scholarly journals An Analysis of The Imposition of Criminal Sanction to COVID-19 Vaccination Objectors Through the Lens of Criminal Law and Qiyas Shafi’i Mazhab in Indonesia

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Zaki Priambudi ◽  
Sendy Pratama ◽  
Ramdhan Prawira Mulya Iskandar ◽  
Namira Hilda Papuani ◽  
Natasha Intania Sabila

<table width="595" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="387"><p><em>This article aims to answer whether vaccination is a right or an obligation and how criminal law and Qiyas Shafi’i Mazhab views the basic provisions of criminal law against vaccination objectors. By combining doctrinal and socio-legal research method, this article concludes that vaccination is an obligation because a person's personal right to choose health services, especially COVID-19 vaccination has turned into a public right. Vaccination is the government's obligation to protect public health as part of meeting health needs, following the mandate of the constitution and human rights. According to the relative punishment theory, the application of criminal sanctions is an effort made to maintain public order and peace of society, not as a means of repaying the perpetrator's mistakes. Thus, the sanctions imposed on the perpetrator are solely to provide fear so that they do not repeat their actions and other people do not follow them. There are three main objectives of relative theory, namely prevention, prevention, and reform. Whereas Qiyas Shafi'i Mazhab puts forward the application of qiyas as a justification for imposing criminal sanctions against vaccination objectors. Because a person is prohibited from doing something that endangers himself and others, punishment according to the Qiyas Shafi'i Mazhab can be applied. There are similarities between criminal law and Qiyas Shafi'i Mazhab to a view of the obligation to vaccinate, that is, both allow the reduction of individual human rights for the sake of common interests. Ultimately, this article recommends the need to regulate the handling of COVID-19 vaccination objectors through act so that vaccination and law enforcement can run comprehensively, not partially </em></p></td></tr></tbody></table>

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 16
Shinta Rhukmi B.

AbstrakSistem peradilan pidana merupakan unsur yang signifikan dalam upaya pemberantasan tindak pidana narkotika. Pengguna narkotika seyogyanya mendapatkan sanksi pidana yang berat, mengingat korban penyalahgunaan narkotika di Indonesia semakin bertambah dari tahun ke tahun. Namun, dari segi penegakan hukum Mahkamah Agung melalui Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Yogyakarta Nomor 389/Pid.Sus/2015/PN Yyk hanya memuat formulasi yang tidak didukung dengan teori-teori keilmuan, bahkan putusan tersebut tidak mencantumkan keterangan masa penahanan atau ketentuan Pasal 197 ayat (1) huruf h Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif. Penelitian hukum normatif lebih mengutamakan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan mengikat Pasal 197 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 adalah  mandatory, imperatif dan limitatif dalam putusan hakim, yang bertujuan untuk memberikan nilai-nilai keadilan dan perlindungan terhadap hak-hak asasi manusia bagi para pihak. Adapun konsekuensi ketentuan tersebut apabila tidak dipenuhi dalam putusan hakim adalah putusan batal demi hukum.AbstractThe criminal justice system is a significant element in efforts to eradicate narcotics crime. Drug users should get severe criminal sanctions, considering that victims of narcotics abuse in Indonesia are increasing from year to year. However, in terms of law enforcement the Supreme Court through the Decision of the Yogyakarta District Court Number 389 / Pid.Sus / 2015 / PN Yyk only contains formulations that are not supported by scientific theories, even the decision does not include informatio on the period of detention or the provisions of Article 197 paragraph ( 1) letter h of Law Number 8 of 1981. This type of research is normative legal research. Normative legal research prioritizes literature. The results of the study indicate that the binding force of Article 197 paragraph (1) of Law Number 8 of 1981 is mandatory, imperative and limited in the judge's decision, which aims to provide values of justice and protection of human rights for the parties. The consequences of these  provisions if not fulfilled in the judge's decision are the verdict null and void.  

