Human Rights Studies on Fulfillment of Restitution Rights for Children as Victims of Human Trafficking

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Eva Syahfitri Nasution ◽  
Siti Nurahmi Nasution ◽  
M. Hadyan Yunhas Purba ◽  
Akmal Handi Ansari Nasution

<em>This paper aims to analyze the fulfillment the restitution rights for the children as victims after the enactment of government regulation Number 43 of 2017 in Medan based on human rights studies. This research is normative legal research with statute approach which is carried out by examining law and regulations related to the legal issue being raised that is regarding the provision of restitution for child victim of human trafficking in Medan and empirical legal research which gaining data by means direct observation in Medan District Court. Based on the studies, it can be related that restitution must be given to the victims of human trafficking because it is a part of fulfillment of human rights to compensate the victim for losses suffered as the result of a crime.</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 16
Shinta Rhukmi B.

AbstrakSistem peradilan pidana merupakan unsur yang signifikan dalam upaya pemberantasan tindak pidana narkotika. Pengguna narkotika seyogyanya mendapatkan sanksi pidana yang berat, mengingat korban penyalahgunaan narkotika di Indonesia semakin bertambah dari tahun ke tahun. Namun, dari segi penegakan hukum Mahkamah Agung melalui Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Yogyakarta Nomor 389/Pid.Sus/2015/PN Yyk hanya memuat formulasi yang tidak didukung dengan teori-teori keilmuan, bahkan putusan tersebut tidak mencantumkan keterangan masa penahanan atau ketentuan Pasal 197 ayat (1) huruf h Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif. Penelitian hukum normatif lebih mengutamakan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan mengikat Pasal 197 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 adalah  mandatory, imperatif dan limitatif dalam putusan hakim, yang bertujuan untuk memberikan nilai-nilai keadilan dan perlindungan terhadap hak-hak asasi manusia bagi para pihak. Adapun konsekuensi ketentuan tersebut apabila tidak dipenuhi dalam putusan hakim adalah putusan batal demi hukum.AbstractThe criminal justice system is a significant element in efforts to eradicate narcotics crime. Drug users should get severe criminal sanctions, considering that victims of narcotics abuse in Indonesia are increasing from year to year. However, in terms of law enforcement the Supreme Court through the Decision of the Yogyakarta District Court Number 389 / Pid.Sus / 2015 / PN Yyk only contains formulations that are not supported by scientific theories, even the decision does not include informatio on the period of detention or the provisions of Article 197 paragraph ( 1) letter h of Law Number 8 of 1981. This type of research is normative legal research. Normative legal research prioritizes literature. The results of the study indicate that the binding force of Article 197 paragraph (1) of Law Number 8 of 1981 is mandatory, imperative and limited in the judge's decision, which aims to provide values of justice and protection of human rights for the parties. The consequences of these  provisions if not fulfilled in the judge's decision are the verdict null and void.  

Rechtidee ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-126
Sapti Prihatmini ◽  
Fanny Tanuwijaya ◽  
Dina Tsalist Wildana ◽  
Misbahul Ilham

This paper aims to analyze the mechanism for submitting and granting restitution as the responsibility of perpetrators of crimes. This is to fulfill the rights of children who are victims of criminal acts. The implemented provisions governing the submission and granting of restitution are regulated in PP No. 44 of 2008 and PP No. 43 of 2017. However, the implementation of the restitution provision,which is the right of the child (victim), has not been fully implemented due to a lack of maximum assistance by the relevant government, such us fulfilling the rights of victims to obtain rehabilitation, compensation and restitution as a form of protection of children after the occurrence of a crime for the loss suffered by the child and / or the family of the victim. This study uses doctrinal research (doctrinal legal research), while the approach used is (socio-legal studies) an effort to explore a problem by not only fulfilling the study of legal norms or doctrines, but also looking comprehensively at the context of norms and enforcement. The results showed that the submission of restitution stipulated in Government Regulation No. 43 of 2017 outlines that restitution is a compensation payment charged to the perpetrator based on a court decision.  It  has permanent legal force for material and immaterial losses suffered by the victim or his family, as in the case of giving restitution for a non specifically regulated the period of payment and a rejection of payments from perpetrators of sexual crimes. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 449-460
Asri Wijayanti ◽  
Achmad Hariri ◽  
Agus Supriyo ◽  
Basuki Babussalam ◽  
Satria Unggul Wicaksana Perkasa

