in four generative and accumulative hydrocarbon systems: Triassic-Jurassic, Cretaceous, Eocene and Maikop. Chemical-bitumenological, pyrolytic and coal petrology analysis of rock samples were carried out to assess geochemical conditions of oil and gas content in Meso-Cenozoic sediments. The modelling results made it possible to study and model the elements and processes of hydrocarbon systems in the Meso-Cenozoic in the Western Crimean-Caucasian region. It has been established that the extended catagenetic zoning is typical for these areas, which is caused by high rates of sedimentation and sagging, and large thicknesses of oil-bearing sediments in the source of oil formation, accordingly. The degree of organic matter depletion characterized the residual potential of the oil and gas source strata, was investigated. It is important for predicting and assessing the possibility of hydrocarbon generation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 25-38
I. I. Bosikov ◽  
A. I. Mazko ◽  
A. V. Mayer ◽  
O. V. Gagarina

At the present stage, the development of the oil industry of the Russian Federation is impossible without replenishing the resource base, and therefore an urgent task is to analyze and assess the conditions and characteristics of oil-andgas content in unexplored regions.Purpose of the study is an analysis and an assessment of reservoir properties of rocks of the Aptian horizon Р1+2- К2 within the Akhlovskaya structure.We analyzed the graphs of the distribution of indicators in wells R-212 and R-213 in the Akhlovsky area and concluded that the reservoir is heterogeneous, and there are interlayers of mudstones with other reservoir properties and geophysical characteristics. The following pairs of parameters (porosity coefficient and oil-saturated thickness of rocks, rock resistivity and porosity coefficient, rock resistivity and oil-saturated thickness of rocks) have a significant positive correlation. Having studied the distribution of indicators in the Akhlovsky area for wells R-212 and R-213 along one horizon, we concluded that these indicators differ very slightly, which indicates the homogeneity of the reservoir properties. Qualitative indicators Qualitative indicators don't change. Thus, we can expect similar indicators within the entire area of the explored layer Р1+2- К2 in the territory of the Akhlovsky area.

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