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Tantimin Tantimin

Castration is an action given to perpetrators of sexual crimes against children, in addition to imprisonment and fines. The purpose of this article is to find out the basic differences between criminal sanctions and action sanctions, to know the position of castration as an action sanction in criminal law and to analyze the castration penalty does not apply to children as perpetrators of sexual crimes. This research uses doctrinal legal research. Sources of legal information use primary legal materials (regulations and relevant documents) for further qualitative analysis. The approach used is statutory, conceptual, and analysis to help solve the problem formulation. The results of the research show that, at first glance, criminal sanctions and sanctions are often vague to distinguish, but at the level of basic ideas, there are very clear differences between the two types of sanctions. The reactive nature of an act is contained in the criminal sanction which connotes giving an affliction, while the anticipatory nature of the perpetrator of the act is contained in the sanction of action which connotes giving a remedy. The position of castration in the criminal system in Indonesia is not a principal, additional or a burden, but includes a sanction of action. Actions in the form of chemical castration are exempted for child offenders.

Lentera Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 417
Ridwan Arifin ◽  
Yehezkiel Lemuel ◽  
Ngaboawaji Daniel Nte

Human trafficking grows and develops rapidly, with various motives and types of crimes. Various obstacles are faced in handling human trafficking cases, ranging from inadequate legal instruments to weak law enforcement. This study overviewed the international legal instrument on human trafficking cases, following the identification of the recent forms and issues in enquiring how international legal instruments deal with human trafficking. This study used legal research method by referring to international laws as the source of law in compiling this human trafficking research. This study found that various instruments and international cooperation have dealt with human trafficking cases. However, in various related studies, these different legal instruments did not have a clear and binding force when the issue occurs in the domestic state. In addition, human trafficking in various legal instruments also had many types, and all of them are interrelated. This study highlighted and concluded that in making various international legal instruments effective in this case, more intensive international cooperation was needed, both regionally and globally. KEYWORDS: Human Trafficking, Labor Human Rights, Criminal Law.

Jurnal Hukum ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 1592
Hanafi Amrani

AbstrakArtikel ini membahas dua permasalahan pokok: pertama, kriteria yang digunakan oleh pembentuk undang-undang di bidang politik dalam menetapkan suatu perbuatan sebagai perbuatan pidana (kriminalisasi); dan kedua, fungsi sanksi pidana dalam undang-undang di bidang politik. Terkait dengan kriminalisasi, undang-undang di bidang politik yang termasuk ke dalam hukum administrasi, maka pertimbangan dari pembuat undang-undang tentu saja tidak sekedar kriminalisasi sebagaimana diatur dalam ketentuan hukum pidana dalam arti sebenarnya. Hal tersebut disebabkan adanya pertimbangan-pertimbangan tertentu. Pertama, perbuatan yang dilarang dalam hukum pidana administrasi lebih berorientasi pada perbuatan yang bersifat mala prohibita, sedangkan dalam ketentuan hukum pidana yang sesungguhnya berorientasi pada perbuatan yang bersifat mala in se. Kedua, sebagai konsekuensi dari adanya penggolongan dua kategori kejahatan tersebut, maka pertimbangan yang dijadikan acuan juga akan berbeda. Untuk yang pertama (mala prohibita), sanksi pidana itu dibutuhkan untuk menjamin ditegakkannya hukum administrasi tersebut. Dalam hal ini sanksi pidana berfungsi sebagai pengendali dan pengontrol tingkah laku individu untuk mencapai suatu keadaan yang diinginkan. Sedangkan untuk yang kedua (mala in se), fungsi hukum pidana dan sanksi pidana lebih berorientasi pada melindungi dan mempertahankan nilai-nilai moral yang tertanam di masyarakat tempat di mana hukum itu diberlakukan atau ditegakkan. Kata Kunci: Kebijakan, Kriminalisasi, Undang-Undang PolitikThis article discusses two main problems: firstly, the criteria used by the legislators in the field of politics in determining an act as a criminal act (criminalization); secondly, the function of criminal sanctions in legislation in the field of politics. Associated with criminalization, legislation in the field of politics that is included in administrative law, the consideration of the legislators of course not just criminalization as stipulated in the provisions of criminal law in the true sense. This is due to certain considerations. Firstly, the act which is forbidden in the administration of criminal law is more oriented to act is malum prohibitum offences, whereas in actual criminal law provisions in the act are mala in se offences. Secondly, as a consequence of the existence of two categories of classification of the crime, then consideration will also vary as a reference. For the first (mala prohibita), criminal sanctions are needed to ensure the enforcement of the administrative law. In this case the criminal sanction serves as controller and controlling the behavior of individuals to achieve a desired state. As for the second (mala in se), the function of criminal law and criminal sanctions is more oriented to protect and maintain the moral values that are embedded in a society where the law was enacted or enforced.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-39
Efraim Mbomba Reda ◽  
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
I Made Minggu Widyantara