Employment relationships may end due to abuse by workers. The existence of abuse must be medically proven. This research aimed to analyze the existence of a visum et repertum for the occurrence of abuse that can be used as evidence in termination of employment. This legal research was normative with a statutory approach. The results showed that persecution was a criminal act. There was no requirement for a judge's decision in the District Court which already had permanent legal force for the occurrence of persecution as a condition for the validity of the layoff as if the visum et repertum was no longer needed. It was enough that the acts of abuse committed by workers were regulated in the Employment Agreement, Company Regulation or Collective Labor Agreement, then the persecution as a form of an urgent violation can be used as a valid reason for the termination of employment (Article 81 number 37 of the Job Creation Law jo.  Article 151 / 3 Manpower Law jo. article 52/2 Government Regulation 35/2021. The researchers’ efforts to review labor regulations related to urgent violations in the Indonesian manpower system are a form of evaluation of the weaknesses of the Job Creation Law and its implementing regulations can be able to assist legislators to develop and enforce laws that protect certain vulnerable groups namely workers in applying the principle of presumption of innocence.Keywords: Forensics; Persecution; Termination. Eksistensi Visum Et Repertum Atas Terjadinya Penganiayaan Sebagai Alat Bukti Pemutusan Hubungan KerjaAbstrakHubungan kerja dapat berakhir karena adanya penganiayaan yang dilakukan oleh pekerja. Adanya penganiayaan harus dibuktikan secara medis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis adanya visum et repertum atas terjadinya penganiayaan yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat bukti dalam pemutusan hubungan kerja. Penelitian hukum ini bersifat normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  penganiayaan adalah perbuatan pidana. Tidak adanya keharusan putusan hakim di Pengadilan Negeri yang sudah memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap atas terjadinya penganiyaan sebagai syarat keabsahan PHK seolah mengakibatkan visum et repertum tidak dibutuhkan lagi. Cukup perbuatan penganiayaan yang dilakukan oleh pekerja diatur dalam Perjanjian Kerja, Peraturan Perusahaan atau Perjanjian Kerja Bersama, maka penganiayaan sebagai wujud telah terjadi pelanggaran yang bersifat mendesak dapat digunakan sebagai alasan keabsahan pemutusan hubungan Kerja (Pasal  81 angka 37 UU Cipta Kerja jo.  Pasal 151 /3 UU Ketenagakerjaan jo.Pasal 52/2 Peraturan Pemerintah 35/2021. Upaya penulis untuk mereview peraturan perburuhan terkait pelanggaran yang bersifat mendesak dalam sistim ketenagakerjaan Indonesia merupakan bentuk evaluasi atas adanyan kelemahan UU Cipta Kerja dan Peraturan pelaksananya, akan dapat membantu legislator untuk mengembangkan dan menegakkan hukum yang melindungi kelompok rentan tertentu yaitu pekerja dalam menerapkan asas praduga tak bersalah.Kata Kunci: Forensik; Penganiayaan; Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja Наличие Visum Et Repertum в случае преследования как доказательство прекращения работы АннотацияТрудовые отношения могут прекратиться из-за жестокого обращения со стороны работников. Наличие жестокого обращения должно быть доказано с медицинской точки зрения. Это исследование было направлено на анализ наличия visum et repertum в случаях злоупотреблений, которые могут использоваться в качестве доказательства при увольнении. Это правовое исследование было нормативным с законодательным подходом. Результаты показали, что преследование было уголовным преступлением. В районном суде не требовалось вынесения решения судьей, которое уже имело постоянную юридическую силу в связи с преследованием в качестве условия действительности увольнения, как если бы в visum et repertum больше не было необходимости. Достаточно того, чтобы акты жестокого обращения, совершенные работниками, регулировались трудовым договором, регламентом компании или коллективным трудовым договором, тогда преследование как форма неотложного нарушения может быть использовано в качестве уважительной причины для увольнения (статья 81 № 37 Закона о создании рабочих мест, ст. 151/3 Закона о рабочей силе, ст. 52/2 Постановление правительства 35/2021. Усилия исследователей по пересмотру трудового законодательства, касающегося неотложных нарушений в индонезийской системе кадровых ресурсов, являются формой оценки Слабые стороны Закона о создании рабочих мест и его подзаконных актов могут помочь законодателям в разработке и обеспечении соблюдения законов, которые защищают определенные уязвимые группы, а именно работников, в применении принципа презумпции невиновности.Ключевые слова: судебная экспертиза, преследование, прекращение действия

