scholarly journals Features of criminal responsibility and punishment of juveniles under the criminal code of Ukraine and the Republic of Kazakhstan

Oleksandra Skok ◽  
Taisiya Shevchenko

. The place of a juvenile as a subject of a criminal offense in the system of legal regulation of issues related to criminal liability has been determined. The peculiarities of criminal responsibility and punishment of minors, defined in the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, are considered. An analysis of statistics on the number of criminal offenses committed over the past five years by persons aged 14 to 18 years. Minor fluctuations in the level of juvenile delinquency committed in Ukraine over the past five years indicate an insufficient level of counteraction to juvenile delinquency in Ukraine. The criminal-legal characteristic of punishments which can be applied by court to the juvenile found guilty of commission of a criminal offense is given. The grounds and procedure for applying to minors convicted of a criminal offense the main punishments provided by the domestic law on criminal liability, such as: fine, have been studied in detail; public works; corrective work; arrest; imprisonment for a definite term. Attention is also paid to additional penalties in the form of fines and deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities. Taking into account the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the punishments imposed on minors are analyzed, namely: deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities; fine; corrective work; involvement in public works; restriction of liberty; imprisonment. Attention is paid to the legislative regulation of issues related to exemption from criminal liability and punishment with the use of coercive measures of an educational nature.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-154
Muchammad Chasani

The regulation of corporate criminal liability in Indonesia's criminal justice system is basically a new and still debatable issue. It is said that because in the Criminal Code is not recognized and regulated explicitly about the corporation as a subject of criminal law. This is a natural thing since the WvS Criminal Code still adheres to the principle of "societas delinquere non potest" or "non-potest university delinquere", that is, a legal entity can not commit a crime. Thus, if in a society there is a criminal offense, then the criminal act is deemed to be done by the board of the corporation concerned. Regarding the corporate criminal responsibility system in Indonesia, in the corruption law Article 20 paragraph (1), if the corporation committed a criminal act of corruption, then those responsible for the criminal act shall be the corporation only, the management only, or the corporation and its management. Thus, it can be said that the regulation of corporate criminal liability in the legal system in Indonesia is expressly only regulated in special criminal legislation, because the Criminal Code of WvS still adheres to the principle of "societas delinquere nonpotest" so it is not possible to enforce corporate criminal liability in it.

Lex Russica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 133-141
Ya. M. Ploshkina ◽  
L. V. Mayorova

The paper considers the second attempt made by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in terms of introducing the concept of criminal misconduct into the Russian criminal and criminal procedure legislation, examines the goals of its introduction. The authors conclude that the introduction of a criminal offense in the draft law No. 1112019-7 will entail the need to review some approaches in Russian law: the legal nature of the crime, the ratio of a criminal offense with a minor act and an administrative offense, the elements of a crime with administrative prejudice, the principle of justice. It seems possible to achieve procedural effectiveness, reduce the burden on judges and protect the rights of victims without introducing a criminal offense within the existing criminal and criminal procedural mechanisms related to exemption from criminal liability and expansion of non-rehabilitating grounds for termination of a criminal case or criminal prosecution. It seems possible to use the already established categorization of crimes in relation to crimes of small and medium gravity. In terms of expanding the grounds for terminating a criminal case or criminal prosecution, it is appropriate to use the experience of the German legislator, which provides for the possibility of terminating criminal prosecution on grounds of expediency when the accused fulfills various duties and regulations assigned to him. In German criminal procedure law, the termination of criminal prosecution on grounds of expediency when assigning duties or prescriptions to the accused is the right of the relevant officials and bodies, and not their obligation, since in fact it is an alternative to criminal prosecution. This will allow it to be terminated at a certain stage in the case when there are all legal grounds for criminal prosecution.

