2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-27
Ayu Septiani

Clothing history is currently starting to be in demand. This is due to the emergency of a new trend in the use of masks and changes in the time of wearing clothes due to the global pandemic that is still ongoing today, namely Covid-19. To trace the development of clothes in Indonesia in the past, of course, it is necessary to study the literature or bibliography. Of course, in the past there have been publications related to clothes developments such as books, journals, magazines, newspapers that can be accessed for use in reconstructing the history of clothes. Beginning by describing the historical context during Dutch East Indies government, the purpose of this research is to take an inventory and identify a number of publications related to the history of clothes. The method used is the historical method. The results of this study indicate that the publications related to the history of clothes are numerous and varied. Therefore, it must be used properly and effectively so that the dynamics that occur in the clothes sector look more complete and comprehensive. In addition, it is hoped that research on the bibliography of clothes history can help historical researchers who are interested in studying the history of clothes in Indonesia.

2012 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
Mumuh Muhsin Z.

<p>History of health recently began to receive attention in Indonesia. One of the ways to trace them is through bibliographic study. Publications issued in the past, particularly in the colonial period, whether it be books, journals, magazines, newspapers can become an access to know and reconstruct the history of health in Nusantara. The purpose of this study is to inventory and identify a number of publications that appeared in the past by first described its historical context. The method used in this study is the historical method. The conclusion showed that the availability of bibliographic resources on the history of health in Indonesia is quite a lot that can be used to reconstruct the Indonesian health conditions in the colonial period. Knowledge of medical history is very useful to see the change, continuity, parallelism, and comparison of health problems in various places and at different periods.</p> <p>Key words: bibliography, medical history, the Netherlands-Indie</p> <p> </p> <p>Sejarah kesehatan belakangan ini mulai mendapat perhatian di Indonesia. Untuk menelusurinya di antaranya adalah melalui pengkajian bibliografis. Publikasi-publikasi yang diterbitkan pada masa lalu, khususnya masa kolonial,  baik berupa buku, jurnal, majalah, surat kabar bisa menjadi akses untuk mengetahui dan merekonstruksi masa lalu kesehatan di Nusantara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menginventarisasi dan mengidentifikasi sejumlah publikasi yang terbit pada lalu dengan terlebih dahulu diuraikan konteks sejarahnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sejarah. Simpulannya adalah ketersediaan sumber bibliografis mengenai sejarah kesehatan di Indonesia yang cukup banyak itu dapat digunakan untuk merekonstruksi kondisi kesehatan di Indonesia masa kolonial. Pengetahuan sejarah kesehatan ini sangat berguna untuk melihat perubahan, kesinambungan, paralelisme, dan perbandingan masalah kesehatan di berbagai tempat pada berbagai periode.</p> <p>Kata kunci: bibliografi, sejarah kedokteran, Hindia Belanda</p> <p> </p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 543
Iim Imadudin

AbstrakPenulisan artikel ini didasari perdebatan bagaimana sesungguhnya peranan para pangreh praja didikan Barat dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan. Oleh karena berada dalam pemerintahan Hindia Belanda, mereka dianggap tidak berkontribusi dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan. Bahkan, mereka dianggap merintangi gerak langkah kaum pergerakan sehingga sering dianggap sebagai lawan politik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap sejarah pemikiran dan mentalitas dari salah seorang bupati  terkemuka pribumi asal Banten, Ahmad Djajadiningrat, melalui memoarnya yang berjudul Memoar Pangeran Aria Djajadiningrat. Pangeran Aria Ahmad Djajadiningrat mengikuti pendidikan mulai dari HIS, ELS, hingga HBS di Batavia. Berbagai jabatan di pemerintahan diembannya, mulai dari bupati, anggota Volksraad, mindere welvaart comissie, hingga anggota Raad van Indie. Penelitian ini mempergunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri atas heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Ahmad Djajadiningrat di satu sisi menjadi pemimpin tradisional yang kharismatis dan aparat pemerintah yang loyal, namun di sisi lain bersikap kritis terhadap kebijakan pemerintah Hindia Belanda dan mendorong berkembangnya pergerakan nasional di tanah Banten. AbstractThe writing of this article is based on the actual debate on what the role of Western-based education of pangreh pradja is in the struggle for independence. Because it is in the Dutch East Indies, they are considered not to be contributing to the struggle for independence. In fact, they were considered to hinder the movement of the steps that are often regarded as political opponents. This study aims to reveal the history of thought and mentality of anative and famousleader from Banten, Ahmad Djajadiningrat, through his memoirs entitled Memoirs of Prince Aria Djajadiningrat. The Prince Aria Ahmad Djajadiningrat started his education in HIS, ELS, to HBS in Batavia.  The various positions in government was held, ranging from the regents, members of the Volksraad, mindere Welvaart comissie, until become a member of the Raad van Indie. This study uses historical method which consists of heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results shows that Ahmad Djajadiningrat isa traditional charismatic leader and a loyal government official. On the other hand, he is critical to the Dutch East Indies government policies and encouraging the development of a national movement in Banten.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 320
Ridham Priskap