Progressive law puts forward the sociology of law rather than legal certainty which is the focus of legal positivism. In Indonesia, this law was coined by Satjipto Rahardjo. This study aims to determine the formulation of progressive law in future criminal law, and to determine the actualization of the concept of progressive law in regulating corruption in Indonesia. The research method used is a normative legal research method with statute and conceptual approaches. The technique of collecting legal materials in this study is a descriptive method that aims to obtain the meaning of reality related to the problems to be discussed and solved in this study. The results show that in the current Criminal Code Bill, progressive law has been regulated, to be precise in Article 2 paragraph (1) and (2). Progressive law is also regulated in Law no. 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power. Then, the actualization of progressive law in regulating corruption in Indonesia is a judge with the powers that take into account the sociological context of society in making decisions. Judges, prosecutors and lawyers can certainly discuss together in eradicating corruption. Efforts are also being made to reconstruct and redefine the power of law enforcement. This arrangement can also encourage the KPK to be more progressive in eradicating corruption, as well as building law enforcers who have morality so that they can become role models and increase public participation, for example by forming NGOs in preventing or fighting corruption in various agencies.

Lentera Hukum ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Ayu Izza Elvany

This paper analyzes how formulation policy of lobster seeds smuggling regulated in Indonesian law to optimize the effectiveness of illegal fishing enforcement, considering penal policy is the basis of criminal law operationalization. This research uses both statute approach and conceptual approach as legal research methods to analyze the issued legal problem. Fishery law in Indonesia regulated in Law No. 45 of 2009 amending Law No. 31 of 2004 concerning Fishery, especially Articles 88 and 16 paragraph (1) which cover the formulation policy of lobster seeds smuggling enforcement. This study will be analyzed into three aspects which are the conduct (the criminal offense), criminal liability, and sentencing system. The result shows that law enforcement regarding the smuggling of lobster seeds in Indonesia is ineffective due to the nonexistence of corporate criminal liability in the fishery law and its sentencing system is lack of both the specific minimum penalty regulation and the penal measures as criminal punishment. However, the draft of the fishery law has already set corporate criminal liability; hence it also regulates the penal measures, in the form of secondary sanctions. Nevertheless, instead of enacting the specific minimum penalty, the draft only determined the maximum penalty as well. Keywords: Formulation Policy, Fishery Law, Lobster Seeds Smuggling.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 135
Eman Sulaiman

<p>Abstract</p><p><span>The use of criminal sanctions as the main sanction has indicated the extent to<br /><span>which the level of understanding of the legislators to the problem of "crime and<br /><span>punishment". At least show that the limited understanding of the use of criminal<br /><span>sanctions also affect the determination of criminal sanctions in administrative<br /><span>law. "Errors" in the formulation of the implications for the difficulty and<br /><span>confusion in the law enforcement, because there is a gap of two disciplines,<br /><span>namely the criminal law on the one hand and on the other hand administrative<br /><span>law, which has its own procedural law. This confusion will lead to ambiguity in<br /><span>the resolution of cases of violation of administrative law contains criminal<br /><span>sanctions, whether enforcement will be carried out by law enforcement agencies<br /><span>within the criminal justice sisitem or whether officials of the state administration<br /><span>in the sphere of administration? Such circumstances, of course, will lead to the<br /><span>existence of legal uncertainty for the community.<br /><span>Kata Kunci: <em>sanksi pidana, hukum pidana, hukum administrasi</em></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><br /></span></p>

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