Jurnal MINUTA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-27
Arif Hidayat

Notary in making an authentic deed must be able to account for the deed if it turns out that in the future problems arise from the authentic deed both in terms of criminal law, civil law or State administration. The problems arising from the deed made by the Notary need to be questioned whether it is the result of an error from the Notary or the error of the viewer who does not provide information in accordance with the actual reality to the Notary. Such negligence or error can occur because the Notary in question is lacking or does not understand the construction or legal actions desired by the viewer so that the deed made is contrary to the provisions of the law. Such negligence or error can also be deliberately carried out by the concerned Notary. This study focuses on Law Number 30 Year 2004 as amended by Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Notary Position wherein this study discusses the Notary who is unable to carry out his position so he has the right to submit written leave request and at the same time accompanied by the appointment of a substitute notary. After a while, a lawsuit from a party that feels aggrieved results from the deed made by Si X as a Substitute Notary. The results of this study concluded that a notary who leaves as a substituted notary has responsibility for the deed made by his successor notary even though he is on leave from his position where the responsibility is in the form of civil liability, if the substitute notary commits an error within the scope of authority given by a notary to a substitute notary. So in that case the notary is also liable for losses suffered by the parties due to the deed made by the substitute notary. Because the notary who is replaced is the owner of the office, if the notary of origin will file leave then he will appoint an employee from his own office as a substitute notary. Criminal responsibility, in the case of a criminal offense, a notary who is replaced is not responsible, for example in the case of tax evasion. Criminal liability can only be imposed on a substitute notary if he makes a mistake outside his authority as a substitute notary. Then the notary whose leave cannot be held accountable. The substitute notary is also entitled to get the same protection and legal guarantees because every citizen has the same rights before the law.

Oleksandra Skok ◽  

The article defines the age characteristics of minors in accordance with the Family Code of Ukraine, the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The quantitative indicators of minors who, in 2020-2021, were notified of suspicion of committing criminal offenses, minor crimes, grave crimes and especially grave crimes, are given. The types of punishments provided by the criminal codes of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan, which can be imposed by the court on persons who have committed a criminal offense, at the age of fourteen to eighteen, have been determined. Taking into account the provisions of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, an analysis of punishments in the form of a fine, community service, correctional labor, arrest and imprisonment was carried out. The article analyzes the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on punishments in the form of deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities, a fine, involvement in community service, correctional labor, restriction of freedom and imprisonment. The analysis of the content of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan in terms of the features of punishments in the form of deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities, a fine, compulsory labor, correctional labor and imprisonment has been carried out. The analysis of punishments provided by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the form of a fine, community service, correctional labor, restriction of freedom and imprisonment has been carried out. The general and distinctive features characteristic of the list of punishments that can be assigned to minors have been established. The practice of the courts of Ukraine has been studied in relation to penalties in the form of a fine, correctional labor, community service and imprisonment. The works of domestic scientists are analyzed, on the basis of which, a circle of persons who have conducted research on individual issues on the responsibility of minors is determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (15) ◽  
pp. 76-90
Viacheslav Ivanovych Borysov ◽  
Daryna Petrivna Yevtieieva

The study highlights the dynamics of legislative changes and the current state of legal regulation of administrative and criminal liability for violations of quarantine rules. The shortcomings of the relevant legislative provisions were revealed, in particular, a conclusion was made about the violation of the principle of system-legal coherence of administrative and criminal legislation. Thus, there are issues about the delimitation of the provisions of the administrative provided in the Art. 44-3 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and criminal offenses provided in the Art. 325 of the Criminal Code (in terms of such consequences as the threat of harm, specified in the part 1 of the Article 325 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). In addition, there is an excessive severity of sanctions in the Art. 44-3 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and their incompatibility with the sanctions of the Art. 325 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. In the context of the settled case law of the European Court of Human Rights the fine under the part 1 of the Art. 443 of the Code of Administrative Offenses based on its size and subject to appointment may be recognized as corresponding to a criminal offense within the meaning of the Art. 7 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Another drawback of the legislation is the lack of enshrining a criminal offense for violating quarantine regulations. On the basis of the conducted research it is offered to make changes to norms of the Art. 44-3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Art. 325 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine in order to optimally regulate legal responsibility for violation of sanitary rules and regulations for the prevention of infectious diseases and mass poisoning (Article 325 of the Criminal Code), as well as quarantine rules (the Art. 44-3 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses). The main task of such changes is to construct a consistent chain of normatively established offenses in the field of compliance with quarantine rules (administrative offense - criminal offense – non-grave offense – grave offense) with adequate and proportionate responsibility for their commission.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-52
Harry Arfhan ◽  
Mohd. Din ◽  
Sulaiman Sulaiman