Judicial power in Indonesia from the past until now still exists despite the ups and downs, the history of the development of this institution has begun long before independence, even before the Dutch East Indies were entrenched in the archipelago, this judicial authority has existed in the form of traditional justice institutions. As an institution that provides protection to the community, the judicial authority has shown its functions as the last stronghold to seek legal justice for the community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-29
Tendi Tendi

Cikeruh is a village located in Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency. In the colonial period, the village was famous as the production center of various kinds of weapons in the Priangan region. Consumers of the Cikeruh bladesmith varied, ranging from indigenous groups to Europeans groups in the Dutch East Indies. This article aims to reveal the history of Cikeruh’s bladesmith and explain the acculturation which is seen on the Cikeruh sword. The method used in this study is a historical method consisting of heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Based on the study, it can be seen that the existence of Cikeruh bladesmith cannot be separated from the history of the Sumedang Larang Kingdom because the pioneer of Cikeruh bladesmith came from the royal descent of the kingdom. In addition, cultural acculturation can be witnessed from the Cikeruh blades that shows mixed models between Priangan and European styles.

2021 ◽  
Elspeth Hocking

<p>Public history and academic history have been viewed both as opposites, two practices related only by their concern with sharing the past, as well as conceptualised as similar fields with close connections to each other. Museum history exhibitions are an obvious example of public history in action. However, is the history that exhibitions present all that different from what is produced in the academy, or is this history academia in another form? Initially this dissertation aimed to explore the relationships between academic and public histories as discipline and practice, assuming a relationship rather than divide between the two fields as suggested in some of the literature. However, the eventual results of the research were different than expected, and suggested that in fact public histories manifest very differently to academic histories within a museum context. Using an adapted ethnographic research methodology, this dissertation traces the development of a single history exhibition, "Te Ahi Kā Roa, Te Ahi Kātoro Taranaki War 1860–2010: Our Legacy – Our Challenge", from its concept development to opening day and onwards to public programmes. This exhibition opened at Puke Ariki in New Plymouth in March 2010, and was a provocative display not only of the history of the wars themselves, but of the legacy of warfare in the Taranaki community. Other methods include partially structured interviews which were conducted with ten people involved in creating this exhibition, who outlined their roles in its production and provided their views on its development, and also a brief analysis of the broader social and historical context in which the exhibition was staged. Through tracing the creation of this history, the findings suggested that the history produced at Puke Ariki is a history in its own right, with noticeable differences from academic histories. The strongest correlation between public and academic history in this instance was the shared aspiration to be rigorous in conducting research and, as far as possible, to create an accurate portrayal of the past. Otherwise the history created by Puke Ariki through the exhibition proved to be different in that it was deliberately designed to be very accessible, and it utilised a number of presentation modes, including objects, text, audiovisual and sound. It was interactive, and had a clear aim of enabling the audience to participate in a discussion about the history being presented. Finally, it was a highly politicised history, in that decision making had to be negotiated with source communities in a collaborative fashion, and issues of censorship worked through with the council, a major funding source. The dissertation concludes that producing history in a museum context is a dynamic and flexible process, and one that can be successful despite not necessarily following theoretical models of exhibition development.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 166
Nazirwan Rohmadi ◽  
Warto Warto

This paper discusses the legislative institutions callled Volksraad established by the Dutch East Indies, which further used by the nationalist-moderate to achieve the national  independence of Indonesia. Historical method was used in this research. The historical method is distinguished into several stages, namely heuristic, critic, analysis, and historiography. Indonesia’s political figures established Radicale Concentratie to unite in order to achieve independence. Radicale Concentratie put a great pressure on the Dutch East Indies government. Radicale Concentratie no longer operated because of some conflicts that occurred among its members and the arrests done by the Dutch East Indies government. Radicale Concentratie’s struggle was continued by National Fraction which was established on 27 January 1930. The proposition of National Fraction that was fulfilled was the change in the nomenclatur of Indlander to Indonesisch. National Fraction often turned down the budget plan proposed by the Governor-General in preparing for the Second World War. This is because the Dutch East Indies fleet was funded by Indonesian taxes and the taxes were planned to be increased in order to win the war.