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-110
Gusti Ngurah Agung Tresna Wangsa ◽  
I Ketut Sukadana ◽  
I Made Budiyasa

One of the rights of convict is obtaining parole. To get his right as a convict in order to get parole requires the consent of the convict's family as a guarantor. The aims of the research are to know the arrangement of parole to the convicts and to know the role of the family as a guarantor in granting parole to convicts. The method of research is the type of normative legal research. Approach of problem is approach of conceptual approach and legislation. Source of primary and secondary legal materials. Collection of legal materials by reading or studying books of legislation and other literature and added with the results of interviews. The analysis of legal materials is done by analytical descriptive. Results and discussion is the regulation of parole shall be granted to a convict who has served a criminal offense of at least 2/3 (two-thirds) with the provisions of 2/3 (two-thirds) of the criminal period not less than 9 (nine) months. it is regulated in Government Regulation no. 99 of 2012, Regulation of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Regulation of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Number M.01.PK.04-10 of 2007, Ministerial Regulation no. 21 of 2013 which contains conditional pretrial conditions and procedures for convicts. Approval of the family as a guarantor is one of the mandatory requirement in granting conditional exemption to the convict because the family will be responsible in guiding and supervising the convict if they have obtained the Conditional Paragraph, providing information about the circumstances of the convicts and the family is also obliged to assist the economic condition because in general the convicts the newly acquired parole has not had a job yet.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Muhammad Reza Winata ◽  
Tri Pujiati

ABSTRAKTindak pidana perdagangan orang merupakan kejahatan yang melanggar hak asasi manusia. Dalam praktik, masih terdapat kendala untuk memulihkan hak asasi manusia korban tindak pidana perdagangan orang, sehingga diperlukan pendekatan berdasarkan hukum progresif dan hak asasi manusia (human rights based approach). Artikel ini menjawab rumusan masalah yaitu pemulihan korban tindak pidana perdagangan orang berdasarkan pendekatan hukum progresif dan hak asasi manusia dalam Putusan Nomor 978/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.JKT.PST. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian hukum kualitatif melalui pendekatan putusan, regulasi, dan doktrinal, serta pengumpulan data dengan studi kepustakaan terhadap bahan hukum primer dan sekunder, serta wawancara narasumber.  Hasil kajian menunjukkan Putusan Nomor 978/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.JKT.PST menerapkan hukum progresif melalui sita restitusi yang sesungguhnya belum diatur secara normatif dalam Undang-Undang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang. Terobosan hukum ini dilakukan dengan menyita kekayaan terdakwa pada tingkat penyidikan atau penuntutan untuk kepentingan ganti kerugian terhadap korban. Selain itu, kajian terhadap putusan menunjukkan putusan ini sebenarnya telah memiliki dimensi berdasarkan pendekatan hak asasi manusia. Namun, terobosan hukum pada putusan masih belum sepenuhnya menjamin pemulihan hak asasi manusia karena terdapat kemungkinan terdakwa tidak mampu membayar atau tidak memiliki kekayaan untuk disita, maka negara berkewajiban hadir untuk memulihkan hak korban tindak pidana perdagangan orang melalui pemberian kompensasi.Kata kunci: tindak pidana perdagangan orang, hukum progresif, hak asasi manusia. ABSTRACT Human trafficking is a crime that violates human rights. In practice, there are still some obstacles in legal remedies of human rights of the victims of human trafficking that an approach based on progressive law and human rights is needed. This analysis elaborates the formulation of the problem in Decision Number 978/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.JKT.PST concerning legal remedies of the human trafficking victims based on progressive legal and human rights approach. The method applied is qualitative legal research through decisions, regulations, and doctrinal procedures, as well as library data collecting on primary and secondary legal materials, along with interviews. The results of the study show that the Decision Number 978/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.JKT.PST applies progressive law through the confiscation of restitution which is not yet normatively regulated in the Law on Eradication of Human Trafficking Crimes. Legal breakthrough is made by confiscating the assets of the defendant in the investigation or prosecution level for the victims' compensation. Further, the analysis result of court decisions shows that the decision has already had dimensions based on the human rights approach. But, the legal breakthrough in the declaration still cannot fully guarantee the legal remedies of human rights of the victims if the defendant cannot be able to pay or have no properties to confiscate. In this case, the state is obliged to give back the rights of the victims of human trafficking through compensation. Keywords: human trafficking, progressive law, human rights.