Penyertaan pada dasarnya diatur dalam pasal 55 dan 56 KUHP yang berarti bahwa ada dua orang atau lebih yang melakukan suatu tindak pidana atau dengan perkataan ada dua orangatau lebih mengambil bahagian untuk mewujudkan suatu tindak pidana. Penyertaan di dalam Undang-Undang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 jo Undang-Undang Nomor 20 tahun 2001 disebut sebagai pembantuan.Dalam putusan Kasasi Mahkamah Agung Nomor : 1769 K/PID.SUS/2015 menyatakan bahwa Terdakwa I Indra Gunawan Bin Alm. Saleh tersebut tidak terbukti secara sah dan menyakinkan bersalah melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana yang didakwakan dalam semua dakwaan Penuntut Umum dan Menyatakan Terdakwa II Irfan Bin Husen telah terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan bersalah melakukan tindak pidana “Turut Serta Melakukan Korupsi”. Majelis Hakim Judex Factie Pengadilan Tinggi/Tipikor Banda Aceh dalam memeriksa dan mengadili perkara Aquo telah salah dalam menerapkan hukum atau suatu peraturan hukum tidak diterapkan atau diterapkan tidak sebagaimana mestinya, yaitu mengenai penerapan hukum pembuktian sehingga harus dibatalkan oleh Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia.The participation is basically regulated in articles 55 and 56 of the Criminal Code, which means that there are two or more people who commit a crime or say that there are two or more people taking part to realize a crime. The participation in the Law on the Eradication of Corruption Crime namely Law Number 31 of 1999 in conjunction with Law Number 20 of 2001 is referred to as assistance. In the decision of the Supreme Court Cassation Number: 1769 K / PID.SUS / 2015 stated that Defendant I Indra Gunawan Bin Alm. Saleh is not proven legally and convincingly guilty of committing an act as charged in all charges of the Public Prosecutor and Stating Defendant II Irfan Bin Husen has been proven legally and convincingly guilty of committing a criminal offense "Also Participating in Corruption". Judex Factie Judge of the High Court / Corruption Court in Banda Aceh in examining and adjudicating the case of Aquo has been wrong in applying the law or a legal regulation was not applied or applied improperly, namely regarding the application of verification law so that it must be canceled by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (12) ◽  
pp. 62-67

Discussions caused by the initiative of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the introduction of a new category of offenses – criminal infraction which can occupy an intermediate link between an administrative offense and a criminal offense – do not stop. The article reveals the concept of a criminal infraction, lists its main features, considers the feasibility of introducing this category into domestic criminal legislation. A brief analysis of the legislation of a number of foreign countries is also given, the possibility of applying such experience in Russian conditions is assessed. The conclusion is formulated that it is necessary to recognize as fair the arguments challenging the necessity of adopting the draft law in the form in which it was submitted for consideration by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Attention is drawn to the fact that in those countries where the category of criminal offense was introduced, a fundamental reform of the criminal legislation was required: a total revision of the norms of the existing criminal legislation or the adoption of a separate Code of criminal infractions (for example, in Kyrgyzstan). Based on this the draft law under consideration appears to be a half-measure, which will lead to the complication of the existing legal regulation. The most correct way to resolve the problem under consideration would be to reduce the number of minor offenses in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Svetlana Kornakova ◽  
Elena Chigrina