2001 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 615-618
David C. Champagne

One could assume from the misleading title of this work that it is a new analytical history of the fall of the Safavid empire and the nine-year Afghan usurpation of the Safavid throne. More than forty years after Laurence Lockhart published his monumental work, The Fall of the Safavi Dynasty and the Afghan Occupation of Persia, a new study based on subsequent research would be a major contribution to the field. But Willem Floor has made a different, yet extremely significant, contribution. He has performed a yeoman's service by annotating, translating, and compiling primary source materials from the archives of the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), or the Dutch East Indies Company, that someday will assist such an effort.

1975 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 137-156 ◽  
P. M. Kennedy

Yet another survey of the much-traversed field of Anglo-German relations will seem to many historians of modern Europe to border on the realm of superfluity; probably no two countries have had their relationship to each other so frequently examined in the past century as Britain and Germany. Moreover, even if one restricted such a study to the British side alone, the sheer number of publications upon this topic, or upon only a section of it like the age of ‘appeasement’, is simply too great to allow a compression of existing knowledge into a narrative form that would be anything other than crude and sketchy. The following contribution therefore seeks neither to provide such a general survey, nor, by use of new and detailed archival materials, to concentrate upon a small segment of the history of British policy towards Germany in the period 1864–1939; but instead to consider throughout all these years a particular aspect, namely, the respective arguments of Germanophiles and Germanophobes in Britain and the connection between this dialogue and the more general ideological standpoints of both sides. In so doing, the author has produced a survey which remains embarrassingly summary in detail but does at least attempt to offer a fresh approach to the subject.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (3) ◽  
pp. 92-98
I. I. Krivonosov

The article is devoted to the history of the appearance and functioning of the word supertask (sverhzadacha) in the Russian language. Two lines of the lexeme functioning were distinguished: the first is associated with the etymology of the word, the second – with its use by K. S. Stanislavsky in the terminology system and the further entry of the unit into general use on the basis of determinologization. It is interesting that the second meaning has acquired the most widespread use. Only in the past two decades, the word has begun to lose its connection with the process of artistic creation. The purpose of the study was to briefly review the history of the word: from its first fixation in the Russian language and application by K. S. Stanislavsky (to designate one of the key concepts of Method Acting) up to modern contexts of use. The entry of the lexeme into the language was investigated using structural methods. The methods of contextual and distributive analysis were used to analyse both the contexts in which Stanislavsky used this word and the process of its fixation in the National Corpus of the Russian language. Statistical analysis was used to trace the dynamics of integration of the lexeme into the Russian language and its fixation in various spheres. The methods of component and comparative analysis were used to describe the formation mechanism of the initial term in the historical context. Borrowings of the term supertask (sverhzadacha) were found in other languages, indicating the spread of Stanislavsky’s system. The conclusion is drawn that the word supertask (sverhzadacha) functions in the Russian language mainly as a term from Stanislavsky’s system, gradually becoming determinologized and returning to the meaning conveying the logical sum of its constituent components.

2020 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 613-635
Michael B. Miller

AbstractHistorians divide over the question of how far “classic” European colonial experience in overseas empires provided the model for the Nazi empire in eastern Europe. Missing from arguments on either side of the debate have been the colonialists themselves. The Ukraine Project to enlist Dutch plantation companies for occupied Ukraine shows what happened when efforts were made to transfer traditional colonial expertise into the Nazi East. From the perspective of the project's proponents, there was indeed continuity between the two imperialisms. However, the company at the center of the project, the Deli Maatschappij, the ruling and tone-setting firm on Sumatra, saw no connection with its East Indies history and spurned all efforts to take it into Ukraine. Thus the Ukraine Project, despite its short-lived and failed history, complicates arguments from both perspectives and offers a trans-imperial history of a different sort than we are accustomed to encountering.

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