Lentera Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 417
Ridwan Arifin ◽  
Yehezkiel Lemuel ◽  
Ngaboawaji Daniel Nte

Human trafficking grows and develops rapidly, with various motives and types of crimes. Various obstacles are faced in handling human trafficking cases, ranging from inadequate legal instruments to weak law enforcement. This study overviewed the international legal instrument on human trafficking cases, following the identification of the recent forms and issues in enquiring how international legal instruments deal with human trafficking. This study used legal research method by referring to international laws as the source of law in compiling this human trafficking research. This study found that various instruments and international cooperation have dealt with human trafficking cases. However, in various related studies, these different legal instruments did not have a clear and binding force when the issue occurs in the domestic state. In addition, human trafficking in various legal instruments also had many types, and all of them are interrelated. This study highlighted and concluded that in making various international legal instruments effective in this case, more intensive international cooperation was needed, both regionally and globally. KEYWORDS: Human Trafficking, Labor Human Rights, Criminal Law.

Mutia Karin Rosediana

This type of research used in this research is normative analysis legal research. By using primary and secondary legal materials, along with tertiary legal materials as supporting materials. Foundations are regulated in Law Number 16 of 2001 concerning Foundations (Law No. 16-2001) and amendments to Law Number 28 of 2004 concerning Amendments to Law Number 16 of 2001 concerning Foundations (Law No. 28-2004). Then followed up with Government Regulation Number 63 of 2008 and Government Regulation Number 2 of 2013 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 63 of 2008 concerning Implementation of the Law on Foundations (PP No.2-2013), and Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 5 of 2014 concerning Ratification of Foundation Legal Entities (PMH No. 5-2014). A person who establishes a foundation must have clear aims and objectives, namely one of which is for social, religious and humanitarian purposes. It’s undeniable that Article 3 paragraph (1) of Law no. 16-2001 that a foundation can carry out business activities to support the achievement of its goals and objectives by establishing a business entity and/or participating in a business entity. YKUS is a form of organization that operates in the social, religious and humanitarian fields. This is the basis for the AD/ART of YKUS to carry out activities that support humanity in the dynamics of national development. When YKUS funds as an institutional form must be used constitutionally for the benefit of the foundation and the institution, then there is direct supervision by supervisors, administrators and supervisors in anticipating Foundation funds where abuse of power may occur.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-51
Ida Monika Putu Ayu Dewi

Laws are the norms that govern all human actions that can be done and should not be carried out both written and unwritten and have sanctions, so that the entry into force of these rules can be forced or coercive and binding for all the people of Indonesia. The most obvious form of manifestation of legal sanctions appear in criminal law. In criminal law there are various forms of crimes and violations, one of the crimes listed in the criminal law, namely the crime of Human Trafficking is often perpetrated against women and children. Human Trafficking is any act of trafficking offenders that contains one or more acts, the recruitment, transportation between regions and countries, alienation, departure, reception. With the threat of the use of verbal and physical abuse, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of a position of vulnerability, example when a person has no other choice, isolated, drug dependence, forest traps, and others, giving or receiving of payments or benefits women and children used for the purpose of prostitution and sexual exploitation. These crimes often involving women and children into slavery. Trafficking in persons is a modern form of human slavery and is one of the worst forms of violation of human dignity (Public Company Act No. 21 of 2007, on the Eradication of Trafficking in Persons). Crime human trafficking crime has been agreed by the international community as a form of human rights violation.  

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