The priority task of any democratic state is safeguarding the interests of children, including the right of every child to live in a family. Adoption of orphans or children deprived of parental care is becoming more and more common in present-day Russia, which makes the issue of legal regulation highly relevant. The article examines the problems of implementing a complex legal mechanism that regulates the protection of the confidentiality of adoption and imposes criminal liability for violating it. It should be acknowledged that there are diverse approaches to the problem of criminal law protection of the confidentiality of adoption. The authors analyze the views of different scholars on this problem. They present a critical analysis of the viewpoint that the norm imposing liability for such a violation should be abolished and prove the social importance of preserving the confidentiality. The authors also discuss the problem areas of criminal law characteristics of crimes connected with violating the confidentiality of adoption and conduct a comprehensive research of this issue. The analysis of current legislation shows that it includes a sufficient number of norms safeguarding the confidentiality of adoption. At the same time, this legal institute includes some specific norms that need improvement, require editing or amending, which, according to the authors, stops them from performing their preventive functions. The article contains concrete recommendations on improving current Russian legislation in this sphere, in particular, on improving the clauses of Art. 155 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes criminal liability in those cases where the confidentiality of adoption is violated. Besides, the authors examine the controversial issue of limiting the confidentiality of adoption because they believe that it is not lawful to deny a person who has reached majority the right guaranteed by the Constitution of the RF to learn information concerning him/herself, in this case, the right to know who their parents are. They suggest amending Art. 139 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which will make it possible to fully guarantee the constitutional rights of citizens.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-126
О. І. Mytska ◽  

In the article the author analyses the features of criminal liability and punishment of juveniles in the current criminal legislation. Particular attention is paid to the release of adolescents from punishment and serving sentences. The author points out that for a long time there have been discussions among scholars about the possibility and expediency of applying to adolescents release from punishment and serving sentences considering the obvious need for their urgent re-education and return to the law-abiding citizens. The author categorically looks positively at this subinstitution of criminal legislation and believes that in some way it allows criminal legislation to perform its protective, educational and preventive functions. It also notes that the list of currently available types of release for both adults and juveniles is quite limited, which does not allow to fully differentiate them according to the specifics of the criminal offense committed by each individual juvenile. A comparative analysis of the current criminal legislation with the draft of the new Criminal Code of Ukraine is carried out. It is stated that scientists have identified not only juveniles but also young people, which is also due to the European vision of the subject of the criminal offense. Most criminal legislations of the Member States of the European Union have a similar differentiation. It is concluded that despite the rapid development of criminal legislation and Ukraine itself, the legislative vision of the limits of criminal responsibility and punishment of juveniles remains almost unchanged. A study of the draft of the new Criminal Code of Ukraine showed that only the age of the subject of the criminal offense was revised, as well as certain features of punishment and release from it. At the same time, any fundamentally new alternative criminal-legal measures and means of interaction with juvenile offenders are not provided, which indicates that the juvenile criminal legislation of Ukraine is not yet fully compliant with European and international standards of justice according to juveniles who are in conflict with the law. Key words: juvenile, criminal liability, punishment, release from punishment and serving sentences, draft, new Criminal Code, European Union.

Vasyl Berezniak

The article reviews some court decisions, which highlight the key features of the assessment of criminal offenses against traffic safety and transport operation. Typical situations of committing criminal offenses of this type with the analysis of difficulties of qualification and further bringing a person to criminal responsibility are studied. In addition, attention is paid to the differentiation of legal liability, where the means of committing an offense or the subject is a vehicle, as well as highlighted key aspects related to the definition, type and nature of the act. Assessment of criminal offenses against traffic safety and transport operation under art. 286 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine should be based not only on the rules of substantive law, ie the law of Ukraine on criminal liability. Within the framework of criminal proceedings, the employee-practitioner is guided by the rules of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, which provides for the possibility of changing the assessment of a criminal offense, taking into account the available facts and circumstances. Regarding the existence of certain regulations governing the specifics of assessment and further pre-trial investigation into the commission of a criminal offense against traffic safety and transport operation, today the national justice system has formed judicial practice on this issue. However, it requires some generalization and identification of key points in the qualification of the investigated criminal offenses or further criminal proceedings. The decisive evidence in criminal proceedings concerning criminal offenses against traffic safety and transport operation is the experts’ conclusions from various types of examinations, which are appointed in these proceedings. In particular, auto-technical, auto-commodity, transport-trasological expert studies, which establish important circumstances for establishing the suspect’se guilt or innocence.

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